The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 186 - Nine ileum (end)

The dream is endless black, Bo Ruoyou stands in the misty mountain forest, surrounded by the shadows of the fangs and claws cast by the treetops on the ground, the cold wind whizzes in, and the bone-to-earth cold makes her froze in place, vaguely, And the cry of the child echoed in the woods, she had a splitting headache, and wanted to move forward, there was a crisp bell ringing again–

Lingyin was like a curse that could not be escaped, and her fear was like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter that entangled Bo Ruoyou. She raised her eyes to look at the dark night sky. She grew taller, and the treetops became more and more unattainable. Her body began to tremble, and she squatted down and embraced herself subconsciously, but the sound of the bell got closer and closer, and the sound of heavy footsteps approached…

“She is very hot on her forehead.” Cheng Yunzhi said dumbly. “From the pulse and signs, I have already felt the wind chill. Now that I heard what the person said, I was stimulated again. The wind chill…not the most. What matters—”

Looking at Bo Ruoyou who was sleeping on the couch with his eyes closed, Cheng Yunzhi’s eyes were filled with pain, but he stopped halfway through his words, which made Huo Weilou very worried, “What is the most important thing? Please speak bluntly.”

Cheng Yunzhi took the veil and wiped the sweat on Bo Ruoyou. Although she closed her eyes tightly, her eyelashes were trembling slightly, which showed that she was very uncomfortable, or she was having nightmares. Cheng Yunzhi’s hands were shaking, and her lips were shaking. The horns squeezed tightly, but still did not answer.

Huo Weilou’s heart tightened, “Sir, doesn’t you believe me?”

Cheng Yunzhi paused and sighed, “Why would I not believe in Lord Hou? Otherwise, I wouldn’t tell Lord Lord Hou about Lan Zhou. Back then, Youyou and Lan Zhou were in danger. What happened that night? I don’t know, but since then, she has been ill for more than half a year, and her illness is not just as simple as being frightened by high fever—”

Cheng Yunzhi looked at Bo Ruoyou with pity, “At that time, she was unconscious and often fell asleep like this momentarily. Little, even the parents don’t even recognize, she…”

A dull pain spread from Huo Weilou’s heart. He went to see Bo Ruoyou’s face covered in cold sweat. He could hardly imagine the appearance of a five-year-old girl suffering from this disease. Even though Cheng Yunzhi understood it as he did not say it, he His mother had been ill for many years, and he couldn’t understand these similar conditions anymore. To be more blunt, it means that the five-year-old Bo Ruoyou had suffered from madness.

He looked at Bo Ruoyou, as if through this beautiful face of Qingyan, he saw her 13 years ago, “Mr. Cheng said when he treated his mother that he had cured a similar patient in the past, and this was cured by you. The patient is faint?”

Cheng Yunzhi didn’t want to mention it anymore, and had to respond at this moment, “Yes.”

Huo Weilou’s eyes shrank abruptly, and Cheng Yunzhi continued: “Because of this, the Bo family said at the time that she was covered by the upper body of a water ghost and was entangled with evil things. Her father and mother had no way to seek medical treatment, and even asked for it. The priests had invited high-ranking monks, but it was useless. Later, they went to Luozhou, but there was an accident.”

The more Cheng Yunzhi spoke, the more dumb her voice became, “Later, I took her out of the capital, completely free from the surrounding influence, never mentioned anything about the Bo family, and exhausted all the methods of treatment, which made her slowly get better, but this kind of illness No one knows when it will relapse again. Over the years, I have been reluctant to ask her to investigate the case of the murder of a child. Until the case of an accidental death of a child in Qingshan County, she went to help with the autopsy. But it was not affected, and I was a little relieved. This time she said that the children outside the city were bloodless after being murdered and their age was similar to when they were in danger. I feel wrong.”

Huo Weilou has already told Cheng Yunzhi what he heard in the prison cell, and Cheng Yunzhi said bitterly: “The murderer has been found, but if she is caused to relapse from her old illness, I would rather she never know the truth.”

Huo Weilou didn’t know how Bo Ruoyou grew up. He could hear what Cheng Yun said and the period was very difficult. He also understood why Cheng Yunzhi was so nervous about her investigation of this case, and for many years he never mentioned the accident of the Bo family. , His cold eyes were dark, “Since it was cured back then, she blames herself for grief this time, but it is inappropriate to fall ill again.”

