The Demoness’ Captive

Chapter 5: The Fairy Kingdom Tour

The Fairy Kingdom was so different from the Demon Lord’s Castle. It was so bright and magical that Serashael could not help but admire it as soon as she enter the gate. The place was so vast, with low-rise buildings so it did not block any of those beautiful views.

“Let me show you around! I can’t wait to bring you to my favourite places.” The excited Ceselea immediately dragged Sera’s arms which surprised the demoness. Even when the Fairy King told her to come home first as the castle was just beside the gate; the fairy princess was just happy that it was her turn to show the other girl around. The Fairy Kingdom tour, start!


This time, Ceselea was the one that walked in front, her hands not leaving Serashael as she dragged the pink-haired girl around. The demoness used her magic to at least make her horn and wings disappear, although her height and different clothes were still a given that she was not a fairy. They seemed to be more used to having visitors, however, thanks to the peace between the two Kingdoms. The two girls even encountered some human merchants and adventurers; the Treaty was indeed helping to make the nation flourish. 


Serashael was excited about the trip as she could not help to admire the beautiful sights of nature. Even when they walked around the city, the sound of the river flowing on the outskirts was soothing and cooling. The pink-haired girl did notice that they were walking away from the castle, the tallest building in the nation, as she asked,

“Don’t you miss your home and family? You have been away for days.” The King himself was already so worried that he came in person to look for his daughter, as Sera could not imagine how the Queen would have felt.


“If we immediately get back to the castle, I will not be able to go out anymore! And don’t worry, this is my favourite route to get back home. We will eventually reach the castle just right at dinner time;  It’s just a bit of a detour after all.” 


 ‘And more time to watch Sera’s expression full of awe. Wait, did I make this face as well when I was in the castle?’ Ceselea thought to herself. Ceselea would definitely show the most wonderful view for Serashael to repay her for everything that she had done to the fairy princess. That, and she was proud of the nation’s beauty so she wanted to have Sera admire her Kingdom more.


The two girls went further away from the city, as the route was leading uphill. Not only that the hill was taller than the demon lord’s castle, but the climbing was pretty steep that Serashael ended up floating with her wings instead of how tiring it had gotten. After all, there was practically no one around there so she would not attract that much attention. Ceselea did chuckle as she saw that, even when she was practically already floating up. Serashael could not help but blush as a result.


“Don’t worry, we’re about to rest soon,” Ceselea said as not long after, they reached a flat area. Serashael was greeted with the sight of a waterfall and a flower garden on the riverside, and she noticed that it was the same river that flow down the city. The flowers were growing beautifully without any worries of running out of water, as they were different from any flowers Serashael had seen before.


“Beautiful, isn’t it? They are Riverweiss, my favourite flower that can only be found on a waterfall like this. The sight, on top of the relaxing waterfall sound, made it my favourite spot in the entire nation. No, perhaps in the entire continent.” The fairy princess said as she stared at Serashael’s awestruck expression. 

‘Okay, perhaps I have found a new favourite…’


After their moment of enjoying the view as well as rest, the two girls continued their small hike. It did not take long for them to reach the mountaintop, as Serashael was once again mesmerized by the beautiful view. Not only that they were able to see the entire Fairy Kingdom, the panorama even extended to the Human Kingdom across the river. Serashael even could see the Demon Lord’s castle from beyond the forest, making her feel that she was so close to Ceselea, even when she will eventually return. 

Not long after, the sun started to set as it added to the magnificence of the sight. However, the sky also darkened as the night arrived, showing that it was already late for them and it was time to head back. 


“How do you plan to get back?” Serashael wondered as she look at Ceselea who need to get back as soon as possible. She had forgotten that her family had prepared a feast for her return, and was too immersed in showing the Fairy Nation’s beauty… 

“We can go down the same route, the hike down will be faster than going up, after all. And it will be less tiring!” Ceselea tried to reassure Serashael that it would be fine. Yet, Serashael let out a soft smile as if she had some plans on her own:

“I have an idea so that we can return to the castle on time. Hold on to me tight.” The pink-haired girl opened both of her hands for the fairy princess. Once the smaller girl wrapped her arms around for a tight hug, she could feel Sera’s heart beating faster alongside with hers. Not to mention her warmth and softness… Although Ceselea was not sure how this would help but at least it was calming.


Although suddenly she could not feel her legs touching the ground. 

‘Am I… falling?’ She wanted to look back to see what happened but Serashael was hugging her so tight. Only when her ‘fall’ stabilised and she had made herself comfortable in Serashael’s embrace that Ceselea was able to turn around to find out that they were flying. The demoness’s wing widened as they soared downhill in the direction of the Fairy Castle; this was certainly a way to go down alright. Sera landed in the intersection where they split ways with the Fairy King before in order not to alert the guards, as they walked into the castle while giggling after their fun experience.


