The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 17 – The Rematch

“Okay,” Lukas said to Elvira, willing to entertain her scheming since it would be to his party’s benefit. “What’s your plan?”


“A couple days ago,” Elvira began, “a quest came in from the nearby town of Greinhold. They had requested a team of experienced Adventures to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances. A team accepted the quest and left shortly after. I thought nothing of it until one of the Adventurers returned alone. He told a wild tale of an overpowered mage with corrupted magic. He claimed a necromancer had taken up residence in the outskirts of Greinhold. The other guild officers were having a hard time believing him until he mentioned something that made my blood run cold. He said he witnessed husks of people roaming around, doing the necromancer’s bidding. He mentioned the mage had a gnarly staff that was sucking the life out of a corpse. Then he said the mage looked Anoran.” 


“Frelich?!” Lukas gasped out. “We never got that staff back.”


Elvira nodded, her face a little more somber. “That's what I was thinking. I want to send someone who knows what they’re doing. There’s no one else that I know of that has dealt with necromancy at this level. Lukas, you are best suited to take on Frelich, or whatever this is. David wants to see it with his own eyes. He insists that he is going as well.”


“We can take care of Frelich,” Lukas said, “but what does this have to do with the tournament?”


“Necromancy is a big deal,” Elvira continued. “You complete this quest, I can select you. It would make a lot of sense. You will essentially earn your way to the tournament, even though I’m pulling the strings behind the scenes. I’m sure David will be impressed by whatever mage-slayer show you put on. Also, my parents are coming in tomorrow morning, and you will all conveniently be in Greinhold until they leave. I’m solving soooo many problems here with one genius idea, don’t you think, Lukas, dear?”


Lukas thoughtfully nodded. “Okay, Elvira. It’s a good idea.”


“It’s a genius idea,” Elvira said with a victorious smirk. “Say it.”


“Don’t push it,” Laera said, chiding her sister.


Lukas flashed a smile at the older Anoran. “I’m impressed.”


“You leave early tomorrow morning,” Elvira said. “David will have some horses ready over at the guild stables.” Gemma groaned; Elvira ignored it. “Let’s go eat dinner!” The Anoran twirled around and practically skipped into the dining room.


Fiona sidled up to Lukas. “She’s definitely smitten. I’ve never seen anyone so desperate to impress a man.”


“Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Lukas teased. His comment earned him a pinch on the arm.


The weary Adventurers joined Elvira in the dining room. After their meal, they quickly retired to their bedrooms. Gwyn never made it to hers, however. She silently padded towards Lukas’ room, determined to keep the promise she had made.



The party of eight rode towards Greinhold. David led the group with Travis close behind. Travis was the mage who had raced back to Vandhoven after losing his team. With his guidance, they planned on heading straight to the abandoned monastery to face their enemy. Lukas and Gemma brought up the rear, but managed to keep pace with the rest of the group.


Most of Lukas' attention was devoted to the mundane task of horseback riding, yet he still found his mind contemplating Elvira’s plan. It was quite brilliant. Despite being willing to use questionable methods to get his team to the tournament, he didn’t want to be given a free pass. Earning their way was far more palatable to him, and this quest was perfectly aligned with his team's strengths and aspirations. Elvira was a powerful friend to have, Lukas thought, as long as he had a firm grasp on her leash.


The monastery loomed ahead, its ancient stones silhouetted against the gray morning sky. Tall, crumbling walls rose up like jagged teeth, adorned with remnants of carvings that hinted at elegance, but had turned sinister with age. Vines snaked their way across the surfaces, creeping through cracks and gaps. David held up a hand to signal the group. They gathered around, waiting to hear what the older Adventurer had to say.


“We have an interesting dynamic.” David said, “and a critically important mission. I have the most experience and levels out of everyone here. Travis has personally engaged with the mage we are about to face. Lukas, I understand that you’ve not only seen the type of magic we are fighting against, but have actually defeated it. Am I correct in also assuming you are the leader of your team?”


Lukas nodded.


“I believe it would be best to let you take point in this operation then,” David wisely admitted. “I’m an Assassin with some poison skills and speed boosts. Travis brings a good assortment of support magic to the table.” David looked over to Travis, giving him a cue.


“Yes,” Travis said. “I have a dispel, a heal, and a stun.”


Lukas scratched his chin before laying out his strategy. “Okay, our plan will be very similar to when we faced the Dark Warlock in the caverns. Laera will buy us a huge headstart by using back-to-back silences as well as bewitching two of the minions. Is your mana all set?”


Laera gave him a nod.


“I want the two Assassins to tackle the mage right away. Gemma and I will keep the minions occupied while our ranged support backs us up. Lucy, if we can reduce the minion threat to a reasonable level, I want you to switch your target to the mage, understood?”


Lucy, likewise, gave her silent acknowledgement.


“Best-case scenario,” Lukas continued, “we drop this mage before his magic activates. If not, the Assassins will drop back and engage the minions, and I’ll take on the necromancer.”


“Best-case scenario,” Fiona interjected, “is Frelich pisses his pants when he sees us and surrenders.”


“Assuming it is Frelich,” Laera said, “I don’t understand what he’s doing. He has always been power-hungry, but necromancy is strictly forbidden in Anora. His dad holds a prominent position in the Parliament. It doesn’t make any sense.” 


