The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 20 – Opening Day

The next week and a half flew by. Lukas and his team dedicated themselves to an unprecedented grind, pushing themselves to their limits. The Deviant Dominant hit level thirteen and had hoped to hit level fourteen before the tournament, but he ran out of time. The level up did satisfy his goal of maxing out his Praise ability. Elvira and David tagged along a couple times on their cave outings, allowing the team to split into two four-person squads and earn an extra percentage of experience.


Elvira was a very enthusiastic helper at night as well, her tongue and lips preparing many holes for Lukas’ grand entrance. By the time their last night in Vandhoven rolled around, Lukas had earned quite a stash of Dominance experience, and was hard at work reaping more as he slammed his entire length into the petite Gwyndolyn Groves.


She was bent over on all fours and was still shaking from her most recent orgasm. Her cunt was tight and dripping with arousal. “Yes! Fuck me, Daddy!” she shouted as he ravished her, the bed creaking in rhythm with their bodies. Lukas pumped faster while spanking her ass. Already multiple orgasms into the night, he had been railing the submissive half-elf for nearly twenty minutes. 


Laera watched from her place on the bed, her blue eyes bright and excited as he plowed into Gwyn. “May this filthy elf slut please be granted the privilege of swallowing your load?” she asked.


Lukas felt the familiar warmth tingle at the base of his cock. Laera's innocent voice making such lewd requests was the trigger he’d needed. "The filthy elf slut better get ready for her treat.” Lukas grunted, not breaking rhythm. “It's coming!"


With enough speed to rival an assassin, Laera was off the bed and kneeling in front of her Dominant. She looked up at him with a worshipful gaze. "Please, Daddy." 


He pulled out and Laera dove forward, swallowing his entire cock. He groaned in pleasure as she deepthroated him, nestling him in the deep confines of her esophagus while he exploded.  Hot liquid gushed into her mouth and down her throat. "Mmmm," Laera moaned happily, working to swallow the entire load. She pulled off his cock and licked it clean, smiling up at him.


Lukas' post orgasmic bliss was interrupted by a loud squeal followed by an "Oh fuck!" Fiona was on the bed behind Gwyn, her hips thrashing wildly. Lukas could just barely make out the blonde elf buried beneath the straddling redhead. Elvira had taken several nights to admit it, but having the sexy redhead riding her face had become a kinky fascination. Fiona was visibly lost in the throes of pleasure as she queened the Anoran.


Elvira’s tongue lashed against the redhead’s clit as she attempted to come down from her climax. Fiona's thighs quivered; her breathing hitched. She collapsed on top of Elvira, her legs trembling and her lips muttering out incoherent thoughts. “Fuck... Anoran... elven tongues...”


Elvira looked up from between Fiona’s legs with a satisfied smirk. Her face and lips were covered in the redhead’s juices, making her look like a sex-crazed demon. “Anyone else?"


Gemma and Lucy were already fast asleep, having been Lukas' first conquests of the night. Gwyn was tuckered out as well, her eyelids getting heavier by the second. Lukas sighed. "Perhaps we should get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow."


Elvira shrugged and then relaxed on the bed next to Fiona, her eyes already closing. "Suit yourself."


Lukas then crawled in bed next to his girls. He was asleep almost immediately, the thrills of the upcoming tournament visiting his dreams.




The caravan set out early in the morning, making its way to the capital. Elvira and several other dignitaries enjoyed the comfort of a carriage, while the rest of the group hiked alongside. David chose to walk with his family, which included his wife, children, and grandchildren. Lord Gregory of Greinhold, not having made the guest list for the noble carriage, was more than content to stroll alongside the Protectors of Greinhold and engage in conversation.


About half an hour into their journey, Horvoth and his team caught up with the caravan. They were nursing hangovers from a night of revelry that had perhaps gone a bit too far. Lukas supposed he himself had partied late into the night as well, but his celebration had been more intimate, and he’d suffered less for it in the morning.


The sun climbed higher into the sky, and the group of travelers made steady progress on their nearly full-day journey. Fortunately, Elvira had taken pity on them and packed much of their gear onto the carriage, though the majority of the young Adventurers' luggage did belong to her younger sister.Lukas and his companions reveled in the pleasant walk, sharing laughter and playful banter for hours on end.


As the sun began to dip toward the horizon, casting golden rays that shimmered against the azure sky, the caravan rounded a bend in the road that opened up to a breathtaking panorama. Before them lay the magnificent capital city, its towering spires and grand fortifications bathed in the warm, soft light of the evening.


The closer they drew to the capital, the more bustling and alive the roads became. Travelers from every corner of the land converged for the highly anticipated tournament, and a vibrant buzz of activity enveloped the caravan in a warm embrace of excitement. With the lack of external threats in recent years, merchants and performers seized the opportunity to showcase their wares and talents, setting up colorful stalls and makeshift stages just outside the city gates to attract the influx of visitors. Even Fiona got caught up in the moment, her head swiveling around at all the enticements surrounding them. After a brief pause to appreciate the lively setting, the caravan pushed on through the gate.


Once inside the city, their journey was not yet finished. They traveled another thirty minutes to the central district where Lukas and his team would be able to check in to their lodging.


There at the heart of the city, its impressive architecture towered above and all around them, a testament to its wealth and grandeur. Ushers greeted them and then directed them to head two blocks down and to the right. David and some of the other members of the caravan party peeled off, but Elvira stuck with them, intent on delivering their luggage.


The accommodations assigned to tournament participants were nothing short of opulent. As Lukas and his team approached the designated ‘inn’ – The Golden Griffin – their eyes widened at the sight. The building was a magnificent structure, adorned with golden accents that glimmered in the twilight. Its grand entrance featured double doors made of heavy oak, inlaid with detailed designs of the titular birds.


