The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 28 - One inch of gold (end) [with additional content]

“My lord, I haven’t written the certificate before, but can you ask Minnu to write it to the adults?”

According to the previous practice, after the autopsy, Bo Ruoyou had to write the test report and submit it to the court. It was just that the autopsy was in a hurry and did not go through the yamen procedure, which delayed this. He Cheng smiled and said: “That’s the best. , Xiaobo, it is really thanks to you this time. You don’t have to worry, stay in the city for two more days, and then I will send someone to send you back.”

Bo Ruoyou was noncommittal, but glanced in the direction where Huo Weilou left. She had already expected Huo Weilou’s urgency. She just left overnight. It was still a bit unexpected. She thought that Huo Weilou rescued her twice, but nothing happened. Thinking of repaying, Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help feeling that he owed him something, but after this difference, I was afraid that there would be no chance to meet in the future, and he could only owe it.

He Cheng said again: “It’s late today, don’t worry about this one-and-a-half hour, you don’t want to go back and rest.”

Bo Ruoyou hesitated for a moment, “Mindv also intends to return to Qingshan County sooner. Adults know that Mindv’s foster father is ill, and he is always worried.”

He Cheng sighed, “It’s hard to be filial to you, nothing else, let me prepare a pen and ink test paper, and you can write it tonight.”

Bo Ruoyou replied, and Zheng Wenrong walked up at this moment. He was only suitable to bring people to fight the fire. At this moment, he was covered with a lot of smoke and dust. He was tired and shocked by everything tonight. Xianfeng Dao bones.

“My lord, can you… let me see the kid?”

His eyes were a little bit panic, and there was also a pleading. He Cheng groaned slightly, “I just held it, it’s not easy to meet, and let the government try to say that she has three lives in her body, no matter how lightly sentenced, the fourth master does not know. Those of the law should know that if the Ministry of Criminal Affairs has a conclusion, they will be escorted back to Beijing soon. During this period, they will always be able to see them for a long time.”

Zheng Wenrong asked again: “Fifth brother and Yun Ni, how about the two of them?”

He Cheng sighed, “It depends on the meaning of the capital. At the beginning, your mansion had falsely reported your birthday, and you also concealed the twins. It is more serious, it is to deceive the king, and to be younger…”

He Cheng smiled wryly, “I really don’t know how to make it smaller.”

Zheng Wenrong suddenly expressed concern, “When things are up to this day, I don’t ask for glory and wealth, but I just ask not to break the Zheng’s bloodline.”

He Cheng thought for a while, “If the Fourth Master really wants to save people, he should write to the capital immediately. The old Xinyang Hou is now in charge of the Xinyang Hou Mansion and can still speak to the palace. Now, only his old man I can help one or two.”

Zheng Wenrong’s eyes immediately brightened. The Anqing Hou’s Mansion was in Qingzhou, and for many years he did not move with the capital very often, and he was sent out of the Hou Mansion since he was a child, and he was naturally quite strange to his relatives in the capital, but this old Xinyang Hou, But it was his uncle, and now, there is really no other way but to ask her.

“My lord’s words are extremely true, I will write to the capital now.”

He Cheng nodded, “You have to be fast, Wu Zhaohou will also write to the capital. You can’t be as fast as him, but you can’t delay it, lest the palace knows the news, and Xinyanghou gave the order before he could intercede. I can’t get back to heaven.”

Zheng Wenrong bowed his hand, “Yes, thank you sir.”

He Cheng nodded. He was the chief officer of the case, so he couldn’t speak any more, so he took Bo Ruoyou to the front yard. Zheng Wenrong stood there watching the two go further and further, and he couldn’t help but sigh heavily. .

He Cheng was also a little embarrassed. He walked a few steps away before talking to Bo Ruoyou, “We have seen a lot of cases. This is the first time I have encountered a family homicide like Anqing Hou Mansion. These family members look at Ronghua. Noble, but I don’t know how many ugly things are hidden inside.”

After a pause, He Cheng said again: “There are still a few details about this case. Mother Yu and the others must be brought back to Haosheng for interrogation. You can write your test report tonight. If you are in a hurry tomorrow, you can go directly to Qingshan. County, Xiaobo, I want to thank you this time.”

He turned around and looked at Bo Ruoyou, seeing that there was a gentle and kindness between her delicate eyebrows and her eyes, but he was moved a little bit of care, “What kind of illness did your foster father have? I remember that he is also a medical practitioner, if it is Qingshan The county is inconvenient. Our government will find you a house in Qingzhou City. It is much more convenient for you and your foster father to live in Qingzhou City to see a doctor and find medicine.”

