The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 18 - An inch of gold 18

It is rather rude to pay a memorial service in another mansion. Bo Ruoyou originally wanted to go out of the mansion, but now that the mansion is under martial law, she is inconvenient to add to the chaos. She hesitated for a long time. Zhang Mingqian was burned together, and it was considered to be his heart.

Asked Chuntao, Chuntao said that the most secluded place in the mansion was a bamboo forest in the northeast. There are many gardens in the Hou Mansion, and there are several bamboo forests. Because the northeast area is too far away, the gardeners in the mansion seldom take care of it. Now it is very barren.

The night is coming, and the cold is pressing. She asked to clear the way, held a night lamp, refused to follow the embroiderer, and went northeast by herself. The cold wind raised her skirt and the paper in her hand was blown. Rustling.

Soon, the bamboo forest arrived.

Outside the forest, there are many wild grasses, and the few paths into the forest are not really clear in the dim lights. Looking into the forest, it is even darker and like ink. The wind passes through the forest. The bamboo is shaking slightly, and the ground shadows are mottled and mottled. The feeling of ghosts and shadows.

Bo Ruoyou was alone, with some defensive heart, and walked to the nearby stone stele. The top of the stele was covered with moss, and the writing was mostly blocked. Incense candles.

The sacrificial text was written in a hurry, but only a few words, Bo Ruoyou read it again, and a deep dark color between his eyebrows and eyes floated up.

Over the years, the grief has faded, but something heavier than grief quietly permeated her bones, making her heart hard as iron at certain times. With a “chick”, the sacrificial culture made a fire, and she would make money. Putting them up one by one, the fire raged, but her beautiful face became more and more indifferent and sad.

There was only the sound of cold wind passing through the forest and leaves, Bo Ruoyou squatted by the fire. Although his bright eyes were looking at the fire, her eyes seemed to see farther through the fire. Her pupils trembled slightly, but people seemed to be affected by this. The ice and snow were frozen, and the hand holding the paper money was leaning, and it didn’t even hurt when the tongue of fire reached the fingertips.

I don’t know how long the Ming paper burned out, and only half of the incense candle remained. Bo Ruoyou raised her hand and wiped her face. She wanted to stand up, only to realize that her legs and feet were numb. She sighed, trying to slow down, but suddenly Feel something is wrong.

A sense of being peeked made her back.

Bo Ruo faintly stared into the bamboo forest subconsciously, but it was this one that made her back sweat instantly.

There was a person standing in the ghostly shadowy bamboo forest.

Bo Ruoyou was in shock for a moment. She grasped the lamp tightly and stood up abruptly, “Who is there!”

With a cold drink, the person moved, and the moment the person turned around, Bo Ruoyou suddenly saw the outline of the clothes that the person was wearing. It was a jacket and skirt modeled after a monk’s robe.

“Mother believed in Buddha. It was a plain coat made of crow green embroidered auspicious cloud pattern tapestry silk imitating a Buddhist monk’s robe. There is only one that is unique in this world…”

Bo Ruoyou remembered what Zheng Wenyan had said.

She breathed suddenly, and Bo Ruoyou’s eyes sharpened, and she stepped into the bamboo forest. The murderer was close in front of her. She would never let her escape… She began to regret not letting the embroidered clothes follow her.

But just a few steps into the forest, Bo Ruoyou suddenly stopped.

The weeds in the forest are over the knees, and the purple bamboos are dense. She can hardly tell the person’s trace in a moment, and the dim light in her hand is only a short distance away, and chasing it deep is really no good.

After gritting her teeth, Bo Ruoyou resolutely turned and left the bamboo forest. She ignored the snowy road on the ground, lifted the skirt and ran all the way to the front yard. She was looking for Huo Weilou!

Running too fast, the lamp in his hand followed the bumps, and suddenly, the lamp went out—

The surroundings were already dim, and now it was completely dark. Bo Ruoyou’s breathing was stagnant, and the horror caused by the scene of Shih Cai suddenly came to her heart, and it turned into a deeper fear to hold her back, and the rustling behind her was caused by the wind. The sound was like a human voice, and for a moment, she only felt that the person was chasing her behind her.

Bo Ruoyou dared not stop. An unprecedented panic made her hard to tell the direction for a while. Just when she felt that she was afraid that something was going to happen tonight, she banged into the corner when she just ran over the corner. In a person’s arms.

The sudden appearance of light and shadow caused Bo Ruoyou to be in a trance, but she was still in a panic, and her first reaction was to push the person in front of her, but the next moment, her hand was grasped.

“it’s me-“

The low and deep voice was familiar and frightening. Bo Ruoyou’s frightened soul was immediately pulled back by these two words. She raised her eyes and saw Huo Weilou’s phoenix eyes staring at her solemnly. Bo Ruoyou was taken aback for a moment, and she only felt sore in her nose. For a moment.

“Master Hou, I saw it, I saw the murderer!”