“How do they call this an inn?” Fiona scoffed as she strained her neck to look towards the top of the building. “The Sparrow’s Barrow in Tarot is an inn – this is not an inn.”


Inside, the lobby was richly appointed with plush carpets and extravagantly framed

artwork. Chandeliers crafted from crystal hung gracefully above, casting a warm, inviting light that danced across the room. A well-stocked bar with polished mahogany counters, tended by a cheerful barkeeper, offered refreshing drinks to the distinguished visitors. Horvoth, unfazed by his morning hangover, beelined to the bar with an order ready.


On the other side of the lobby was another counter, designated for checking in visitors rather than serving them alcohol. For the tournament, however, a temporary check-in station was set up in the middle of the lobby.


The table was expansive, crafted from the same dark polished mahogany that graced the rest of the inn. It was covered in rich emerald fabric that contrasted elegantly against the gleaming wood. Piles of scrolls were neatly stacked on one side, each containing the names of participants and their assigned rooms.


A group of ushers, dressed in matching, elegant attire of deep green and gold, worked diligently behind the counter. Their enthusiasm was palpable as they greeted newcomers, their expressions a mix of professionalism and excitement for the events to come. They worked in unison, taking turns addressing guests, checking in participants, and answering questions from visitors who were likewise full of anticipation.


Jaren, the Director of the Tournament, was also present, and under a heavy barrage of questions from various reporters and journalists. There was a small number of participants lined up, but there was plenty of help available, and Lukas soon found himself at the front.


“Welcome, sir. May I have your name and sponsor?”


“Yes.” the young Adventurer replied. “I’m Lukas Dameron here with my team from the Wyvern Guild.” Lukas must have spoken a bit too loud, because a voice came from the bustling crowd of reporters near the table.


“Is that the Wyvern Hatchlings?”


Suddenly, a swarm of hungry gossipers surrounded them. Questions went flying to all members of his team. Lukas grimaced at the ones directed to him.


“How do you plan on surviving the first round?”


“What did Gemma Arthur offer you to join your team?”


“What made you decide to put your young team in such extreme danger?”


“How serious is your rumored relationship with Laera Silverbreeze?”


Lukas twirled his finger at the usher. “Could you hurry this along?”


The usher gave him a sympathetic expression and nodded. “Certainly, I–”


Luckily, Jaren came to the rescue. “Respected members of the press, let’s remain civil please. I will not allow tournament participants to be harassed. You will have the opportunity to ask questions at the appropriate times designated in tomorrow’s Opening Ceremonies.” The crowding horde didn’t budge for a few seconds, but then retreated as Jaren took a step forward, threatening to physically push back the line.


“I deeply apologize for the inconvenience, sir,” the usher said hesitantly, pulling Lukas’ attention back to the table. “Unfortunately, our largest suite only has five rooms and I see your team has six members. We can assist you in finding you alternative lodgings if need be – no charge to you, of course.”


“It’s okay,” Lukas said with a chuckle, the tension leaving him as the reporters backed away. “Five rooms will be plenty.”


Jaren gave him a knowing smile. “You better not let the press find out who’s sharing a room.”


“Noted,” replied Lukas, grabbing a set of keys. “Thanks for the assist.” He nodded to the gaggle of reporters who, despite their predatory gazes, were temporarily keeping their distance. 


“Enjoy your free time tonight,” Jaren said. “We all have a busy day tomorrow. Meet down here at sunrise for an early breakfast, then we will line up for the parade. After that, there will be lunch with the press, where I will not be able to protect you. The opening ceremony proper gets underway in the afternoon, followed by an orientation for team leaders. Then we wrap the day with a dinner party, where you’ll mingle with the capital’s elite and other various people of importance.”


“Oof,” Lukas groaned, scratching his head. “All this ‘mingling’ is going to make me itch for some action.”


“You’ll have your chance to fight soon enough,” Jaren replied with a light-hearted warning, “but for now, remember: breakfast at the crack of dawn in the dining room. Don’t be late.”


Lukas nodded, then gathered his team. They headed to the staircase to seek out their rooms.




Lukas awoke to the sound of his teammates stirring, the excitement of the day ahead evident in their chatter. They hurriedly washed up, threw on their clothes, and descended to the lobby. As they entered the dining room, it was already bustling with participants from various teams. Long tables draped in crisp linen were laden with food—golden pastries, bowls of fruit, and platters of assorted meats. The atmosphere was filled with the buzz of conversation, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter.


Breakfast was a short affair, with each member of Lukas’s team fueling up quickly before they were herded back into the lobby. Elvira and David were there waiting for them, along with the other Wyvern team. Next to Elvira stood a quartet of men dressed in sparkling blue one-piece costumes that glimmered in the lobby’s lights. Lukas couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at their flamboyant attire. 


“What’s with the flashy garb?” he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.


Elvira smiled cryptically at the young Adventurer. “Just wait. You’ll see.”


Jaren made an announcement to the crowd, but his voice could not permeate through the entirety of the enthusiastic assembly. Nevertheless, people began shuffling out of the lobby and onto the street. 


As Lukas stepped into the morning sunlight, a rush of exhilaration washed over him. A vibrant tapestry of color and sound enveloped the scene, with lively banners dancing in the breeze and the infectious rhythm of drums pulsing in the distance. The four ostentatiously dressed members of their entourage circled around a sizable prop that had been placed near the entrance. Lukas eyed them with interest as they picked up a large bundle of sparkly blue cloth.