He Cheng had already moved the thought of letting Bo Ruoyou stay by his side to help. He had expressed this thought in front of Huo Weilou earlier. After hearing this, Bo Ruoyou thought a little but said: “It depends on what the foster father means. And… we probably won’t stay in Qingzhou for a long time.”

He Cheng chuckles in his heart, “Not staying in Qingzhou for a long time? Where are you going?”

Bo Ruo faintly smiled, “If you want to go back to your hometown, the folk girls are not from Qingzhou.”

He Cheng knew that Bo Ruoyou had been in Qingshan County for many years, but he didn’t know where her family land was, so he asked, “Where is your native place?”

“It’s… to the north.”

He Cheng nodded, thinking that Bo Ruoyou would leave Qingzhou in the future, he only felt that the sky was a little darker, but he didn’t ask carefully which north side is, “Xiao Bo, you are leaving, I…”

Bo Ruoyou smiled lightly, “Adults are dedicated to the people, and they will surely be able to rise to the sky in the future. Maybe they won’t stay in Qingzhou for long.”

This remark made He Cheng’s heart, as if he was also afraid of He Cheng’s inquiries, Bo Ruoyou turned to the case, “Mostly I still have to ask Mother Yu, when he hid a child, It’s just a baby. Who took care of her here, and later grew up, kept her in a dark room, and how to take care of her, most of them only knew about Mother Yu.”

After thinking about it, Bo Ruoyou said again: “The evidence in the dark room has been collected, but a few other rooms have been destroyed, otherwise more evidence can be found, but now the facts have been confirmed, I want to come to Yuma Mother dare not hide it anymore.”

The two of them had arrived in the front yard during the conversation. He Chengling asked the office worker to find the pen and ink for the examination. Bo Ruoyou wrote the test report in the front yard. “Boy girl, Master Hou invites you to go.”

Bo Ruo faintly stunned, and He Cheng also thought something was wrong when he heard the words, “But what are the omissions in the case?”

The embroidered clothes envoy stared at him, “This subordinate doesn’t know, Master Hou only said that he wants to see the thin girl.”

He Cheng hurriedly took the brush from Bo Ruoyou’s hand, “If you don’t write, don’t write anymore, walk around and see Master Hou—”

Although he didn’t say that he wanted to see He Cheng, He Cheng didn’t dare to be careless. He still followed, and when he arrived at the guest house, he had nothing but to wait outside in the courtyard.

Father Fu smiled and brought Bo Ruoyou into the door, “Tomorrow we are leaving. When will Miss Bo go back to Qingshan County?”

Bo Ruoyou said: “It will be tomorrow. If Mr. He hasn’t instructed, the girl will go back sooner.”

Father Fu nodded, and the two entered the study.

Bo Ruoyoufu blessed his body, “See you, Lord Hou.”

Huo Weilou still wore the black robe, sitting behind the bookcase, his expression gloomy, he looked at Bo Ruoyou, and suddenly asked: “Do you plan to go back tomorrow?”

Bo Ruoyou nodded, “Yes, the foster father is still ill and needs someone to look after him.”

Hearing this, Huo Weilou’s expression dimmed for a while, his phoenix eyes were half-narrowing thin, as if he was hesitating. Father Fu was quite suspicious when he saw him, but the next moment Huo Wei said in the corridor: “I can think of the past. Do something else elsewhere?”

Bo Ruoyou raised his head in surprise. Huo Weilougui is Wu Zhaohou. Although he is in charge of the criminal division, all the cases that can be handled by him are extraordinary homicides. He asked about this, but he didn’t know what his plan was.

Bo Ruoyou’s heart turned a thousand times, but at the end, he lowered his eyes, “For the time being…I don’t have such plans yet.”

Father Fu suddenly opened his eyes.

Although Huo Weilou’s words were asking her, the meaning was obvious during the period. If you change to an ordinary person, you can only wait for Wu Zhaohou to work as a dog, but the little girl spoke a word of refusal.

Duke Fu glanced at Huo Weilou in fear, and as expected, Master Huohou’s eyes were already dark.

Father Fu squeezed a sweat for Bo Ruoyou, coughed lightly, “Thin—”

“Fine.” Huo Weilou suddenly said, and then asked, “The last time Ben Hou said, if the case is solved, you can have something to ask, can you think about it?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “People’s girls have nothing to ask for.”

