The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 2 - One inch of gold 02

No one in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty knew the nature of Huo Weilou.

Although they have power in the hands, they are not close to female sex, and they are most taboo to entrain female **** into tolerance. The number of people who have been investigated by Huo Weilou because of the word “female sex” is countless.

He Cheng was shocked immediately, “No, no, no, it’s not the work of Qingzhou Prefecture, but the work of Qingshan County under the government.”

Huo Weilou is no more than a weak crown and can stand in front of everyone, but he has a power of oppressing people like a mountain peak. His phoenix eyes are narrow, and his voice is more pressing than the cold winter wind. Poor and weak county?”

He Cheng was startled. He didn’t expect that Huo Weilou knew a lot about Qingzhou. He was afraid of harming his subordinates and hurriedly sought help: “Although Miss Bo works as a clerk in Qingshan County, she is not a clerk who has a low-level citizenship. She won’t use her, she…because she knows some medical skills and has a clever post-mortem method, she has been helping the government…”

She is not a scumbag, but she has been a slave, and she is still a woman, which is really unheard of.

Huo Wei’s happiness and anger are difficult to distinguish on the floor, and he only puts on a sentence: “Whoever this Hou is doing a job, women should not enter.”

The words settled, Huo Weilou raised his steps, and he walked straight past Bo Ruoyou’s side, neither allowing Bo Ruoyou to get up, let alone looking at her again. He is Wu Zhaohou who is worshipped by the people. To him, Bo Ruoyu is like walking on a small amount of dust. You don’t even need to brush it. You only need to blow it gently and fall into the snow mud.

Huo Weilou is like this, how can other people care about Bo Ruoyou, everyone is silent to keep up, although He Cheng has eyes full of apologetics, but he dare not intercede for her, everyone is calling from the mountains, and the tsunami is leaving, only Bo Ruoyou Still kneeling in the ice and snow.

Although Bo Ruoyou is humble, she has never been so contemptuous. She feels even more that even if she gets up and leaves at this moment, she will not alarm the aloof Wu Zhaohou if she thinks about it.

However, she did not dare.

The sky dimmed, and the new wind rose. Bo Ruoyou raised his head and glanced at the snowy sky. The sigh disappeared into the wind before it drifted far.

As soon as he entered the hospital door, Huo Weilou’s eyes sank. He swept the talisman paper gourd into his eyes and walked straight to the main room. The door was ajar. Huo Weilou saw the eerie view of the room at a glance, but he didn’t. There was a slight change in color, inside the door, standing in front of the coffin bed, his eyes scanned plainly over the corpse and the Zha Yin Tong.

“When the second deceased Zheng Wenchen was pushed downstairs, how could it be concluded that the ghost of the old lady was the cause?” Huo Weilou had no more than two cups of tea in the house, but he had already asked the whole case, and now he saw the corpse, he asked. Vital point.

At this time, a man in Huafu took a step forward and respectfully said: “That day was the first seven days of his mother. There was a memorial service at the house, and all children and grandchildren should be there. But everyone arrived, but the second brother was not seen. When I went to find out, I said that the second elder brother had arrived at the Yueyue Pavilion and locked the door from the inside.”

The person who spoke was Zheng Wenyan, the third master of the Anqing Hou Mansion.

He continued: “When we heard that something was wrong, and at that time we suspected that he was related to his mother’s death, so we all went to Yingyue Pavilion to see. Behind him, a figure was not in the darkness. We were feeling strange, and we saw that the shadow pushed the second brother down, and the robe worn by the shadow was the one worn by the mother when she passed away. robe.”

“My mother believes in Buddha. It is a plain coat made of crow-blue embroidered auspicious and cloud-patterned tapestry silk imitating a Buddhist monk’s robe. This is the only one in the world! Because it was worn by my mother when she died. According to the rules, the robe has been taken and burned, and the bright moon that night hangs high, although it is high, we can all see it clearly, and the figure of the shadow is exactly the same as that of the mother. The mother is old and has a rickety back. , The shadow is the same.”

After Zheng Wenyan finished speaking, he sighed, mourning between his eyebrows and eyes, as if to cry, “It is said that the appearance of a person at death is the appearance of a ghost. The mother has worked for a lifetime, but in the end he will be harmed by his own flesh and blood. This made her soul uneasy and gave birth to evil spirits.”