Cheng Yunzhi shook his head, “Master Hou didn’t know anything. In order to cure her, I studied these diseases for several years. The chances of this disease being cured are extremely small, and it is very easy to relapse. Sometimes it looks like ordinary people. As long as the patient is reminded of the things that made him sick, it will fall short again.”

Huo Weilou is so aspiring, how can he not know that what Cheng Yunzhi said is reasonable, but when he arrives at this moment, he just wants to think better, Cheng Yunzhi stood up and said, “Don’t worry about it now. I will prescribe a prescription. If it fails, I am afraid that Needle is good.”

Huo Weilou quickly responded, and when Cheng Yunzhi left, he sat on the side of the bed and held Bo Ruoyou’s hand.

At this moment, she closed her eyes tightly, but Huo Weilou could not forget those hollow eyes half an hour ago. He tightened his knuckles and was afraid of hurting her. Looking at her frowning eyebrows, he never controlled everything. He felt a little flustered at the moment.

He leaned over to wipe the sweat for her, and whispered to her, “Youyou—”

Bo Ruoyou seemed to be frightened, and his whole body was agitated. Huo Weilou was too busy to speak again, but the moment his hand touched Bo Ruoyou’s forehead, Bo Ruoyou’s closed eyes suddenly opened. .

She looked at Huo Wei Tower with cold sweat on her face, her eyes filled with tears and fear. The moment she saw Huo Wei Tower, tears rolled from the corners of her eyes, her brows were wringed in pain, and her hands firmly grasped the quilt on her body. As if afraid that someone would lift the quilt up.

Huo Weilou thought she was awake, and couldn’t help but humiliate her, “Youyou——”

Bo Ruoyou trembled with more fear, she pulled Jin higher and blocked her cheeks, showing only a pair of timid and fearful tears, Huo Weilou’s bent waist had a meal-she was afraid of him!

Even if she had a nightmare, this was not what she should have done when facing herself. Huo Weilou suddenly thought of the night when she was taken away. He stayed still and didn’t dare to make a sound. She only looked at her thin eyes. Although his eyes were full of tears, his pupils were dilated and he didn’t recognize him. He held his breath for a long time. Just when he was worried that he wanted to call Cheng Yun, Bo Ruoyou choked and closed his eyes.

She grasped Jinquilt’s hand and let go, her head slightly tilted to the inside, and she returned to her drowsy appearance.

Huo Weilou pulled down the brocade covering the tip of her nose. Her heart became heavier and heavier. I didn’t know that Bo Ruoyou had such a disease when she was young. Seeing her weird behavior at that time, I only felt that she was frightened and nightmare. , And right now, he felt that Cheng Yunzhi’s worries were very likely to come true.

He watched the eldest princess seriously ill for many years, and now he thought that Bo Ruoyou would suffer from the pain again. He only felt that his five inner parts were burned. He took a deep breath, squeezed Bo Ruoyou’s quilt, and waited for Cheng Yunzhi to return.

Cheng Yunzhi came back with the medicine bowl. Huo Weilou informed Bo Ruoyou that he was strange. Cheng Yunzhi suddenly changed his face and went to check her pulse. After a while, he said, “We still have to wait for her to wake up.”

Cheng Yunzhi fed Bo Ruoyou medicine. When the feeding was over, he could only wait. At this time, it was almost twilight. Although the heavy snow stopped outside, the light of the sky darkened again. , Cheng Zhaifu door was knocked.

Zhou Liang hurried to open the door, only to see Ming Guilan and Wu Xiang, who greeted the two in the door, and walked all the way to the Bo Ruoyou courtyard. Cheng Yunzhi and Huo Weilou learned that they were going to each other, but they were too late to go to the main hall. , Only received the two in the thin warm pavilion.

Ming Guilan asked the attendant to take off the fox fur cloak on his shoulders, and asked, “How is Miss Bo?”

Cheng Yunzhi sighed: “It’s a long story, but it’s not so good right now.”

Wu Xiang immediately said: “Why is this? She said that she had been ill before and had forgotten what happened in the past. Only when she heard the murderer’s testimony did she remember that what happened in the past did not happen?”

