The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 01 – The Scribing

Lukas quickly dodged to the left as the tip of the pike flashed barely an inch from his face. Given no time to recover, the attacking weapon abruptly changed direction seeking to swipe his legs out from underneath him. Lukas jumped backwards while simultaneously jabbing one of his twin blades towards his opponent. His breath was heavy and his brow was sweaty from performing so many high energy maneuvers at a rapid pace for the past thirty minutes.


Gemma expertly twirled out of the way, she too had sweat glossing her skin as she tried to hide her labored breathing. Lukas lunged forward and Gemma danced to the right to prepare a counter blow, but this was exactly what Lukas was planning on. He jabbed with one blade forcing her to swerve while another blade swung expertly across to strike her center of gravity, Gemma's fierce brown eyes shot open in pain and desperation as she tumbled to the ground. The blunted practice weapon had broken skin but didn’t drive deeper into a more critical injury. Gemma hoped she had a chance at recovering from the strike as many similar strikes had been passed back and forth over the course of the match. However, momentum from dodging and parrying twisted her around as she fell face forward. Instantly, her lightning instincts directed her limbs to spring up and began a counterattack, but Lukas had already capitalized on the hit.


“Ahh!” She yelled as her fist pounded the dirt ground, frustration venting out, though not necessarily directed at Lukas. Lukas’ recently overgrown body pinned her down and his blades were firmly planted between her shoulder blades.


Gemma facing defeat was a newer experience for her. For most of their lives, she had been taller than Lukas and still remained stronger and faster. Only Lukas' infernal growth spurt the past couple years started the even the field, pushing him past her 6'1" and starting to match the strength of her blows.


After conceding the match, Gemma dug her fingers into the ground and hefted her whole body back to a standing position. The afternoon sun beat down on her bronzed body that was covered in dirt, sweat, and blood. Her zealous dedication to training had developed her into a muscled warrior and fierce competitor. Though not known for her social prowess, Gemma dominated any physical competition. In addition to being an absolute badass with just about any weapon, Gemma was strikingly gorgeous even with all the grime covering her. Long brunette hair cascaded down her heart shaped face and flawless tanned skin. Her massive F-cup breasts somehow looked well-proportioned on her tall, athletic frame. The large but firm ass that was perched on top of a pair of long toned legs was a true testament of her rigorous workout routine.


'What a shame,' Lukas thought to himself. The majority of the male population found her overly intimidating, Lukas was never bothered by her competitive side. Her aggravating personality on the other hand, drove Lukas bonkers. Pretentious and full of arrogance, Lukas offered to himself as he reflected on his disdain for his sparring partner, though he couldn't quite come up with a specific example of Gemma's character flaws. Gemma's lack of friends and social skills seemed to never bothered her, regularly claiming, "I'm not wasting any effort on winning a popularity contest." Gemma had also been quite bossy growing up, though Lukas supposed she may be starting to mature... enough about Gemma. Lukas was exhausted and didn't want to expend any mental effort ripping apart Gemma’s flaws. Being the only other prospective Adventurer in their rural neck of the woods, Lukas had the unfortunate burden of spending an intolerable amount of time with Gemma.


The ability to become an Adventurer was rare. Being an Adventurer meant you were able to use magic and hone skills. Adventurers were tasked with fighting the monsters that lurk throughout the world and pruning the Mystic Forest. It also meant you would have access to great wealth and power. Adventurers were generally seen as heroes who risked their lives to protect the innocent. Even lower-ranked Adventurers were given respect and honor wherever they went. Higher-ranked Adventurers became legends celebrated by bards and monuments.


Only a few are born with the special abilities to become Adventurers, and even then, diligent training was required to even scratch the surface of success. Well-populated areas, like the capital, might produce hundreds of prospects. But out in the small town of Fernin, the fact that there were two prospective adventures preparing to be Scribed was the hot news topic everyone gossiped on.


Gemma's speed and strength had always been a grueling hurdle to compete against. When they first started training together almost 6 years back, Gemma was unbeatable. Lukas euphemistically considered that phase "character building" as he was knocked down time after time again. Lukas was as committed as he could be to becoming a top-tier Adventurer, but self doubts plagued him worse than the manic girl trying to knock his head off. If he couldn’t scratch out even a single victory despite all the grit and sweat he bristled through, he might not make the cut. It was dejectedly easy to feel that way when you were constantly defeated by a teenage girl who happened to be younger, just by a month.


Luckily, Cassian showed up.



Cassian was a traveling Scribe. Part of his stewardship included the remote town of Fernin, among other easily forgettable places. Many Adventurers would avoid assignments that were so far out, assuming nothing of reputable importance would materialize. Cassian didn't mind, feeling his peers were remiss in their nearsightedness. You could say he almost had a sense of where the next potential disruption could come from. Still, Fernin was quite a journey and sparseness of the population and prospects restricted him from visiting regularly. Over the past couple decades, he had only visited four or five times.


