The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 7 - One inch of gold 07

The previous remarks of the second lady clearly accused Zheng Wenyan of slandering Zheng Wenchen, which was even more harmful to people’s hearts. But when Huo Weilou asked this, the second lady showed obvious panic, and she even dropped her head and hit Zheng Xiao, “Xiao’er What nonsense are you talking about!”

“The third brother just has the heart to fight for the title, and it’s not unlucky.”

The second wife lowered her eyes, her eyes were dodging, her tone was a little frightening, Huo Weilou’s phoenix eyes narrowed, “Zheng Wenchen was murdered to death. If you conceal something, you might hide the murderer extremely deeply, so think about it. ?”

The second lady frowned and nodded her head.

Huo Weilou stared at the second wife for a moment, then turned his eyes to signal Father Fu to continue.

Fu Gong said: “The night the second master died, why didn’t you go to the old lady’s mourning hall together?”

Thinking of that night, the second lady’s eyes reappeared with grief, “That night, he was going to go together, but he thought he had gone too early, and he was embarrassed. After the death of his mother, the third brother suspected that his mother’s death was related to her husband. Over time, there was a rumor in the house that the husband killed his mother. It was because the servants looked at the husband differently. The husband became angry about this, but he didn’t get any better. In the next few days, he hid in the room and did not go out. That night, thinking about going to the mourning hall at the end.”

“The husband didn’t want to go early, but the lady didn’t want to lose her courtesy. Our second house was already difficult. The lady didn’t want to endure Xiaoer for herself, so she took Xiaoer to go first, and later…”

The second wife wiped the corners of her eyes, “It means that the husband went to the Yueyue Pavilion, and the women took Xiao’er and followed the servants to arrive at the earliest. When they arrived, they saw the husband standing on the fence on the third floor. Just about to wonder, I saw the person behind him…”

Fear grew in the eyes of the second wife, “At that time, there was no time to think about who it was, so she watched her husband fall from the stairs, just like that…just like that, before the ladies and Xiao’er.”

Tears streamed down, and the second lady couldn’t help but choked up. In front of Huo Weilou and everyone, she cried extremely depressively, but the more so, the more heartache that made people look, Zheng Xiao buried her face in the second lady Behind him, he choked quietly.

“If… if it wasn’t for the third brother to doubt the husband, the husband would not have to be jealous of everyone, and the night would not be delayed until later, and would not die…” The second lady closed her eyes deeply, and she tremblingly cried. She was full of grief and grievances, but very little resentment, as if her slender body was about to run out of oil, and she had no strength to regenerate hatred.

Huo Weilou asked: “Do you know why he went to invite Yuege?”

The second wife shook her head as she wiped her tears, “The local women don’t know that Yueyue Pavilion is a place to enjoy the scenery. Once the eldest brother was there, he was always there. After the eldest brother went, only the mother would occasionally call everyone to enjoy the scenery. Hangout.”

This is strange. For the first seven nights of the mother, she knew that the ritual was about to begin, but went to the remote Yingyue Pavilion alone.

Inviting the Moon Pavilion has not been there for a long time, and it is dusty, so it is impossible to go there for a drink and enjoy the scenery. The only possibility is that someone invites or induces him to go, but Zheng Wenchen has a temperamental burst, and his status in the mansion is also good. Noble, how can we make him go?

“Up and down the house, do you have any doubters?”

After Huo Weilou asked, the second wife shrank her shoulders. It was the fear that was written on her face clearly, “Municipal women…the commoner women don’t know. If anyone has an enmity with her husband, it’s impossible to talk about it, the only possibility is that Nobility…”

The second wife used a great deal of effort to finish her sentence, and she did not dare to clearly testify against Zheng Wenyan.

“In the first seven nights, when did Zheng Wenyan arrive in the mourning hall, and did he leave halfway? When did Zheng Wenchen’s accident occur, and when did he appear?”

Asked like this, the second lady raised her head hurriedly. She remembered for a moment, her eyes lit up slightly, “He came after the third siblings, and they never came together. Later, waiting for her husband to arrive, he died. When I went to find my husband, he also left. At that time, he was in charge and had a lot of chores. He didn’t have to explain to everyone where he went. The women didn’t know where he had gone. Later, the young man came to report that the husband had gone to Yaoyue Pavilion. At that time, the local woman hurried over there, not paying attention to when he arrived. It just felt like it should be the last…”

These words and Zheng Yunni’s words were all right, Huo Weilou stared, “When did Zheng Wenyan force you to make a mistake?”

The second wife’s eyes only gave birth to a trace of resentment at this time, “On the third day after the husband’s death, the husband has Xiaoer. If the mother really wrote the book, as long as the mother wrote it by herself and stamped the letter, the wife can give it away. When we go to the capital, the title will fall on Xiao’er. This is why he will persecute Xiaoer. He… even sent people to search our yard, but if we really have a book, how can we not send it in? Jingzhong kept it for himself? He didn’t find anything. After all, I am his second sister-in-law. When so many people in the house watched, he had to return without success.”

At this point, there is nothing else to ask. Fugong said openly: “Excuse me, the second wife invites the third wife and the third master in.”

“Call Zheng Wenan in.”

Huo Weilou spoke, but changed the order of questioning. Father Fu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was stunned.

The fifth master, Zheng Wenan, has a warm color, and he respectfully salutes when he enters the door. He is very obedient.