Cheng Yunzhi said bitterly: “It’s not like that. She is now suffering from a cold, and her previous illness has been a hidden danger in the past few years. Now that she hears the old things, she is led to feel uncomfortable again.”

Ming Guilan hesitated and said: “Mr. Cheng, did my father ever see a doctor for Miss Bo?”

Cheng Yunzhi nodded, “I have indeed seen it.”

“My father just remembered.” Ming Guilan looked solemnly, “he said…The disease of the Bo girl was quite difficult to treat back then. I didn’t expect Mr. Cheng to heal her later.”

Cheng Yunzhi was unwilling to say more, “Most of it is due to the capital, and her health is still not good.”

Huo Weilou looked at Wu Xiang at this time: “How did the murderer explain?”

Wu Xiang hurriedly said: “I have all confessed. Young Master Shi Caiming also read the testimony and said that it is not much different from the previous year. In addition, he also confessed the four cases in the middle ten years, plus Young Boy Bo and Wen Jin, who were murdered by him. There are a total of six boys in the yamen, and the people in the yamen are still interrogating the details. Starting from tomorrow, they will be taken to identify the place where the crime was committed, and see if more evidence can be found. Families also have to spend time to contact, and the decision can be made only when there are no errors or omissions.”

The yamen has its own yamen regulations, and Huo Weilou can be assured of Wu Xiang, but he thought of one thing, “He took away their siblings and brothers, and then the elder sister escaped danger, he has never been afraid since then?”

Wu Xiang hissed softly, the murderer committed a lot of crimes, and he did not get in but confessed to the truth. Today he interrogated a lot of truths, he only digested the records, and has not yet looked for suspicious points. “This place I haven’t asked yet, but I’ve already asked Xiao Hu. Xiao Hu said that the eldest ya chai who handled the case of Xiao Bo mentioned that at that time Xiao Bo was seriously ill. Everyone in the yamen knows that, maybe the murderer knows it, or it is Xiao Bo and He didn’t see the murderer’s face, so he was confident.”

Li Shen knew that his deadline was approaching, and he was fearless and had no concealment. However, the brother and sister who were taken away that year were murdered by sacrifices, but the sister escaped. Any murderer would be afraid of the escaped little girl talking nonsense.

But Li Shen didn’t mention the taboo against this sister afterwards.

Huo Weilou felt that it was wrong, but Wu Xiang’s explanation was reasonable, so he just said: “There will be more interrogation here.”

Wu Xiang responded, and Ming Guilan said again: “Mr. Cheng has good medical skills, but if Miss Bo is difficult to diagnose and treat, I and my father can help.”

“Okay, you are interested.”

Bo Ruoyou was ill, and Wu and Xiang didn’t stay for a long time. As soon as they left, Liang Auntie, who was guarding Bo Ruoyou, left Bo Ruoyou’s boudoir, “Master, Master Hou, the young lady woke up–“

Huo Weilou and Cheng Yunzhi hurriedly went to see and entered the inner room. Bo Ruoyou really woke up. She was still lying down with a sick look on her face. Seeing the two of them appeared, she said in a dumb voice: “When did I catch the cold? I don’t know.”

Cheng Yunzhi was full of worries, and could only hide it at this moment, “What am I talking about, the weather is cold these few days, how can you not be sick when you are running back and forth?”

“Foot-father is worried.” Bo Ruoyou had little energy due to illness, and his voice became softer, and he went to see Huo Weilou after he was ill. “It also worries Hou Ye.”

Huo Weilou stood by the bed, “Where do you feel uncomfortable?”

Bo Ruoyou didn’t conceal it, “I feel weak and weak, my forehead is a bit painful, my throat is also aching, nothing else will hurt me. I can heal my adoptive father’s prescription for two days.”

Cheng Yunzhi asked for a pulse and asked carefully: “Can you feel that your mind is chaotic and can’t remember things?”

Bo Ruoyou looked at the two serious-faced people inexplicably, “This is not true. The foster father does not have to worry. It is the wind and cold and the tiredness of these two days before suddenly unable to support it. There is nothing wrong with it.”

After speaking, Bo Ruoyou glanced towards the door, “Aunt Liang said, Wu Catou and Ming Gongzi are visiting?”

Huo Weilou nodded, “I’ve left, I’m here to visit you.”