As he prepared for his trip down to perform Scribing for two promising prospects, he recalled first observing Lukas and Gemma four years ago in the Fernin training grounds.


The training area in Fernin was made of packed dirt and clay, which was a necessity to prevent injuries. The hard packed dirt was ideal for training and sparring, and it was easy to repair if anything broke. There was a small shed nearby that held equipment and medical supplies, along with some chairs and benches for spectators.


It was a peaceful place, surrounded by trees and nature, and it felt like a sanctuary away from the rest of the world. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting warm rays on the fighters as they practiced their moves. The air was crisp and clean, with the scent of fresh grass and flowers wafting through the air. The sound of birds chirping and insects buzzing could surprisingly be heard over grunts and groans of the trainees and the clashes of their dulled training weapons.


Cassian's aged eyes carefully and thoughtfully tracked the movements of the boy trying to dodge the onslaught of the taller girl. After an hour of non-stop fighting and evaluation from the elderly spectator, he arose and approached the two teenagers. "Gemma, is it? I do believe the best way to describe you is... prodigy." 


Gemma strained, as if actively trying to maintain perfect posture to impress an imaginary panel of judges behind the Scribe. Her face wore a stoic exterior that would not be broken even if Cassian decided to stick out his tongue and wiggle his ears. 


"I have no doubt you have a bright future ahead, I look forward to returning in the coming years and witnessing what you will unlock." Gemma remained silent, though her piercing gaze fell on the Scribe. The older man let out a friendly chuckle, not the normal response Gemma received from her intimidating demeanor. Cassian studied her face for a few more seconds and then nodded. She would certainly be a force to reckon with.


Cassian moved on the boy, who's head hung low, eyes pointed to the ground. Cassian could almost sense the aura, the boy was ashamed to have been defeated repeatedly in front of the Scribe. No doubt that shame had been reinforced by at least a year of endlessly being overpowered by a formidable opponent. "Lukas..." the Scribe started. He paused and studied the top of the boy's head, since his eyes were still fixed on the dirt ground.


"Walk with me Lukas." And with that, the old man turned and strode into the serene forest, leaving the now startled boy behind him.


"You know, Lukas, I have seen many talented young people ease their way through any friendly competition thrown their way. They are king of their own little hill. You, are not one of them... yet"

Lukas slowly lifted his head to meet the Scribe's eye.


"No, I can see that you are strong-willed and determined to succeed, even if it means taking on someone much stronger than yourself. That kind of courage is rare, Lukas."


"Thank you, Sir," said Lukas softly, but firmly. He was touched by the words of encouragement from the Scribe. "I'm working harder than I could ever have imagined, but I'm still scrambling to even be mildly competitive to Gemma."


"From what I've seen, if you can go blade to blade with that girl and survive a few rounds, you could still turn into a hell of a dangerous Adventurer," quipped Cassian honestly. "Struggling against that kind of power for a few years before you get Scribed will do more for you than the maturing mind of a teenage boy can foresee. Plus you never know, you may get the chance to overthrow the king of the hill... or in this case, I suppose it's the queen of the hill. She is certainly quite the queen."


Lukas stared into the Scribe's eyes as Cassian could almost see the gears spinning in that head of his. Cassian's stomach grumbled interrupting the pensive moment. "Hmmm, the one thing I remember from being your age is the food was always the best right after long hours of training. Let's go find something to eat," suggested Cassian.


The original plan was for Cassian to depart for Fernin the following morning. However, Cassian's instincts told him to delay for a couple days so that he could continue mentoring the two young prospects. He got a better feel for their strengths and weaknesses, he gave them tips here and there to try out, and he dived deeper into their goals and aspirations... Well, at least the conversation with Lukas seemed to flow well and he spent hours understanding Lukas' future. Conversations with Gemma were considerably shorter, but Cassian trudged through the awkward chats regardless. She’ll figure out how to make friends soon. Cassian knew it was difficult for someone in Gemma's shoes to mingle, he tried to do a little matchmaking between her and Lukas, but the two quarreled like vengeful siblings.


Cassian made the extra effort to return to Fernin a couple years later to check up the two prospects even though there was no Scribing to do. He was pleased to see both of them had progressed nicely, Lukas had grown and was starting to challenge Gemma. Cassian even witnessed the first time Lukas ever bested Gemma in that trip.


Cassian smiled fondly as he passed through the doorway of the inn he was departing. "To Fernin then," Cassian spoke aloud to nobody in particular. The old man set off on foot, his bag slung across his shoulders. The sky was clear and blue, and the sun was shining brightly. The wind rustled through the leaves of the trees, creating a gentle melody. Birds sang cheerfully in the distance, and the scent of wildflowers filled the air. The path ahead was long and winding, but Cassian was used to traveling alone. He enjoyed the ability to ponder in the solitude and the quiet of the countryside. As he walked, he took in the sights and sounds around him, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the journey.


