The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 48 - Three stalks of Mei 03

Bo Ruoyou whispered while wondering what he couldn’t listen to. Huo Weilou frowned and let her go, and lifted her cuff up again. This time, the scald suddenly revealed.

His eyes sank, “Have you burned yourself?”

Bo Ruo shrank her hands, “It’s not a problem.” As she said, she moved forward, “Is anyone in the house?”

As soon as the words fell, she also heard the noise in the house, it was a woman’s groan, soft and gentle, and she didn’t know what she was doing. She frowned slightly and said in a low voice: “If someone has someone, please knock on the door and ask, then The child may be here.”

Huo Wei Building changed a place to hold her, and took two steps back. “If it were a child, it would be impossible to be in this room.”

Bo Ruoyou was suspicious, “Why?”

Huo Weilou looked at her angrily, seeming to be very dissatisfied with her doubts, Bo Ruoyou dared not say any more immediately, and looked at the door on the other side, “That is in this room.”

Huo Weilou walked to the door of the room and stopped listening. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. A rustling sound soon sounded in the door. After a while, a person opened the door and the door only opened. After a gap, an equally childish face appeared from the inside. Seeing Huo Weilou and Bo Ruo secluded outside the door, the people inside the door were a little surprised.

“Who are you? What’s the matter?”

Huo Weilou glanced at Bo Ruoyou, and Bo Ruoyou stepped forward and looked behind the girl. “Are you alone in this house?”

The insider hesitated for a moment, “Are you looking for Yueniang?” After speaking, he turned around and shouted: “Yueniang, someone is looking for you—”

The girl looked at the two of Huo Weilou again. Seeing that they were very charming, she seemed to dare not neglect, and opened the door wider. At this time, another person walked out of the dimness. It was Shi Cai who collided with Bo Ruoyou. Go on that girl.

Seeing Bo Ruoyou, the girl frowned slightly. However, there was a Huo Wei building. She seemed to dare not have a seizure. She only pressed her lips and said nothing. Bo Ruoyou handed over the small box containing the ointment, “A right talent must be burnt.” Now, this is an ointment that can cure burns. Take it and apply it for two days, and it will be good after two days.”

Yueniang frowned but did not move, but the girl next to her was someone who could look at others, and immediately gave her a push, “The nobleman gave it to you, don’t you hold it…”

Yueniang then moved her feet, took the ointment, and said thank you in a low voice, but she was also not very willing. Bo Ruoyou didn’t care, and only curled her lips and said, “One morning and evening. Second, don’t forget it.”

After saying this, she turned around and left. Huo Weilou gave Yueniang and the girl an unpleasant look, and was so scared that the two of them stepped back. When they were far away, the girl pinched Yueniang. “You’re dead, there are nobles on this boat. Sister Mei Niang and Sister Hui Niang are still going to perform on stage. You don’t have a wink at all. Could it be that the master now values ​​you so much that you don’t know how high the world is?”

Yueniang glared at the girl with her arm, turned and ran in, and when she got on the bed, she pulled Jin and covered her head.

Hearing that the girl was called Yueniang, Huo Weilou knew that she was also a member of the Yuchun class, and when she was on the third floor, Huo Weilou said: “It’s just an actress, and it’s worth when you go to deliver medicine in person. That girl doesn’t appreciate it at all.”

Huo Weilou’s tone was solemn, not a joke.

Bo Ruoyou followed him and said softly: “She was young and raised in a theater group since she was a child. She must have suffered a lot. This is quite wary of strangers, not to mention that she is only talented when I hold hot water. It’s time to take a trip after being scalded.”

Huo Weilou shook his head, “Since she has suffered a lot, she won’t care about this little pain, and since she is a humble status, she should learn to be human and worldly. Looking at her appearance, she will have to suffer more in the future.”

Bo Ruoyou didn’t agree with him, but he didn’t refute it on the face. He just whispered: “It takes a bit of hardship to know that there is nothing wrong with the world. It’s just that the humble person wants someone to treat her well, regardless of her. If you don’t appreciate it, others will treat her kindly and she will be less wronged. People don’t always know that they are grateful for nothing. If everyone treats her badly, maybe she will also have evil thoughts in her heart?”

Bo Ruoyou usually didn’t dare to say much in front of Huo Wei Building. Now that he has been together for nearly a month, he has gradually become a little presumptuous. After saying this, he looked at Huo Wei Building a little cautiously, and saw that Huo Wei Building looked at her with quiet phoenix eyes. , Obviously did not agree with her words, “Father is also angry, but you are better-natured than Buddha.”