As they unraveled the canvas, it finally became apparent to Lukas that the gimmick was a four-man wyvern costume. Composed of a lightweight yet durable frame, it was designed to give the illusion of a majestic wyvern soaring through the sky.


At the front, the lead performer was encased in an intricately detailed headpiece that featured sapphire eyes and golden teeth. Two large horns curled gracefully from the top of the head, further enhancing its imposing presence.


Flowing behind the head was an elongated neck crafted from supple fabric, giving it a serpentine, lifelike movement as the performers maneuvered together. Attached to the neck were large, beautifully structured wings, each spanning nearly twelve feet from tip to tip. Made from a combination of fabric and lightweight materials, the wings were adorned with layers of tulle and mesh, painted with vibrant hues of azure. When the performers bent and moved, the wings flared and folded majestically, mimicking the movements of a real wyvern.


To complete the illusion, a tail extended behind them. It was an imposing length, and adorned with spines and fins that flicked and swayed as the quartet walked. It slid gracefully behind the performers, adding to the grandeur of the ensemble as it curled and undulated.


By the time Lukas finished admiring the Wyvern costume, the crowd began to thin, and a line formed. Lukas and his teammates quickly organized themselves behind Horvoth’s team, adjusting their gear and looking around. He caught sight of Monique behind him as she expertly managed the Phoenix contingent of the parade line. With an air of efficiency, she directed her teammates, then turned to face Lukas. A smile broke across his face as he greeted her warmly. “Great to see you! I guess we are parade neighbors.”


“Neighbors indeed,” Monique said with a sly smile. “Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the team of new Adventurers who had visited Stormpyre would be competing in the tournament. I had a feeling there was more to you than met the eye.”


“Most people think we are just naive younglings,” Lukas replied.


“I think the term is ‘hatchlings,’” Monique said with a glint of amusement in her eyes. “Elvira seems to legitimately think you have a chance. She’s been underestimated plenty of times herself. I’ll be watching you with great interest.”


“Great,” Lukas replied. “I always perform better when there’s a beautiful woman in the audience I want to impress.”

“You are such a flirt!” the blonde half-elf exclaimed, playfully grabbing his elbow. “If only you were a few years older.”


Lukas leaned in closer, whispering into her ear. “That doesn’t seem to bother Elvira.”


Monique’s jaw dropped as Lukas turned back around and began moving forward with his team. The parade line had picked the most opportune time to commence its march. In a short few minutes, their section of the line had advanced down the street as the rumble of a distant crowd grew.


As they rounded the corner, the jubilant scene unfolded before them in electrifying detail.  Thousands of people were packed into the streets, waving flags and banners that bore the colors of their favorite teams. The air thrummed with excitement, filled with the infectious energy of music and cheers.


Lukas took in the scene with wide eyes, drinking in the sights and sounds of the bustling metropolis. They slowly meandered down a broad avenue, passing by the various storefronts, though the density of the crowd obscured their view. Lukas’ gaze was drawn upward toward the colorful streamers and banners that decorated the buildings above, billowing in the breeze like a rainbow ocean.


At the forefront of their group, the wyvern mascot captivated the crowd, moving rhythmically with the pulsating beat of the drums. Its four human puppeteers leapt and twirled with remarkable finesse, executing a breathtaking display of acrobatic maneuvers. A deafening roar pulled nearly the entirety of the audience’s attention off the wyvern, however, and Lukas felt a corresponding blast of heat bake his backside. He turned to witness an awe-inspiring sight. The phoenix float was resplendent in flames, glowing with brilliant shades of orange and red. The fiery hues surged along its form, spiraling skyward in a spectacular dance.


Monique gave Lukas a wink. “Ours is better,” she said. Her voice was barely audible, but the goading message was still delivered.


They paraded two more blocks, enjoying the celebratory atmosphere. Suddenly, amidst the sea of excitement, chaos erupted. Out of the thronging crowd, eggs flew through the air towards Lukas and his entourage of girls, splattering them with messy goop and broken shells.


A second round of projectiles started whizzing by him, though they were harder to identify. A wet flop sounded as an object hit his shoulder. Lukas investigated, his confusion turning into disgust as he realized what they were being pelted with – dead lizards.


“Enjoy the fame while you’re still alive, hatchlings!” someone yelled from the bustling mob.


Just then, a teenager – just a couple years younger than Lukas – was jerked up into the air. He rose twenty feet up and then stopped, hanging there with his limbs flailing about. “Hey! Let me down!”


Lukas turned to see Monique standing him with her arm outstretched, controlling the spell. “That’s a cool ability.”


“I’m a Deviant,” she responded. “We get some cool ones. Are you okay?”


“Yeah,” Lukas said. “The baths back at The Golden Griffin are pretty deluxe. I’ll be cleaned up in no time after the parade. The tubs are plenty big too; both of us would fit.”


Monique burst into laughter. “You are covered in lizard guts and you’re still trying to hit on me. Does one of your abilities boost your confidence?”


Lukas chuckled at her nearly spot-on guess. Security showed up, and Monique lowered the miscreant to the ground. His friends had long since deserted him, leaving him to face the consequences alone. He was promptly taken into custody, and the wyvern group swiftly caught up to their spot in line as the parade continued.




The parade ended without further incident, and Lukas was able to return to the inn to get cleaned up, though without further assistance from Monique. Fiona, however, did join him in the bath, claiming that ‘if you are feeling frisky enough to flirt with the Phoenix Guild, then I need to do a better job of draining your balls.’


Once presentable, the team filed down into the lobby. From there, Jaren led a large group of Adventurers to a nearby restaurant, which was teeming with both delicious food and less-savory reporters. There was a raised stage at one end of the restaurant where a dining table stood with eight chairs.


