The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 25 - An inch of gold 25(1)

“Zheng Yunni is gone?”

The embroiderer nodded, then turned around to look at Mei Lin’s edge.

Huo Weilou narrowed his eyes and saw a maidservant standing outside anxiously.

Huo Weilou immediately said, “Call Zheng Wenan and Zheng Wenrong.”

The embroidered clothing envoy was ordered to leave. At this time, He Cheng and other embroidered clothing envoys also came up from the bottom of the well and were in charge of searching for the embroidered clothing envoys of other fork roads: “Hou Ye, the other fork roads lead to the southwest and northwest of the mansion respectively. The lotus pond, which leads directly to the outside of the mansion, has been blocked by silt, and no more people have been found in these places.”

Huo Weilou nodded, “Collect everything in the dark room under the ancestral hall.”

Bo Ruoyou stepped forward and said: “His Royal Highness, Miss Zheng can’t go missing for no reason.”

When the murderer killed Zheng Wenyan and Zheng Wenchen two times before, he first lured them away from their resident residence and then started. Now Zheng Yunni suddenly disappeared. Bo Ruoyou was very worried, but Huo Weilou’s eyebrows and eyes were calm, he ordered A few embroidered clothes ambassadors stayed here and brought others to the outside of Meilin.

The maidservant beside Zheng Yunni was named Huayi. Seeing Huo Weilou with someone striding over, she immediately knelt to the ground, “pay respect to Master Hou.”

Huo Weilou looked at her condescendingly, “When did Zheng Yunni disappear?”

The painting was about to cry and said with red eyes: “Just two hours ago, the eldest lady said she wanted to go out by herself, and the slaves and maids were not allowed to follow. The slaves and maids stayed in the yard. Later, the lady did not come back. The slaves and maids came out to look for them. Who knows that when they went out and asked the eldest brother Yacha who was in charge of guarding along the road, they said that they hadn’t seen the eldest lady, and the eldest lady disappeared soon after she left the yard…”

Painted intent wiped a tear, and looked at the dark woods all around, with horror in his eyes.

“Were there anything abnormal before she left?”

Painting Yi shook his head, “No, nothing unusual…”

Although the painting said that, but his eyes dropped, Huo Weilou said with a chill, “Now that the murderer is hidden in the mansion, your eldest lady is very likely to be in danger. If you conceal something, what will be the consequence?”

Huo Weilou was already imposing, and his voice fell cold at this moment, and his painting only felt that his gaze was like a knife hanging above his head.

The shoulders and backs trembled slightly, and the corners of the lips were drawn up. “Miss…Miss has a very bad temper these few days. After the third master died, the young lady said that the murderer was going to kill her next. For two nights, the servants and maidservants were allowed to spend the night with her in the inner room. This afternoon, the eldest lady learned from the young servant that Master Hou had brought someone to dig the well, her complexion suddenly changed, and she was very anxious in staying in the house. After a while, then he said that he would go out to see the eldest lady, this time… this time I did not come back.”

He left after hearing that they came to dig a well.

Bo Ruoyou frowned, Zheng Yunni knew about the underground darkroom?

The paintings shrunk their shoulders and their faces were full of fear. At this moment, Zheng Wenan and Zheng Wenrong came hurriedly from a distance. They walked to the Huo Wei Building and bowed their hands first. Zheng Wenrong only looked solemn, but Zheng Wenan looked over the shoulders of the Huo Wei Building. Turning behind him, his complexion changed slightly.

Zheng Wen’an said: “Master Hou, I don’t know what Lord Hou has instructed?”

Zheng Wenan lowered his head, his tone was a little nervous, Huo Weilou looked at him, “Zheng Yunni is gone.”

Zheng Wenan raised his head abruptly, a trace of horror appeared on his always good-natured face, “How could Yun Ni disappear… Could it be… Please save Yun Ni, Hou Ye, it must be… the murderer must kill her!”

Zheng Wenrong was also a little anxious, “How can you not see Yunni who is so good…”

“Why did the murderer harm her?” Huo Weilou looked at Zheng Wen’an like a cold sword.

Zheng Wen’an’s back was stiff, and the hands that fell on his side were clenched and unfolded, unfolded and clenched into fists, and finally said: “The murderer…the murderer has an enmity with the people in our mansion. Yun Ni is the eldest lady and will naturally become the target of the murderer. “

There was a chill in Huo Weilou’s eyes, and Bo Ruoyou frowned. Father Fu sighed, but his eyes became indifferent.