His jovial attitude reflected his eagerness to finally Scribe Lukas and Gemma.




It was no longer rare for Lukas to beat Gemma, though if someone were to keep track, they might have noticed that Gemma still wins the majority of the time. He was hoping to get to a consistently even record before the Scribing but alas, he might fall just a bit short. Still as much as he couldn’t stand his counterpart, training with Gemma was undoubtedly very beneficial for him. She set a grueling pace for workout and training, Lukas couldn’t afford any slacking if he had any hope of keeping up. There was never an easy match, every time he entered the training ground with her, it was more challenging than the time before. From the intense competition and the encouraging words he had gotten from the Scribe years ago, Lukas was feeling alright about his strength. His confidence had definitely grown from non-existence when he had first started.


His body had notably become more developed the past couple years, growing to match Gemma’s height then continued and gained a few inches on her. His shoulders broadened as muscles that used to possess a sinewy strength matured into an attractive, brawny shape. He had medium-length dark brown hair that swished to the side and nicely framed his square jawline. His skin tone was slightly darker then Gemma’s, due to his time under sun plus some genetics. Lukas brushed his hand across his hardened abs as if trying to loosen a faint knot of nervousness in his stomach. Other than some minor jitters, Lukas felt ready to face the Scribing.


He was also excited to see Cassian again. A fondness of his mentor had grown, even though they only had a couple interactions together so far. Lukas’ natural curiosity about the Scribing process had also grown and Cassian was the best source of information. He had opted to spend some time studying the different theories and possibilities. Only once or twice did he discuss it with Gemma, who promptly said, "Why worry about something that is out of your control? Your effort would be more productive in figuring out how to beat me." It's as if she rehearsed it or something.


But was the Scribing really completely out of his control? Lukas tended to disagree with such theories. Lukas mentally reviewed his Scribing knowledge, at least what he was able to summarize from the meager literature available in Fernin and the hundreds of questions he threw at Cassian the last time he visited.


Scribing was the process of granting a new Adventurer a profile of stats, class, and skills. A Scribe had a specific skill that allowed them to help new adventures get started through the Scribing process, hence why Cassian was needed. Scribing usually happened in the late teens, Lukas had been eighteen for a few months and Gemma just turned eighteen. They were mainly restricted by when the Scribe showed up, but he was confident Cassian would know the right time.

Stats: there were four main stats that made up the core of adventures: Strength, Agility, Mentality, and Vigor. Other sub stats were usually derived from the main stats, for example, Strength and Agility affected your physical damage, Mentality and Vigor combined to determine your Mana. The average Adventurer generally started out with stats in the teens and then they could gradually grow them by gaining experience. A good Adventurer might have a stat in the twenties to start out. In some rare cases, two or possibly more stats could be in the twenties. Lukas had hopeful suspicions that Gemma might have two stats in the twenties. Hopeful because then he wouldn't feel so bad about getting his ass kicked so many times. A favorable Scribing might make Gemma’s pride even more insufferable, but Lukas had already concluded that it was inevitable. Nobody knew exactly what their stats were going to be until Scribing, Lukas just enjoyed speculating in what little free time he had.


There were theories about what might affect the initial stat distribution. Some thought you were born with it while others thought it was part of an abstract Scribing lottery. Lukas was convinced that thorough training for years prior to the Scribing had to be taken to account. Obviously exercising and building muscle before the Scribing had to increase your Strength stat, thought Lukas. Contradicting ideas were prevalent making it difficult to nail down any factual solution.

Classes: the class you are assigned plays a key role in determining the skills you acquire, and also guides you in forming a diverse team. There are general classes and then the main class. Common general classes were brawler, ranger, rogue, and mage. Lukas felt like it was a given that both him and Gemma would end up in the brawler class. Within the brawler class, your main class could be a tank, berserker, or a knight. There could be some unique ones, but there wasn't too much variance.


Skills: based on the class adventures should get four skills though only two are unlocked at level one. The first two will likely be a passive skill and a triggered skill, and then the Adventurer can unlock an additional triggered skill and then finally the ultimate. Lukas found a few cases where a mage got two passives and just one triggered. There was also a ballad in a book he came across that mentioned someone who was granted five skills.


Considering Adventurer profiles were not freely shared, it was difficult to decipher fact from fiction. Lukas tried not to get distracted too much over the years. But when an elderly man strolled out of the forest along a path into town carrying with him the skill to Scribe adventures, Lukas felt relief about the next stage of his life that was moments away from starting.