“The tournament’s directing staff will field questions from the press first,” Jaren announced loudly. “Following us, each team will take a turn on the stage to answer questions. Be ready when you are called up.”


Jaren and three other individuals sat down at the table on the stage, and the reporters gathered around, taking seats around the raised platform. Lukas’ interest quickly turned towards the buffet of food. Meatloaf had beaten everyone and was already piling food onto his plate.


“Trying to starve out the competition?” Lukas asked with a chuckle.


“Aye, Lukas,” Meatloaf greeted, though he remained focused on dishing up his potatoes. “Glad to see you here. I’ll tell you what, I will save some for you. Just for old time’s sake.” 


Lukas laughed and began filling up his own plate, appreciative that Meatloaf wasn’t shocked to see him at the tournament. He settled down with his girls, and they were given ample time to enjoy a full meal before their names were called. Seated in the middle of his group, he looked out over the clustered reporter, recognizing Olivia amongst them.


The curly-haired woman opened their session with a bubbly voice. “Finally! The Wyvern Hatchlings. Many here have eagerly awaited the chance to meet you. Of course, we already have a friendly connection, given our past.”


Lukas snorted at her mention of their ‘friendly’ connection. Still, Olivia felt it was her prerogative to ask the first question. “What does the attack during the parade tell you about people’s attitudes towards your participation in the tournament?”


“It wasn’t an attack,” Lukas replied coolly. “It was some teenagers pulling a prank – nothing more. We may not have the fanbase that some of the more established teams have, but we hope to change whatever attitudes are out there.”


The next question was directed towards Laera. “What were your motivations for joining a team with no significant potential?”


"I like to think I see potential where others foolishly overlook it," Laera began, "but truthfully, I had a vision of the Adventurer I aspired to be, and I was fortunate to discover a team that could help me achieve that."


“Has anyone on your team been to the capital before?” came another question.


“I have not had the pleasure of visiting such a… large place,” Fiona interjected. “I believe this is the first time visiting for half our team.”


“If you survive the tournament,” another reporter cut in, looking at Lukas, “how will your relationship with Laera Silverbreeze change?”


When we survive the tournament,” Lukas responded with a tinge of frustration in his voice, “our entire team will undoubtedly be brought closer together by this experience. I will not comment on personal relationships.”


There were a couple questions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the team, which they answered very vaguely, sensitive to the fact that they’d need to preserve every advantage they could. Then Jaren stepped up onto the stage. “One last question before we let these Adventurers return to their meals.”


One reporter jumped at the opportunity. “As a young team on your first visit to the capital, is there anything you would like to share with the audience here?”


“Yes,” Lukas said confidently. “It's crucial for the audience to understand the significance of the guilds to the vital task of pruning the Mystic Forest. While we proudly represent the Wyvern Guild, I want to shine a light on a particular guild that urgently requires our support and assistance. The Phoenix Guild, once stalwart and resilient, has been devastated under the scorching breath of a dragon. They are in dire need of our help to rebuild and continue the sacred mission of the Adventurers. Let us rally to their side in this time of crisis.”


He heard some cheers from behind the reporters as some other Adventurers listened in on Lukas’ call to action. Other reporters tried to cram in more questions, but Lukas and the girls gratefully accepted Jaren’s help escaping off the stage and sauntered back to their original dining table. Being the primary focus of the interviewers’ attention had made Lukas hungry again, prompting him to retrieve another plate of food from the buffet.


Lunch came to a close and the Adventurers were then directed towards an enormous structure a few blocks away. As Lukas and his team approached, the massive arena called to them, its sheer size and intimidating presence sending their imaginations running wild. The colossal stone walls, intricately carved with ancient designs and symbols of glory, reached high into the sky, reflecting the sunlight like a bastion of strength. The entrance was framed by massive archways with a towering bronze statue of a legendary hero, standing on a pedestal below the main archway. It stood ten feet tall and sported an impressively wide bust, its expression fierce and inspiring. A war hammer that even Lukas would struggle to wield was slung over its shoulder. They passed by the imposing bronze warrior, filtering into the gargantuan coliseum.


Inside the arena, they passed by many stairways and concourses that led to the thousands of seats. Lukas followed several other teams into a private staging area, where the atmosphere shifted from the bustling energy of the arena entrance to a more focused and anticipatory ambiance. The large room had several corridors shooting off of it that led to storage areas, private planning rooms, and a medical station.


Lukas and the other Adventurers gathered near one of the corridors that led to the arena floor. They stood there for fifteen minutes before some sort of hidden signal propelled them onto the field. The arena was shaped like an elongated oval, with a high wall enclosing the playing area. There was a temporary, elevated stage in the center of the arena, covered in a red carpet.


The crowd went wild as the Adventurers took their positions around the empty stage. Lukas was just beginning to wonder what the delay was when a booming voice echoed through the arena, commanding everyone's attention. 


“Welcome to the opening ceremony of the Tournament of Immortal Heroes! Today we will kick off the most anticipated tournament in history! We will see some of the greatest heroes the world has to offer competing for fame, glory, and fortune. The arena will be filled with bloodshed, sweat, and tears. Let us celebrate the opening of this monumental event!”


Fireworks exploded in the sky as Jaren levitated gracefully down onto the stage, greeting the thunderous crowd. Lukas glanced to the side and saw Monique finishing up her spell in the dark. A procession of officials walked to the stage in a much less dramatic fashion. Jaren continued in his perfected announcer voice, properly amplified to suit his stage and his audience. “We are honored to first be addressed by our esteemed prime minister.”