The corner of Huo Weilou’s lips evoked a cold arc, “At this time, you still refuse to say that the reason why you think Zheng Yunni will be murdered by the murderer is because… Zheng Yunni’s birthday is not at all on the seventh day of February, but on the fifth day of February. “

Zheng Wenan’s eyes trembled fiercely, “Master Hou…what do you say about this? Yun Ni’s birthday was sent to Beijing early in the morning, no…no fake…”

Zheng Wenrong was a little puzzled. He looked at Zheng Wen’an and then at the Huo Wei Building, but he did not ask any questions.

However, Huo Weilou hadn’t finished speaking, he said word by word: “And the first half of the fifteenth day of February in the fifteenth year of Jianhe, it was a cloudy year.”

Zheng Wenrong’s expression changed, but he listened to Huo Weilou to continue, “And Zheng Yunni is not only a fake birthday, she also has a twin sister.”

This remark made Zheng Wenrong and Zheng Wen’an froze like thunder.

Zheng Wenrong was shocked, Zheng Wenan was afraid.

Huo Weilou’s words were as cold as iron. No matter how Zheng Wenan concealed it, he couldn’t help but raise his head at this time. His eyes were panicked, and the corners of his lips trembled, but he couldn’t say a whole sentence, “Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Can…”

Huo Weilou looked at Zheng Wen’an’s expression becoming colder and colder, “Sixteen years ago, because of the twin daughters, you changed all the people in the Hou Mansion. This case happened. Knowing that the murderer left the four characters “Yin Nian Yin Shi”. After that, you know that the murderer must be the insider of the incident. After discussing with Mother Yu, you decided to destroy the dark room under the ancestral hall so that we could not verify it, because the evidence there was not a piece of paper. A piece of clothing, but a whole house where a few living people have been imprisoned. You have no time to destroy all traces, so you have to burn the ancestral hall as well.”

Zheng Wen’an’s blood faded in an instant, “Master Hou, there is no proof…”

“Do you want proof?” Huo Weilou’s words did not contain the slightest emotion. The more so, the more frightening. “The ancestral hall was burned, and the dark room underneath collapsed mostly, but you didn’t expect that the dark room would be the same as the one left over many years ago. The culverts are connected. Not only did the person you hide not die, but also escaped by themselves. It was her who came to avenge your cold-blooded relatives.”

Zheng Wenan raised his eyes abruptly to look at Huo Weilou, his eyes were frightened and terrified, as if his most terrible guess had finally been verified and he couldn’t bear it. When his knees were soft, he stepped back and fell down.

Zheng Wenrong quickly helped him with eyesight and hands, “Fifth brother, what is going on?”

Zheng Wenan swallowed hard, his eyes rolled quickly, but he couldn’t say a word. Cold sweat fell from his forehead, making him feel a sense of prostration, “Don’t ask me, I don’t know… I do not know anything…”

Huo Weilou glanced at Zheng Wenrong, “You once said that twins are not lucky. If they are born in a cloudy year, it will be even more troublesome. Your mother, your brothers, in order to preserve the prosperity and wealth of the Hou Mansion, privately hide it. One person is in the underground darkroom. For these years, she has lived a dark day every day. She is more miserable than you.”

Zheng Wenrong is a twin. He was sent away since he was a child. He has not enjoyed the wealth of a half-time prince’s son. He also lamented the unfair fate, but he never thought that the child that the lady gave birth 16 years ago was also the same. A pair of twins, and in order to preserve the marriage to the second majesty, the Hou Mansion chose to hide one of them in the underground dark room. One pass lasted sixteen years.

Thinking that the old lady was crazy for no reason, Zheng Wenrong’s doubts over the years were solved. There was a stormy sea in his eyes. Then he turned to look at Zheng Wenan’s face. Even if he was still stiff, Zheng Wenrong could see that what Huo Weilou said was true. , He gritted his teeth with difficulty, “Now, where is she… where is the child?”

Huo Wei said in the corridor: “There is no one in the underground. I want to come here and still hide in the mansion. She must have been alarmed since she was found here, but at this time, Zheng Yunni, who knew that we were coming to dig a well, left the yard and disappeared by himself.” Looking at the two brothers, “You said, where did she go? What is she going to do?”