Huo Weilou looked at Bo Ruoyou, his brows frowned. Everyone he saw had selfish desires. Knowing the desires of people was like pinching the seven inches of a snake, but Bo Ruoyou made him a little bit unable to see through. You must know that after today’s farewell, she will hardly have this opportunity again.

“Fine, get out.”

Huo Weilou’s voice was dull, and only Father Fu could hear him a little angry.

Bo Ruoyou breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly blessed his body, “The girl retires.”

She turned and walked fast, as if he was a scourge, Huo Weilou couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows.

Bo Ruoyou walked out the door, and the obsessive sight behind her was blocked. She exhaled deeply. Although she was not afraid of Huo Wei Building, but Shi was in the study room, after all, she was a little nervous and out of breath.

When Huo Weilou asked, there was probably something she had to do, but although she was like a duckweed, she still had a foster father to take care of. Naturally, it was impossible to go elsewhere.

However, there was an inexplicable novelty in her heart.

What kind of errand is it that allows Wu Zhaohou to speak to her?

This thought flashed by and she was pressed by Bo Ruoyou. She was a little bumpy when she was a child. As her adoptive father and mother grew up, her temperament was rather indifferent. For appreciation, she could use one or two long ago, but the ambition is not here.

Seeing her coming out, He Chengqi stepped forward and asked, “Bo, what did Hou Ye say?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “Master Hou asked the girl if he wanted any reward.”

He Cheng’s eyes lit up, “What did you say?”

Bo Ruoyou smiled bitterly, “The girl doesn’t dare to ask for any rewards because she just does some internal affairs.”

The excitement in He Cheng’s eyes suddenly died down, “You… why don’t you get rid of it, this is Wu Zhaohou, when he speaks, do you know how much benefit he can promise you?”

Bo Ruoyou tilted his head and thought for a moment.

He Cheng knew that Bo Ruoyou was joking, and sighed helplessly. Seeing Huo Weilou didn’t mean to see him, he walked out with her. However, just after leaving the hospital, a small servant from the palace came towards him. He Cheng thought he was coming. Looking for him, he asked, “What’s wrong? But something went wrong in the front yard?”

The young man shook his head and turned to look at Bo Ruoyou, “Boy girl, someone is looking for you outside the house.”

He Cheng was a little surprised when he heard that, Bo Ruoyou returned to Qingshan County after handling the case several times. In Qingzhou City, I was afraid that he would recognize the people of the government office. At this time, the young man said again: “It’s a cripple.”

As soon as these words fell, Bo Ruoyou’s expression changed slightly, “Foster father is here.”

He Cheng was startled, “Ah? Isn’t your foster father seriously ill…”

Bo Ruoyou was a little anxious, “I don’t know why it is here, adults, people and daughters go to see the foster father first.”

He Cheng hurriedly waved his hand, and confessed that the young man should not neglect Bo Ruoyou’s foster father, and then he watched her leave quickly.

Bo Ruoyou saw Cheng Yunzhi in the tea room of the gatehouse of the Hou Mansion.

One of Cheng Yun, who is nearly half a hundred years old, wore a coarse cloth robes. His temples were pale. Because of a chronic illness, his expression was haggard, and he looked a bit older than his actual age. In addition, he was holding a cane, and his whole person looked a little more desolate. He is Bo Ruoyou’s adoptive father, and he was greeted in the tea room just now.

When I saw Cheng Yunzhi’s Bo Ruoyou, he was worried, “Why did the foster father come?”

Cheng Yunzhi has inconvenient legs and feet. She has never left Qingshan County in the past ten years. Now she has entered Qingzhou City for the first time, which really surprised and worried her.

Cheng Yunzhi glanced at the teahouse door and saw that there was no one outside before asking, “Quiet, but the embroiderer is here in the city?”

Bo Ruo was slightly surprised, “How did the foster father find out?”

Cheng Yunzhi said in a convenient way: “Someone in the county saw it and thought it was a big man. After I went back, I talked about it. After listening to him, I only knew—”

Bo Ruoyou looked at Cheng Yunzhi, “Foster father knew only by hearing that it was an embroiderer?”

Cheng Yunzhi waved his hand, “It’s not important, I just ask you, is the case solved?”

Bo Ruo faintly nodded, “Just half an hour ago, the murderer had already held it. I planned to go back tomorrow.”

Cheng Yunzhi asked: “The embroidered clothing ambassador is now in the hands of Wu Zhaohou. If he can travel with the embroidered clothing ambassador, but Wu Zhaohou is here?”