One of the men on the stage stepped forward and began to speak, his voice likewise magically augmented. “Thank you, Jaren. It is my utmost pleasure to be here today and to welcome you all to this magnificent event. The Tournament of Immortal Heroes will not only be an epic display of strength and skill, but also a beacon of hope. As we enter into this new era of peace and prosperity, let us celebrate the bravery and determination that has led us here. I am confident that this will be an event we all will remember for generations to come. To our Adventurers, I wish you luck in your endeavors, but remember that only one can emerge victorious. Be safe out there.” The prime minister then bowed slightly and stepped back.


Jaren clapped loudly, and the crowd followed suit. “We will now proceed to the introductions of our valiant participants. When I call out the names of your favorite Adventurers, I want to hear your cheers echo through the arena! I want your voices to be powerful, so loud that the Pegasus Guild can hear us all the way in Celestia! Are you ready to show your support?" The crowd roared in agreement.


"We are pleased to first introduce the participants from Eaglecrest!" Jaren began listing off names, inviting the teams onto the carpeted stage. He moved on to Trident Harbor's teams, then began announcing the teams from the four guilds. Before long, it was Lukas' name being announced and his team stepping onto the stage. To his surprise, the level of energy coming from the audience was comparable to what they’d mustered for the other teams. Lukas waved at the crowd with a large smile as he stood at the front of the stage with the rest of his team. He looked over the front rows of the mass of people and picked out a number of supporters from both the Wyvern and Chimera Guilds. He also saw a large contingent of the Council Guard enthusiastically rooting for them. Lukas’ team vacated the stage, allowing Jaren to continue his introductions.


After the guilds, came Anora’s team, whose introductions came with a considerable amount of additional flair. A forty-man orchestra emerged onto the playing field and loudly played the Anoran anthem as the elves took the stage. Three griffins flew overhead, each carrying an elven rider. In a synchronous move, the three riders squatted on the backs of the flying beasts, and then leapt across the air, rotating griffins in a death-defying stunt. The elven Adventurers were then introduced by Jaren.


Last came the capital’s teams. They walked up to the stage, the crowd growing quieter in anticipation. A moment later, fireworks erupted around the arena, and the entire platform started rising up. Lukas looked over and saw a stunned Monique, confirming that her magic was not in play. The red platform floated over towards one section of the stands, much to the glee of the spectators. The Adventurers on the platform began tossing out candy with golden wrappers and coins to the audience. The hovering stage began moving from section to section, with the crowd begging and pleading to be graced by its passengers’ presence. They made their way around the oval, their flying carpet act was complemented by a constant barrage of fireworks being thrown into the air. Eventually, they returned from their god-like flight, but they had clearly outshone the Anoran griffin riders with their shower of gold.


Jaren composed himself on the recently grounded stage while the capital teams stepped down, and then the ceremony continued. “We will now officially kick off the tournament,” Jaren announced, “with the summoning of the Bronze Sentinel. The defending champions, led by Brennan Alsworth, will escort the Bronze Sentinel.”


A team of stagehands brought out a large gong on a solid wooden frame and placed it on the platform. The ground began vibrating with heavy thuds as a tall, sturdy figure entered the sandy field. Lukas’ eyes widened as he saw the bronze statue that had been guarding the entryway moving of its own accord towards the stage. Five Adventurers flanked it, marching quickly to keep up with the giant’s large strides.


It reached the carpeted platform and stepped onto it. Lukas heard the raised floor groan under its weight. The air crackled with expectancy as the Bronze Sentinel approached the gong, its enormous metallic form gleaming in the afternoon sunlight, but also casting a grand shadow over the arena floor. The five Adventurers, a mixture of burly warriors and agile spellcasters, maintained their formation, eyes fixed on the bronze warrior with a blend of awe and responsibility. 


"With honor and valor,” Jaren declared, “we call upon the Bronze Sentinel to ring in the start of the tournament!" The Sentinel raised its mighty hammer and struck the gong with a thunderous clang. A wave of reverberation rolled over the arena, vibrating through the very souls of all present. 


The last notes of the gong's resonant toll faded into silence. The Bronze Sentinel remained still. After a long few seconds, the silence was broken by Jaren’s charismatic exclamation. “Let the tournament commence!”


The crowd cheered as the Bronze Sentinel retreated from the platform and marched back towards its pedestal at the arena entrance. The gong was similarly removed from the crowd’s field of vision, signaling to them that the ceremony was coming to a close.


“Round one starts tomorrow morning at nine,” the director stated as the crowd began shuffling from their seats towards the exits. “Make sure you are on time; you will not want to miss even one minute of the spectacular opening we have planned.” With that, Jaren ended the ceremony by marching off the platform. 


The team leaders were invited to stay in the staging room while the remaining Adventurers exited the arena. Jaren and one other tournament official joined the sixteen competitors in the emptied staging room, ready to begin their orientation.


“The first round is a series of matches that will test your prowess in team-versus-team combat,” Jaren siad. “The round spans two days and consists of four sessions – one in the morning and one in the afternoon of each day. Each session features six matches between twelve different teams, and every team competes in three of these sessions, with one session designated as a bye. The top eight teams will be moving on to round two.”


Jaren scanned the participants for any obvious signs of confusion. “In line with policies from recent tournaments, we have implemented a Fatality Clause for the first round. While the tournament is dangerous by nature and often deadly, we try our best to prevent unnecessary fatalities. Any attempts to purposefully end the life of a fellow competitor will lead to disqualification and possible criminal charges. Do not make me decide whether a hit was intentional or not, I have no tolerance for frivolous bloodshed.” He gave everyone in the room a stern look.


That didn’t stop a complaint from someone in front. “Ahh, the tournament has gone soft.”