Cassian took a deep breath in as he studied the ceiling of the temple. He had arrived in Fernin earlier that morning to a very eager town. There was a special energy coming from the two adult adults as they prepared to be Scribed. He was encouraged to see that even Gemma was uncharacteristically giddy.


He was more than a little wary from his long travels, but he pushed forward with preparations knowing the anxiety that the two prospects were feeling. It would be distasteful to ask them to sleep through the night and wait until the following morning to be Scribed, even if waiting an extra day was common practice among other Scribes. Leniency in tradition was a benefit that he could give working so far away from civilization and bureaucracy.


He rose and approached the door. Outside many of the townspeople had gathered to witness the Scribing. Class information was customarily sensitive and not openly shared, but he had seen many young, newly minted Adventurers burst out details into the excited crowd following a Scribing. Oh, to be young again.


He stepped outside and scanned the crowd. The townsfolk were mostly dressed in simple clothing, with a few wearing more elaborate attire. They were all staring intently at him, waiting for him to begin. Cassian cleared his throat and began to speak. "Good afternoon, citizens of Fernin. I’m always impressed by your hospitality. No one can match the fruit pies of Fernin and I must confess that is a secret that I do not widely share with my colleagues in the capital.” The crowd gave Cassian a laugh, some of them may have been obligatory, but Cassian smiled and continued. “Enough about food, I believe it is time to start Scribing!" he announced loudly. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. 


Cassian smiled and continued speaking. "Now, before we begin, I must remind you that the process of Scribing is sacred and confidential. We will not be discussing any details of the Scribing or the Adventurers' profiles. Is that understood?" Cassian gave a knowing smirk to the two prospects that were waiting on the steps of the temple. The crowd nodded and quieted down. Cassian motioned towards the statuesque young women and cheerfully beckoned. "Are you ready to begin?"


"Yes, sir," Gemma replied.


Cassian nodded and led the way inside, leaving the crowd of townspeople and Lukas behind. He gestured for Gemma to sit down in front of him, and then began the Scribing ritual.

He took her hands and mentally triggered his Scribing skill. The process was not too long, but to the prospects, he was sure it felt like hours. Scribing was not a painful process, but there was a strange tingle that accompanied the reveal, as if someone was combing over every corner of your soul. Finally, the mental image began to materialize, and the profile became clear, to him and to the new Adventurer. 


Cassian had seen a lot over his years. A few prospects he Scribed that he would consider to be prodigies and a few prospects that had some unique classes. But even with the many years of experience, a surprised gasp escaped his mouth


Gemma Arthur

General Class: Brawler

Main Class: Berserker

Level 1


Strength: 29

Agility: 26.5

Mentality: 13

Vigor: 14.7


Into the Fray (passive) - Level 1 - Block 5% of HP loss

Quick Work (triggered) - Level 1 - Link up to 3 enemies, when one linked enemy takes damage, other linked enemies take 10% of that damage



Cassian was stunned, twenty-nine in strength was the highest starting stat he had ever witnessed. Her agility stat alone might have come close to any record he had seen. “Incredible!” He was beaming at Gemma who was still digesting it herself. “I was expecting great things, and you still blew past my expectations. Those skills aren’t so shabby either.”


Coming off the initial high, the Scribe chuckled, “I don’t know how in the hell Lukas survived sparring with you all those years.” A slight blush crossed Gemma’s face, it was likely from all the praise the Scribe was piling on. She was not used to receiving praise, the only person who came close to matching her level was Lukas and he wouldn’t be caught dead giving her praise.

She had worked with some local trainers a few years back but they always found her to be prideful and difficult to work with. Even at that age, she knew it would be best to leave them behind and follow her own regimen.


Cassian briefly mused within his own mind before returning his focus on the brand new Adventurer. “This is undoubtedly wonderful news! You will truly be a powerful Adventurer.” Cassian paused and then added carefully, “If you would indulge me just briefly, I would caution you to be careful about rushing to make a name for yourself, be patient with yourself, you will naturally shine, no need to force it.”


Gemma seemingly pondered the advice and then replied curtly, “Thank you” and then clench her jaw shut as if she was scared more words would come out.


“Oh Gemma,” Cassian gently grasped her hands. “One of these days I’m going to get you to tell me an embarrassing story about yourself. I’ll promise not to tell Lukas.”


“That would be quite a feat, Cassian.” Gemma finally smiled weakly, showing just a crack in her personality.


Cassian continued, “I’m sure you have lots to think about as you get ready to head off to a guild, I’m assuming the Chimera Guild?” Gemma nodded. “This was truly a memorable Scribing, I am grateful to share this with you.” Cassian rambled on, already reminiscing the events that happened just minutes before.

Gemma rose and strode towards the doors, a haze of distracting thoughts parting in her mind as she was overall pleased with the outcome.