It’s not the fault of a thin person to burn a person. I send medicine with good intentions. Others don’t appreciate it. Huo Wei is accustomed to not asking mundane things. He followed her to caring for these civilians for the first time, but he still encountered a cold face. If you don’t know what is good or bad, of course he is not a good talker. Seeing Bo Ruoyou is not complaining, he has no temper. This unhappiness in my heart is almost caused by her.

Bo Ruoyou narrowed his eyebrows and did not dare to argue any more. Seeing that the two were about to walk to the door of the house, Huo Weilou stopped and looked at her condescendingly, “You gave the wounding medicine to someone else, what about you?”

Bo Ruoyou hesitated for a moment, before speaking, Huo Weilou said as he entered the door, “You come in.”

Bo Ruoyou wanted to say something again. He didn’t turn his head when he saw Huo Weilou, so he had to follow in and shut the door. The cold wind outside the call sign was blocked. She covered her cheeks, and the chill on her body disappeared for two minutes.

Huo Weilou quickly found a bottle of wound ointment, pointed to the couch, “Sit down.”

Bo Ruoyou was puzzled, and walked over to take a seat. Soon, Huo Weilou walked up to her, grabbed her wrist involuntarily, raised her sleeve gown, and poured out some ointment. Wipe it up without heavy.

Bo Ruoyou’s painful teeth trembled, but he was stunned by Huo Weilou’s trip. For a while, he didn’t know what to say. Huo Weilou raised his eyes and glanced at her, “Pain? I want you to remember that it is not advisable to repay grievances with virtue. .”

The painful eyes of Bo Ruo were misted up, and she wanted to argue that she was not as soft as she thought, but she felt that even talking back would make him unhappy, so she gritted her teeth and nodded. Huo Weilou looked at her again. At a glance, the hand was only slightly lighter, except that his palm was rough and he was habitually informal. The medicine really made Bo Ruoyou restless.

Fortunately, this medicine is really bright. Just after the application, Bo Ruoyou felt a layer of coolness on his arm. A moment ago, the hot pain had faded a lot. She stood up and thanked her, Huo Weilou handed the ointment to her, “Sooner or later. Twice, don’t forget.”

These words were the same as what she said to Yueniang. I don’t know if she was mocking her. Bo Ruoyou answered the ointment and blessed her. Then she walked out, and she walked back to her house and washed a little. He lay down.

As soon as I lay down, I heard intermittent singing from the sound of the call sign outside.

“All over the green hills…the cuckoo crows red…”

“Outside that Tumi…tobacco…drunk and soft①…”

The intermittent chanting became clearer and more melodious, graceful and turning, accompanied by the violent cold wind on the river surface, but there was a three-point sadness. Bo Ruoyou was about to rest. Not only did she not feel noisy at this moment, but felt that the cold at night was three-point low. .

However, this chant hasn’t settled yet, and another voice continues.

“The peony is good…how can he take the lead in spring return…”

“Listen to students and students, the language of Yan is as clear as a cut, listen to the sound of the screaming circle ②…”

The first voice sounded clear to Bo Ruoyou, but as soon as the second voice came out, he instantly compared the first voice. This chanting is full of affection, even in this cold night. Hearing people have a soft heart and are intoxicated, as if they really saw the blooming spring, Yan Yuying, and listened to its long voice and rhyme, and every word was breathed, and he knew his singing skills were extremely deep.

The first person sings for self-entertainment, but the second person has a sense of superiority, and seems to feel that he is inferior. After the second person sings two sentences, the first person will no longer have a sound. Bo Ruoyou doesn’t have to If you think about it, you will know that the two members of the Yuchun class are fighting each other. They sighed helplessly, turned over and fell asleep.

In the morning of the second day, Bo Ruoyou woke up at the same hour as usual. Although the boat was traveling slowly at night, he also traveled for dozens of miles this night. The outside of the window was very different from what he saw yesterday. At this moment, the sky appeared and the river surface The upper wind was much smaller, and a vast white mist enveloped it, and there was a sense of cloud and fog driving upstairs and boats in it.

Bo Ruoyou got up to see it, only feeling novel, but she moved around, the pain in her arm had been mostly gone, she couldn’t help but lift up her sleeves to look at it. At this look, she couldn’t help but remember that Huo Weilou applied the medicine to her last night. She blinked and still felt like a dream at the moment.

Recalling that when I first saw Huo Weilou, this golden and jade Wu Zhaohou made her kneel on the snow for half an hour, and then treated each other coldly, which is even more frightening. But now, Huo Weilou can apply medicine to her personally. It’s incredible. It can be seen that Huo Weilou’s imperial servants are indeed quite different, and those who are able to handle poorly, he is really quite forgiving.