Bo Ruoyou didn’t hesitate, “The murderer is in the bamboo forest to the east, please send someone to arrest him immediately!”

After speaking these two sentences in one breath, Bo Ruoyou gasped violently, and even coughed because of the cold wind. Huo Weilou glanced behind him, and the embroidered clothes that followed made him move towards the bamboo forest. Huo Weilou But standing still looking at Bo Ruoyou.

He did not come out immediately after receiving the return from the embroiderer.

Although Bo Ruoyou’s errands satisfied him, but his dignified Wu Zhaohou, how could his words and deeds be affected by her little worries, he read the official documents in his hand, because Fu Gonggong kept talking about Bo Ruoyou alone may be dangerous, and he He also intended to visit the Hou Mansion by night, and only then brought a few people out to check, but he didn’t expect Bo Ruoyou to bump into his arms in such a panic.

Bo Ruoyou was frightened that what he saw was obvious. It was only a seventeen-year-old girl, no matter how she was not afraid of corpses, no matter how she did not believe in ghosts and gods, she could face-to-face with the murderer who killed the three of them.

Huo Weilou held her thin hand, and saw her coughing and bending down. He hesitated for a moment before letting go. There was no blood on her face and cold sweat on her palms. At this time, the coughing Lingxiu brows were twisted into the word “Chuan”, which was very painful.

Huo Weilou’s eyes darkened, he should come out earlier.

Bo Ruoyou covered his heart, and took a long time to relieve his breath. When he straightened up, tears filled his eyes, but he continued: “The man hid in the bamboo forest. The clothes he wore were the same as the monk mentioned by Zheng Sanye. The robe-like jacket and skirt are very real to the people’s girls.”

Her voice was so dumb, Huo Weilou scanned her face, “Why don’t you let the embroidered clothes ambassador follow?”

Bo Ruoyou listened for a moment, and didn’t know the meaning of Huo Weilou’s question, so he looked down, hesitated for a moment and said: “The people’s daughter knows what’s wrong.”

It was quite pitiful to be frightened, but he was very submissive. Huo Weilou’s temper was a hundred zhang, and he couldn’t break out. Besides, he was a person who didn’t expose his happiness and anger, so he didn’t say much, and walked towards the bamboo forest. .

Bo Ruoyou looked at him for a moment, and quickly followed. Although Huo Weilou was tall and long in legs, he was walking awkwardly. When he returned to the edge of the bamboo forest, Bo Ruoyou had recovered calmly and calmly.

Embroidery ambassadors clinging to lights shuttled through the bamboo forest. As soon as Huo Weilou came to the front, he saw the burnt incense candle beside the stele. He frowned. At this time, an embroidery ambassador stepped forward and said: “Hou Ye, Lin No one is among them.”

Bo Ruoyou hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Has the man escaped? I can’t read it wrong, there must be someone who is right.”

The embroidered clothing envoy continued: “There are indeed people who have been here, and there are more than one.” After that, the embroidered clothing envoy turned his head and looked at Bo Ruoyou, “Lady Bo chased into the woods?”

Bo Ruo faintly nodded, “Yes—”

As soon as the voice fell, Huo Weilou looked at her, “You are alone, how dare you chase in?”

This tone seemed to be dissatisfied, and Bo Ruoyou said hurriedly, “I didn’t go far, only a few steps. It was because I thought that the girl would lose to that person, so I came out again.”

Huo Weilou’s brows stretched slightly, and the embroiderer said again: “The thin girl was fortunate not to chase in. The forest is quite complicated, and look at his trace, the person is not in the bamboo forest for a while. Maybe it was when the thin girl went to the bamboo forest. When outside, the person was already there.”

Bo Ruoyou’s scalp numb for a while.

Huo Weilou said again: “Maybe it is inferred where that person fled?”

The embroiderer shook his head, “Judging from the traces left, the man is going in and out from east to west. Going out to the west is in the direction of the ancestral hall, and going out to the east is a lotus pond in the mansion that is about to dry up. At this moment, the lotus pond is all frozen. I found something strange.”

Huo Weilou’s eyes darkened, “He Cheng came, mobilized government officials, and the government carefully searched.”

The embroidered clothing ambassador left, but at this moment, another embroidered clothing ambassador hurried out of the forest to the west, “Master Hou, I found a sneaky person.”

Huo Weilou raised his eyebrows and stepped into the forest. Bo Ruoyou followed with a move in his heart, and listened to the embroidered clothes envoy: “This person is hidden outside the bamboo forest. Hold it.”

Bo Ruoyou’s heart beats fast, and if this person is really suspicious, he might be able to trace the vine to find the murderer.

With this thought, Bo Ruoyou paced much faster, but when she saw the person being held outside the bamboo forest to the west, her brows wrinkled deeply.

The embroidered clothes made the lamp stand, and in the dim light, the scarred face in front of him looked particularly terrible.

The person caught was actually a fool.

The author has something to say: The old iron tree continues to sprout.

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