The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 22 – Round Two

Lukas immediately recognized the resemblance to Frelich in the short, blonde-haired elf who approached them; it was the sneer plastered across his face, mostly.


Captain Bruiser grimaced, his gaze drifting toward the third-floor landing, as if silently wishing for a solution to present itself. Much to his surprise, his wish was granted. A tall figure bounded up the stairs. “Captain Bruiser!” Jaren called out, his voice booming. “Thank you for your assistance with my investigation.”


Dreyfus narrowed his eyes as he looked behind him. “Investigation?”


“Indeed,” Jaren affirmed. “When a young and relatively unknown team decisively defeats a prominent opponent like the Arkmere Mages, it raises concerns that necessitate a closer look for any signs of cheating.”


“Cheating?!” Dreyfus exclaimed, his glower deepening. Lukas’ mirrored the Anoran’s sour expression at the insinuation.


“We’re merely doing our due diligence,” Jaren explained as he passed the three elves. “Your mages certainly received a thorough beating, didn’t they?”


The elf’s scowl intensified at the pointed reminder. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, Jaren, but I’m here to arrest a criminal. I carry a signed warrant from Justice Nocht.”


“I assure you that you will get the opportunity to execute that warrant right after my investigation.”


Steam almost puffed out of Dreyfus’ ears. “Captain Bruiser! I order you to do your duty and arrest that murderer!” the elf demanded. 


“I apologize, commissioner,” the captain responded, “but the Director of the Tournament of Immortal Heroes has higher authority in this situation. Also, the warrant is for violating a banishment decree, not for anything related to murder.”


Dreyfus clenched his fists and glanced at his two guards, as if contemplating throwing them into the fray. Deciding against it, he settled for a threat instead. “You will regret making an enemy of me, Jaren,” he said while glaring at the director.


Jaren just shrugged and unlocked his office. “Please join me inside,” he said to Lukas and his team. Lukas wasted no time following the director into the temporary sanctuary.


Fiona was not content leaving the confrontation in silence. She took a step towards the open door before turning back to Dreyfus. “Hey, Anoran: I heard it was attempted murder. Don’t worry, though, we will make sure to fix that next time we meet.” She flashed him a smile and then disappeared into the office.


Once the door was closed and locked, Jaren let out a heavy sigh.


“What’s going on, Jaren?” Lukas asked.


Jaren glanced over to the young man. “Let’s get started then. Lukas, have you or any of your teammates employed nefarious methods to gain an unfair advantage in the tournament, such as, but not limited to use of skills, from an outside party?”


“No,” Lukas replied defensively.


“Great,” Jaren said. “I formally declare you not guilty of cheating and officially conclude this investigation. Now, you are free to exit through that door, back into the hands of Dreyfus, or you can have a seat and we can have the next conversation.”


Lukas was starting to recognize what was going on, but there were still vast swaths of unknowns that left him in a confused state. He took Jaren’s invitation and sat down with his girls.


“In case you haven’t noticed,” Jaren said, “Dreyfus is coming after you – well, specifically Lucy, at the moment, but I think his end goal is to dismantle your team. I looked into Lucy’s banishment, as such a case is an anomaly. The details I could find were scant…”


“I shot a piece of fruit out of his hands to prove I was as good of an archer as an Anoran,” Lucy summarized for the director’s benefit.


“Ah,” Jaren sighed with amusement. “That would do it. Anyway, that incident has provided Dreyfus the ammunition he needs to target your team. My sources tell me that he’s been looking for you all morning.”


“That’s ironic,” Lukas said. “We spent most of the morning in Anora’s private viewing suite, likely while he was trying to hunt us down.”


Jaren let out a short chuckle. “I’m glad he wasn’t bold enough to interrupt your match to apprehend Lucy. You put up a good fight against Edricht.”


“Why did he wait until now?” Lukas asked. “He had to have known that Lucy was coming to participate in the tournament.”


“He thought you were a free pass for the Arkmere Mages. My guess is that as soon as you defeated his team, he ran to court to try and get the warrant. I didn’t think he would be able to get it so quickly. He must have some sort of influence over Justice Nocht.”


“How do we avoid losing Lucy?”


“You could flee the capital,” Jaren said. “Arguably, you should. Will Dreyfus bother coming after you once you’re gone? Perhaps, but not right away.”