Zheng Wenan said immediately: “This matter has nothing to do with Yun Ni, she doesn’t know anything.”

As Zheng Wenan said, his eyes were red. I don’t know if he was guilty of thinking about the old things, or thinking of Hou’s Ronghua’s pain in his heart. “On the things that happened back then, only our elders knew that she didn’t know anything. It must be the murderer who wanted to harm her. …”

At this time, Zheng Wenan finally stopped being stubborn, and almost acquiesced to what Huo Wei Lou Shi said, “I beg Lord Hou to send someone to search immediately, don’t let her be killed too, this matter has nothing to do with her, I…I don’t want to see People are dead again in the mansion.”

Zheng Wenan’s voice was low and dumb, and his expression was mournful, as if he was about to cry in the next moment. Huo Weilou frowned when he saw that he was really ignorant of the situation. Track it down, Zheng Yunni…”

Huo Weilou was instructing the embroiderer, but his eyes swept the meaning of what he had been kneeling on the ground. After he said that the idiot had also disappeared, he saw the obvious change in painting, and Huo Weilou looked at the painting. “Do you know something?”

The whole picture was shaking. The corners of her lips twitched, but she seemed to be hiding a great secret and she didn’t dare to say it. Zheng Wenrong said anxiously, “What do you know? Do you want to see your eldest lady have an accident?”

Painterly tears suddenly fell, and cried: “The servant girl…The servant girl thought that if someone wants to kill the eldest lady, maybe it is the idiot…the idiot wants revenge on the eldest lady…”

Silly Aunt wants revenge on Miss?

Zheng Wenrong said in surprise: “Why is a silly girl? A silly girl is the kid who was picked up. Although she was pityed by the sister-in-law by mistakes, she is not the one who was hidden…”

Bo Ruoyou wrinkled his brows when he heard this. The old lady of Aunt Silly’s life had investigated. If Aunt Silly was a child of the year, how could she leave her in the house? Moreover, her leg injury was real and it was impossible to commit a crime. The reason why the eldest lady picked her back was only because she remembered that she had a pair of daughters and treated her as another child.

There are also idiots who fell into the well but survived miraculously, and the traces on the plum tree beside the well also show that some people often use ropes to go up and down. The ropes need to be tied to the trees. If people are in the well, who tied the ropes on the well of? And if a person goes down into the well, who will take away the rope tied to the tree? Thinking about it, only a silly girl has this possibility. She used the reason of helping the lady to fold the plum, and she often went in and out of Merlin without being suspected. What’s more, she also showed up last night to attract the attention of the embroidered clothes to help the murderer escape. .

Painted Yi cried and shook his head: “No…because…because the idiot fell into the dry well two years ago, it was…the eldest lady pushed the idiot down—”

As soon as this statement was made, everyone’s expressions changed. Under the pressure of the painting, they revealed the secret of the master. They were extremely scared and knelt on the ground and said: “The slave and the maid did not lie. The idiot is loved by the lady for some reason, and the lady is not happy in her heart. , That time…that time when the silly aunt came to Meilin Zhemei, the eldest lady gave birth to a cruel heart and pushed her down, and the slave servant was with the lady at that time. This matter…this matter is only known to the slave servant and the lady.”

After saying this in one breath, the painter was frightened to the ground, and the words said that she would never be able to be served by Miss Houfu in the future.

There was a chill in Bo Ruoyou’s heart, and the silly aunt was ugly and stupid. In the mansion, apart from the occasional love and affection of the eldest lady, she almost struggled to survive. How much benefit my aunt brings, it may also cause trouble for her. Not only did the people bully her, but also the high-ranking Miss Hou Mansion actually had a murderous intent on her.

Chuntao only said that the fool fell into the dry well. Bo Ruoyou took it for granted that it was caused by the fool’s clumsiness, but he never thought that she was also murdered, and Zheng Yunni was going to kill her just because the lady cared about the fool so much. ?

“You…what are you talking nonsense? How could Yun Ni act on a low-handed maid?”

At this time, Zheng Wenan is still defending Zheng Yunni. Zheng Yunni is going to marry the second highness. Since childhood, he has been held in the moon by the stars. Even if the Dongchuang incident now occurs, this marriage has become an unknown number. Zheng Wenan also insisted on protecting Zheng Yunni. in the end.