When Bo Ruoyou responded, Cheng Yunzhi fell into contemplation. Bo Ruoyou couldn’t figure out what Cheng Yunzhi meant, so he tentatively asked, “What does foster father mean?”

Cheng Yunzhi raised his head, his slightly muddy eyes looked at Bo Ruoyou nicely, “It’s been so many years, we should also go back.”

In the guest house, Huo Weilou picked up the official documents sent from Luozhou these days and looked at it. His face was as deep as water. Father Fu waited for a stick of incense before he stepped forward and asked in a soft voice, “Hou Ye… something happened to Luozhou. ?”

Huo Weilou slammed the official document onto the table with a “pop”. Father Fu saw his eyebrows beating, mumbling and looking at the official document, “Isn’t it just being rejected by the thin girl?” , Even though it’s the first time, you don’t have to be born like this…what?! The good guys died?!”

Huo Weilou didn’t hear the grunt of Father Fu, and said in a deep voice, “The person at this moment is dead. If there is no trick, it is really unconvincing.”

Father Fu said “Oh”, “So Master Hou wants Miss Bo to go to Luozhou with him?”

Huo Weilou raised his brows, and Father Fu coughed lightly: “Or…you don’t have to ask, just give the order, can the thin girl still resist her orders?”

Huo Weilou glanced lightly at Father Fu, and Father Fu said again: “Actually…The Ming family is already on the road, and Master Hou doesn’t have to let Miss Bo go to Luozhou.”

Huo Weilou retracted his gaze, his expression still indistinguishable.

Father Fu only found it a little funny. In the past, it was not that he did not do errands elsewhere and met useful talents, but failed to subdue him. It is not that Huo Weilou cares much, but today, his many emotions are somewhat exposed.

Father Fu sighed, “Actually, thinking about it, a little girl, from Qingshan County to Qingzhou City has not been easy, how can she follow us? You brought all adult men, one by one, evil spirits. Who would dare to follow us alone, either by eating the bear heart and leopard’s courage, or by conspiring against you, Wu Zhaohou—”

“Master Hou, Miss Bo, please see me.”

Father Fu hadn’t finished speaking yet, and an embroidered clothes ambassador had already told him about it.

Father Fu was surprised, “Why come back so soon.”

Huo Weilou’s black jade finger on the frosted hand, paused before saying, “Let her come in.”

Soon, Bo Ruoyou’s slender figure appeared at the door again, evasive when she left, but slowly when she came, she walked with a bit of hesitation on her face, as if she was being caught up here. Pushed behind.

“Meet Hou Ye.”

He bowed first, and Bo Ruoyou lowered his eyes, somehow he didn’t know how to speak.

Huo Weilou stared at her, but didn’t ask.

Bo Ruoyou pursed the corners of his lips and bit his scalp and said, “Master Hou, the ladies can go elsewhere to do work, please order from Master Hou.”

Father Fu couldn’t help laughing out loud, “How did Miss Bo change her mind?”

Bo Ruoyou felt hot at the moment, but her next words were even more surprising. She said in a calm voice, “Because…because the people’s daughters are asking for Lord Hou.”

Huo Weilou looked at Bo Ruoyou respectfully and obediently with a smile but a smile. He was quite spine at the moment, but now he came up to the door by himself. When he comes here, he will come, and he will leave?

“What do you want?”

Bo Ruoyou hesitated for a moment, “The girl dare not ask without asking, let alone what the Lord Hou told him. If the errand satisfies the Lord Hou, the girl dare to ask the Lord Hou.”

Father Fu looked at the Huo Wei Tower, and then at Bo Ruoyou. Just when he thought that Bo Ruoyou, who had left and came back, was going to suffer a bit, Huo Weilou suddenly said, “I will leave for Luozhou tomorrow. You need to check the old case.”

Bo Ruoyou clenched the pink fist in his sleeve and said, “Yes, the girl will do her best.”

Huo Weilou didn’t seem to want to say anything to her at all, and waved his hand impatiently between his brows, “Get down.”

Bo Ruoyou breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t expect it to be easy. She just walked out of the house, Huo Weilou’s expression was slightly solemn, “Go and check to see who she was talking to when she went out.”

Father Fu also felt quite surprised, Bo Ruoyou was not a fickle temperament, and his mind changed drastically during this moment, which was a bit strange.