“But we would be forfeiting the rest of the tournament,” Lukas complained, almost immediately rejecting the advice.


“Not necessarily,” Jaren said mysteriously. “I hear Celestia is nice this time of year. It is not too far, either.”


Lukas scrunched his face, trying to piece together the director’s hidden suggestion. “Why are you helping us?” he questioned.


“As the Director of the Tournament of Immortal Heroes, I must be impartial to all teams and I cannot help you, even if you are the crowd favorite,” he hinted. Jaren was clearly helping them, but not in an official capacity.


“I can’t even help you escape Dreyfus,” Jaren admitted with a sly smile, “but I would highly recommend not going back out the way you came in.” He nodded subtly towards his office window.


Lukas groaned. “We are three floors up!” 


The young Adventurer rose from his seat and shuffled towards the hinged frame and glass panes. “Does anyone have a rope?” he asked while opening the window. He peered down, and was surprised to see a pair of familiar faces looking back up at him. “Elvira? Monique?”


“Did someone order a covert extraction?” Elvira shouted up to him with a playful smile.


“Is that what this is?” Lukas replied.


“Just sit there and look pretty, Lukas dear,” Elvira teased. “Elvira will save you.”


“Something tells me Monique is going to be doing all the work,” Lukas retorted, prompting Elvira to stick her tongue out.


“Can you all flirt later?” Jaren asked, having approached the window. “I’d rather not have Dreyfus discover this little social gathering.”


“I’m going to start lowering people to the ground,” Monique explained. “There’s a minute cooldown on my ability, but I’ll work as fast as I can.”


“I can teleport,” Fiona called out. “I’ll wait until the rest of my team gets out and then pop down.”


“Go ahead and step out, Lukas,” Monique instructed. Lukas took a leap of faith – though, more literally, a single step – and began floating down. Monique’s control over her skill was flawless. In mere moments, Lukas touched down safely on solid ground.


“Now we wait for the cooldown,” Monique said, with just a hint of nervousness in her voice.


“Thanks, Monique,” Lukas said in a sincere tone.


“For what?” she responded with a smile. “You’ve really impressed me. You defeated the Arkmere Mages and secured a spot in the second round. You’ve turned your young team into the beloved underdog that everyone is cheering for, and… you were even kind enough to lose your match to my Phoenix Guild.”


“That’s my sister’s fault,” Elvira interjected. “She should have silenced the spell-stealer.”


“She followed the strategy that I came up with for the team,” Lukas countered. “If anyone lost that match, it was me.”


“You’re cute,” Monique said, getting close to Lukas. He thought for a moment that they might kiss. “I also heard what you said during the press conference about rebuilding the Phoenix Guild. You are a hero, Lukas. Let me take care of you.” The half-elf’s lips slowly inched closer to Lukas’.


A voice rang out from above. “Uh, hello? Has it been a minute yet?” 


Dammit Fiona.


Monique backed off and began lowering Gwyn from the window. Lukas glanced up to see not only her, but a tall, muscular figure emerging just above her.


“Gemma,” Lukas asked, “what are you doing? Monique is working on Gwyn. Wait your turn.”


The brunette ignored him. She lowered her lengthy body down a few feet while hanging onto the window sill. She briefly eyed the ground, then wiggled the fingers that held her weight.


“Gemma, wait —“


The impatient Brawler released her grip on the sill, plummeted to the ground, and collided with a bush, utterly demolishing it. A moment later, she arose from her crash site, wincing as she favored her left side.


Lukas grimaced when he saw her ankle. “If we didn’t need to run at a moment’s notice,” he said, “I’d be tempted to let you hobble around on a broken ankle for a while.” He nodded at the recently landed Gwyn, who cast her healing magic on the Brawler. “If somebody else needs to be healed before that ability’s off cooldown, you’re carrying them and serving as their personal meat shield.”


Gemma shrugged. “It was better than sitting around twiddling my thumbs, and I potentially saved us a minute.”


Laera and Lucy took Monique’s magical ride next. Then Fiona finally joined them, using her skill to port out of Jaren’s office. “Let’s get you out of the city,” Elvira said. “Any ideas where you might go?”


“I think Jaren recommended we go to Celestia,” Lukas mentioned, to which Elvira raised her eyebrows.


“Why Celestia?” Monique asked. Lukas shrugged, but Elvira grinned.