The corners of Bo Ruoyou’s lips pressed tightly, and she was silent for a moment, obviously still remembering what happened earlier, “Can you finish the murderer?”

Huo Weilou repeated Wu Xiang’s words, “There are Wu Xiang and Sun Zhao in the yamen, you don’t have to worry about them, they have been well recovered these two days, and I have news from the yamen, I will tell you.”

The thin robe faded away, and the satin-like blue silk covered the pillows, and her pale complexion became more and more accentuated. She looked at Cheng Yunzhi, “Does the foster father know?”

She opened her mouth with a sore nose, and Cheng Yunzhi nodded, “I see, the foster father thinks you did the right thing. If you didn’t get out that day, your father and mother would be heartbroken at that time.”

A layer of mist floated from the bottom of Bo Ruoyou pupil, “If someone else is in danger, I don’t dare to help, but… but I left my brother, he is only four years old…”

After speaking, she suddenly raised her hand to cover her eyes. Soon, a line of tears flowed down her cheeks, and the tip of her nose moved, and she sobbed slightly.

Cheng Yunzhi sighed, “Stupid girl, no one will blame you. On the contrary, I feel lucky. You shouldn’t blame yourself. You must want to take your brother with you. But the murderer is an adult man. The two ran together. Where did they run? Take it off? And the murderer targeted the boy. How did you, a five-year-old girl, save him?”

With Bo Ruoyou’s hand still on his eyes, Cheng Yunzhi said distressedly: “Cry if you want to cry. After crying, your foster father will not allow you to think about it anymore. Now the murderer has been caught, and it is counted as Lan Zhou’s report. Qiu, we will go to his grave and put incense in front of his grave the next day.

Bo Ruoyou was sober, which made Cheng Yunzhi’s heart chord. Naturally, he only wanted to comfort Bo Ruoyou, so as not to make her think too much. Seeing Huo Weilou standing beside him silently, he got up and left a moment for the two. So that Huo Weilou comforted her.

Huo Weilou first held her hand on her side, Bo Ruoyou felt a little, but still did not put the hand that fell on her eyes. Huo Weilou’s pupils were dim, and she leaned forward to get her into her arms. In the middle, Bo Ruoyou buried his face on his shoulders, and the suppressed choking sound overflowed from her throat. Huo Weilou felt very distressed, and felt a trace of wetness on the side of his neck, like a needle in his heart.

“Don’t blame yourself, seeing you like this makes me and Mr. Cheng distressed.”

Huo Weilou went to caress thin Ruoyou’s back, her figure shook more and more, and the sobbing in her throat became louder, and soon there were more tears on the side of Huowei Building’s neck. He never saw her flow when she was awake. Tears, now the tears fell on his heart, it hurts him hot.

Bo Ruoyou is not a person with fragile minds. The self-reproach in the bottom of her heart was vented, and it was quite transparent. After a while, she withdrew from the arms of Huo Wei Building, Huo Wei Building embraced her and looked at her wet cheeks. He raised his hand and wiped it, and couldn’t help but kissed twice in the corner of her eye. “The nightmare was crying just now, did you know?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “I don’t remember.”

There was still a lot of sorrow between her eyebrows and eyes, Huo Weilou looked worried, and thought she was still ill, so he wanted her to lie down, but Bo Ruoyou thought he was going to leave, so he hurriedly grabbed his hand. where to?”

Huo Weilou was taken aback for a moment, then he bent his lips and held the person firmly in his arms, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Bo Ruoyou seemed to let go of his heart, and leaned her cheeks toward his shoulders. When she rarely felt so clingy, Huo Weilou’s worries and regrets in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he could not help but put her cheeks together and kissed her.

The kiss was soft and dense, without lusting, and only poured out his heartfelt passion. He kissed along the corners of her lips, nose and face, and finally held her blood-colored soft lips to grind. This thick comforting meaning makes Bo Ruoyou’s heart was ups and downs, his eyelashes were slightly wet, but his panic heart settled down at this moment, and because of this closeness, there was a bit of blood on his pale cheeks.

Huo Weilou’s kisses usually removed the haze from her heart. When Bo Ruoyou rarely saw him so meticulous and gentle, he kissed her a few times between her eyebrows and said softly: “I will accompany you tonight.” Teasing her, “And you don’t have to go to the guest house tonight anymore.”