Painted Yi cried and shook her head, “The servant girl never lied, and the servant girl was also trying to save the eldest lady. When the accident happened, the silly aunt saw the eldest lady, and was later rescued. The eldest lady thought she wanted to identify it, but she seemed to have forgotten that one. The eldest was relieved, but I don’t know if she really forgot. If she suddenly feels revenge, it’s not impossible.”

“The eldest lady is distinguished. If you say who will harm the eldest lady, the servant can only think of the fool, or…or the murderer…”

Bo Ruoyou frowned slightly. The silly aunt didn’t forget, but she didn’t dare. How could she dare to accuse the eldest lady of the murder because of her low status? It was the point of acknowledgment, and she was the one who suffered in the end.

The idiot not only knew who the murderer was, but also had such a grudge with Zheng Yunni. It was indeed quite dangerous. Huo Weilou beckoned He Cheng to come forward, “Retract the government officials from the ancestral hall and search outside from Zheng Yunni’s idiot’s residence, anywhere. Don’t let it go, especially in the corners off the beaten track.”

He Cheng repeatedly responded, and now the truth of the case is gradually emerging, the old things of the Hou Mansion have been revealed, and He Cheng is also quite innocent, but Huo Wei Building is here, and he is a good pawn.

When Bo Ruoyou saw He Cheng’s instructions to the government office, he stepped forward to Huo Wei’s corridor, “Master Hou, the folk girl also wants to go to the fool’s house again.”

She intends that she can follow the ya chase, who would have expected Huo Weilou to look at her, “Follow Benhou.”

At this time, there is no need to ask any more doubts. Zheng Yunni left the yard by himself, and the idiot disappeared. The murderer with a rough but cruel life was hidden somewhere in the mansion. The cold night was dark, and Huo Weilou did not want to see the Hou Mansion again. One person died.

Huo Weilou wanted to go by himself, and Bo Ruoyou certainly followed. He instructed the embroidered clothes to make the martial law dry, and then stepped to the lower courtyard. Zheng Wenrong and Zheng Wen’an also followed when they saw it.

Sudden changes caused the government officials and embroidered clothes ambassadors in the entire Hou Mansion to move. They were searched under martial law. Most of the people were detained in various courtyards, looking out from the cracks in the door.

In the cold night, the sky is still clear during the day, but no star can be seen at this moment. Embroidery makers cling to the torch and walk in front of them, lighting up the surrounding lights within a few feet like the day, but the darkness farther away, But the shadow is faint, as if there is something hidden.

All the way to the Lower People’s Court, Bo Ruoyou saw the wing room that had only been here last night. The embroidered clothes made the door open, and there was no one inside. Huo Wei Building entered first. He glanced around, and the bed, tables and chairs in the house were unobstructed. Indeed, no abnormalities can be seen.

Bo Ruoyou followed in, his eyes still on the bed, and on the side of the bedside pillow, there was still the sachet with rough needles and threads, and besides that, there was almost nothing in the room that seemed to belong to a silly girl. , Frowned slightly, Bo Ruoyou saw a slightly dilapidated low cabinet on the left side of the bed.

This is the only cabinet in the house. There is a breach on the door of the cabinet. I don’t know what’s in it. There was no suspicion last night, but tonight it was very different. Bo Ruoyou stepped forward and opened the door.

As soon as the door of the cabinet was opened, Bo Ruoyou’s eyes changed slightly. There were a few old clothes in the cabinet, and in the top compartment, there was a moon rabbit lantern that was suitable for use in the underground darkroom. , The same lantern, one for a silly girl, one in the underground darkroom, the corners of Thin Ruoyou’s lips were pursed, and a complex unspeakable meaning filled the bottom of my heart.

She became more sure that the idiot had been rescued underground.

People who live underground all the year round have never seen these lanterns. Even the moon rabbit lantern, which is the most common children’s favorite, is a treasure to her.

Seeing Bo Ruoyou squatting in front of the cabinet, Huo Weilou walked over. When he saw the moon rabbit lantern, his eyes changed slightly. But she thought that Bo Ruoyou would feel for a few moments, but she quickly calmed down, she took out the moon rabbit lantern, and then turned over the old clothes lying underneath.