“What does Celestia have that the capital does not?” the Anoran asked, almost arrogantly.


Monique’s eyes widened. “The Mystic Forest.”


“Do you think the next round of the tournament will be in the Mystic Forest?” Lukas asked excitedly.


“Jaren can’t outright reveal anything,” Elvira said, “but if he hinted at Celestia, that would be my guess. Let’s head out. I don’t want to be around here when Dreyfus finds out his prey has escaped.”


The group of eight crossed the street, then rounded the corner to where a carriage was waiting for them. “Monique,” Elvira asked, “could you get them out of the city? You are much less likely to get stopped than me. I’m going to head in the other direction and see if I can divert some attention.” The Anoran Guildmaster turned to the team. “I’ll take care of your stuff. Just get out of the city and find somewhere to stay in Celestia. You’ll be safe there, but I still wouldn’t use your real names.”


“Let’s go,” responded Monique and boarded the carriage along with the young Adventurers. On the blonde's signal, the vehicle lurched forward, carrying them towards the outskirts of the capital. They rode for several minutes before reaching the city gate. The carriage slowed to a stop; Lukas kept his head down. Monique hopped out quickly to address the hindrance.


Lukas heard boisterous voices outside. "Oh! It's Monique! You're not thinking of skipping the tournament, are you? The Phoenix Guild is having quite the run so far, aren't they?"


Monique's voice brimmed with excitement.  "Absolutely! Edricht's team just clinched victory in their match this morning. I'll be back before the afternoon session starts; I just need to run a quick errand for a friend."


"Alright, we'll let you be. Best of luck!"


The door to the carriage opened quickly and Monique returned. “I see you are very good under pressure,” Lukas said.


“There wasn’t much pressure,” Monique responded. “I just have a very innocent-looking face, wouldn't you agree?” She gave Lukas a mischievous smile, one that looked very not-so-innocent.


Lukas blushed as the carriage jolted forward, leaving the city walls behind. After a few more minutes of travel, Monique gestured for the driver to halt. "This should be far enough out," she said, stepping out of the vehicle.


Lukas joined her on the dirt road. “Thanks, Monique.”


“It was no trouble at all,” she replied with a warm smile. “I look forward to seeing what you do next, which will likely be in Celestia." 


With that, they continued their journey on foot. In less than two hours, they were entering the city that housed the Pegasus Guild. While there were people out and about, the streets were relatively quiet, with much of the populace enjoying the tournament activities in the neighboring city. The first challenge was finding a place to stay. Laera, who was the only one even vaguely familiar with the area, recommended that they try the Iron Feather Inn. The accommodations were modest but it was within their budget, so they headed there.


Lukas decided it was best to send Gwyn and Fiona inside to secure a couple of rooms while the rest of the group waited outside. About twenty minutes later, they returned, both sporting mischievous grins and two room keys in hand. "What’s so funny?" Lukas asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Well," Gwyn said with a chuckle, "I figured Fiona, being the quick thinker she is, should come up with our pseudonyms. So, we ended up being introduced as Fire Crotch and Purple Tits."


Lukas groaned at the redhead’s antics, though he also barely stifled a laugh. "Fiona, the idea is to not draw attention to ourselves."


"I'm just having fun," Fiona said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. "Besides, no one cares what a dingy Anoran thinks about us out here."


"Alright," Lukas conceded, "let’s head to our rooms and rest up before we look for some dinner. I completely forgot we skipped lunch – I’m starving." The entire team was worn out, never having received a real chance to fully recover since getting their asses kicked by the Phoenix Guild.


"I wonder how my sister will manage to get our stuff to us," Laera wondered out loud.


“She’ll have to ask around for ‘Fire Crotch,’” Gemma said, rolling her eyes.




After a restful night, the team decided to make a trip to the caverns the following day. The idea was to keep their minds off the uncertainty of their eligibility to compete in the tournament. Lukas also really wanted to hit level fourteen. They traveled through the section of the Mystic Forest near Celestia. The paths to the mountains were foreign to them, so it took a bit longer, but they were able to find a cave entrance. They spent several hours in the underground labyrinth, channeling their frustrations from the previous day into their fighting. Upon returning to Celestia, they found Elvira waiting for them in front of the Iron Feather Inn, leaning up against a carriage and holding a newspaper in her hands.


“You found us!” Lukas exclaimed, happy to see the blonde elf.