Although Bo Ruoyou was unable to respond, there was a half smile in his eyes. The two of them stayed warm for a while. Cheng Yunzhi brought Liang Aunt to bring dinner. The medicine was fed by Cheng Yunzhi, and now Huo Weilou personally fed Bo Ruoyou. After eating some white porridge, Cheng Yunzhi felt that he had treated Bo Ruoyou so comprehensively, and he felt more relieved.

This night, Huo Wei Building really did not go to the guest house again. He rested on the chaise couch in Bo Ruoyou’s room, with his long hands and feet unable to stretch on the couch, so he went to sit next to Bo Ruoyou’s bed again, and the cold wind was whistling outside in the middle of the night. After another heavy snowfall, Bo Ruoyou suddenly woke up, and when he saw Huo Weilou still sitting by the bed, he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Huo Wei Building had not returned to the mansion for two nights, so that the Government of Huo State knew that Bo Ruoyou was ill. The next morning, Huo Qinghong and Father Fu arrived at Cheng’s house together. Qing Hong felt even more weird. Bo Ruoyou was the least delicate girl he had ever seen. How could he suddenly become so sick?

After some inquiries, Huo Qinghong was very embarrassed when he learned about Bo Lanzhou, and he came to Chengzhai to see Huo Weilou this time, not just for visiting patients, he is now in Taichang Temple, and he remembers business affairs, “Brother, Nothing has been found in the palace yet, and Wang Qingfu’s wife and children are all self-sacrificing people. What should I do next?”

Huo Weilou has been with Bo Ruoyou for more than two days, but he has not fallen into tolerance. “The palace is tracking down the eunuchs and imprisoned guards who have left the palace in the past five years, as well as those who have retired from Taichang Temple.”

Huo Qinghong was surprised, “Every year many court ladies and eunuchs leave the palace, and the imperial guards also change frequently, and the Taichang Temple is also the case. How many people need to be investigated?”

“Investigating a case is an extremely labor-intensive thing. Many clues and evidence are needles in a haystack. Now I only hope to find the suspicious person. Don’t make Si in vain.”

Huo Qinghong knew that there were still discussions in this case, and he didn’t dare to be in the eyes of Cheng’s house for too long, so he quickly left.

Bo Ruoyou was ordered to recuperate in the mansion.

She rarely gets sick on weekdays, and once she falls ill, it is not as easy to heal as she thought. In addition, Cheng Yunzhi’s prescription is also mainly for warming and tonic, and the sickness will go away more slowly. And she knew that she was ashamed of the truth back then, and she no longer had the kind of personal temperament that she used to do.

Huo Weilou asked Fuan to find a maidservant to take care of Bo Ruoyou, and then accompanied Bo Ruoyou in Cheng’s house for three days before entering the palace. Except for that first day, Bo Ruoyou was quite self-sufficient. It didn’t show much, it was just an illness that made her lose a lot of weight.

After three days, Wu Xiang and Sun Zhao came to visit together.

Huo Weilou was in Chengzhai this day, and Bo Ruoyou and his daughter were in the main hall to entertain the two people. Today, Sun Zhao is coming together, and it is the final decision.

Wu Xiang said, “These few days have been going well, but Li Shen’s health is not very good, and he fainted twice in the middle. The four families are all rich and expensive in the city. Three of them have contacted. There is also a family surnamed Liu. The head of the family has gone to the southeast Suzhou as a police officer. He has been away from Beijing for several years. He has only found the servant of the old house, saying that he wants to send a letter to the southeast, and it will take more than a month to get a reply.”

“The other three families have gone to check, and the scenes when the children lost that year were matched with Li Shen’s confession, and these people, including the Bo family, really went to Feiyun Temple back then, or, with Daomen Something involved.”

“We also went to Feiyun Temple to ask. After Li Shen returned to Feiyun Temple again that year, his whereabouts were uncertain, and he also knew that he had cheated money out of his house, but his illness was indeed terminally ill at the time. The old Guanzhu was quite tolerant to him. The only pity is that the Baijia Village outside the city was demolished and Li Shen’s old house could not be found. The location of the first case cannot be determined.”