“If Frelich wants to be taken alive,” Lukas added, “he will need to surrender while his magic is blocked. Even if he has only half the spells the Dark Warlock had, we can’t take any chances.  My team, have your Aegis orbs ready.”


As Lukas laid out the plan, David was enthralled by the young Adventurer's leadership. Lukas exuded confidence, articulating a strategy that was both tactical and flexible, adjusting to the uncertainties of the battle ahead. Travis, still jittery from memories of the last encounter at the monastery, looked substantially less confident. “Let’s roll out,” Lukas commanded.


They rode closer to the monastery before finding a clump of trees to tie down their horses. They approached the crumbling structure from the east, where the entire wall was caved in. As the enemy force came into sight, Lukas drew in a breath. Roaming around within the shadows of the decrepit building were close to twenty human forms. The mage had collected many more minions than the Dark Warlock had. 


Lukas’ eyes finally locked on to the undead army’s master. A ghastly Anoran stood amongst the minions, gripping the black staff in his hand. Despite his warped and villainous appearance, Lukas easily recognized Frelich.


The team of Adventurers crept closer, avoiding detection until they were well-positioned to launch their offensive. With Laera’s magic at the ready, Lukas gave the signal to commence the assault


Frelich’s signature sneer shimmered in the shadows as he saw the rapidly approaching party. His staff waved hungrily in the air, welcoming more victims to its haunted sanctuary. The elf’s gleeful look didn’t last long, however, as he spotted the group’s tallest member. A flash of fear crossed his face as he recognized the mage-slayer charge into the monastery.


Lukas and Gemma barreled into the minions with blazing success. Many of the zombie fighters were not fighters at all. They lacked armor and weapons, and even under the necromancer’s curse, they failed to pose any threat to the fury of the trained brawlers. There were, however, some heavily armed undead Adventurers interspersed throughout the battlefield. Laera quickly identified a couple of the more menacing minions and seized control of their allegiance. Fiona and David snuck past the minions along opposite edges of the battle and swiftly caught Frelich in a pincer move.


A silenced Frelich could only draw his saber to counter the agile Assassins. The nimble allies worked in tandem to keep the Anoran on his toes and whirling around in an attempt to block their jabs. The pair of them scored several strikes on the enemy, though they had to contend with his curved blade. The magical silence that vexed the evil sorcerer was refreshed by Larea, and the battle raged on.


Lukas, Gemma, and their two minion allies held the line, giving their ranged support the opportunity to wreak havoc. The weaklings were eliminated and the minion army was swiftly reduced to just a few elite undead. With Gemma’s flaming sword on one side and Gwyn’s Dire Wolf on the other, Lukas skillfully eradicated the strongest of the minions. Lucy decided to take a few shots at Frelich, hoping to bring the Anoran down within their opportune time frame. The silence expired, however, and the enemy elf was still fighting.


A timely teleport from Fiona allowed her to escape the grasp of the necromancer’s magic. She opted to land in the midst of the minions and set off her frosty Ultimate. David, however, risked one more hit on Frelich before beginning his withdrawal – a hit that would cost him dearly.


Frelich brandished his staff, summoning his protective purple sphere. With another wave, dark fingers sprung out and seized the retreating David, holding him in place. A streaming blood ribbon followed, threading through every member of the Adventurers’ party. Then a flash of green flames engulfed the captive assassin, causing him to scream out in agony. All of the Adventurers also felt the corrupted magic burning away at their HP.


“Travis!” Lukas shouted. The mage sprung into action, casting his dispel on David, freeing him of the restraints and the fiery attack. His healing ability followed, giving their beleaguered teammate strength to complete his hasty retreat. Frelich’s wicked staff then slammed into the ground, sending the expected shockwave rushing towards the Adventurers.


Having triggered his magic immunity while in full stride, Lukas rushed towards the Dark Warlock wannabe. He smashed into Frelich with tremendous force. The elf took a slash from his assailant’s blades and then spun back to his feet. Recovering from the clash, the Anoran enemy sought out the nearest minion for an HP-boosting sacrifice. To the dark mage’s dismay, Fiona eliminated the last minion before he could cast. “Fuck off, Anoran!” she yelled.


Lukas sunk his blade into his foe. Frelich roared in pain as swung his saber around to parry the Dominant’s attacks. Frelich was skilled in wielding his curved sword, but Lukas had a significant height and strength advantage – and new legendary armor. Activating the chest plate’s boost, he was completely invulnerable to both magical and physical damage. 


The two Assassins had done plenty of damage. Lacking any minions to steal health from, the necromancer was on the verge of final defeat. Lukas slashed away the remaining HP of his foe, not worrying about the razor-sharp edges of the enemy saber trying to slice through his enchanted armor.


The abandoned monastery fell back into its ancient silence as the battle concluded. Despite the larger undead battalion and a brief, but scary moment for David, the Adventurers emerged decisively victorious. Travis recognized some of his former teammates amongst the fallen minions and began to collect the corpses.


Lukas secured the evil wizarding staff, promising himself that it would not be leaving his sight. He also felt the burning tingle as his eleventh level manifested. Turning to his team, he saw his girls hurry over to him and the fallen Anoran. 


