The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 30 - Two-color lotus 02

Huo Weilou’s wrists were as hard as iron, and her thin and slender fingers clenched up, and it was hard to shake, but her eyes were filled with fright and anger, and her eyebrows dissipated gently, quite a bit bullying.

Huo Weilou brushed, and put her skirt down again, “When Benhou saw you dressed up like this in the morning, I knew it was wrong. I thought you wouldn’t last a long time, but you endured it all the way.”

Bo Ruoyou loosened Huo Weilou’s hand, and took a breath. It hurts too much. She really hurts too much. She can even feel the skin is worn out, the wound is bleeding and the underpants are stuck. Ripped apart.

There was still a drop of tears hanging from the corner of her eye. Hearing what Huo Weilou said, her eyebrows drooped, seeming to blame herself, and the corners of her lips were slightly stubborn. Huo Weilou stared at her for a moment and lifted her from her horse. Arrived in front of me.

Bo Ruoyou weighed nearly a hundred, but Huo Weilou’s arm strength was amazing, and it seemed that she sat on his horse’s back without any effort. He beat the horse a few steps forward, and shouted, “Get medicine. ——”

He joined the army at a young age, and took the post of Wu Zhaohou, in charge of embroidering clothes. He spent most of the year running for Jianhe Emperor. When he was on the road, he had everything he had around him. Soon, a bottle of ointment was handed over to Huo Weilou. .

Huo Weilou looked around and took Bo Ruoyou into the woods beside the road.

There was a pine forest beside the road here. Huo Weilou walked more than ten feet inward, and stopped the horse before a moss-covered bluestone. He turned over and got off the horse, and then pinched her down with a thin waist. .

He said it was carrying, because his hands really didn’t have much weight. Just as Bo Ruoyou’s feet touched the ground, his hands let go. She staggered and almost fell down. Huo Weilou raised her hand and the ointment lay on his palm. , “Apply medicine quickly.”

Bo Ruoyou looked at Huo Weilou with his eyes open, and Huo Weilou frowned, “You will be able to heal by yourself. Could it be that Benhou will do it for you–“

Before he could finish, Bo Ruoyou grabbed the ointment and limped behind the bluestone.

Huo Weilou stood beside the bluestone, looking unpredictable.

It is not surprising that Bo Ruoyou was injured. Don’t say that at the home of his delicate and tender daughter, the recruits who have just entered the battlefield must pass this test. Only when the flesh and blood scabs out of the cocoon can they be spared. It’s not that there is no way to cherish her, but he has been in power for many years, and the men who followed him are also iron-blooded men, making him bother with such trivial matters. There is really no reason for him to do so.

Yuehui was quiet like water, casting shadows in the forest, and the rosin was tangy, but Huo Weilou always smelled another kind of light fragrance of plants and flowers, he knew that it was the fragrance of Bo Ruoyou.

For a while, the traces of blood on Shi Cai’s white underpants came back into his mind. Although these minor injuries are not worth mentioning to him, Bo Ruoyou is a woman, and Shi Cai’s complexion is painful and difficult to bear. Shed tears.

It’s not so sad and beautiful, but rather restrained, and she probably didn’t know that she was crying, but the appearance of gritted teeth made him think of some long, but full of **** past.

Suddenly, in the audible silence of the needle drop, a rustling sound of Qing Xi’s dress rustled abruptly. The two were separated by only a stone. Of course he knew what Bo Ruoyou was doing right now.

Huo Weilou turned his head and stared at the huge bluestone that was nearly one person tall, his eyes were dimmed for a while.

Bo Ruo’s wounds are private, and when she thinks that Huo Weilou lifts her skirt as casual as she lifts a curtain, she is really angry. Who can believe that the prestigious Wu Zhaohou is so rude!

As Bo Ruoyou was taking the medicine, tears burst into tears, thinking that everyone outside was waiting, but he didn’t dare to delay. When she gritted her teeth and wiped the medicine, she broke out in a cold sweat again. Soon, she limped from the bluestone again. Walked out afterwards.

After this came out, it was discovered that Huo Wei Building had disappeared.

The forest is quiet, and Yue Guangming is clear. Although she was a little angry at Huo Weilou, he took her into the forest again after taking the medicine.

“Can you still go?”

Huo Weilou’s voice sounded in the other direction.