Lukas was finally seated across the Scribe after enthusiastically wandering into the temple. He had passed Gemma as she descended the stairs. “Brawler?” Lukas whispered the question towards her. Gemma looked a little out of it, but she raised her head and gave a slight nod as Lukas continued into the temple. Expected. Now it was his turn.


The Scribe grasped his hand and once again triggered his skill. Lukas tried earnestly to stay focused and empty his mind but that just seemed to make the time drag on. Finally, the profile started to materialize mentally for Lukas and Cassian. For the second time that day, the Scribe was surprised beyond the point of containment, he gasped loudly and his eyes went wide as he reviewed the profile. Lukas only made it through the beginning on the first run… what the fuck?!



Lukas Dameron

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Dominant

Level 1



Strength: 22

Agility: 20.5

Mentality: 20

Vigor: 18.5


Confidence (Passive) - Level 1 - shrug off 10% of magical damage and effects

Binding (Triggered) - Level 1 - able to bind others through sexual contract. Dominant will passively receive a 10% boost in the primary trait of the Bound subject(s)

Corruption (Passive) - Maxed - earn alternative and unique Dominance experience whenever Dominant is pleasured by Bound subject(s)



Lukas sustained a rapid and pounding heartbeat as he read and reread his profile. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, the profile still remained in his mental docket. He opened his eyes while abruptly standing up. He glanced down at the Scribe hoping the old man was pulling a prank on him, all the while knowing that was not feasible. Lukas acknowledged that Cassian himself had still not fully recovered from the shock. But Cassian quickly recognized his wisdom was needed and composed himself.


“Lukas my boy… we have a lot to talk about.”


Lukas was not ready to have the conversation now, but quickly realized he would never be ready for it. Better to rip off the bandage now. “The clear solution is to simply re-Scribe me.” Lukas suggested in a calm voice, almost masking that Lukas already knew that option did not exist.


Cassian managed a smile, impressed by the boy’s quick wit in the face of bizarre circumstances. “Let’s start with your stats, that would be the most normal conversation we can have right now, although I must admit that… there's nothing normal about your stats.” Cassian peered into the edgy eyes of the newest Adventurer as he spoke. “You are very well balanced across your stats, a very strong show across all your stats. I see no reason your stat growth alone could make you a fortuitous Adventurer, even with your… class.” Lukas took the opportunity to inject a burning question. “What is a Deviant?” In truth, there were numerous questions bursting at the seams.

“The Deviant general class contains a number of disruptive and unique classes.” Cassian paused and then shared,”I myself belong to the Deviant class as do most of the Scribes”

Lukas could barely wait until his mentor finished the sentence, “What about the Domi..”

“Unfortunately, that’s where we reach the extent of my knowledge,” Cassian cut in before Lukas could finish. “I can assure you your main class is one-of-a-kind and I feel confident you are pioneering in areas that no one has ever traversed.”

“Deviant classes can be quirky that way, they require the Adventurer to… let’s say discover the advantages of your class and how you might fit in the current ecosystem, and how the ecosystem,” Cassian paused mapping out his wording carefully, “might evolve to fit you.”

A stunned Lukas glanced around the temple working up the courage for his next questions. “May I ask you questions about my skills?” Cassian nodded kindly, “As long as you are prepared for disappointing answers.”

Lukas prodded forward, understanding his curiosities will likely not be satiated in one sitting. “Why would I gather a unique experience resource when it has no visible purpose?” Lukas asked, referring to his Corruption skill. Cassian leaned back and casually glanced at the temple ceiling, then rested his eyes back on Lukas. “I dare not lead you down the wrong path, but my best guess would be there will be potential to utilize in future skills as you progress through your class.” Lukas was close to arriving at that conclusion himself, but his mentor’s words were a very needed reassurance now.

Lukas relented that he needed to ruminate on the intertwined sexual nature of his class before conferring with the older Scribe. He wasn’t even sure Cassian was the correct person to converse with, but Lukas didn’t have a confidant that he could flesh his class out with. Lukas finally resigned to wrapping up his Scribing, though the event had left him completely unwrapped.

Both Lukas and Cassian emerged from the temple to the sun setting behind the forest canopy in the distance. And to an excited, but anxious crowd. The Scribing had unfurled over an unusual length of time. Gemma’s arrogant posture and hostile gaze had returned. “What took you so long?” Her eyes drilled into Lukas, “Brawler?” She demanded, repeating the same question Lukas had whispered to her earlier.

Lukas held his ground on the stone steps on the temple. He may have granted the courtesy of exchanging generic details of their two expected brawler classes, but there was no way he would even entertain the idea of discussing his sex-crazed class with Gemma. He stormed off, leaving Gemma’s perturbed expression behind. He could sense eyes following his movements as he briskly exited the town center. He assumed it was Gemma or other townsfolk that were curious about his abrasive reaction to the Scribing, but then his keen eyes caught something high up on the rooftop of the local jewelry shop.