This thought made Bo Ruoyou feel slightly relaxed, thinking of Huo Weilou, he couldn’t help feeling that his brows and eyes were a little mild.

On the second day of the boat trip, the group of people, Huo Weilou, found it a bit boring. When the boat was traveling along the river, apart from the faith eagle they raised, there was no other news. This is a good thing to check every day. As far as he wanted tolerance, it was really a torture. Huo Qinghong could still think about what the troupe would sing, but he didn’t think about it.

After his thoughts were idle, Huo Weilou always thought of the jade arm that was in front of his eyes last night. He is indeed different. He used to not allow women to get close. Now that he is near, he would never do these trivial things before. He did it now, he just wanted to give her a long memory, but this method was also a bit too soft.

Huo Weilou frowned and didn’t think clearly about his thoughts for a long while.

The authorities are fans.

During breakfast, the fog on the river surface was cleared, the warm sun climbed into the air, and the golden light filled the entire building. Ming Guilan did not move the place yesterday. Today, he was carried to the second floor platform to see the river view. , Bo Ruoyou had the heart to make Cheng Yunzhi walk around for a while, but he seemed to be evasive, and only stood on the corridor.

Father Fu ordered someone to bring refreshments to Cheng Yunzhi, and said with a smile at the door: “Mr. Cheng also come out and go around. I’m really bored in the house all day.”

Cheng Yunzhi covered his lips and coughed.

Father Fu looked at Cheng Yunzhi and left with a smile.

There are vacant platforms on the east and west sides of the second floor. First, the hull must not be too heavy on the upper part, and second, to create a place to enjoy the scenery and find some entertainment for the boat passengers. This is the boat of the wealthy Shen family. It’s natural to be exquisite everywhere.

The view of the tower on the east side is the widest. When Ming Guilan and Huo Qinghong arrived, they saw the men and women of Yuchun class practicing their figures. When they came, everyone retreated, only in the cabin not far away. There were intermittent singing voices.

Huo Qinghong said easily: “Someone was singing last night, can you hear it?”

Ming Guilan nodded, and Huo Qinghong said: “I don’t know who the second person is, but it is better than the first person.”

As soon as the voice fell, someone walked out of the cabin corridor, “The son said, but the girl?”

It was Liu Huiniang who came out.

Today, Liu Huiniang is still wearing a blue dress. In the weather at the end of the first month, the gait hired Ting to come, as if a touch of spring is so bright, she sang as she walked, still the two sentences of last night, Huo Qinghong The bottom of his eyes lit up, but his face didn’t seem so happy. In front of his own people, he was quite childish in laughing and cursing, and he was a little bit like Huo Guoshizi in front of outsiders.

“It’s really you.” Huo Qinghong asked with a slightly raised jaw, “What’s the name and sex?”

Liu Huiniang blessed her body, “The maiden’s surname is Liu, and her name is Huiniang.”

Huo Qinghong raised his brows, not showing the mountains and not showing the water, “It’s not bad to sing. Now that you are here, do you want to sing for us?”

The corners of Liu Huiniang’s lips bend slightly, “What do you want to hear?”

Huo Qinghong’s eyebrows were arrogant, “Sing what you do best.”

Liu Huiniang smiled slightly, “Mindaughter is good at a lot—” With a turn of her eyes, “Mindaughter will sing “Sifan” for the son.”

Huo Qinghong looked indifferent, raised her chin and asked her to sing. When Liu Huiniang moved her hands and eyes, her figure immediately appeared. As soon as she opened her mouth, Huo Qinghong raised her eyebrows again, a woman who could be called “everyone”. Naturally, she is not trivial, her mouth is light and round, her voice is pure and fine, her hands, eyes and body are precise and graceful, which is really pleasing to the eye.

Although they are singing Jiangnan soft language, it is not difficult to distinguish. During the period, the charm is long and tactful, and the charm is clear and charming. It really makes the heart also give birth to a two-point lingering meaning. Huo Qinghong narrowed his eyes and waited for Liu Huiniang to sing. After that, I could not help but clapped his hands, “Wonderful, really wonderful, I blame your troupe for some reputation, come here, reward—”

The guards by the side of the attendant immediately gave the rewards, and Liu Huiniang was taken aback for a moment, her face was a little embarrassed, “The son does not need to reward, the girl…”

Huo Qinghong raised his eyebrows, “If you sing well, you deserve to be rewarded. I feel bored at this moment, but you have added two interesting things to my young master.”