Bo Ruoyou looked over hurriedly. When he saw Huo Weilou holding a water pouch, he realized that he was only going to fetch water. Bo Ruoyou nodded, Huo Weilou walked up to her, frowning, “Suitable if he has no choice. , Will just grit your teeth and endure it?”

Bo Ruoyou’s eyebrows drooped, and he only felt that he was a drag on everyone.

Huo Weilou handed the water sac over, and took out another pill of indistinguishable color, “I have eaten it.”

Bo Ruoyou glanced up at Huo Weilou, and quickly swallowed the pill with two mouthfuls of ice water. Huo Weilou’s eyebrows and eyes showed a trace of satisfaction, and he walked to the horse’s side, hung up the water bag and turned on the horse.

Under his seat is a black horse with a black body and a very tall physique. At this moment, his nose is ringing. Although he has been galloping all day, he is still not tired. He walked out and said impatiently: “Where are you going?”

Bo Ruoyou stopped and looked back at him. He squinted his eyes, and took the first two steps. When he walked to Bo Ruoyou’s side, he leaned forward and took her to him. Bo Ruoyou’s eyes widened. As soon as he reached his lips, he listened to Huo Wei’s corridor: “Do you want to walk to Famen Temple by yourself?”

The horse was urged while they were talking, and the two of them quickly left the woods. Outside, the embroidered clothes were all dismounted to rest, and it was rare to relax. Seeing her two came out, Father Fu hurriedly greeted him, “What’s wrong? Youyou was injured.” ?”

Bo Ruoyou was a little uncomfortable, “Mind Girl——”

“Extremely stupid.” Huo Weilou said somewhat displeased.

Father Fu raised his brows, his eyes rolled, “Then… Lord Hou, this is…”

“Let’s go like this, the night is dark, and it is difficult to find a place to rest.” Huo Weilou looked down after speaking, and saw Bo Ruoyou hang his head, looking from his direction, he could only see her. Her eyelashes cast a shadow on the eyelids like a fan. Although she couldn’t see the expression under her eyes, the tip of her nose was cold and white, and her thin lips were blue. At the moment, the corners of her lips were tightly pressed.

Huo Weilou drove away, and father-in-law and the embroiderers also got on the horse. The thin horse lost its weight, but happily got up.

This is the first time Bo Ruoyou has gotten so close to a man. He is the foster father who has raised her for more than ten years. He only hugged her when she was a child. Therefore, when Huo Weilou’s strong breath and mountains generally envelop her, she breathes It’s all three points lighter.

She sat sideways in front of the Huo Wei Tower, her back stiff, and her complexion tense. Because she did not dare to lean against the Huo Wei Tower, the person stood upright like a wood pestle, without any fall, as the horse swayed. After a while, I heard Huo Weilou’s cold voice: “You won’t be able to eat this?”

Bo Ruoyou only felt his scalp numb, “The folk girl is stupid–“

Huo Weilou felt that Bo Ruoyou was using his words to block him. He laughed angrily at her for a while. When his eyes fell again, he saw Bo Ruoyou’s brows and eyes drooping, his delicate ears and white neck were all exposed in his eyes. , His phoenix eyes squinted, the next moment, he raised his hand and put the hood on her cloak on her head, and immediately covered her as a hood, and then swiped her into his arms. Only then is a dangling obstacle missing.

Bo Ruoyou didn’t say a word, and he couldn’t see her look, and he didn’t know what she was doing. He only felt that the person in his arms was frozen first, and after a while, he didn’t have the strength to stretch, so he leaned softly against him. forward.

When the hood was under the hood, Bo Ruoyou breathed a sigh of relief instantly, as if this was a curtain blocking the breath of Huo Weilou. With this curtain, her body and mind were relaxed for a while, Huo Weilou’s chest was wide and warm, and the whole person looked at it. She was somber and cold, but her arms were not loose or tight around her, holding on to the reins, and somehow made her feel at ease.

Bo Ruoyou sighed, forget it, what else can he do? He is Wu Zhaohou and saved her life. She shouldn’t criticize him for the rude behavior, but in his heart, there is no difference between lifting a woman’s skirt and taking off a man’s clothes.

After persuading himself for a long while, Bo Ruoyou leaned on Huo Weilou to get lazy without burden, and nothing else, now that Huo Weilou takes her, the night can finally pass.