After Wu Xiang finished speaking, he looked at Huo Weilou, “We interrogated the question raised by Lord Hou that day. He said that there were many officials on the bank of the Luo River at that time. After a little inquiries, I knew that Xiao Bo was extremely ill at the time, and Xiao Bo had never seen him. He hasn’t been troubled since then, and Xiao Bo was taken back to Bo’s to take care of him after that. He didn’t dare to do anything he wanted.”

Huo Weilou nodded, “Then the case can be finalized now”

Sun Zhao should be: “Although there is no place for the previous cases, there are not many people who know about the incident. Li Shen has the motivation and the time of the crime is compounded. In addition, he himself confessed to the victim. The author’s family history has been memorized, and the case can indeed be finalized, and Wen Jin’s case is firmly established.”

Bo Ruoyou asked suddenly: “Did you ask the details of his murder? Can you tell me how he murdered my brother?”

Sun Zhao and the others were hesitant, and turned to see Huo Weilou and Cheng Yunzhi. Bo Ruoyou was the victim and the victim’s family. In addition, the murderer said that she left her brother and ran away on the day, Sun Zhao and Wu Xiang. I didn’t dare to tell her what happened that day.

The murderer must be cruel and bloody. Bo Ruoyou was already very ashamed. If he knew how tragically his brother died, he would only blame himself even more.

Huo Weilou couldn’t bear it in his heart, but he understood that Bo Ruoyou had been working for many years, and he still wanted to make the truth emerge in detail for other cases, let alone the case of his younger brother. If he escaped because of fear and guilt, the case would be confused. Certainly, it’s not like her anymore.

He opened his mouth and said, “Speak bluntly–“

Wu Xiang coughed lightly: “We have taken him to identify the route of each case in the past few days to prevent mistakes. On that day, Xiao Gongzi and Xiao Bo separated from his family in Dengshi, the reason for the separation. Unknown, he said that when he saw you, the little son was standing next to a group of children playing on the long street. He stepped forward to join in the fun, mentioned that he recognized your parents, and easily deceived you, and then no one was there. At that, he still took drugs.”

“At that time, when there were so many tourists at night, he first took you to the ruined temple in order to be afraid of bumping into people. That’s right, it was the place where Young Master Ming escaped that day.”

“The ruined temple is not there anymore. At that time, only the bank of the Luohe River was quite prosperous. Baijia Village was to the west of the Luohe River. There were many farm houses around it. The ruined temple was on a gentle slope. Go deeper, and take you back when there is no one around, but because it was too long, you all woke up…”

“But this time he tied your hands and feet, but he was broken away somehow. He was almost run away by you. When he was chasing you, he chased the little boy.”

Wu Xiang avoided Bo Ruoyou and escaped by himself, and continued: “Later, he took the little boy home in the middle of the night, and the method used was the same as that of Wen Jin. To him, the blood dojo looked like a true god. Blood and flesh, he also took his blood and donated it to the true god.”

Wen Jin’s body was carefully examined by Bo Ruoyou. At this moment, Wen Jin’s body suddenly changed to that of her younger brother Bo Lanzhou in her mind, which made her heart ache again.

She looked pale, but she was still holding on, “What happened later?”

“He hid the body of the little son at home for five days. At that time, it was freezing and the body would not rot, and those five days was the time when the searchers outside were the most intensive search, and then he threw it at night. The corpse is in the downstream river.”

Wu Xiang finished speaking in one breath, looking at Bo Ruoyou worriedly, but Bo Ruoyou only said in a cold voice, “Okay, I see, when will the case be convicted?”

Wu Xiang looked at Sun Zhao, and Sun Zhao sighed: “It will take half a month at the earliest, but… Li Shen may not be able to wait for that time.”

Several people were puzzled, and Sun Zhao said again: “Li Shen may be dying. Yesterday he fainted again, and his body was very hot. We asked the doctor to see him. The doctor said that his organs were damaged and his oil was exhausted. Withered, and he himself has no thoughts, maybe next time he faints, he won’t wake up again, at most there will be ten days to live.”

A sense of sorrow seemed to diffuse from the bottom of Bo Ruoyou’s heart. Li Shen murdered six innocent children, but in the end they died of illness. What kind of punishment is this?

Taking a deep breath, Bo Ruoyou forced himself to calm down.