Huo Weilou looked sideways and glanced at him.

Zheng Wenyan’s appearance is fairly gentle, and he was born in the Hou Mansion, and he was courteous in dealing with others, but Huo Weilou’s glance made him lower his head quickly, as if his mourning on his face was just a thin layer of paper, and he was lightly poked by Huo Weilou. , It broke.

Huo Weilou retracted his gaze, “So, Zheng Wenchen fell to death?”

Zheng Wenyan hurriedly said: “That’s right, I lost my breath on the spot with my smashed head. The corpse is now parked in the west courtyard. If Master Hou wants to see it, he can go now.”

Huo Wei Building didn’t move, and looked at the old lady’s body again, “He Zhifu, tell me about it.”

He Cheng was the chief officer of the case, and he heard the sound of an awakening, and immediately said: “Master Hou, the next official thought that ghost killing was really sensational. Although he had seen it with his own eyes, he still had doubts. At that time, the old lady had passed away, and the second master died. It was the work of others. As for the death of the old lady, there is… it may be caused by a sudden illness.”

After He Chengyan finished his words, he was still frightened. He went to the front hall to discuss the autopsy. But when he arrived in the front yard, he heard that the people sent from the capital had arrived. He was already panicked at the time, and what he did not expect was that , It was not from the Xinyang Hou’s Mansion, but the Wu Zhaohou who was feared by the entire Zhou Dynasty!

Later, there was a long delay in picking up the driver. Fortunately, Wu Zhaohou quickly asked about the incident. However, until he came over, he had no chance to ask for the autopsy.

Huo Weilou frowned, “Hidden illness?”

He Cheng was about to answer, and Zheng Wenyan on the side handed his hands over: “Master Hou, my mother has always been healthy and free from illness. Otherwise, she would not stay up until the 30th night. Therefore, the prefect said, absolutely impossible.”

He Cheng glanced at Zheng Wenyan disapprovingly, “San Ye, the old lady is very old, although she looks healthy, but her body organs are very likely to have dark diseases, and she has no symptoms in normal days, but at a certain moment, she suddenly becomes ill. Death is not impossible.”

Zheng Wenyan looked at He Cheng, “This case was handed over to an adult for half a month. The adult had always said that the cause of death of the mother of the monk could not be verified.

When Zheng Wenyan finished his polite speech, He Cheng felt a knife rest on his neck in an instant. He hurriedly glanced at Huo Weilou, “San Ye’s words are bad. This is not my urgency, but what I did. !”

Zheng Wenyan sneered, “Which one did it?”

He Cheng raised his hand to Bo Ruoyou outside, “Boy girl! It was Bo Ruoyou who said it!”

Zheng Wenyan made more mockery on his face, thinking of the rumors about Huo Wei Building, he was even more unscrupulous, “An adult would believe in a female stream! The mother’s body was stopped in this courtyard, and the adult brought an outsider without permission. He was rude. Now , I even reported a woman’s nonsense to Lord Hou, and I don’t know what Ecstasy the woman gave to Master He?”

He Cheng would always be very careful with these powerful and powerful people. In addition, he was a clumsy tongue person. How could he catch these soft knives. At this time, he couldn’t help but said: “How can it be nonsense? Thin girl? Although she is a woman, she has helped this mansion solve several outstanding cases! Our mansion has been an official in Qingzhou for many years, and there is no backlog in his hands! In the past two years, almost all cases have been helped by the thin girl!”

He Cheng glared with cheeks, Zheng Wenyan glanced at Huo Weilou, who was calm, and laughed aloud: “Well, then the prefect, but what kind of hidden illness did his mother die?”

Shicai Hecheng still answered with confidence, but this question stumped him, his face was stagnant, “This… Speaking of this, I have something to ask the third master. Although the Bo girl speculates that the old lady is suffering from a hidden illness She died, but the specific reason is He Yinji. She still needs an autopsy to make a decision, and this re-examination requires an autopsy, I don’t know Sanye…”

“What? Autopsy?” Zheng Wenyan’s voice suddenly raised, his eyes swept across Huo Wei Building, and his voice was suppressed, but he was still angry, “What kind of identity is my mother! How can you let you have your body? The grievances of her elders are hard to dissipate, and who will be responsible for the murder again?”