“You were even better the second time, Daddy!” Gwyn exclaimed.


“You’re not feeling extra evil, are you?” Fiona said, eying the staff in his hands.


“No,” Lukas replied. “I think the Dark Warlock is gone for good. I’m still going to take added precautions about how this staff is handled.”



Dark Warlock’s Staff



Wizardry: +40% boost to magical damage

(hidden) - abilities and boosts from the staff are only available to those who are possessed with a necromancer’s spirit



“A forty percent boost to magical damage?” Lukas asked incredulously.


“It’s standard for a wizard’s staff to provide such significant boosts to magical output,” Laera clarified. “If they didn’t, mages would be more inclined to use conventional weapons instead. In fact, staves typically offer more enhancements than any other equipment.”


“Interesting,” Lukas remarked, then scrutinized the staff with a puzzled look. “I guess Frelich got possessed that night when we faced the Dark Warlock. I let it slip by.”


“We barely made it out alive that night,” Laera reminded him. “We were all exhausted. There’s no need to place blame.”


Lukas nodded, then saw David approaching. “Glad to see you survived,” Lukas said with a weary smile.


“No kidding!” David responded. “That magic was unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something. I’m glad Elvira sent the right Adventurers for the job. Let’s gather any remaining loot lying around and gather the bodies together. The people of Greinhold can come retrieve the corpses.”


“Are we headed into Greinhold?” Lukas asked.


“Yes,” David said. “We need to collect the quest reward. There will likely be a place for us to stay, but you could make it back to Vandhoven if we’re quick. It will likely be after nightfall though.”


“Greinhold sounds great!” Lukas said enthusiastically, knowing Laera’s parents were staying the night in Vandhoven.


The group sorted through any items of possible value quickly, then began the short journey to Greinhold. The afternoon sun was high overhead as they mounted their horses. Fifteen minutes later, they were galloping into town.


David led the way past several guards and into the town square, where a bustling market was in full swing. Vibrant stalls adorned with colorful produce and handmade goods lined the cobblestone paths, and the aroma of grilled street food wafted through the air. As the group dismounted and secured their horses, a small congregation formed around them, composed of armed guards, curious bystanders, and a few nobles. 


One of the nobles lunged forward with a crazed look on his face. “David, glad to see you here. Will there be more coming? There’s rumors that the first party of Adventurers failed and have joined the necromancer’s undead army. You will surely need more reinforcements.”


“Lord Gregory,” David responded, “I come with good news. The necromancer has been defeated. We headed straight for the monastery when we arrived.”


“You defeated the mage?!” Lord Gregory exclaimed. “Even with your experience and reputation, that’s an impressive feat.”


“We brought the right team for the job,” David said. “It was actually young Lukas here who finished him off.”


The crowd murmured in awe. Lord Gregory’s eyes narrowed as he regarded Lukas with sprouting interest. “Indeed, a remarkable feat for one so young. Tell me, what exactly happened in your encounter?”


“I may have dealt the last blow,” Lukas explained, “but every contribution from each team member was needed. The necromancer was an Anoran Adventurer who became possessed with the spirit of a Dark Warlock. By the time we engaged, he had amassed an army of twenty undead minions.”


“Is there any way to restore those minions?” the noble asked. “Many of them were stolen from our town.”


Lukas shook his head. “Unfortunately, whatever magic the mage possessed drained them completely. There was nothing left when we fought against them.” 


Lukas continued recounting the events of the battle to a growing audience. The town was captivated by the tall Adventurer’s storytelling, leaning in close as he painted the picture of their harrowing fight. As he concluded, the townsfolk exchanged glances of amazement.


Lord Gregory stepped forward, his voice carrying authority and gratitude. “I, Lord Gregory, extend my heartfelt thanks to you for liberating Greinhold from such a vile menace. Henceforth, I shall bestow upon each of you the esteemed title of Protector of Greinhold. We will send carts out to retrieve the corpses. I will charge my servants to prepare a celebration for our brave heroes. Follow me to the keep to receive your reward. Then I will take you to my manor.”


A ripple of excitement ran through the crowd at Lord Gregory's proclamation. The townsfolk began to cheer, their voices melding into a chorus of gratitude and celebration. Lukas couldn’t help but smile as they followed the lord through the streets.


Greinhold was larger than Willowdale, where they had completed their last quest. They arrived at the keep, which loomed majestically over the surrounding town. Constructed from precisely-cut gray stone, it stood tall and proud with thick and formidable walls. As they approached the entrance, the massive oak doors, reinforced with iron bands, creaked open to reveal a spacious foyer.


Once inside, Lord Gregory addressed a guard stationed nearby. After a brief exchange, the guard nodded in acknowledgment and quickly disappeared through a doorway. “Initially, the quest was an investigation, with a reward of eight hundred gold. However, in light of recent discoveries, I believe it's only right to double that reward.”


The guard returned with a pouch of coins, which was handed over to David. Without hesitation, the Deputy Guildmaster transferred the reward directly to Lukas. Despite being assured he was under no obligation, Lukas awarded two hundred gold to both David and Travis.


Lord Gregory then insisted on giving Lukas and his team a tour of Greinhold, eager to showcase the town's beauty and history. David chose to decline, having visited Greinhold numerous times in the past. Meanwhile, Travis decided to return to the location where the carts would arrive, keen to make arrangements for his fallen comrades.