The embroiderer went out for inquiries, and soon got the exact news, and came back and said: “It’s Miss Bo’s adoptive father who is here. She said it was Miss Bo who went out for a few days. Don’t worry about her. Come and have a look. She has already left the Hou Mansion a moment ago. NS.”

“Her foster father?” Huo Weilou frowned.

Fu Gong said: “Girl Bo was raised by her foster father and mother.”

Huo Weilou’s knuckles subconsciously tapped on the arm of the chair, and at a certain moment, “Go to find out who her foster father is, and then check her life experience. Even if it takes a few days to use her, it can’t be unknown.”

After a pause, he said again: “Let the things sent from the capital be transferred to Luozhou.”

Father Fu understood this, and ordered himself.

He Cheng learned that Bo Ruoyou had to go to Luozhou with Huowei Tower to investigate the case in the early morning of the second day. He was dark and greasy when he tried the suspect overnight. Hearing this news, the whole talent woke up from exhaustion.

When the Hou Mansion sent the Huo Wei Tower to the Huo Wei Building, I saw that the team with only horses had an extra carriage, and Bo Ruoyou was waiting outside the mansion gate, who was also very sensible. She was still as elegant and calm as she came. The morning light fell on her shoulders, and the whole person was calm and quiet that did not match her age.

He Cheng greeted him, “Bo, are you going to Luozhou with Master Hou?”

Bo Ruoyoufu blessed the body, “Yes, after this time, most of the people will not return to Qingzhou anymore. Thank you for taking care of them in the past few years.”

He Cheng knew that Bo Ruoyou would leave Qingzhou sooner or later last night, but didn’t want this change to come so quickly. Thinking that Bo Ruoyou had solved a lot of difficult cases for her in the past few years, his heart was mixed, “Where is it?” I take care of you. You have helped me a lot. You are so sudden that I didn’t even prepare a gift.”

Bo Ruoyou smiled, “You don’t have to worry about it, your lord has a tired look, but the trial last night?”

He Cheng sighed, “Yes, the silly girl first confessed last night, and then she tried to judge Mother Yu. I thought she would no longer argue. Who knows that this person is very stubborn, and only confessed at dawn. There are institutions in the ancestral hall. She took care of the child who was hidden before the age of five. She went to the dark room only a few days later. She only sent water, food and clothing through the dark window, and did not even touch the face, so she did not find that the person hidden inside had been changed. Then, after listening to her words, when Lord Hou came, he destroyed the dark room of the institution, regardless of the child’s life and death…”

He Cheng sighed again and again, Bo Ruoyou remembered what he had seen and heard in the mansion these few days, and his thoughts were heavy. He Cheng said again: “Then Wu Ye Zheng also recruited, but his crime is simple, nothing more than knowing about twins back then. , I also know that she is hidden in the ancestral hall, and Madam Yu is guarded. In these years, she has never seen the child. Everyone deliberately forgot her. He also said that she wanted to wait for the outside person to marry her with the second majesty. Send it away, I’m afraid she will see the faces of everyone change…”

Bo Ruoyou turned to ask, “What did the idiot confess?”

He Cheng looked slightly relaxed when he heard this question, “What did the idiot ask and say? Two years ago, the eldest lady rescued her. She was grateful and rescued the eldest lady from the dry well. She felt that both herself and the lady were both She has scars, looks very similar, and wants to repay her kindness, so she treated her as a close relative. In the past two years, the eldest lady walked in the house as ghosts. She was not used to it at first for many years underground, but the silly aunt is a solid, all the time. They helped her, and gradually became like ordinary people.”

“Don’t look at her thin and small, but she was really like the savages who have lived in the woods for many years. She was fierce and fearless at any time. She hurt a clerk when she was put in the cell last night. I broke the ya chai’s wrist.”

He Cheng sighed again: “As far as the sisters are concerned, I think the silly aunt and the eldest lady are more like sisters. The silly aunt said that after the eldest lady came up, she remembered many old things, and gradually got to know people and knew about the Hou Mansion. Over the years, she saw that the masters of the Hou Palace were doing well, as if she really felt that she was no longer alive, and the whole mansion was still worrying about the marriage between the little one and the second prince, and a lot of hatred came out of her heart. “

“Later, she often pretended to be a silly woman and walked around in the mansion. On two occasions, she was alone with the lady. Everyone in the mansion looked down on her. She didn’t pay much attention to her and was fooled. The idiot said that the lady was extremely cold. In addition to her and the eldest lady, it is defensive and hateful to everyone else, especially the old lady.”