There were only seven or eight pieces of clothes. Spring, summer, autumn and winter were here. After a glance, Bo Ruoyou didn’t notice anything unusual. Just as she was about to stand up, her eyes changed slightly, and she saw a green pigmented coat.

This plain jacket was uniformly worn by the servants of the Hou Mansion. Chuntao has been wearing this winter jacket these few days, and on the day she first met the fool, the fool also wore this winter jacket, but after that, I will see the fool again, she What I was wearing was an indigo blue winter jacket.

Bo Ruoyou’s heart slid a little strange, she subconsciously flipped over this winter jacket, but nothing was revealed, but suddenly, she smelled a faint damp smell on the end of her nose…

An electric light flashed in his mind, and Bo Ruoyou was stunned at the moment.

The smell was extremely weak, but she just came out of the underground culvert, and was familiar with this question. She was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly stood up and walked to the back window of the silly aunt, and she pushed the back window. Opened.

The rear window was opened, and outside was a small open space piled with debris. The snow was half melted, and it was slightly cold and humid, but there was no pungent silt smell.

So where did the sludge smell she smelled when she came yesterday?

Bo Ruoyou’s heart trembled lightly and her eyes wandered around unconsciously. Suddenly, her eyes slid down and fell under the rear window, on the steps of the soil barrier next to the root of the wall. Cold hands and feet.

The steps are still dry because of the eaves. At this moment, there is a pair of footprints on it. The footprints are the same size as she carefully compared in the plum forest behind Zheng Wenyan’s study. Looking at the footprints, it is thin. You could even imagine that when she entered the house last night, someone was standing by the side of the window, just outside the back window.

Bo Ruoyou only felt the hairs on his arms stand up.

And soon, she suddenly thought of a possibility that made her feel more creepy.

Chuntao once said that silly aunt is also very evil.

The details of the first time she met the idiot came into her mind again. For a while, Bo Ruoyou felt that her invisible big hand was holding her throat, and her breathing became stagnant.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door, but an embroidered clothing envoy who was in charge of searching outside quickly walked into the courtyard gate.

“Master Hou, the eldest lady has appeared! She went to the eldest lady, and she said she was going to Zhemei with the eldest lady.”

Bo Ruoyou regained his senses abruptly. When he walked to the door, he listened to Huo Weilou’s solemn voice: “Zhemei? Can she explain where she went?”

The embroiderer shook his head, “No, Shicai’s subordinates didn’t see Miss Zheng. The servants around the lady came to report back when she knew she was looking for her everywhere. At the moment, the lady has been taken out by the lady. The maids were supposed to follow, but the eldest lady did not let everyone follow.”

Good point, Zheng Yunni took the old lady to Meilin Zhemei alone?

Zheng Wenan heard that Zheng Yunni appeared, and his heart was relieved, “Yun Ni is very filial to her sister-in-law, and her sister-in-law likes plum blossoms. There is nothing wrong with her taking her sister-in-law to fold plum blossoms.”

Huo Weilou said, “Send someone to see Meilin, so that she and the other can no longer leave the residence without authorization.”

The embroidered clothes ambassador went away, and when Huo Weilou turned around, he saw Bo Ruoyou’s face turned pale, and his brows were slightly frowned, “What did you find?”

The corners of Bo Ruoyou’s lips were slightly pressed, as if he didn’t know how to say it. However, when facing the dark eyes of Huoweilou, her heart was pounding slightly, so Bo Ruoyou said: “Last night, I’m afraid it was not the people. The first time a woman saw a murderer.”

Huo Weilou’s brows suddenly raised, and Bo Ruoyou said with difficulty: “As early as the day Zheng Sanye was killed, the girl may have seen it.” She swept across her eyes and saw Father Fu standing outside, and said. : “Duke Fu has seen it too.”

When Father Fu heard this, he immediately stepped forward and stood at the door and asked: “Did we see it?”

Both Huo Weilou and Grandpa Fu looked at Bo Ruoyou, and Bo Ruoyou said, “The girl had never thought about it before. Although the eyebrows of the idiot are similar to those of the eldest lady, but the scar on her face is as big as that, whoever is it? It is impossible to associate her with the appearance of the eldest lady, nor should she be picked up by the eldest lady and be loved as a daughter.”

Not only did Bo Ruoyou not figure out this question, but the others were also puzzled.