Lord Gregory showed the young Adventurers the townhall and the training grounds. They met a fighter, just younger than themselves, practicing using a lance atop a horse. “This is Noel,” the noble tour guide introduced them. “She is preparing for her Scribing next month, after which she will be joining the Wyvern Guild.”


They next visited a well-engineered bridge that crossed a river that bisected the town. Lord Gregory enthusiastically told them about the large bat colony that roosted in the eaves underneath the bridge. “You’ll notice we have a lot less of those pesky insects flying around here thanks to those bats.”


The Adventurers attempted to hide the grumbling coming from their stomachs as the noble led them to his manor. Arriving at the grand estate, they were greeted by the sounds of sizzling meats and the smells of freshly baked bread. They stepped into an elegantly furnished dining hall where a long table was set with an array of dishes.


“Have a seat,” the noble welcomed them to his feast, “I hope to honor you the best way we know how – with delicious food.”


As they settled into their seats, the Adventurers began to serve themselves. With their plates piled high, they glanced at each other with delight. Lord Gregory officially commenced the celebration by raising his goblet of wine and toasting to the Adventures. “To the heroes who freed us of the necromancer’s dark clutches.”


“To the heroes!” echoed the gathered guests, lifting their goblets in a toast. A minstrel seated in the corner began playing soft music while the hungry crowd dug in. As the Adventurers indulged, they shared a sense of fulfillment, both from the meal and from their deeds. The atmosphere remained jovial for several hours as the celebration carried into the night. Eventually, the guests trickled out and the servants began the process of cleaning up. 


The noble had been generous in granting them six rooms for their lodging, but the girls all came crawling to Lukas’ room for the night. The extra rooms did provide a buffer for all the salacious moaning and screaming.




The next morning, Lukas woke with a couple tasks to complete. His eleventh level sat in the queue waiting for his attention and he had creamed enough holes the previous night for another bonded skill upgrade. Seeing as none of the girls were awake yet, he resolved to address his level up first.


After defeating Frelich, the next challenge he perceived on the horizon was the tournament, which promised a range of formidable challenges. Flexibility and adaptability would be rewarded, but that didn’t give him much guidance. He took a moment to assess his skills, contemplating which areas would benefit most from refinement. Narrowing it down to two choices, he could boost Strength and Vigor for his entire team during his Praise ability, or he could passively boost all of his own stats with Obedience. Praise had recently been upgraded, so he settled on Obedience.



Lukas Dameron

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Dominant

Level 11



Strength: 24.3 + 14.5

Agility: 22.7 + 21.7

Mentality: 21.6 + 13.5

Vigor: 20 + 11.3



Confidence (Passive) - Maxed - shrug off 50% of magical damage and effects

Obedience (Triggered) - Level 3 - able to bind others through sexual contract. Dominant will passively receive a 30% boost in the primary trait of the Obedient subject(s)

Corruption (Passive) - Maxed - earn alternative and unique Dominance experience whenever Dominant is pleasured by Obedient subject(s)

Praise (Triggered) - Level 3 - Obedient subject(s) receive a +20 boost in both Strength and Vigor for 60 seconds, the Confidence effect is doubled during this duration

Discipline (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) get an additional triggered skill, extra Dominance experience can be converted to HP at an inefficient rate

Restraints (Ultimate) - Level 2 - apply 2 stuns for the duration of 1 second, stuns can be applied to multiple targets or can be stacked on one target


Bonded Skills:

King of the Wood Nymphs (Triggered) - Maxed - passively grants +5 to all stats, can summon assistance while in the Mystic Forest



By the time he had his own profile squared away, Gwyn had woken up. Lukas gave her a warm smile. “Ready to give your puppy an upgrade?” he whispered.


Excitement flashed in her purple eyes as she sat up in the bed and extended her arms. Lukas joined hands and leveled up her bonded skill.


Gwyndolyn Groves

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Submissive

Level 10


Strength: 11.4

Agility: 12.3

Mentality: 17.0

Vigor: 21.0



Liberating Submission (Passive) - Maxed - when bound as an Obedient to a Dominant, all skill effects are doubled - Active

Heal (Triggered) - Maxed - grants a 60 HP heal to an Adventurer

Meekness (Triggered) - Level 3 - Turn invisible for 120 seconds

Wife Material (Ultimate) - Level 4 - receive a +40 Vigor boost for one day after cooking for a man - Inactive


Bonded Skills:

Protective Embrace (Passive) - Maxed - immune to Damage-over-Time effects casted on Submissive, Dominant receives an opposite healing effect when Damage-over-Time effects are casted on Submissive

Puppy (Triggered) - Level 2 - summons a Level 20 Dire Wolf familiar to assist, only one can be summoned at a time



Gemma had stirred during their interaction and was watching them. “When do I get a skill level?” she asked in a hoarse attempt at a whisper. As hard as she tried, Gemma just wasn’t the stealthy type.


“I’ll do you next if you stop shouting,” Lukas teased. “You like your flaming sword?”


“It’s alright,” Gemma replied, “but what I really want is more damage and more cum. It went from ten percent to thirty percent in the first upgrade. Imagine if it went to fifty percent? I might be able to keep up with you.”