The two of them rode together and traveled at night. Huo Weilou slowed down a little bit. After half an hour, Huo Weilou found that Bo Ruoyou was tighter and tighter. After listening attentively, she noticed that her breathing was long. Actually-fell asleep!

Huo Weilou: “…”

Huo Weilou felt that he was about to be laughed at by Bo Ruoyou again. A moment ago, he was still reluctant and unwilling. At this moment, he was able to sleep with peace of mind. He was really sturdy!

He couldn’t help but slowed down a little more, he raised his eyes to look at the clear moon in the sky, and suddenly realized that he hadn’t been on the road like this for a long time, but all the stars and nights were all in a hurry. generally. He looked down again, and the person in his arms was not an iron beating. Not only that, he knew at this moment that a woman’s weakness and bonelessness was not a joke.

Huo Weilou’s arms tightened.

When Bo Ruoyou woke up, he could see the sun bursting out of the sky. At the moment they were walking to a mountain top. She had just rubbed her dim sleepy eyes, and she saw the sun bursting out from the sky, glowing red. The clouds are lit like a fire, and the green hills are endless, and the fields are far and wide, and they are all bright.

Bo Ruoyou pulled down his hood and raised his face to meet the glow, “It’s so beautiful—”

“Where is the beauty?”

“The morning sun is like fire, the mountains and rivers are Qingyan, and we are admiring it on the top of the mountain. It is true that I have never been…”

Bo Ruoyou’s words of admiration broke off, and suddenly his complexion was slightly stiff, Huo Weilou said “Oh”, inexplicably inexplicably, “It has never been like this? Why don’t you continue to say it?”

The enthusiasm of Huo Weilou’s speech fell on her hair, and her back was numb again. She fell asleep and forgot that she was on the back of Wu Zhaohou’s horse, what “we” and what “me”, she really It’s too presumptuous!

Bo Ruoyou stalked her neck and said cautiously: “The girl… has never watched the sunrise. Although she can see the sun more often, she can stand on the top of the mountains with a broad view, but it is still very different.”

While talking, he straightened his body, and his voice was less joyful.

Huo Weilou said lightly: “Where is it different?”

His tone was calm, but it gave people a feeling of trying to hear her flaws in her speech. Bo Ruoyou was nervous for a moment. It’s also because of the Great Zhou Guotai and the people’s peace, Haiyan Heqing, Hou Ye contributed a lot here, and the girls are the people of the Great Zhou, so I feel quite blessed.”

Huo Weilou gave a short smile, “Snip your beard and slap a horse, did He Cheng teach you?”

Bo Ruoyou blinked and said, “Men’s daughter is what I say from the bottom of my heart.”

Huo Weilou said three-pointers loosely, and said softly, “You little girl, how do you know what Guotai Minan is?”

Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help but look up at Huo Weilou. Just as Huo Weilou looked down at her, his eyes met, breathing heard each other, and Bo Ruoyou looked down again in a hurry, but she looked righteously: A young woman, although her parents died early, grew up smoothly. The skills she learned are extraordinary, but she has something to do. People are not rich, but they are contented and happy. They do not complain about the king or hate their neighbors. Today, on the horseback of Lord Hou, I still have the heart to admire the mighty sun, and I am also proud of being born as a Zhou man. Isn’t it the country’s peace and security?”

Huo Weilou did not sneer again.

Hearing his words, Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help but raise his eyes to look at him. From her direction, Huo Weilou’s five senses were unreliable, his phoenix eyes looked deep into the sky, and the clouds reflected in his eyes, like mountains and rivers. In his eyes.

Also in his palm.

Bo Ruoyou will not be able to withdraw his gaze in the future, and Huo Weilou has already looked down at her, “If everyone thinks like you do, it really is Guotai Min’an.”

Bo Ruoyou never looked down in a hurry this time. She looked at Huo Weilou. His eyes had never been able to discern emotions. But at this time, she seemed to have a glimpse of a deep edge. She suddenly asked, “Does Lord Hou read Buddhist scriptures? “

Huo Weilou didn’t know why she had this question, and only raised her eyebrows and said, “When Ben Hou was in the army, there were millions of corpses floating on the battlefield. Do you think Ben Hou can cultivate Buddhism?”

Bo Ruoyou was not horrified by his words, she just said with certainty, “There is a saying in the Lotus Sutra, “Through one lamp to spread all the lamps, in the end, all the lamps will be bright.” Hou Yezhi May, say the same.”