Father Fu asked the same question earlier. On the night the old lady died, Zheng Wenan lived with his wife. Seven or eight attendants in the courtyard could testify. On the night Zheng Wenchen died, his wife and his wife were the first to arrive. Go to Yingyue Pavilion with everyone to find Zheng Wenchen. In this way, the two of them can be excluded.

Father Fu asked again: “Fifth Master suspects that Second Master killed the old lady?”

Zheng Wenan hesitated and said, “I don’t doubt it.”

Father Fu raised his eyebrows, “I would like to hear the details.”

Zheng Wenan said: “It was not easy for my mother to give birth to his second brother, so he loved the second brother since he was a child. This made the second brother a little surly temperament. In the past, the eldest brother was better when he was there. Someone can hold him down, elder brother. After he left, the second brother was somewhat unruly, but although the second brother was a violent temper, he was a cowardly person, and he did not dare to kill.”

“In your house, is there a rumor that Zheng Wenyan is unlucky?”

Huo Weilou suddenly asked like this, Zheng Wen’an raised his brows and seemed a little surprised, but he quickly settled down, “Why does Hou Ye ask this? What do you say?”

He seemed to be completely unaware. Father Fu looked at him for a while and then at Huo Wei Building. Seeing that Huo Wei Building was calm, he said: “Fifth Lord, please invite the Fifth Lady in—”

Zheng Wenan bowed his hand and withdrew, and Father Fu whispered, “Didn’t you say that Zheng Erye would do something with his wife?”

Huo Weilou said quietly: “The weak and incompetent man will act on his wife.”

The fifth wife, Liu Clan, came in very quickly, and she was the same as Zheng Wen’an, and soon finished the question, and said, “I beg your third master to come in.”

When Zheng Wenyan entered the door, his expression was a little bad, and Huo Weilou asked, “Why is the key to the drug store missing?”

Zheng Wenyan looked miserable, “Return to Lord Hou, there is a hall for handling housework in the mansion. The important keys are carried with you. Other keys to the warehouse are kept in the small study room of the hall. The key to the medicine storehouse is In this way, the medicine storehouse has not been opened for many days, and I have not checked whether the key is still there. Today, the prefect said that he wanted it, and then he sent someone to pick it up. I didn’t expect the key to be missing.”

Huo Weilou asked directly: “The first seven days of the old lady, you arrived at the latest and then left. What did you do?”

Zheng Wenyan hurriedly said: “I came late because I had to arrange for a few people to do things in Master’s guest house. I later left. I heard that I was looking for my second brother everywhere but I didn’t find it. I didn’t hear the call from outside in the study, so I personally went to my second brother’s study to look for him. When I got there, I saw that the door of the house was open and there was no one inside. I just came out of his study and heard that I saw him go to invite the moon. It’s over, I hurried to go, but I didn’t expect something happened.”

“Can someone testify for you?”

Zheng Wenyan looked distressed, “This… I came out of the study, and met Fuzhong Lin in the flower garden on the northwest side…”

However, the flower garden on the northwest side is not far from the courtyards of Yingyue Pavilion and Zheng Wenyan. Even if this witness met him, it does not prove that he had never been to Yingyue Pavilion in that period.

“When you go to Zheng Wenchen’s study, do you go to Zheng Wenchen, or to your mother to get Zheng Wenchen’s papers?”

Huo Weilou looked like a knife. After asking a sentence, Zheng Wenyan had a cold sweat on his face. He gritted his teeth and said, “Master Hou can’t understand this question. I’m really going to look for the second brother.”

Huo Weilou’s eyes remained unchanged, still intimidating, and Zheng Wenyan said anxiously: “The night when my mother died, she was in her courtyard all night, and there is evidence in the next. Lord Hou shouldn’t suspect that the next is—”

Huo Weilou stood up at this moment, “Go to the drug store to see.”

Zheng Wenyan wiped his sweat, respectfully, and Huo Weilou stepped out, and when he walked to the side of Bo Ruoyou, his eyes swept across her face, “Come here.”

Bo Ruoyou answered, and walked out behind Father Fu and He Cheng.

When the group left the hall, they saw that everyone in the flower hall looked solemn, and saw Zheng Wenyan sweating profusely and walking out with Huo Weilou and his party. They wanted to keep up, but they were stopped by the embroidered clothes ambassador.

The medicine storehouse is on the north side of the Hou Mansion, because it is not commonly used, the whole yard seems a little deserted.

Entering the yard, Zheng Wenyan pointed to the left wing of the yard and said, “These three rooms are the medicine storehouse. Look at Lord Hou, the lock is still locked, but the key is missing.”

Huo Weilou motioned to the embroiderer behind him. The embroiderer stepped forward. He did not know how to fiddle, and the lock was opened. Zheng Wenyan entered the door and walked to the row of medicine cabinets on the left. “The three-character medicine drawer opened, “The mandala is here—”

The word “Chu” has not yet come out, and Zheng Wenyan’s words have been cut off. Because the medicine drawer is empty, where is the shadow of a mandala?

“This… it’s impossible…”

He quickly opened the five or six medicine drawers around him, and saw that there were ginseng and ganoderma lucidum inside.

The more rare medicinal materials are there, but the mandala is missing.

Huo Weilou looked at Zheng Wenyan, “It seems that you have to explain it well.”

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