“Keep up with me?” Lukas teased. “You want to be able to beat me.” Instead of denying it, Gemma just gave him a sly smile. “Very well. When I get enough Domination experience, I’ll spend it on you next.”


Gemma pounced on him, pushing his seated form back down on the bed. “What are you doing?” Lukas asked as observed his Brawler straddle him with a fierce determination in her eyes.


“Getting you enough Dominance experience.”


Despite the multiple loads of cum he had dumped into his girls the previous night, Lukas was rock hard when Gemma impaled herself on his massive cock. Gwyn aided the female warrior’s quest, taking her usual spot between Lukas’ spread out legs and worshiping his balls.


Gemma’s frantically grinding hips moved with such power that it woke the rest of the team up. No longer needing to remain quiet, Lukas reached up and pinched and twisted her nipples. The Brawler was overloaded with pleasure as she slammed her hips down on his cock and orgasmed.


Immediately after Gemma descended from her blissful high, Gwyn showed a surprising amount of strength by pushing the muscled warrior off Lukas. She dove for his exposed, wet cock with a wide-open mouth, swallowing him whole. With a voracious appetite, the half-elf girl used his cock to fuck her own throat.


Amidst the loud and vulgar sounds of her sloppy blowjob, Lukas managed to voice a question. “Just how hungry are you, babygirl?”


Gwyn pulled off his dick, thick trails of slobber still connecting her lips and chin with her girthy prize. She nodded eagerly with lust burning brightly in her eyes. “Please, Daddy. May I be granted the privilege of tasting your cum? I want it so badly. I desire nothing more than for you to dump your hot, sticky load down my throat.”


Lukas’ fingers stroked her face gently. “Good little sluts get rewarded. Empty my balls.”


Gwyn sucked him back down into the warmth of her. Her jaw and face moved furiously as she devoured his shaft, stretching out her gullet repeatedly. Lukas felt his balls tighten, a familiar tingle spreading from the base of his spine. Gwyn’s eager gaze was still fixed on him from her position between his legs. The moment she saw his eyes flutter shut and face twist in pleasure, she doubled down on her sucking and slurping. “Fuck!” he exclaimed. “You’re a hungry slut today, aren’t you? Suck me dry.”


She moaned in response, her throat muscles contracting as she deepthroated him. His cock swelled as his orgasm approached. Gwyn pulled him all the way into her throat, her lips pressing against his crotch as Lukas’ hips twitched and thrust into her. The warmth and tightness were too much for him. “Fuuuuuuuuuck!” Lukas yelled. His body shook as he came. Gwyn savored his salty taste, swallowing all his cum with glee.


“Good girl,” Lukas praised her as she pulled off his dick, licking off any stray drops of cum.


Laera eyed Gwyn with admiration. “I think there’s more you need to teach me,” she said with a giggle.


The team of naked young heroes arose from the bed and began getting ready. Lukas checked his Dominance experience. There wasn’t quite enough for another upgrade, but Gemma would be getting her improved damage boost soon.




After breakfast, David rushed back to Vandhoven to meet Elvira’s prominent Anoran guests before they departed. Lukas and his girls dallied around Greinhold for the exact opposite reason. They finally made it back to the Wyvern Guild headquarters in the late afternoon. Both Elvira and David were busy speaking with a team of Adventurers. The Anoran Guildmaster spotted them and concluded her conversation quickly.


With a radiant smile, Elvira approached them. “You all did fantastically! David came back singing your praises. Rumors of a dark sorcerer lurking near the Wyvern Guild spread like wildfire, but the news was soon replaced by tales of a brave and formidable team of Adventurers who vanquished the evil threat.”


David joined the conversation. “Glad to see you made it back from Greinhold.”


“Now is as good a time as any,” Elvira said. “I would like to select Lukas and his team to the second slot for the Tournament of Immortal Heroes.”


David choked in surprise, letting out a few hearty coughs. “Elvira, perhaps we should discuss this with the other guild officers.”


“What is there to discuss?” Elvira replied simply.


“Well,” David said carefully, “while there is no doubt that Lukas and his team are very talented, they are quite young. The tournament is a prestigious event with challenges that will truly test its participants. The level of competition is better suited for Adventurers with more experience.”


Elvira raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “That sounds a lot like the reasons you used to convince others that I wasn’t ready to become Guildmaster.”


David paused, scrutinizing the young Guildmaster, and then analyzing the young Adventures he had just traveled with. “So be it,” David relented. “I meant no offense. I will support your selection, despite its… uniqueness.”


A wave of relief washed over Lukas. They were one step closer to achieving their ambition. While David still appeared somewhat unconvinced, he had agreed not to oppose their selection.


“We should still discuss – er, inform the other guild officers,” David said. “Stanley likely won’t make a fuss, but the Marshal might have some questions.”


“Let’s get it finalized then,” Elvira said. “Jaren is eagerly awaiting our selections.” The blonde elf and aged Assassin walked off, disappearing down one of the hallways. The remaining young adults could hardly contain their excitement as they exited the guild hall. Returning home to the mansion, the team of six chatted merrily about their recent achievement.


“Can you believe it?” Gwyn exclaimed. “We will be competing in the Tournament of Immortal Heroes.”