Bo Ruo paused, “But if in the heart of the lady, the other daughter’s face should have scars?”

Huo Weilou’s expression suddenly changed. He turned to look at Zheng Wen’an: “When the old lady gave birth to twin daughters, you decided to hide one. When you hid, did you specifically destroy that child’s face?”

As soon as this remark came out, Father Fu couldn’t bear it.

Newborn babies, how can these people have the heart to ruin their children’s faces?

But Zheng Wenan shook his head, “No…we don’t. There are more than one pair of twins in our house. There were twins in the great-grandparents’ generation. In the past, they were all sent away. But when we came to Yunni, we didn’t dare Sending away… when they grow up in the future, if someone finds that they look exactly the same, it is the crime of deceiving the king, so we want to hide the children.”

“When the elder sister was pregnant, she made a baby kiss with the concubine empress in Beijing. Later, when she went south to Qingzhou, the imperial concubine empress often sent people to visit, knowing that she was about to give birth, she sent a maid to take care of her. It was about to come, and there was no way to hide the child in the ancestral hall. We did not ruin the child’s face…”

The more Zheng Wenan said, the lower his voice was, and he obviously found it difficult to speak, but if they hadn’t ruined the child’s face, where did the scar mentioned by Bo Ruoyou come from?

Huo Weilou looked at Bo Ruoyou, and Bo Ruoyou shook his head.

Before Bo Ruoyou finished his words, He Cheng strode in with two government officials, “Master Hou, I found the idiot! The idiot was hiding in the kitchen in the south. She was actually trying to steal food…”

Before He Cheng finished speaking, another embroidered clothing envoy came in from outside.

“Master Hou, the eldest lady and the eldest lady did not go to Merlin. The brothers who were staying at Merlin said that they had never seen the eldest lady and the eldest lady pass. In addition, the two government officials from the east just saw the idiot and went up to question her. The idiot said she I also went to find the eldest lady and the eldest lady…”

After the embroiderer finished speaking, he suddenly realized that everyone’s expressions had changed. He was a little stunned, and He Cheng could not help but said: “Where did you say you saw the idiot? My servant found the idiot in the south. Auntie was stealing food in the kitchen, and now he has been detained, and people are detained in the front yard. How can you see Silly Aunt in the east?”

The embroidered clothes envoy was also surprised when he heard this, “East also came from two government officials…”

Everyone was stunned, how could two idiots appear at the same time? !

“Master Hou, my lord, because there are indeed two idiots.”

Bo Ruoyou spoke abruptly, Huo Weilou looked back at her, and Bo Ruoyou said: “This is what the talented people mean. The people hiding in the ground are also women with burn scars on their faces like the idiots. It’s similar, because of the scar on the face, it’s enough to be fake.” She looked at Father Fu, “Daddy, the first time we saw the idiot, most of the idiots we met were not real idiots, but murderers hiding in the ground.”

Father Fu’s expression changed a little at this time, “At that time…she was delivering sacrifices with other people. On that day, she was helping in the old lady’s mourning hall, so she could steal the magic weapon?!”

Bo Ruoyou nodded, and Father Fu covered his mouth, “God, our family actually had a face-to-face with the murderer so early…”

Huo Weilou’s eyes were stern, and he felt frightened after he knew it, and turned around to look at the embroiderer, “Where is the idiot who is looking for the eldest lady and the eldest lady?”

A silly girl stole food in the south, and a silly girl went to find the lady and Zheng Yunni. The really silly girl was afraid that Zheng Yunni would be too late, so how could she go to her, not to mention the fact that the murderer would not stop the harm. Naturally the one in the east is the fake fool.

The embroiderer said, “Sixai is on the fork in the east leading to the direction of the Yueyue Pavilion. At this moment, most of them are heading towards the lady’s courtyard.”

Huo Weilou immediately walked out, “The murderer showed up and made the government officials in other directions to withdraw to the east. Be sure to hold the murderer.”

Seeing him leaving, Bo Ruoyou quickly followed. Huo Wei Tower was walking fast. She almost trot out of the courtyard. Huo Wei Tower immediately walked towards the lady’s courtyard. The murderer knew the topography of the mansion well, and naturally knew it. Where there are guards, it’s not very difficult for her to avoid the sight of the servants, but now the night is concealing it. If she escapes tonight, I don’t know how much time will be delayed. Huo Weilou’s expression is awe-inspiring, and his hands are subconscious. Brushed a short dagger around his waist.