The guard offered the silver reward, and Liu Huiniang had to take it. Seeing Huo Qinghong looked away and stopped looking at her, she knew that she should retreat. She was a little bit unwilling to do so, but she didn’t dare to make any trouble, so she turned and returned. Within the corridor.

After not taking a few steps, a door opened wide, and Song Meiniang stood at the door mockingly, her red lips moved slightly, “Devilish.”

There was a very confusing smile on her face, but she opened her mouth as if she slapped someone in the face. Liu Huiniang’s face changed, but she didn’t get angry, only raised her chin and brushed the ink hair beside her ear, “Sister heard it, “Si Fan” ③ Should I sing like my sister just now, can my sister still sing?”

After Liu Huiniang sneered, she stepped back to her house.

On the stage, Huo Qinghong listened to the movement in the corridor for five or six minutes. He chuckled for a while, and said with Ming Guilan: “These actors must be really thoughtful. The young master hasn’t spoken yet, so he comes after smelling the smell. NS.”

Ming Guilan laughed, “Isn’t it just what you want?”

Huo Qinghong unfolded the folding fan in his hand, “It’s boring deliberately for it, but Shi Cai does sing well, and I don’t know what good books are there to listen to in the hall.”

Soon, even Father Fu knew what was happening on the platform, and talked about Huo Weilou. Huo Weilou was noncommittal. He took the military book and looked at him again. When he saw that he couldn’t take interest, he looked at him suspiciously for a moment and turned around. Come out to find thinner.

“Youyou, Master Hou doesn’t seem to be seasick today.”

Bo Ruoyou said: “If people are too tired, they are also very uncomfortable. Today Hou Ye promises to rest well.”

Father Fu was still skeptical about what happened yesterday, and he asked: “Yesterday our family saw that you were also very concerned about Lord Hou. In the past, Lord Hou was not close to strangers, but now do you think Lord Hou treats you better?”

Bo Ruoyou was unaware of him, “Naturally, he is very kind.”

Father Fu wanted to ask, but he didn’t know how to ask. At the end, he said, “Master Hou was vicious in the past, you wouldn’t blame him?”

Bo Ruoyou laughed, “How could it happen, Lord Hou is highly powerful, and he should be strict. The daughter of the people used to know the Lord Hou for the first time. It is impossible for the Lord Hou to treat the daughter of the people like her father-in-law.”

Bo Ruoyou’s expression was ordinary. Father Fu didn’t notice the shyness of her daughter’s attitude at all. She didn’t have any tentative intentions. She really had no idea about Huo Wei Building. Although Father Fu could not see Huo Wei Building, he still didn’t look at it. Do you understand Bo Ruoyou? He felt amused for a while, if his Master Hou really moved some thoughts, but Ruoyou is thin but has no distracting thoughts, it would be really funny!

“Father-in-law, what are you laughing at?”

Father Fu thought about it, and put a smile on his face, Bo Ruoyou asked like this, he just recovered, and hurriedly coughed to cover it up.

In the afternoon, Shen Ya actually ordered someone to set up a stage on the east side stage. In the evening, he personally went to the third floor to invite the Huo Wei Building and his party to listen to the play tomorrow night. Shen Ya was kind, and his words had not yet reached the Huo Wei Building. Huo Qinghong had already responded for him, and Huo Weilou was a little helpless. It can be seen that he was very interested, but he did not stop him.

This night, the stage was busy all night, and some babbles were heard from the cabin on the second floor from time to time. When everyone got up the next morning, they saw that the stage on the stage had been set up. Although the stage is not big, it can be used in Southern Opera. There was no need for a big stage, but it was enough, because it started in the evening, and just after lunch, there were already people on the lower stage rehearsing. With these movements, the whole building was full of excitement. When the night fell, the boat slowed down, and the church was fully prepared.

Apart from the Huowei Building and the Yuchun squad, there are also many other passengers on the boat. Shen Ya is not so restrained this time. Passengers with some identities can go to the second floor to listen to the show, so wait for the Huowei Building to take When everyone went downstairs, I saw a lot of people sitting in the hall. Shen Ya reserved the best place for Huo Weilou and his party, and even the embroidered clothes envoys who followed were arranged very well. When everyone was seated, the musicians I brought the guther flute to the side of the stage, and amidst the clear sound of the flute, today’s play began.

Song Meiniang’s “Sifan” appeared first. Today, Song Meiniang is on the outfit, with a beaded hairpin on her hair and red rouge on her face. She wears a moon-white costume that is complex and delicate, with birds, beasts, clouds and flowers embroidered with skillful craftsmanship. Mingyan makes her whole body more charming and moving. Seeing her stepping up, her hands, eyes and body were graceful and attractive, but when she spoke, Huo Qinghong, who had heard Liu Huiniang sing, frowned.