“This will be our chance to prove ourselves,” said Gemma, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “We are going to train hard for the next couple weeks.”


“I can’t believe your sister pulled it off,” Fiona said looking over at Laera.


“We’re the ones who took care of Frelich,” Laera retorted. “If anyone got us into the tournament, it's Lukas.”


“Elvira got the ball rolling,” Lukas said, “but we all played our part. I’m proud of everyone here.”


Lukas, Gemma, and Fiona sat down and began drawing up a training schedule. It wasn’t too complicated. Their strategy mainly consisted of hitting the caves and farming as much experience as possible. They did discuss what they might spend their growing wealth on. Lukas ran through their inventory of gear, identifying which pieces were most battle critical and which pieces would benefit the most from an upgrade. Fiona wisely suggested they save their shopping spree until the last minute, in case they looted something they needed from the caverns.


Gwyn began preparing dinner, with Lucy and Laera lending a hand. The heavenly aroma of the almost-ready dinner was pervasive throughout the entire mansion when Elvira came home. She entered the dining room with a lustrous smile.


“Who’s your favorite Anoran now?” she announced.


Never one to hold back, Fiona answered. “What was that guy’s name from Stormpyre? Edricht? Probably him still. Then Laera. You can have third place, though.” 


Elvira scowled at her until she saw the pleased grin on Lukas’ face. “I was trying to impress Lukas anyway. After all, it’s his task I just completed.”


“You performed beyond my expectations, Elvira,” Lukas said.


“Damn right I did,” Elvira replied. “Now, can we eat whatever it is that I am smelling?”


At Elvira’s request, Gwyn appeared with a savory tray of lamb chops. “Food’s ready!”




After a delicious meal and a goodnight’s sleep, the Adventurers were preparing for a trip to the caverns. Lukas and Gemma were engaged in special preparations, as the Dominant dumped a load of sperm into his Brawler’s needy womb. Not only was Gemma’s damage boost activated, but Lukas reached enough Dominance experience to give her the promised upgrade.


 “Let’s see how hard you hit now,” Lukas said after bumping up her Breeding Whore skill.



Gemma Arthur

General Class: Brawler

Main Class: Berserker

Level 10


Strength: 31.6

Agility: 28.6

Mentality: 14.2

Vigor: 16.2


Into the Fray (Passive) - Maxed - Block 15% of HP loss

Quick Work (Triggered) - Level 2 - Link up to 4 enemies, when one linked enemy takes damage, other linked enemies take 20% of that damage

Adrenaline (Triggered) - Level 3 - the next 4 attacks do 2.5x damage

Porcupine (Ultimate) - Maxed - for 30 seconds, double the Into the Fray skill and reflect 100% of blocked HP loss back to the enemy


Bonded Skills:

Breeding Whore (Passive) - Maxed - receive a 60% damage boost when Dominant’s cum has been expended inside the Obedient subject’s pussy within 6 hours - Active

Fiery Passion (Triggered) - Level 2 - light Adventurer's weapon on fire for 2 minutes, dealing fire damage to enemies



“Fuck yes!” Gemma shouted, viewing her improved profile. “Sixty percent damage boost?! I love your magic dick.”


“I’m glad you’re on my side,” Lukas said with a chuckle.


“I don’t have a choice,” Gemma replied, “I need your cum every six hours.”


Every six hours?” Lukas asked.


“I could be persuaded to give you a break at night,” Gemma answered confidently.


The other four party members were ready to go by the time the copulating couple emerged. They exited the mansion and journeyed to the mountains. Entering into a cave, they began their run by slicing through a dozen oversized rats.


The echo of their footsteps bounced off the damp walls of the cave as Lukas led the way down the dark, rocky passages. As they crept deeper into the caves, they heard the unmistakable sound of low growls reverberating through the stone. Five sets of eyes narrowed in unison, tension rising among the group. The growling intensified and the shadows shifted. The party found themselves staring at a pack of cave wolves – much larger than the rats they had just dispatched. Their sleek forms were muscular, and their fangs glistened with saliva, ready to pounce.


“Now!” Lukas shouted, springing into action. The team moved in unison, each member showing a high-level of coordination and instincts. Lukas ripped through a wolf and then turned to the next foe – but there was none. Despite being agile and vicious, the wolves had all fallen quickly. The party leader smiled as he looked at his tournament-tier team with glowing admiration.


Gemma wiped sweat from her brow, wearing a triumphant smile. “I killed mines faster than you did.”


Ignoring Gemma’s jibe, Lukas led the party further forward into yet more dark tunnels. As they rounded a bend, one such tunnel opened up into a large cavern. A contingent of orcs tried to spring an ambush on them, but the Adventures had learned their lessons well. Without the element of surprise, the orcs fell quickly. 


A trio of tunnels burrowed further into the mountain. Lukas selected one of them and forged ahead. The party found another cavern at its endpoint. Stepping into the gloomy room, Lukas noticed a unique element of their new setting. The stony walls of the cavern were pockmarked with hundreds of holes, like an abandoned hive of monstrous bees. Except maybe not abandoned, Lukas thought to himself, fretting about the prospect of fighting off a swarm of enormous bees.


What did emerge out of the holes were not bees though. The group of six explorers were confronted by a new enemy. A band of ten umber hulks sprouted out of various holes along the walls, surrounding the interlopers. 