He walks very fast, and the others dare not take it lightly. It is the Zheng Wenrong brothers who followed in fear. However, seeing the distance to the yard of the big lady getting closer, Huo Wei Tower suddenly stopped, his phoenix eyes were cold, and he passed the distance first. The lady’s courtyard, and then looked in the direction of Yingyue Pavilion.

Taking the fork in the road where the fool was found is the central axis, the courtyard of the lady is to the east, but the courtyard of the old lady is to the northwest. Between the courtyard of the lady of the old lady and the courtyard, the most convenient way to escape is the path to the bamboo forest to the east.

Huo Wei Louying straightened his side and looked in the direction of the bamboo forest.

In the ink-like night, the entire northeast corner of the Hou Mansion was shrouded in darkness. Except for the guards of Qumeilin, the large bamboo forests and vacant lotus ponds were unguarded at the moment, and the bamboo forest was adjacent to the plum forest, the most dangerous The place is the safest place. Tibetans amidst dense bamboo forests are the best place.

“Look at the lady’s yard. The others are coming to the bamboo forest.”

Huo Wei Building’s words were settled, and an embroidered dress made his way, and everyone else followed Huo Wei Building to the east.

Bo Ruoyou looked at the direction he was going, and inexplicably felt a sense of destiny in his heart. It was the bamboo forest in the east again… Thinking of the two moon rabbit lanterns that were not lit, Bo Ruoyou felt sad, and the murderer chased after him. With Zheng Yunni and the eldest lady, does she hate her mother’s inability to take care of her, and she is dissatisfied with Zheng Yunni, who is also a sister but is different from her, so she wants to attack them?

A cold wind suddenly rolled up the ground, and the robe of Huo Weilou who was walking in front flew up, and the golden dark pattern on the robe appeared and disappeared. Under the bright and extinguished torches and night lights, his broad back became more and more intimidating. People, no one knows how Huo Weilou thought, nor did he explain why he wanted to look in this direction, but Bo Ruoyou never thought about this right or wrong, as if she trusted Wu Zhaohou from the beginning.

Bo Ruoyou is very familiar with the road to the east, but just after turning a corner, Huo Wei Tower suddenly stopped in front of him. Bo Ruoyou was unable to close enough, and almost hit the back of Huo Wei Tower. Huo Wei Tower was taller than her. After a lot of time, she didn’t understand why Huo Wei Tower stopped, but when she looked over the shoulders of Huo Wei Tower and looked towards the eastern sky, she first saw a thick flame of smoke rising from under the eastern sky—

“Fight the fire.”

Before Bo Ruoyou could react, he heard the word “Sink” in Huo Wei Tower.

He stepped forward and walked hurriedly, and the embroidered clothes envoy behind him moved even more. After Huo Weilou took a few steps forward, Bo Ruoyou’s vision was no longer blocked, and she saw the scene that shocked her.

In the bamboo forest to the east, there was a big fire for some reason. The fire was rolled up with dead leaves and grasses. In addition, most of the snow had melted. At this moment, most of the bamboo forest was turned into a sea of ​​flames by the wind.

fire! It turned out to be on fire again!

Huo Wei Building had already rushed to the fire forest. Father Fu and He Cheng were also panicked. He Cheng ordered the government office to fight the fire and looked at Zheng Wenrong and Zheng Wen’an. It’s not like an ancestral hall…”

The ancestral hall is almost isolated from the front yard. Except for the pine and cypresses that have been embraced for a century, there are no buildings beside it. But this bamboo forest is different. The bamboo forest is close to the front yard. As the fire spread to the entire Hou Mansion, both Zheng Wenrong and Zheng Wen’an’s expressions changed drastically. Zheng Wenrong was more calm than Zheng Wen’an, and immediately turned around to call someone in the mansion, but Zheng Wen’an stared blankly at the fire and did not react.

Bo Ruoyou followed He Cheng and the others to rush to the fire forest. As soon as he got closer, he saw that all the embroidery agents in the plum forest gathered outside the bamboo forest. However, the cold wind was strong at night, and the fire was almost unstoppable. In addition, there is no water in the culvert lotus pond, how to save the fire is really a problem.