The two girls were redirected to the changing room as soon as they stepped in. The fairy maids helped them in changing their clothes suitable for the fancy dinner. They flocked around Serashael as the fairies were quite excited about finding a dress ideal for her. After all, they did not get guests as gorgeous as the pink-haired girl often. Ceselea stared at the maids while puffing her cheek as she could not hide her jealousy. 

They made it just in time for the dinner as not long after, the Fairy King entered the room. He was glad that Ceselea had returned, for he was quite worried about her small ‘adventure’ every time the princess does it. 

Serashael’s attention was fixated on the gorgeous fairy that walked beside the King, however. The blonde fairy even smiled back at her as their eyes meet, before she sat down to join them at the dining table. 


“I’d like to thank you for everything you’ve done for our precious daughter. I’ve heard about the story from my husband, in which he was sorry for fighting against you back then without hearing the truth.” The Queen opened the conversation to break the silence. all while her husband bowed his head down as he was still feeling guilty about it. 


The fairy’s voice was so serene that Serashael was a bit distracted. Only after Ceselea poked her that she replied.

 “Ah, it’s fine. I don’t mind it much, I was more worried that I’d accidentally attacked the King instead.” The pink-haired girl tried cracking a joke to keep the conversation casual. After all, she was quite bad at the formal kinds of stuff; it’s something that the Demon Lord was more involved in. The comedy helped brighten the mood as Ceselea even added, “Father deserved it though if it happened. He did not listen to me at all, so annoying!”

Their laughter was interrupted by a lightning bolt outside of the castle gate. A bolt of red lightning, to add, immediately made Serashael’s face pale. Even the Fairy King’s expression changed as Ceselea was confused about what was happening.


“Let him in.” The Fairy Queen said to the castle guard. Not long after, a familiar figure appeared. The dark-coloured hair, and the powerful aura, it was none other than the Demon Lord himself. Ceselea recalled the time when she was found out by him as 

she immediately shuddered…

“How can I help you with, oh Demon Lord?” The Fairy Queen stepped in front, as Ceselea and the King were still seated. Serashael knew that this certainly concerned her as she stood up as well, the blonde fairy could not help but stare at her with a worried look.


“I’ve come to pick up my daughter, it’s already quite late.” He said in his deep voice, as everyone looked at him, surprised. Serashael had yet to tell everyone about it, anyway.

The Fary King immediately apologised as he had treated the Demon Princess badly; if only he knew it beforehand he would not help the adventurer to attack her. The Demon Lord was unaware of what had just happened but given how his daughter was looking fine and comfortable he did not press the matter further. 


Although the biggest shock was seen on Ceselea’s face. Perhaps Serashael did not want to intimidate her or had yet to find the right moment to say it, but the fairy could not believe that she was not aware of it. But it all made sense now; the fact that she had her own room and how close she was to the Demon Lord mirrored Ceselea’s relationship with her own father. Serashael herself blushed upon realising that she had forgotten to tell the fairy because she was too happy to have a visitor in her room… 


“Why don’t you join us at the dinner, then?” The fairy queen smiled as she beckoned the maids to bring the food in. Giving them, especially Ceselea, some room for breathing after the ‘reveal’. Silence filled the air as they enjoyed the hearty meal of the Fairy Kingdom cuisine, as Serashael tried so many new dishes that she had never eaten before. They were made with ingredients that could only be grown in the kingdom. 


“You have such a kind daughter.” the Queen said to the Demon Lord in order to break the silence. It was the first time she met Serashael but she had heard about the whole story while the two girls were exploring the nation. 

“I raised her to be the best. As for the kindness, she must have taken it from her late mother.” The Demon Lord did seem proud of his daughter as his face changed, akin to a grin. Even Sera was surprised that her father could make such an expression.


"You arrive here at a perfect time. I have always wanted to meet up with you to talk about something important." The Fairy Queen said as they finished their meal. By her tone of speaking, she seemed to know the Demon Lord personally. 


"Hmm? Don't you know? We were classmates during our younger days. With the Human King as well." The Queen explained to their confused daughters. Their responsibilities to rule over their kingdom made it difficult to meet up.  


"Back to the point that I want to make, don’t you think that the peace talk is overdue? The war was started by our ancestors a long time ago. And as you can see, we can communicate with each other with no problem. It was our goal during the Academy, as well.” The Fairy Queen proposed while looking and Ceselea and Serashael. The two girls were beaming and hopeful; if their countries were at peace then they could hang out more often!


“And as you can see, our daughters get so close to each other.” The Fairy Queen added while smiling softly. 


Now all eyes were staring at the Demon Lord for his replies. He seemed to be deep in thought as eventually he sipped his wine and said,

“SInce our daughters seem to like each other, why don’t they get married?”

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