Bo Ruoyou beautiful eyes are like stars, clear and bright. If she has reservations, the bottom of her eyes will seem to be stained with the mist of the Lancang River. , This pair of eyes seems to have bottomed out, and can only, and will only accommodate you alone.

Huo Weilou said nothing for a moment, the next moment, he suddenly raised his hand to cover Bo Ruoyou’s eyes, the next moment, he put the hood on her head again, and the whip lifted like an arrow from the string. Speed ​​down the mountain!

This day is still a whole day on the road. At sunset, the team entered a village. It is still early at this moment, but if you go further, you will miss this place. And the next village and town do not know where it is, it is inevitable. Another night to go, Huo Weilou did not need Fu Gonggong to persuade everyone to rest here.

This place has gone beyond the border of Qingzhou and entered Luozhou. The inn is larger than the Laifu Inn. The embroidery ambassador has wrapped up the seven or eight rooms on the second floor that are free, and Bo Ruoyou lives in the end room next to Huowei Building as usual.

After driving for two days and one night in a row, not to mention Bo Ruoyou, even the embroidered clothes ambassadors were all tired, and Father Fu was crying with sore waist and back pain. In the whole team, only Huo Weilou remained. Upright and straightforward.

But Bo Ruoyou entered the guest room as soon as he arrived at the inn. The medicine given by Huo Wei Building was good. This day was not as difficult as the first day. But after two days and one night on horseback, it took more than a whole day to walk in a carriage. It was many times uncomfortable, and Bo Ruoyou didn’t dare to be careless. She went to help Huo Weilou for an autopsy. It would be a mistake if she got tired on the road.

Therefore, after having eaten up dinner in the evening, and after a simple scrubbing, she said to Father Fu to go to bed and rest.

Huo Weilou received a complaint from Duke Fu and sneered, “She was the only one who slept last night.”

Father Fu sighed, “Don’t Hou Ye use Youyou as a man? Speaking of which, why not find a carriage for her.”

Huo Wei Building did not change its iron face, “No, Lin Huai has already arrived, no delay.”

Father Fu was a little worried, “Then Lord Hou is still taking a quiet ride. I am afraid that she will have trouble riding her horse. If she becomes tired and becomes ill, Lord Hou will be unavailable at that time.”

Huo Weilou let out a faint “um”, as if he was not willing but had to do it.

Bo Ruoyou slept until the sky was dim. When he woke up the next morning, he felt that his vitality had recovered. After breakfast was used, the group was ready to set off. Bo Ruoyou said that Huowei Building had not been able to take her before. Along the way, now that she has a rest for the whole night, she mostly wants to ride a horse on her own, for which she wears two pairs of underpants.

However, when she came out, Huo Weilou waved to her on horseback, “Not enough to come—”

Bo Ruoyou walked to him, “Master Hou, today Mindv is herself…”

“Don’t delay your effort.” As he said, he leaned forward and pulled Bo Ruoyou in front of him.

Bo Ruoyou hesitated for a moment. Seeing that the other embroiders were looking at him, he didn’t dare to say anything. When the horse galloped out of the inn, he put on his hood very consciously.

The horse rested for one night, and the schedule was faster, but this time Huowei Tower did not enter Luozhou City, and only went to Qixia Mountain. It saved some time by taking a shortcut, and when it was at the foot of Qixia Mountain, The night has just fallen.

Knowing that Marquis Wu Zhao is here today, there are many people waiting at the foot of Qixia Mountain, and Famen Temple not only did not hold the Ten Thousand Buddhas Convention, but also closed the mountain gate early in the morning. Therefore, when Huowei Tower arrived, the mountain was deserted and there was no responsibility. A pilgrim.

From a long distance, everyone saw what was in front of Huo Wei Building. Everyone knew the nature of Huo Wei Building. For a while, they thought that there was something in front of Huo Wei Building. Everyone’s complexion changed slightly.

When Huo Wei Lou came to the front, everyone saw that there was a beautiful woman in Huo Wei Lou’s arms, all of them stared in surprise. It still means that Huo Wei Lou’s embroidered clothes envoy Luke has arrived five days earlier. The reaction is the fastest, and you have to come to salute the first time.

“Meet Hou Ye, Hou Ye has worked hard all the way.”