“In order to prevent any unfortunate accidents,” Jaren continued, ignoring the rabble rouser, “moderators with appropriate skills will be officiating each match. Whenever an Adventurer falls below ten percent of their health, they will be frozen and rendered invulnerable for a short few seconds. This indicates their elimination, and they should immediately exit the arena playing field. Eliminated Adventurers must not engage or be engaged in any manner, or they risk disqualification for their team. Is that clear?”


He pointedly waited for confirmation – grunts and nods, at the bare minimum. Once he’d received them, he moved on. “We will be handing out your schedules after the dinner party, which will have the details of when and who your matches are. The schedules will also include the basic rules and the legal fine print of the Fatality Clause. It goes without saying, but I’m saying it anyway, be mindful of magic and other projectiles flying into the stands. There's one more important note: teams that win all three of their matches will gain a significant advantage in the next round. Best of luck to all of you.” 


With the wave of his hand, Jaren silently dismissed the group of sixteen Adventurers, and departed to get ready for the dinner party.


Lukas returned to the inn suite where he filled in the rest of the team on the information he’d received regarding the first round. “We need to be at the palace soon,” Lukas remarked, “but we should definitely have a team meeting when we get back. We should have our schedule by that time, too.”


The rest of the team nodded, and they set about quickly preparing for the evening ahead. A few minutes later, Lukas guided them through the lively streets of the central district, arriving at the majestic entrance of the palace. The grand structure was home to the royal family, though both the king’s and queen’s roles had become largely ceremonial. The prime minister held the majority of the political power, but the royal family was still well-respected amongst the noble class. They were known for their lavish lifestyle and extravagant parties, and that night was no exception.


Lukas led his team into the palace, where they were greeted by a squadron of guards and a pair of attractive women that were clearly dressed to show off.


“Good evening, ladies and gentleman!” greeted the woman on the right. “I'm Rose, and this is Lily. We are honored to welcome you to the royal palace.” They were both wearing revealing white dresses, with high slits in the skirt. Both women had long legs and small waists. Their skin was smooth, and they wore their long hair down, with a few braids in the locks. Rose was slightly taller, with bigger breasts and red hair. “I would love to escort you in and help you find your place. I will do my best to make sure you're comfortable and enjoying yourselves throughout the night,” the redhead promised.


Fiona pinched Lukas. "You're going to have a bunch of needy girls in your bed tonight. I suggest you don't get too comfortable with the party decorations."


"What if I wanted to see how you compare to other redheads?" Lukas asked with a playful smirk, teasing Fiona.


His freckled assassin shot him a glare that sent a shiver down his spine, making him glad she had left her daggers at The Golden Griffin. Then a mischievous grin crossed her face. "Fine, but when I win, you have to name me your harem queen."


"I'm kidding, Fiona," Lukas said. "We both know you're already my harem queen." Fiona blinked, and then a pensive expression took over her face. "What?" Lukas asked.


"If you keep your hands off the royal maids tonight," Fiona said, "then I'll let Monique join the harem."


Lukas snorted. "I'm not going to touch Rose!" Their startled guide turned around and glanced at them, her eyes lingering a little longer on Lukas' tall frame. "And Monique is not interested in joining the harem. We're too young for her."


"We will see about that," Fiona replied confidently, and then turned her gaze to the banquet hall they had entered. There were a dozen tables that could easily seat twelve people. Most of them were already filled with a bunch of dignitaries and several teams of Adventurers. Rose led them to a dining table and helped them get seated.


As Lukas settled into his seat, Rose leaned over his shoulder and whispered into his ear. "It would be my pleasure to tend to any of your needs tonight, sir." Her voice was soft and seductive, but not quiet enough to go unnoticed by Fiona. The freckled beauty spilled a pitcher of water into Laera's lap.


"Oh no!" Fiona feigned remorse under the angry glares of the Anoran. "Rose, could you be a dear and help my friend get cleaned up?"


"Certainly!" the stewardess exclaimed, leaving Lukas' side. "Right this way, Miss Silverbreeze." Rose helped the elf out of her chair and escorted her off.


Lukas leaned over to Fiona. "Being the harem queen does not exclude you from being disciplined." His tone was barely audible. but still firm.


"I know, Sir," Fiona replied.


"In fact," Lukas continued, "I think the harem queen's punishment should be more severe, to set the example for the other girls."


Fiona gulped. "Of course, Sir."


Their interaction ended as a man wearing a dark blue coat approached their table. "Greetings, I am King Novar. I'd like to personally welcome you to the palace." Lukas immediately moved to stand up and greet the king, but was stopped by a raised hand from the monarch. "Don't rise on my account. Please, make yourself comfortable. I must ask; are you the young team from the Wyvern Guild?"


"That's us!" Gwyn said proudly.


"Glad I ran into you! My daughter has been talking about you nonstop.” The king turned and unceremoniously yelled. “Lori! Come over here!"


A girl with honey-brown hair rushed over to their table. "This is Princess Loretta, my daughter," King Novar introduced her to the table. "Lori, this is that team from the Wyvern Guild."


The princess' blue eyes widened as she glanced around the table. She let out an excited squeak. "No way!" Her eyes fell on Lukas. "Lukas! You have to propose to Laera. She rebelled against her family to be with you. She's your soulmate, don't let anyone else–" she paused as she caught herself, and her face flushed red. "I'm so sorry to explode on you. I've been following your story as closely as I can. It's a pleasure to meet you all in person."


The king chuckled at his daughter's outburst. "Well, I'll leave you to it. Enjoy your meal and I wish you the best of luck in the tournament." The royal family departed, leaving the team to discuss their awkward encounter with the princess. 