Zheng Wenyan gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t say she is a little girl, it is the heavenly king Lao Tzu who is here! Don’t even want to touch her mother’s body!”

He Cheng helplessly said: “San Ye, all in order to solve the case, don’t you want to know how the old lady died? It is the spirit of the old lady who can really find out the truth about the death of the old lady.”

Zheng Wenyan sneered again and again, and wanted to scold him again, but Huo Weilou suddenly turned around. He walked out slowly, stood still under the corridor, and looked towards the courtyard gate.

The cold wind swallowed and the clouds were overwhelming. In a icy sky, Bo Ruoyou was still kneeling, but her posture was like a bamboo on her cloak, without any damage.

Huo Weilou narrowed his eyes, “She’s here for an autopsy?”

He Cheng hurriedly said, “Yes, Lord Hou.”

Zheng Wenyan stood behind and hummed: “Does Hou Ye think it’s impossible? The woman looks so young. I think Master He was really bewildered by the woman’s appearance, and actually believed her! What’s more, the government’s investigative methods There are so many, why do we need an autopsy?”

“Let her undergo an autopsy.”

Everything in the world is quiet.

Zheng Wenyan looked at Huo Weilou, and couldn’t believe that the four characters of Shicai were spoken from him.

He Cheng was stunned, but never reacted.

After all, a moment ago, Huo Weilou also said-women should not enter where he is doing errands.

Huo Weilou’s words are cold, but they are indisputable, and they are indisputable. “When I came here, I was entrusted by Xinyang Hou. If the old lady’s death is really suspicious, we must find out the reason. For this, we can pay any price. “

Today’s Xinyang Hou is the old lady’s elder brother.

Zheng Wenyan opened his mouth and didn’t say a word for a long time. Don’t say he was entrusted by Xinyang Hou, or he didn’t. If Huo Weilou said it could be examined, everyone present, who would dare to say no?

What Huo Weilou said was the final result. He whispered, “Bring people here.”

Most of the people who followed behind him were Huo Weilou’s relatives, and one of them had gray temples and looked old, but his face was white without beard, and even his eyebrows were very shallow. Compared with other young and cold guards with swords, It seems particularly noticeable.

As soon as Huo Weilou’s voice fell, he smiled and stepped forward, “The old slave goes and invites him. I have been kneeling for so long. It is really pitiful.”

The opening voice was slightly sharp, and it was actually a father-in-law.

If it is someone else, in front of Huo Wei Building, he would not dare to be so unintentional, but this person, Huo Wei Building’s look is unusual, he turned his head and looked inside the hall, “Remove these things and get a chair. “

After speaking, Huo Weilou entered the house, and the guards with knives all entered the door, and soon moved the Zhizhayin boy out of the house.

These are the insidious boys who suppressed the old lady’s hard soul!

Zheng Wenyan and Wu Ye Zheng Wenan stood outside the door, their eyes frightened, but they did not dare to gasp.

These guards with knives are embroidered with three-legged one-eyed golden black patterns on their **** with silver threads. They are the embroidered clothes of the emperor Shangqin and Xiachabaiguan. These people can see that the princes do not kneel, and the Zheng family brothers have it. A hundred guts did not dare to stop it.

Outside the courtyard, Bo Ruoyou’s whole body was frozen. She thought helplessly. It turned out that this was the famous Wu Zhaohou. It was rumored that he was not close to a woman. Although he was already a weak crown, there was not even a maidservant around him. Some people say he has a hidden illness, and some people say he likes Longyang…

Bo Ruoyou didn’t see whether Huo Weilou had hidden illnesses or whether Longyang was good or not, but he could see that he really hated women involved in tolerance.

Bo Ruoyou rubbed her knees. Just when she thought she was about to kneel until dark, a footstep approached behind her, and then a slightly weird voice rang out, “Girl, I’m so sorry, let you kneel for a long time. —”

Bo Ruoyou turned his eyes, and the next moment a kind face appeared in front of him, and the person who came to sighed: “We Hou Ye knows everything, but we don’t know how to care for the girl’s house, get up quickly…”

The person in front of him smiled gently, and the tone was soft and apologetic, Bo Ruo faintly surprised, “You are…”

“My surname is Fu, and I am a servant who serves Lord Hou.”