Huo Wei came downstairs and threw the whip to Luke. He turned around and saw Bo Ruoyou disembarking carefully, so he grasped her waist and put her down.

Lu Ke twitched his eyebrows, “Master Hou, a few adults are here, and Master Jingming.”

The words were settled, and several people standing behind came forward to salute.

Lin Huai, the minister of the Criminal Department, is the first to handle the case in cooperation with Huo Weilou, “Meeting Lord Hou——”

There were three more people behind him, all middle-aged men. Although they were different in spirit, they were all dressed in Chinese clothes.

Finally, there is a cassock, and the stern face of Famen Temple presides over Jingming, “Amitabha, the donor has been overworked from afar, and the poor monk has been welcoming for a long time.”

Huo Weilou didn’t respect the Buddha and didn’t believe in the Buddha very much. He just nodded when he saw it and gave up.

Then he looked at Lu Ke and Lin Huai, “How is the temple now?”

Lin Huai said: “The next official arrived yesterday, and I have already asked about it, but it’s getting late at the moment, and Master Hou has been struggling a little bit. Should I go to rest first?”

Huo Weilou stared at him, “Master Lin still doesn’t know Benhou’s rules?”

Lin Huai was standing at the end of the year. Although he was the post of servant, the current Penal Department still has the intention of telling the old. Lin Huai is almost a nailed down book for the next Penal Department. , He and He Cheng are no different.

Lin Huai hurriedly said with a smile: “Yes, the official is confused, please enter the temple first.”

Huo Weilou nodded and led a group of people to the temple. There was a gate at the foot of the mountain. Just looking at it, you can see the magnificence of Famen Temple. I saw the majestic archway and the royal plaque on it, “Famen The three-character “Temple” iron painted silver hook is very stylish. When you enter the mountain gate, there are ninety-nine stone steps. Everyone climbed up the steps and arrived at the main gate of Famen Temple.

Famen Temple is in the middle of Qixia Mountain. The Buddhist pagoda built on the hillside stretches up. The highest point is a Changming pagoda that is said to also enshrine relics. At this moment, the night is covering the entire Qixia Mountain, but the highest point The stupa of the Chang Ming Lantern is brightly lit, far away, quite Zen.

When I entered the temple gate, I saw that although the incense was burning at the temple gate, it was quiet and simple, and there were no practicing monks. Lin Huai followed Huo Wei Tower and said: “The temple has been closed for half a month, and now it is still clean. All the monks are here. In my own monastery, there are very few people who have no edicts and no affairs in the body these days.”

Huo Weilou asked directly, “Where is the corpse?”

Lin Huai said: “In the courtyard to the west.”

Huo Weilou needless to say, Lin Huai has already led the way to the west, and the host, Luke and others followed him. Bo Ruoyou lags a few steps behind and follows Duke Fu. She is wearing a cloak and her eyebrows are closed. In this way, the few people walking in front still look back at her from time to time.

Father Fu smiled on his face, as if he didn’t care, but his attitude made people even more conjecture about Bo Ruoyou’s identity.

Go west along the corridor in the temple, and soon, the place where the corpse is placed.

It is said to be a partial courtyard, but it is a brand-new Buddhist hall that has not yet been used. As soon as you enter the courtyard, Lin Huai said, “This is the place where Famen Temple is expanded in the last year. It is intended to be used by monks for teaching and practicing on weekdays. Fan is temporarily used to park the corpse.” After a pause, Lin Huai said again, “Master Feng’s corpse is also parked in the wing here.”

Huo Weilou nodded faintly, a few steps before he reached the brightly lit main hall, but before entering the door, he first saw a statue of a seven or eight-foot-tall golden statue placed alone in the main hall.

He stopped, frowning slightly, “This is—”

Luke stepped forward and said, “Master Hou, this statue of Venerable Kassapa was made ten years ago. A month ago, the temple had to paint the Venerable statue again in preparation for the Ten Thousand Buddhas Convention. The statue fell when it was moved. , The base broke open, and the skeleton of the suspected Master Clearance was discovered only when it fell out of the golden body at that time.”

Standing behind Bo Ruoyou frowned.

The Buddha statue has been in the temple for ten years and has been worshipped daily, but inside it… has always been hiding an indistinct body? !

In an instant, this solemn and solemn Buddhist temple became weird and gloomy.

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