Alerted, Lukas squinted against the setting sun. He could make out the small, cloaked feminine figure surveilling him before she disappeared below the roof line. Lukas rushed down the street to the corner of the shop and peered into the darkening alley. Fear was absent as Lukas sought out his target, he was disconcerted that an unknown entity was observing him after his unconventional Scribing and he wanted to be… concerted.


Quickly covering ground in the alley and checking all other lanes of escape, Lukas was coming up empty. The mysterious spy had vanished and Lukas would just be guessing from here on out. With a huff, he spun around and walked off in no particular direction. The sky darkened into nightfall as he made it to the edge of town, the forest inviting him ahead. As he stepped forward into solitude, an undersized female invaded his peace, emerging from the forest he was seeking to be engulfed by.


How did she get in front of him? How did she follow him with such stealth? Ok, maybe Lukas mind had been carried far away from the present. She could have been following a few steps behind him for how distracted and careless he marched through town.


“Your Scribing seems to have elicited some…trepidation.” She called out to him, the forest air carrying her soft voice to his ears. Silence. “I’m seeking to document some of the more unique classes and wanted to ask you some questions.” Her barely 5-foot frame came closer as she evaluated Lukas. Lukas eyed the alluring stranger, her silky black hair highlighted by bright purple streaks which matched the purple hue glistening in her unique irises. A cute pointed nose matched her angled ears, which were not pointed enough to mark her as an elf, but nearly so. She looked to be about the same age as Lukas, even with her dainty size. Her body was very petite with the exception of D-cup breasts that looked deliciously perky on her chest despite their weight.

Lukas pushed back against his lustful appraisal, weary that she may use her beauty to loosen his tongue. He could tell she felt secure enough to be stalking a man his size, but she did not have enough confidence to sell the lie she just told him. He knew she was hiding something. “Why should I help you? I do not trust you.” Lukas was blunt and straight to the point.

She stuttered at the direct approach by the tall, handsome Adventurer. “I won't ask for anything that you are not comfortable sharing...” Abruptly, Lukas shortened the conversation, "Great, I'm not comfortable sharing anything." A peeved Lukas was not budging.


"What about something as simple as, is your class what you expected?" Lukas glared at her, she was trying to uncover something, but what? And why? "Are there any unique aspects of your class? You don't even need to tell me details."

"I'll give you one chance to come clean. Tell me what you know and what you need from me and we can go from there."

Her eyes widened in surprise as she blushed, "I... I... I just... am curious about your class and..." She gave up already knowing there's no way that landed well.


"We are done here. I strongly recommend you stop following me. I do not respond lightly to incursions into my private life, especially by unnamed strangers who randomly show up in a backwoods town to spy on Scribings." Lukas spun back towards the town, concluding that a meditative stroll in the woods was not happening tonight. He quickly left the small girl behind.

Her demeanor dropped as she watched the tall Adventurer exit the interaction. She whispered after him, "My name is Gwyn," doubtful her voice reached his distant ears.

Lukas stewed in silence for a while as he traversed the quiet town. His thoughts turned to this strange girl. Why would she want to learn about his class? What was she going to do with that knowledge? He couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something and she had it. He hated playing games though, and she was definitely gaming. Maybe he had been too harsh.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed out into the night air. He didn't like being a dick, regardless of the headache his Scribing had been. He should go back and apologize. He paused a few long seconds while trying to arrive at a decision. Showing just a hint of humility, he once again turned back towards the forest to seek out the mysterious girl.

However, on return, the girl was nowhere to be seen. Lukas scanned the forest scene as if expecting a path to materialize in front of him. He needed to leave. Now.


He returned to his modest cottage near the edge of the town and quickly packed the handful of belongings he owned. He was reaching for the door handle to depart on his impulsive and impromptu journey when a knock caused him to take a step back.

"Unbelievable," he muttered as he opened the door, eyes down ready to face the enigmatic girl who had interrogated him in the forest. But instead of the distinct purple eyes he was expecting, his gaze fell upon the massive cleavage of Gemma. His eyes shot up, clearly surprised by Gemma's visit.

"I just had the weirdest encounter with..." Gemma caught Lukas standing there with his pack looking ready to flee. "Where the fuck are you going?"


"I was just heading out for a walk," Lukas lied, quick was his words. But that didn't sit well with him, he snarled "Actually, I don't need to answer to you. I'll go wherever the hell I want."


Gemma raised her voice, "What happened at your Scribing? You looked like Cassian smacked you across the face, rather than giving you a class." Lukas almost laughed, it wasn't far from the truth.