Bo Ruo faintly asked, “But Lord Hou asked me to leave the house?”

Duke Fu sneered, “Where is the house away! Lord Hou asked you to do an autopsy, get up quickly.”

This was really beyond Bo Ruoyou’s expectation. She was surprised, and Fu Gonggong gave her a hand, and said with a serious voice, “Girl, this is your only chance. If you miss it, you will really leave the house.”

When Bo Ruoyou followed Father Fu to the main house, he saw the lights inside the door were brightly lit, and the Zhazha Yin children were removed. Huo Weilou immediately sat on a wide chair, his eyes deep and unpredictable on the old lady’s. On the corpse.

Hearing the noise, Huo Weilou’s eyes swept over.

Bo Ruoyou also looked at him, but unexpectedly, he met his eyes again.

Bo Ruoyou hurriedly cast his eyes down to be submissive, but Huo Weilou raised his eyebrows slightly.

It is rare to be so intimidated by him, but there is neither fear nor resentment in his eyes.

Standing behind the Huo Wei Building, He Cheng said at this moment: “Hou Ye, Miss Bo, and an arbitrage post-mortem, as long as she is tested, the old lady’s cause of death will definitely be understood.”

On the floor, Huo Wei didn’t distinguish between happiness and anger, but the words that he could speak made Bo Ruoyou and He Chengqi look different.

He Cheng’s eyes were dark, and he almost fell to his knees. He understood that if he couldn’t detect it, it was his negligence in employing people. He also used women. Huo Wei Tower was ruthless in the officialdom and was known as the jade-faced Yama. He Cheng faintly felt that his black yarn might not be guaranteed.

In contrast, Bo Ruoyou was so calm, her eyebrows seemed to be raised, but her expression quickly returned to calm.

Huo Weilou looked in the bottom of his eyes and pointed to the corpse, “Go.” After a pause, “The idlers and others are all retiring.”

The Zheng Wenyan brothers looked at each other and said, “Go out and wait, you can’t stand it.”

Zheng Wenyan and Zheng Wen’an looked at each other, bowed their hands to Huo Wei Tower before leaving.

Bo Ruoyou untied his cloak, rolled up his cuffs, and chose the knives from the equipment he had prepared. When he stood next to the coffin bed, Huo Weilou’s phoenix eyes narrowed slightly—because Bo Ruoyou had a kind of him. Familiar, almost cold concentration solemnly.

The sky was gloomy outside, but a few more oil lamps were added in the room to make everything clear.

The brilliant lights also reflected the thin and delicate face. Father Fu stood behind the Huo Wei Building and said, “It’s rare, it’s rare, it’s beautiful to see a beautiful woman under the light, and there is a corpse next to it, the beautiful woman is even more beautiful.” .”

His voice was extremely low, and Bo Ruoyou, who focused on the autopsy, could not hear it, but He Cheng and Huo Weilou did.

He Chengzheng was sweating profusely because of Huo Weilou’s words. He swept his side eyes and saw that Huo Weilou’s eyes were falling deeply on Bo Ruoyou’s face. He Cheng was shocked in his heart. It is one of the few in Qingzhou City, and how abstinence and self-control Huo Weilou is, it is also an adult man, is it…

As soon as this thought came out, Huo Weilou’s gaze slipped, and fell on Bo Ruoyou’s knife calmly. Obviously, compared to Bo Ruoyou’s face, Huo Weilou wanted to see how she cut open the carrion in front of her. .

He Cheng was dumbfounded, and the rumors in his heart were true!

Bo Ruoyou’s first knife cut precisely along three inches below the corpse’s ribs.

The old lady passed away for many days, the body was swollen, and the chest and abdomen were especially swollen. At this moment, the skin and flesh were cut open, and the foul smell that had accumulated in the abdominal cavity for many days suddenly dissipated. Both He Cheng and Father Fu frowned subconsciously, but Bo Ruoyou had eyebrows. Not changed, but her action of cutting the skin and flesh of the corpse was as ordinary as she was cutting tofu.

The belly was cut open, revealing the decayed and discolored organs. Ordinary people would find it difficult to distinguish a clump of dirt, but Ruoyou thin, but carefully examined it, her expression was serious, her ink pupil was like a knife. As if any abnormality could not escape her eyes, such a thin ruoyou almost made people feel sacred and solemn.