"We are totally adding a princess to the harem," Fiona blurted out. 


Lukas groaned, already regretting suggesting that she held the role of harem queen. "She seems pretty adamant that I am marrying Laera," Lukas said. "Are you sure you want her around?"


"Oh, she'll swiftly change her mind when she has your big cock buried between her legs," Fiona said.


"She's a little young,”Lukas countered. “Still into all the teenage drama.”


"She's eighteen," Lucy added with a smirk. Lukas shot her a warning glance.


Gemma leaned forward. "Can we not talk about fucking the king's daughter while we are in the palace?" Ironically, Gemma's voice was the loudest one at their table. 


"Let's just enjoy our meal and have fun," Lukas said. He tried not to sound like he was begging.


The rest of the night was quite enjoyable for the team, despite its awkward start. Laera returned to the table, clearly ready to start a brawl with Fiona. A timely appearance from Elvira prevented further violence. After talking with her younger sister, the blonde Guildmaster secured a seat next to Lukas. She was very interested in the details regarding round one. Lukas caught her up on what he knew from the orientation before she was whisked away by a group of dignitaries. Finally able to relax, the team took the opportunity to mingle with other Adventurers, enjoying the exquisite food and drinks offered by the palace kitchens.


As the festivities began to dwindle, Jaren stood up and made an announcement. "As promised, I have the schedules for round one. Team leads, please come see me before you leave." Lukas rushed up immediately and snagged a parchment from the director. He couldn't wait to see the matchups, and he wasn't the only one. The team decided to call it a night and head back.


With that new information in hand, the team decided to call it a night and head back to the Golden Griffin. They were joined by Elvira. During the short walk, Lukas frequently glanced at the schedule in his hands with an unreadable expression on his face. As soon as they were behind the closed door of their suite, Elvira immediately snatched up the parchment.


“Fuck!” she exclaimed. The rest of the girls looked at the Anoran Guildmaster, wondering what her scowl meant in relation to their tournament.


She looked up at their expectant faces, and didn’t keep them waiting. “You will not have an easy opening round. At first glance, your first matchup is a death sentence, but…” Elvira’s eyes narrowed. After a moment’s thought, her tone shifted from cautionary to conspiratorial. “If we are very careful, maybe we can steal the victory. What do you know about the Arkmere Mages?” 

Laera paled at their mention.


“I’ve heard the name,” Lukas answered. “Anoran, right?”


Elvira nodded. “The team of five mages takes their name from Arkmere Peak, one of the towering mountains south of Anora. They are widely known as the most powerful mages in the region and possibly the last team anyone in the tournament wants to face. Your team and theirs are the very first fight of the entire tournament.” 


“Someone is trying to put on a show and make a spectacle out of you,” Elvira said perceptively. “I hope it wasn’t Jaren.”


Elvira’s slight frown turned into a smirk. “They are, however, five mages – and you, Lukas, are the mage-slayer.” Fiona’s emerald eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of taking down Anora’s top dogs.


“Don’t get too cocky,” Elvira warned. “Last tournament, a team thought they were safe because they all had Aegis Orbs. They still lost. Still, if you play your cards right, you just might pull off the biggest upset in tournament history. I’ll be watching this match with my parents. I really want you to take a massive dump on their precious team. Mmm…” Elvira closed her eyes as her imagination went wild. “That’s just the first session though. Your second match is against a team from the Chimera Guild – a team led by ‘Meatloaf’?” the blonde elf scrunched her face as she read the name.


“Yeah,” Lukas said with a smile. “We did a quest with them. They’ll be tough to beat, but I like our chances.”


“Your third matchup is a Phoenix Guild team,” Elvira said. “Some people might think they’re easy pickings because of the dragon attack, but you’re going up against Edricht’s team. I’m honestly more concerned about that matchup than the Arkmere Mages. His team is more balanced, and he’s got some tricks up his sleeve.” Elvira’s eyes continued scrolling down to the bottom of the parchment. “Unfortunately, you have a bye in the fourth session, which I think is a disadvantage. Teams that receive byes during one of the middle two sessions have a leg up, as it gives their larger spells time to recharge.”


“How do we defeat the mages?” Fiona asked, her voice laced with urgency. Her bucket list had just been revised to a single, paramount objective.


“Lukas will be the mastermind behind that strategy,” Elvira said, glancing over to the tall Adventurer with admiration in her eyes, “but I know a few things that will help you out. They’ll follow the traditional Anoran doctrine for mages: take out the largest melee threat with a large burst of magic. Even if you can shrug off their magical damage, be wary of their leader, Aephas. His distinctive purple staff makes him stand out. He has the ability to summon a golem, which can be just as troublesome to contend with as his magical attacks. They have a healer, too. Taking her out early would be smart.”


Lukas nodded, taking in Elvira’s wisdom as he formed a strategy. “Here’s the plan for tonight: let’s spend the abundance of Dominance experience we’ve been accumulating and get you all some upgrades. Then, we’ll discuss our strategy for tomorrow. After that, I’m hoping there’ll be enough time to earn some more Dominance experience.”


His team eagerly agreed to the proposed agenda. Elvira, too, was keen on sticking around. The combination of plotting others’ downfalls and worshiping Lukas’ cock sounded like the perfect end to her day. 


Lukas had been saving up most of the Dominance experience he’d gained in the past week for that very moment. They knew what round one was going to entail and were ready to upgrade the most applicable skills. He had upgraded Elvira’s passive back in Vandhoven, hoping it would pay dividends on the Dominance experience they were harvesting, but only the damage boost had been upgraded. It was worth the risk, Lukas thought.