Lukas began to soften, "Gemma, I can't talk about my class now. I'm overwhelmed and I need to clear my mind. I need to get away."

"You’re just going to leave?," she said incredulously, "What am I supposed to do? We were supposed to go to the Chimera Guild together."


"Why do you need me? You can easily beat any new Adventurers and compete with many of the experienced ones. You shouldn’t have any issues finding a team as long as you keep your mouth shut."


Gemma bit her lip and searched her own mind for an answer that made sense, then deflected, "I can’t believe you are just running away. You’ve been wanting to be an Adventurer your entire life and now you're just going to throw it away? Grow some balls." The conversation was heating up.

“I’m not running away!” Lukas shouted. “I’m still an Adventurer, I just need to figure some shit out. Not everyone can brute force their way through life like a fucking rhino.” Now Gemma was mad, assuming the rhino quip was a subtle reference to her.

“You know what? I don’t give a shit!” She yelled angrily, “Run away, I don’t need you. I got here by myself and I don’t want to drag you behind me anymore. My bad for expecting you to man up. Please leave, I don’t want to be your chaperone any more.”


Lukas stormed past Gemma and off into the night. Gemma continued to hurl obscenities at him as he left Fernin behind.

What a nightmare of a day. The morning had greeted him with the friendly face of Cassian, who was almost skipping into town with excitement. Now, in the dark of the night, Lukas hastily ventured away, on the very same trail.



Cassian awoke the next morning to a persistent Gemma knocking on the door to the room he was staying in. Luckily Gemma had enough sense to at least wait until a decent hour. Cassian needed his rest after the long travels and intriguing Scribings.


After opening the door, Gemma entered the room without being invited. She spoke quickly and with little emotion which did not match her insistent knocking. "Lukas left."


"I see," Cassian remarked, not completely surprised by the news.

"Did you try to stop him?" Cassian asked after stifling a yawn.

"Yes," she answered, then there was silence. After a long and awkward moment, Gemma finally buckled under the gentle pressure being applied by Cassian's stare. "I did at first," Gemma continued, "but then things got heated, and I might have... encouraged him to leave."

"It's okay," Cassian replied, "it is not unexpected." He smiled and patted her back as if comforting a child. "I'm sure we will see him again." Cassian added with a twinkle.

Gemma turned around and looked at Cassian with scouring eyes. "Why would I care about seeing him again? And why are you so calm?"


"Gemma, I have no doubts about your capacity to care," Cassian continued being annoyingly vague, "self-imposing yourself to such an aggressive and strict lifestyle has strengthened you beyond imagination. You should be excited to know that you have... so much more to discover about yourself."


Gemma was now uncomfortable with the conversation, her aversion to introspection prompting her to end the interaction with the Scribe.


She moved towards the door, "I'm leaving for the Chimera Guild today, I don't care what happens to Lukas." Her eyes focused on Cassian for one last moment, almost transmitting a plea for the Scribe to rescue the wayward Adventurer. Then she shuffled into the hallway to prepare for her own departure from Fernin.

Cassian stood motionless in his room watching Gemma's retreating form. A smile broke out as he searched his senses for any clues. His smile morphed into a more quizzical expression at the hinted journey.


“I need to find Fiona.” Cassian said to himself, it was both a statement and a question.

* * *

The breaking daylight found an exhausted Lukas walking through the dense forest without much purpose. He was about to convince himself he needed to rest but then he came across the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast expanse of forest. The trees extended far into the horizon, but in the very distant skyline, he could make out inklings of civilization. Peering down the rocky edge, he could see a trader’s trail snaking around the base of a cliff.

Lukas took a deep breath as he analyzed the cliff for a strategy on descending it. Suddenly a redheaded figure burst out of the tree line at the bottom of the cliff.

A small teenage girl with a bright red ponytail and freckled face ran from the direction of a group of men yelling obscenities and wielding crude weapons. She stumbled over her own feet and fell to the ground before she realized that there were no more trees to hide behind. In desperation, she tried to run back the way she had come only to find herself surrounded by the thugs. One of them grabbed her hair and held her still while the others surrounded.

Lukas had already sprung into action, quickly cascading the steep slope of the cliff. He landed not-so-gracefully, painfully skinning his legs, but the adrenaline powered him forward.

He charged the nearest bandit only armed with his practice weapons, but Lukas' training quickly overwhelmed the brute as the first casualty fell to the ground. In a flash of dark red hair, another combatant joined the fight. As if materializing out of thin air, an assassin-like woman slashed the throat of the bandit holding the captive before Lukas could blink.

Her blade flicked the blood off its tip onto the dirt below her. She swiftly moved to the next target and two bandits approached Lukas. Lukas was new to engaging multiple combatants and he was heavily favoring his torn up leg, but after some parrying and a few slashes, he knocked the pair unconscious.