The umber hulks, towering over even Lukas with their massive frames, were an unsettling sight. Standing nearly eight feet tall, their chitinous hides were a mottled blend of dark browns and greens, making them blend seamlessly with the rocky environment. Each hulking creature bore a grotesque, insectoid visage, characterized by four glaring, compound eyes. Their powerful limbs ended in razor-sharp claws, perfect for carving stone or rending flesh.


They crept closer, forcing the Adventurers into a defensive formation. The creatures’ wide, flat mandibles opened and closed rhythmically, making a soft clicking sound that filled the cavern with a sense of foreboding. Lukas was uneasy about confronting the unknown enemy, and felt the need to activate his Praise ability. He wasn’t sure he needed the magic immunity, but he felt better about boosting his girls’ stats.


Lightning and arrows lashed out from the encircled fighters, triggering the start of the fight. The hulks lunged forward, their movements swift for their size. Gemma was on the opposite side of their formation, so it was up to Lukas to hold his side of the line. Two umber hulks charged at him, their claws swiping through the air. Lukas sidestepped the first attack, slashing his twin blades across the creature’s flank, then twirled around and stabbed through the second beast. A third foe tried to slip past him for squishier targets, but Lukas’ speed caught the creature in a vulnerable position. Lukas grinned wickedly as he put his newly improved stats to good use. 


Before he could finish off the trio of injured insectoids, another pair of enemies tried to flank him from the sides. He pivoted on his heel, spinning low to evade the first hulking creature’s claws as they swiped over his head, missing him by mere inches. Then he sprung up, severing the limb of the second assailant.


A searing pain erupted in his thigh as one of the injured umber hulks skewered his leg from where it writhed on the ground. The young warrior’s arms swung around and performed the swift amputation of yet another enemy limb. The unharmed insectoid leapt forward to capitalize on Lukas’ vulnerability, but Lucy’s Moonshot saved the tall Adventurer. Lukas decapitated the stunned creature and then rotated on his good leg to face the remaining four. They were all badly injured, but then again, so was Lukas. 


Breathing heavily, Lukas looked down at his leg, where a claw was still embedded in his thigh. The sharp pain throbbing through him was a reminder that he wasn’t invincible. With immense resolve, he met the remaining umber hulks’ gazes, his eyes shifting as he evaluated the matchup. The hulks advanced cautiously, knowing how dangerous their prey was.


Lukas picked the closest one, and with a swift, calculated series of maneuvers, he slashed through the midsection of the insectoid. No sooner had the hulking beast crumpled to the ground than another one lunged at him in a frenzied rage. The tall warrior ducked and raised his swords, shredding the torso of the charging enemy. Left with only two adversaries, Lukas parried their claws, angling the blades to direct their remaining limbs. Though each swing of his blades was accompanied by a jolt of pain from his wounded thigh, he refused to falter. After a few defensive counters, Lukas lashed out and removed another insect-like arm. 


He blocked another jab from the razor-sharp claws before Gemma and Fiona whizzed past him, smashing into the remaining two enemies. Lukas had single-handedly – with the exception of Lucy’s Moonshot – held off half the umber hulks’ assault while his teammates had eliminated the other five creatures. The last two enemies fell swiftly to his reinforcements and the battle ended.


The cavern echoed with the sounds of heavy breathing as the dust settled from the fray. Lukas’ adrenaline began to fade, replaced with a surge of pain from his leg.


“Did you just take on five by your– Whoa! What the fuck?!” Gemma’s eyes widened as she saw the severed claw still impaled in Lukas’ thigh. “Gwyn! You’ve got your work cut out for you.”


Gwyn knelt beside him, her expression serious. “Gemma, I’m going to need you to pull it out. I’ll have a bandage and healing spell ready.”


Lukas winced at the thought of having the claw pulled from his thigh. “Are you sure that’s necessary?” he asked, though he knew perfectly well it needed to be done.


“Scared of a little pain?” Fiona tried to tease lightly, but her nervous expression exposed that she was not envious of Lukas’ predicament.


Gemma knelt beside him, a mix of reluctance and determination set in her features. “On three, Lukas,” she said, locking eyes with him. “Ready?”


He nodded, steeling himself. “Let’s do this.”


“Okay! One… Two… Three!” Without hesitation, Gemma yanked the umber hulk’s claw out of his leg with all her strength. 


A shock of pain surged through Lukas as the claw tore free. He gasped, squeezing his eyes shut against the immediate shock. The well-timed, soothing warmth of Gwyn’s healing magic washed over him as she wrapped a bandage around his bleeding leg.


Lukas let out a slow breath, still feeling throbbing pain, but not nearly as intensely. The girls looted the room, and he rested for a few moments until Gwyn’s heal came off cooldown. After another healing spell, he decided to test out his leg. Lukas pushed himself up carefully, gingerly putting weight on the newly bandaged leg. There was still a pang of agony every step he took, but he was mobile.


The Adventurers were able to clear out two more rooms before accepting it would be foolish to carry on. They slowly ventured back into town with Lukas hobbling all the way through the Mystic Forest. Though their speed was limited, they still made it back in the early afternoon. 


Based on what was waiting for them in Vandhoven, perhaps it was either good luck or fate that Lukas had injured his leg.