However, Huo Weilou said in a deep voice: “First dig the trees on both sides of the east and west, separated by sand belts, so that the servants in the residence can fetch water and fight the fire from the upper wind.” As he said, Huo Weilou raised his eyes and looked at the sky, “Fortunately, Today is the westerly wind.”

If the direction of the wind changes and the fire is brought to the house, it will be more difficult to contain. Bo Ruoyou looks at the raging bamboo forest, but wonders how the fire started. Although there are many dead leaves in the bamboo forest, it is white today. Most of the snow melted in the day, and most of the dead leaves were wet. Even if sparks fell on it, they might not be able to ignite, but now, there is such a big fire in the forest.

Just as Bo Ruoyou’s thoughts settled, a figure suddenly appeared in the fire forest. She was feeling surprised, but found that the person who ran out of the forest was Zheng Yunni! At this moment, the expressions of all those standing outside the forest changed drastically.

“Yun Ni?!” Zheng Wen’an stepped forward and exclaimed in surprise.

Zheng Yunni took the eldest wife to Zhemei, but disappeared halfway without going to Meilin, but at this time, she actually ran out of the fire. Not to mention Zheng Wenan, but Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help but want to exclaim.

Zheng Yunni almost ran out of the bamboo forest with sparks all over her body. Her face was black and gray. Her dress and skirt were singed out of large and small holes, and her hair was scorched a few strands. She fell down as soon as she ran out. He raised his head, tears all over his face, “Fifth Uncle, save my mother, that person… that person is going to burn my mother and me to death. My mother was left inside to save me!”

Her voice was hoarse, her expression of horror was trembling when she spoke, and she looked terribly terrified when she spoke. Zheng Wen’an looked at the fire scene in shock, “What? Sister-in-law in there?”

Huo Weilou looked at Zheng Yunni condescendingly, and raised his hands to the two embroidered ambassadors around him. The two immediately followed the road where Zheng Yunni ran out of Shicai and entered the fire. Zheng Yunni collapsed on the ground, crying, “Yes… inside…”

She turned around and watched tears in the forest, “Mother is still inside, please help mother…”

Zheng Wenan looked very distressed, and stepped forward to support her, “Yun Ni, what is going on? Why are you here?”

Zheng Yunni cried, “I came to take my mother to Zhemei, but when halfway there, there was a flash of fire in the forest. My mother was attracted and ran over here. I couldn’t hold her alone, so I had to follow. After chasing in, and as soon as I entered the forest, I smelled a strange smell in the forest. At this moment, that person appeared…”

“Which person?” Zheng Wenan asked anxiously.

Zheng Yunni’s voice was trembling, “It’s… it’s the ghost of grandmother… That man is wearing the grandmother’s robe and staring at us with a pair of eyes. She said that she has been waiting for us for a long time, and she hasn’t finished speaking. She threw the Huozhezi to the ground. Only then did I realize that the surrounding woods were full of tung oil…”

Zheng Yunni was crying and tearing his lungs. Although he was held by Zheng Wen’an, he still couldn’t stand up. At this moment, he held Zheng Wen’an’s arm tightly, “Uncle Wu, save my mother…” He said, and turned around again. Looking at Huo Weilou, “Master Hou, please save your mother. My mother is ill, she… how can she run out…”

Zheng Yunni’s tears burst, and every word is heartbroken. She was born beautiful and gorgeous. She fell to the ground at the moment, her beautiful eyes were crying red, and the stains on her face made her look weaker and pitiful. , Thinking about how she had just escaped from the fire forest, but the biological mother was still in the fire forest in order to save her, and the tip of He Cheng’s nose was already moved and slightly sour.

“Miss, the embroiderer has entered the fire. Don’t be afraid, the lady will be rescued.”

Zheng Wenrong brought the servants in the house and hurried over with buckets. Seeing Zheng Yunni falling to the ground, describing it as a fleeing disaster, he was shocked. When Zheng Wenan said that the murderer was going to burn her and the lady to death, Zheng Wenrong broke out in a cold sweat. Come.

Zheng Yunni’s crying people were shocked. She was afraid that she would not be able to save the eldest lady, so she climbed two steps and grabbed the robe of Huo Weilou. “Master Hou, please send a few more people, and a few more people to save her mother. , Mother is all to save me, save her, save her

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