Out of nowhere, a stone fist crashed into his chest flinging him backwards. After the initial stun, Lukas sprung up to a competitive crouch, his chest now emanating a similar painful burning that his leg was experiencing. The red haired assailant had taken care of the rest of the bandits except for the sole remaining perpetrator. She looked surprised as she glared at the man who had just thrown the stone fist at Lukas. They were facing another Adventurer.

The assassin spoke out, "Why are you fighting with them?" The bandit relaxed his stance just slightly and responded, "My cut of the pay was pretty good, it was hard to say no to. Nothing personal," he winked at the redhead. Lukas glanced her way and was stunned almost as if another stone fist smacked him. She was an absolute bombshell.

The bloody blade that she clutched was temporarily ignored as Lukas drank in her beauty. She stood at a tall 5'10", Lukas was used to Gemma's towering height, but he still appreciated the alluring individual in front of him. Her athletic body was covered by a tight black leather outfit that accentuated every curve. Her breasts were modestly large, but her toned midsection was what caught Lukas' eye. The redhead's eyes were a vibrant emerald green, and her long red hair hung in loose waves over her shoulders. Her pale skin was adorned with numerous cute freckles that made Lukas drool slightly. She had a smirk on her face as she caught him checking her out, which made her even more attractive in Lukas' opinion.

Lukas couldn't help but feel drawn to her. She was confident and fierce, yet also kind and compassionate as she protected the young girl who had been kidnapped, with whom he could clearly discern a familial relation. For the first time since the Scribing, his mind felt a wave of positive curiosity towards his unique class.


The opposing Adventurer interrupted his daydreaming with a proposition. “Listen, I’ll just take the loot and be on my way. No need for anyone to get hurt.” He eyed the blade wielded by the assassin that was dripping with the blood of his fellow ‘coworkers’.

“What a fucking disgrace, I suggest you piss off while you still can breathe,” she redhead spited back, apparently not interested in deescalation. Lukas raised his eyebrows at her fire, hoping he didn’t get burned.

“Be reasonable, you both look like you were recently Scribed, I easily beat you in experience and gear. It would not be a fair fight.” His unpleasant tone lacked real confidence, still, he ground his feet into a fighting stance. Lukas was now up and circling the sneering Adventurer matching the movement of his redheaded ally on the opposite side. The situation was evolving at a rapid speed not giving Lukas too much time to think.

The bandit Adventurer kicked off the battle unexpectedly by throwing a stone fist and the now unprotected juvenile that was spectating the fight, as if a cheap shot was his only play. The assassin shrieked as she teleported in front of the girl and took the hit.

Lukas lunged forwards and began a quick series of attacks with his twin blades. The bandit’s scimitar flashed in the middle repelling the quick assault. Lukas was heavily impacted by fatigue and injury, but he pressed the attack. The bandit gasped in disgust even as Lukas started scoring a few hits, “Are you seriously using practice blades against me?” The thug almost shook his head in disbelief.


Lukas relied on his training as he dodged most of the counters from the bandit. He was struggling to do any major damage to the experienced Adventurer. Then the assassin who had just recovered from the initial hit joined the fight. Together, they started to wear the aggressor down to a manageable state. However, Lukas did take a nasty hit to his shoulder. Fearing his participation in the fight was coming to a close, he swerved both his blades over his head, expertly gaining momentum before shifting the angle of attack and striking the side of his enemy. His opponent had tried to track the attack and block it, but was distracted with a jab from the assassin. Lukas’ attack landed and the bandit let a pained groan escape as he fell a few steps back. He recovered quickly though and sent a stone fist directly into Lukas’ stomach at point blank range.

Lukas went flying back, his body crashing against the jagged face of the cliff. He was coughing up blood as he felt his life hang on by just a few HP. He weakly directed his fading sight towards the fight as we hoped he had done enough to give his partner the advantage. The assassin snarled as the cooldown on her teleport finally expired. In the blink of eyes, she was behind the thug driving the dagger deep in his back. The bandit finally fell, defeated by the pair of newly Scribed Adventurers.

Lukas felt a burning in his core, distinct from the flashing pain plaguing his entire body. The burning expanded into almost a pleasant tingling sensation encompassing his body. Lukas had experienced his first level up, though the circumstances were nothing to celebrate.

The last standing Adventurer picked up a vial of red liquid off the fallen Adventurer and brought it over to Lukas. Lukas grasped it desperately and downed it while he was still conscious. The health potion restored Lukas enough to be able to think clearly and stand up without a severe amount of pain. The assassin scrutinized him with a cryptic expression and then returned to the shivering girl who up until this time remained on the sidelines. The girl streaked forward and launched herself at the assassin wrapping her in a tight embrace as her tears began to flow.

“Fiona! That was way too close,” she sobbed.

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