Song Meiniang did not sing as well as Liu Huiniang.

He drank tea in a dispirited voice, and said softly and Ming Guilan: “It really is going to be replaced.”

Boss Jade was not far from the stage, staring at the scene on the stage while watching the reaction from the audience. I don’t know whether Huo Qinghong’s expression was in the bottom of his eyes, and when he looked at Song Meiniang, his expression was a bit ugly. .

And Song Meiniang somehow, the more you sang backward, the harder it was. After singing this episode, her face was sweaty, and even the rouge was spent. She hurriedly thanked the stage and walked to the side to cover up the curtain. In the makeup account.

Boss Yu followed, and there were many attendants in the tent who were dressing up Liu Huiniang. Boss Yu rebuked, “What did you sing just now?! The face of the son underneath has changed! I will leave you if I knew this trip. In the mansion, what a shame!”

Song Meiniang blushed, but Boss Yu changed her expression to coax Liu Huiniang, “Hui Niang, your “Yaotai” sword dance can’t have a difference, otherwise the business we got will fly.”

Liu Huiniang said softly, “Master, don’t worry, it’s me.”

She had finished dressing up, now she stood up, glanced at Song Meiniang arrogantly, and stepped out of the tent.

The drama began again. Soon, Liu Huiniang wore a pink fringed Su Xia, her makeup was brighter than Song Meiniang, and her figure was more feminine and dexterous. Today, she wore a double quilted helmet filled with pearls and jade in her hand. The double swords, like a fairy from the sky, come by the wind. Before they speak, it is a dazzling sword dance. The body style is like a flowing wind returning to the snow. The sword dance is graceful and beautiful like a dragon. The opening of the scene has already made everyone present. It was the look that brightened, and it was Huo Weilou, all eyes were on the stage.

Bo Ruoyou watched without blinking.

The sword dance was about to rest, but Liu Huiniang opened her mouth without panting. It was the lingering and tactful voice last night, her step by step, her voice amorous, sometimes as clear as a ring, and sometimes as tender as a bird’s-eye parrot. , The elegant words were slowly sung from her mouth. The story of lovesickness and passion has become more and more lingering and sentimental, which made everyone present intoxicated.

After a song was finished, but it was not over yet, Liu Huiniang thanked the gift and added another discount of “The End of Love” ④. This fold is not a place for Dan Jiaoer alone, but it is the saddest scene of “Nan Ke Meng” ⑤. Yi Xiaosheng took the supporting role to the stage, mourning and sorrowing in a big show. The singing made everyone present distressed. When the last song was over, he still indulged in it for a long time and couldn’t recover from it.

Bo Ruoyou’s eyes were glistening with water, and he was also quite sympathetic. Huo Weilou stared at her for a moment, and a little depth was born in his eyes, but he was really moved by the audience, and he was sober.

At the end of the play, all the actors and actresses came to the stage to call the curtain, but Song Meiniang was the only one missing. Boss Yu’s face changed slightly when he saw it, and he became angry when he saw it, but he held it back in public. When Huo Weilou drank half a cup of tea when he came to offer tea, Huo Qinghong sealed the reward for face.

When I got up and left, I saw that there were boat passengers in the back to reward money, and there were people who were rich, so that the Yuchun squad would perform again tomorrow. Boss Yu saw that everyone was happy today, especially when Huo Qinghong changed his expression later, he simply responded. Coming down, thinking about singing a few more shows can always make them think more about their business. When they arrive in the capital, the business is bound to be completed.

I was about to discuss with Shen Ya, but suddenly I heard a sound of falling into the water at the end of the ship’s side. Boss Yu was feeling strange, and a horrified voice suddenly sounded—

“Help, Sister Mei Niang jumped into the river!”

All the people around this alarm were discolored, and Huo Weilou and his party had just walked up the stairs on the third floor, and they stopped to look here and heard the boss Yu shouted, “Mei Niang! Why did you jump into the river? Help, help—”

The author has something to say: Notes:

①②: Excerpts from Kunqu Opera “The Peony Pavilion”, the original work “The Peony Pavilion”, author Tang Xianzu.

③: Excerpts from Kunqu Opera “Nie Hai Ji”.

④⑤: “The End of Love” and “Yaotai” in the text are excerpts from Kunqu Opera “Nanke Meng”, the original work “Nanke Ji”, author Tang Xianzu.

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