“Before the New Year, when I learned that the masters of Palace Hou were going to the capital after the beginning of the spring, the idiot found that something was wrong with her. She seemed to be planning something. In the past two years, she has figured out all the personnel and terrain in the house and brought down the people. It is clear when the value is changed. On New Year’s Eve, the idiot saved the New Year’s meal and waited for her to come out to eat. After eating, she touched the Buddhist hall. The old lady had an accident the next morning. The idiot said she was Guess the old lady’s accident has something to do with her.”

Bo Ruoyou gazed at him: “The marriage of the fake eldest lady and the second prince is just around the corner, and the entire Anqing Hou Mansion will return to the capital. And she, who is hidden, will naturally be kept in the underground darkroom of the Hou Mansion forever, so she can’t help it.”

He Cheng nodded, “Later, the silly aunt asked her too, but the eldest lady didn’t tell her in detail. She couldn’t do anything, so she had to continue to help her. However, somehow, she had the opportunity to attack Zheng Yunni. I haven’t done anything…”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, and thought for a moment: “It seems that humanity has been wiped out, but she can distinguish the culprit. She saved the idiot, and the idiot saved her again, and she also regarded the idiot as a cron. She has been imprisoned for many years, and I am afraid that she has also thought that this sister has been imprisoned for several years, or she wants to be the last one.”

Bo Ruoyou said and shook his head. He couldn’t understand how she felt when she was trapped in the ground by mistakes, so she couldn’t completely guess it. He thought of the twin sisters who were so happy and happy. In such a field, there are only a lot of sighs in my heart, and the two of them have never been the initiators.

The real sisters weren’t sisters, on the contrary, they had a lot of fate with the silly aunt. But the silly aunt said that Bo Ruoyou had no doubts. On the frightening side last night, Zheng Yunni didn’t say anything, she just looked cold and cruel. To show people, it seems that there is no fear and soft heart that ordinary people would have.

But Bo Ruoyou thought, this is definitely not her full picture, and in this world, perhaps only a silly woman knows what kind of face Zheng Yunni really is.

She only felt a little congested in her heart, and then asked, “Then their sisters never spoke?”

He Cheng smiled bitterly. “The older one didn’t say anything as soon as she entered the cell. She understood it, but she just didn’t want to speak. She was stunned. When she got closer, she looked vigilant and stern. Some are horrible, as if not afraid of this big crime falling on her, and too lazy to argue. The little one is a bit crazy, and there are a lot of angry words in his words. Asking the details of the year, she can’t say clearly, I’m afraid to After being closed for two days, she saw the situation clearly.”

Bo Ruo’s humor came down, thinking of the eldest lady, his heart felt more sad. Both of these daughters were at fault, but this mother was so innocent that she was the most distressing. For a while, Bo Ruoyou even hoped that her illness would be more serious. , It is so serious that these heart-wrenching things have been completely forgotten, and it is good to spend the second half of life happily in madness.

The two were relatively speechless, but saw the door of the Hou Mansion open, and Huo Weilou walked out with a group of embroidered clothes ambassadors.

He Cheng hurriedly greeted him, “Master Hou, the next official will send Master Hou out of the city…”

Huo Weilou waved his hand, and when the embroidered clothes ambassador brought the horse, he turned over and got on the horseback, “You don’t have to send it far, just don’t pass it.” After a pause, Huo Weilou said again, “Qingzhou officials have been commenting for three consecutive years. The excellent performance shows that Mr. He has used some thoughts on the people of Qingzhou, and that is the way to be an official. If he gets an award for two years, he may have a chance to meet Ben Hou in the capital.”

This remark coincided with what Bo Ruoyou said that Qingyun went straight up, coupled with Wu Zhaohou’s personal encouragement, so He Cheng was very happy, and immediately knelt down with his robe, “The next official will not dare to forget Lord Hou’s instructions—”

Huo Weilou stopped talking, glanced at Bo Ruoyou, and went south of the city with his whip raised.

Father Fu also got on horseback and smiled, “Boy girl, what are you waiting for? Let’s set off.”

The carriage was set up for Bo Ruoyou. She hurriedly got on the carriage, only waved with He Cheng, and the whole team moved.

When the first rays of light burst out of the clouds in the early morning, I only heard Father Fu smiled and asked Bo Ruoyou, “Boy girl, follow us to a place where life is unfamiliar. Are you scared?”

Bo Ruoyou smiled at the car window and shook his head. Duke Fu glanced at the wide back of Huo Wei Building in front of him, “Then…Boy girl, how do you think our Lord Hou looks…”

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