He started with Fiona, who had been next in line for a level up for quite some time.



Fiona Larksmith

General Class: Rogue

Main Class: Assassin

Level 11


Strength: 18 + 10

Agility: 28.7 + 10

Mentality: 17.2

Vigor: 13.7 + 10



Backstab (Passive) - Level 3 - damage is increased by x1.7 when attacking the back of an opponent

Teleport (Triggered) - Maxed - Teleport to any combatant enemy of friendly, can choose to teleport behind the combatant, 1 min cooldown

Shifty (Triggered) - Level 3 - Dodge chance increased by x1.8 for the next 5 attacks

Fire and Ice (Ultimate) - Maxed - launch an ice spell, impacting all enemies in a medium radius with major ice damage and slowness for 20 seconds. Any enemies hit by the Assassin while impacted will receive additional major fire damage.


Bonded Skills:

Cock Worship (Passive) - Maxed - +10 boost in Vigor, Strength, and Agility, comes with a craving for the Dominant’s cock

Stinging Whip (Triggered) - Level 2 - magical whip strikes target dealing moderate damage and stunning target for 1 second



“Yes!” Fiona exclaimed. “I love that Agility boost.”


“Lucy next,” Lukas stated.



Luciana Corzo

General Class: Ranger

Main Class: Archer

Level 13


Strength: 22.2

Agility: 28.3

Mentality: 18

Vigor: 15.3



Sniper (Passive) - Maxed - headshots do x2.5 damage

Favorable Wind (Triggered) - Level 3 - for the next 30 seconds, arrows fly 30% further

Moonshot (Triggered) - Maxed - imbue arrow with glowing power, increasing damage by x3 and stunning enemy for 2 seconds

Light Them Up (Ultimate) - Maxed - launch an arrow that explodes on impact dealing major area-of-effect damage to enemies in a medium radius


Bonded Skills:

Show Off (Passive) - Maxed - all cooldowns reduced by 40%

Twin Peaks (Triggered) - Maxed - summons a replica of the Obedient subject for 60 seconds, replica can use Skills, Obedient subject must be topless to trigger



“Lucky us,” Lukas said with a smile, “that’s exactly what we needed for tomorrow.” The extra twenty percent off her cooldowns would come in handy the following day, and would allow her to summon her replica in both battles.


Lukas looked over at Gemma. “Ready for your skill upgrade?” Gemma approached him and extended her arms out.



Gemma Arthur

General Class: Brawler

Main Class: Berserker

Level 11


Strength: 32

Agility: 29

Mentality: 14.4

Vigor: 16.5


Into the Fray (Passive) - Maxed - Block 15% of HP loss

Quick Work (Triggered) - Level 3 - Link up to 5 enemies, when one linked enemy takes damage, other linked enemies take 30% of that damage

Adrenaline (Triggered) - Level 3 - the next 4 attacks do 2.5x damage

Porcupine (Ultimate) - Maxed - for 30 seconds, double the Into the Fray skill and reflect 100% of blocked HP loss back to the enemy


Bonded Skills:

Breeding Whore (Passive) - Maxed - receive a 60% damage boost when Dominant’s cum has been expended inside the Obedient subject’s pussy within 6 hours - Active

Fiery Passion (Triggered) - Maxed - light Adventurer's weapon on fire for 3 minutes, dealing fire damage to enemies



“Perfect,” Lukas said. “I have just enough to feed Gwyn’s puppy.” Gwyn jumped up and down while clapping, then eagerly offered her hands to Lukas.



Gwyndolyn Groves

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Submissive

Level 12


Strength: 11.8

Agility: 12.8

Mentality: 17.6

Vigor: 21.7



Liberating Submission (Passive) - Maxed - when bound as an Obedient to a Dominant, all skill effects are doubled - Active

Heal (Triggered) - Maxed - grants a 60 HP heal to an Adventurer

Meekness (Triggered) - Level 4 - Turn invisible for 150 seconds

Wife Material (Ultimate) - Maxed - grants access to the Hidden Strength ability, receive a +40 Vigor boost for one day after cooking for a man - Inactive

Hidden Strength (Triggered) - Maxed - cast Meekness on target ally, if Wife Material is active, surrender Vigor bonus and distribute the boost to the target ally for +10 boost in all stats for the duration of Meekness


Bonded Skills:

Protective Embrace (Passive) - Maxed - immune to Damage-over-Time effects casted on Submissive, Dominant receives an opposite healing effect when Damage-over-Time effects are casted on Submissive

Puppy (Triggered) - Level 3 - summons a Level 30 Dire Wolf familiar to assist, only one can be summoned at a time



Gwyn had achieved her twelfth level during their last cave run before the tournament, so most of her profile was as expected. What surprised Lukas, however, was that her Puppy skill didn’t appear to be maxed out, even at level three. “Interesting,” he remarked, noticing the puzzled but excited expression on the half-elf's face.


“What is it?” Laera asked, picking up on the anomaly.


“We may be able to upgrade Gwyn’s summoning skill beyond level three,” Lukas explained.


“Of course she gets the cool one,” Fiona complained. “Do I need to be even more submissive to get better bonuses?” Her emerald eyes were fixed on Lukas as she took a seductive step forward. “Oh, Daddy, how could I ever live without your big cock?” she said in a mocking tone while she fell to her knees in front of him.


“Fiona, you’re skipping ahead,” Lukas teased while patting the top of her head. “We need to discuss strategy first, then you can declare your undying devotion to my dick – and I haven’t forgotten about your punishment either.”


Lukas turned to the other girls and gestured to them to gather around. “Listen up. Here’s how we are going to beat the Arkmere Mages.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.