The team of six Adventures arrived back at the mansion to find several guests waiting for them. In the main room, Elvira wore a tense face as she sat on the large couch along with David and Marshal Jain. Jaren occupied the sofa across from them, with a man standing behind him, silently observing the scene. He was not tall, matching Jaren’s seated height, but he exuded an aura of confidence and mystery. His lean figure was draped in a long, dark cloak. His hair was dark and impeccably groomed, falling just short of his shoulders. He stood with arms crossed loosely over his chest, perfectly content in his stillness.


The others in the seated group noticed the Adventurers entering the room and wrapped up their conversations. All of their eyes then fell on the young fighters. The man behind Jaren studied each of the Adventurers with an intense gaze. Jaren subtly turned his head to catch the eye of the man. In response, the observer gave a barely perceptible head shake – so slight that Lukas almost missed it.


“Lukas,” Jaren bellowed as he turned back to face them, “I’m glad you could join us! Any opportunity to visit Vandhoven is one I cherish, but I must admit I’m here on official business. I’ve heard that the Wyvern Guild leadership has chosen your team to represent them in the tournament?” Marshal Jain pursed his lips at the large man’s query.


“Yes,” Lukas replied, his cautious tone betraying a hint of nervousness. “We are deeply honored by the selection. I’m sure you can imagine how enthusiastic we are about this incredible opportunity.”


“As the tournment’s director,” Jaren continued, “it is my duty to ensure the challenges prove to be difficult for the most accomplished Adventurers across all the land. Top-tier Adventurers demand to be faced with the best, and the audience demands to watch those same Adventurers be put through a crucible. It’s a far cry from an exhibition of carnival games.”


“We look forward to seeing what trials and tests we will be faced with,” Lukas said confidently, refusing to back down. The beginnings of a smile began to form on Elvira’s face as she witnessed the interaction.


“I have no doubt that you will have many tournaments in your future, Lukas,” Jaren said sincerely. “However, I must insist that you wait until you can establish yourself as a proven and reputable fighting force. The audience would not react kindly to witnessing young, developing talent being slaughtered for mere entertainment – well, not most of the audience, anyway. I know your heart is set on this, Lukas, but I have to protect the reputation of the tournament, and, believe it or not, I’m trying to save your life.”


“I appreciate your concern, Director,” Lukas said with a tinge of coldness in his voice. “Your words will motivate us to train even harder.”


“Yes,” Jaren interjected, “that’s the right spirit. Train hard for a few years, and maybe you could be ready for the next tournament.”


“You misunderstand,” Lukas said calmly. “We’ll train hard for the next couple weeks so that when we show up to your tournament, you won’t have to worry one bit about your ‘reputation.’”


“Dammit!” Jaren boomed, his fists pounding into the sofa cushion. “David, help me out here. How do we get Elvira to back down from this crusade? I’m trying really hard not to be a dick here.”


David took several seconds to contemplate his next words. “I think we should let them compete.”


“What?!” Jaren exclaimed.


“If it’s a question of survivability,” David explained, “I think Lukas and his team can handle it. Sure, we could get laughed at for sending a team that so obviously could not make it past the first round – but if they made it past the first round…”


Jaren had a blank, confused look on his face, while Elvira was pleasantly surprised.


“They would become a beacon for young Adventurers,” David continued. “They would get way more publicity than any other team because of their novelty. Think of what that would mean for the Wyvern Guild? I’m under no delusions that Horvoth’s team is going to win the entire thing. We may as well demonstrate that we are the guild that fosters great potential.” David gazed passionately at Jaren. “No offense to Lukas, but they don’t have to be that good. They just have to hold their own for one, maybe two rounds. If they do that, then every ambitious young team is going to come to the Wyvern Guild. I think that’s worth the risk.”


Jaren was silent for an entire minute as the gears turned in his head. “That is quite the perspective, David. It might have convinced me if it weren’t for one final caveat. I was hoping it didn’t come to this, but there is a rule that I have no control over. All Adventurers who are selected for the tournament must be at level ten or higher. I’ve brought Mikal along with me to validate, and unfortunately there’s at least one member of Lukas’ team that does not meet the requirement.”


Mikal spoke for the first time since Lukas had arrived. “Most of them just barely qualify, but the Assassin is level nine.”


“Holy shit!” David exclaimed. “Fiona kicked ass against the necromancer. Are you sure she’s only level nine?”


Mikal nodded confidently.


“She’ll be level ten long before the tournament starts,” Lukas asserted, trying to regain control over the situation. “Probably higher.”


“Unfortunately,” Mikal replied, “I have to report your levels when I return to the capital. Once I report Fiona’s status, your selection becomes invalid. The Wyvern Guild will need to choose an alternative.” Lukas caught a slight hint of regret in Mikal’s voice, which sparked just enough hope for him to continue.


“So if she levels up before you leave,” Lukas said, his tone more pragmatic than theoretical, “you’d report that she was level ten, and our selection would still stand?”


Mikal nodded, a flicker of restrained eagerness crossing his features.


Jaren interjected, skepticism lacing his voice. “We won’t be here long enough for that. What are you getting at?”


“I don’t need long,” Lukas promised. “Elvira, can you make sure our guests are well-fed and comfortable? I have an errand to run.”

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