Don’t say that there are no ghosts in the world, even if there are ghosts, they will never approach her.

The lights in the hall were dimmed and bright, and outside the door, the night was completely shrouded, and the small courtyard was hidden in the snowy night, showing a sense of sadness and horror for no reason. Inside the room, her thin, long and white fingers were soaked in cold corpse water, but her hand holding the knife was always stable. After almost an hour, she exhaled and straightened up.

A thin layer of sweat hung on his forehead, and Bo Ruoyou was obviously tired. He Cheng couldn’t wait to ask, “Xiaobo, how?”

“The old lady really died of a hidden illness.”

When Bo Ruoyou spoke, he determined the cause of the old lady’s death.

“A large amount of congestion was found in the abdominal wall of the corpse. This was caused by the formation of a knot in the blood network in the abdomen, the blood flow was blocked, and the blood network was swollen and then ruptured. This hidden disease has been two or three years old, but it was asymptomatic at first. It’s extremely difficult to detect, and within three months, the old lady should have back pain, but the old man’s back pain is very common, and it must be ignored by the people in the house.”

He Cheng asked hurriedly, “So, the old lady was not murdered?”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, his eyes seemed to hesitate.

Huo Weilou never spoke, but at the moment he said, “It’s okay to say it straight.”

Thin Ruoyou pursed her lips, “According to the amount of blood congestion in the old lady’s abdominal cavity and the degree of blood collateral rupture, the size of the bulging knot will not be spontaneously broken. The bulge can cause the cup to be the size of a cup. At that time, even if you just lie down, the disease can rupture, but the blood in the old lady’s abdomen is at most the size of a walnut. If there is no accident, there should be no sudden illness.”

Bo Ruoyou described it concretely, and Huo Weilou said: “What kind of situation will cause the disease to occur?”

Bo Ruoyou thought about it for a while: “Affected by work, full of anger, or bumping into people, pushing and bumping, etc., may induce the disease…”

The old lady must not be affected by work, but if it is the latter two situations, it is very suspicious.

Huo Weilou looked out the door: “Let Zheng Wenyan come in.”

Bo Ruoyou sorted out the body in a thoughtful manner, and soon Zheng Wenyan and Zheng Wenan entered. Before he could take a look at the old lady’s body, he listened to Huo Weilou’s question: “Pass the old lady before and after her death, and repeat it again.”

Zheng Wenyan didn’t know the results of the autopsy. He heard Huo Weilou’s question and quickly said: “On the New Year’s Eve, my mother insists on keeping her years old. She believes in Buddhism. Sometimes she copies the scriptures in the Buddhist hall all night. Obstructing, I thought it was just an ordinary night, but I didn’t expect that she was found dead in the Buddhist hall early the next morning.”

“The eve of the first day was New Year’s Eve, and my mother didn’t let the maidservant take care of her when she was in the temple. So that night, there was only the mother in the temple. It was still the second day that the maidservant opened the door of the temple. Lying neatly in front of the Buddhist altar, the whole person seemed to be asleep, but when he walked to the front, he realized that he had already died and his body was frozen…”

Suddenly, Bo Ruoyou’s expression turned into a bit unbearable. Huo Weilou seemed to be able to look at all directions, and he looked over in the next instant, “How?”

Bo Ruoyou said solemnly: “Master Hou, my lord, this hidden disease attacks very quickly, and the onset is swift and violent. At that time, people will have abdominal pain like cramping, and the pain is difficult to bear. If the old lady has symptoms like this, it takes two cups of tea. She will die, and when there is no one outside the room at night, the old lady will die alive.”

An old man was so painful that no one knew it, it was really pitiful.

However, Bo Ruoyou hasn’t finished saying, “It can be painful to everyone. People are struggling to call for help, but the next morning, the old lady lay on the ground neatly dressed…If what Sanye said is true, then, There must be a second person in the Buddha Hall that night.”

At this point, Bo Ruoyou’s voice suddenly became cold.

“The man watched the old lady in pain. Not only did he not save the old lady, but he might even stop the old lady from calling for help. After the old lady died, he helped her tidy up her clothes and looked like she was sleeping.”

There was a quiet needle drop in the room, and Huo Weilou looked thin, and for the first time there was some temperature in the bottom of his eyes.

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