Wu Xiang’s eyes were full of disgust, “Because he said that the fairies dedicated to the true gods must be rich and noble people who have never suffered. Such people have deep blessings and are loved by the true gods. He believes in a madman.”

At this point, Bo Ruoyou’s question is basically solved, and perhaps the question is more subtle, but she is indeed depressed, no matter how hard it is to be able to do everything, Cheng Yunzhi and Huo Weilou do not want her to indulge in guilt again, and Sun Zhaoer Thank you, and asked about other things, but Bo Ruoyou didn’t say a word until the two of them left.

This situation is quite worrying for her, but Bo Ruoyou held on, she said neatly: “As the righteous father said, we went to see the father, mother and younger brothers. The father and mother did not know the truth at the time.”

Cheng Yunzhi responded and quickly decided to go to worship outside the city the next day, and Huo Weilou naturally accompanied him.

The next morning, Huo Weilou arrived at Chengzhai. The father and daughter took the incense candle offerings for worship and went out of the city together. I don’t know if it’s the old case that breaks the heavens and also makes the beauty. The sky is overcast for a few days here. The day is clear, the sky is as blue as washing, the sun is high, and the snow outside the city is boundless.

When they arrived at the Bo family cemetery, the three went straight to the tombs of Bo Jingxing and his wife and Bo Lanzhou. This was Huo Weilou’s first visit to the tomb of Bo Jingxing and his wife. He also put three sticks of incense on him. While telling the truth of the year, Cheng Yunzhi felt distressed, and he didn’t want to stay here, waiting for the sacrifice, watching Bo Ruoyou kowtow before going down the mountain.

On the way back to the city, Bo Ruoyou looked calm, but slightly tired, and fell asleep leaning on the car wall after a short while, Cheng Yunzhi looked at and heaved a sigh of relief.

The carriage didn’t wake up until Bo Ruoyou at the gate of Cheng’s house. She seemed to be stunned, and she was a little unconscious. When she got out of the carriage, her face was still staring. Huo Wei Building got off the carriage from behind and went forward: “Youyou, I need to go to the palace, and I will visit you later.”

Bo Ruo faintly nodded, his eyes still a little lost, Huo Weilou was a little worried, Cheng Yunzhi said by the side: “Hou Ye, she’s afraid that she didn’t sleep well last night, your face is important.”

“Okay, I’ll come back in the evening.” Huo Weilou finished speaking, and took a deep look at Bo Ruoyou before leaving.

Bo Ruoyou watched the carriage of Huo Weilou go away, but his eyes were a little dazed. When she turned around, she saw Cheng Yunzhi entering the door, and she followed in.

“Youyou first go back to the room and rest. You are hungry for half a day after going out. I will ask Aunt Liang to send you some soup.” Cheng Yunzhi confessed as he walked.

Bo Ruoyou replied, and as soon as he turned to his yard, Cheng Yunzhi went to tell Aunt Liang.

After a stick of incense, Aunt Liang came to Bo Ruoyou’s boudoir with a bowl of lotus seed soup, and knocked on the door when she arrived, but there was no response inside. Aunt Liang frowned and pushed in, “Miss, Did you fall asleep? Use some lotus soup to sleep again—”

After speaking, Aunt Liang looked at the embroidery bed, but the embroidery bed was empty, where is there a shadow of thinness?

She stopped, her gaze swept around, and she couldn’t help feeling strange, did Bo Ruoyou go out?

She hurriedly walked to the door with the bowl, but just a few steps out, in the quiet boudoir where needles dropped, there was a rustling sound. This sound was secret and suffocating, as if it came from a closed place. of.

Aunt Liang turned around and glanced across the furniture and utensils in the house. Soon, the sound rang again. At this moment, Aunt Liang’s eyes fell on the high cabinet on the left side of the embroidered bed against the wall.

She frowned and moved towards the cabinet. The closer she got closer, the more movement in the cabinet, and Aunt Liang became more convinced that there was something in the cabinet. She was a little nervous, but when she thought the house was still safe, she was big. Dare to pull the cabinet door——

The door of the cabinet was pulled open with a “pop”. Aunt Liang was initially at a loss, but she quickly saw the situation inside the cabinet, and the soup in her hand fell to the ground, and a huge panic came up from her eyes!

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