“Yes,” Elvira replied. “I figured Laera would suggest this place for you to stay. I’m the one who brought her here first.” Laera wasn’t paying attention. Instead, she was earnestly searching through the carriage for her luggage.


“Orientation for round two is tomorrow morning,” Elvira said with a mischievous smile, “in the Pegasus Guild Hall, which is four blocks away. The other seven teams are traveling here as we speak.”


Lukas let out a sigh of relief. They were still in the tournament after all. “What’s in your hands?” he asked, referring to the newspaper she’d brought.


“I’ll show you at dinner,” Elvira promised. “Let’s unpack your stuff and find somewhere to eat. I’m hungry. Taking care of refugees is hard work.”


They made short work of the baggage and were soon canvassing the area for a good restaurant. As they walked, the tantalizing smell of spices wafted through the air, drawing them closer to a cozy little eatery.


“This looks perfect,” Elvira said, stepping forward and opening the door.


Inside, the ambiance was warm and intimate, with an assortment of wooden tables lit by flickering candles. An inviting aroma of roasted vegetables and fresh-baked bread enveloped them, making their stomachs rumble in unison. 


The seven Adventurers sat down and ordered off the menu. As they waited for their food, Elvira plopped the newspaper down in front of the team. Immediately, six heads leaned forward to read the front-page article.


The Hatchlings Strike First

By Olivia Holden


There have been a number of fascinating fights in the first round of the tournament, but there is one team that everyone is talking about: the Wyvern Hatchlings. This underdog team, comprised of young Adventurers and led by the ambitious Lukas, has taken the arena by storm, securing victories against more seasoned opponents and showcasing a skill set that has both surprised and thrilled spectators.Their opening match against the renowned Arkmere Mages will go down as one of the most shocking upsets in tournament history.


In a dazzling display of teamwork and strategy, the Wyvern Hatchlings swiftly dismantled their magic-wielding foes, utilizing a combination of cunning abilities and surprise tactics. Lukas led the charge, baiting the Mages into a barrage of magical attacks before demonstrating his impressive resilience.


Following that sensational victory, the Hatchlings secured their second against the Chimera Guild, thanks to a phenomenal performance by the team’s Assassin, Fiona Larksmith. Their third battle proved to be the fiercest yet. The challenge was tough, and despite their impressive showing in earlier matches, the Hatchlings encountered unexpected obstacles, including a mimic with the ability to steal their skills. Unable to adapt, the Wyvern team crumbled under the immense pressure. Ultimately, the match ended with Lukas conceding defeat to a cunning Edricht and his team, but the fight was rated as an audience favorite.


The Wyvern Hatchings mysteriously disappeared after the third session, but our trusted sources have provided us valuable leads. In a move that many consider to be poor taste, Anoran Commissioner Dreyfus has sought to put Lucy Corzo, the team’s Ranger, in chains for returning to the capital. By only seeking such recourse after the Arkmere Mages lost, his timing calls into question both his integrity and his sportsmanship. Several prominent voices have already called for tangible opposition against Dreyfus’ actions. It is widely believed that Lukas’ young team has fled the capital, and many are raising their voices in support, hoping for them to return for round two.


The night before his sudden disappearance, Lukas was spotted dining with the Silverbreeze family following the team’s impressive second victory, which bodes well for Laera’s romantic interests. The members of the Wyvern Hatchlings, however, continue to remain tight-lipped about any potential internal relationships blossoming within their ranks. The air of mystery surrounding their dynamics only adds to the intrigue of this young and vibrant team.


Of course, the most provocative member of the Hatchlings has certainly been uncloaked, quite literally. Lucy Corzo, quickly becoming known as The Topless Archer, has not only drawn the attention of prestigious Anoran politicians, but has captured the eyes of many admirers with her tantalizing display of flesh. Lucy’s unexpected rise to fame has sparked widespread debate across the capital. Critics, though few in number, argue that her unusual choice of attire – or lack thereof! – detracts from the spirit of the competition, while numerous supporters laud her boldness and confident embrace of individuality. Wherever one stands on the issue, it is undeniable that her audacious persona has drawn attention disproportionate to her impressive displays of more traditional archery skills.


The ambitious Wyvern Guildmaster, Elvira Silverbreeze, seems downright  ecstatic to ride the team’s wave of fame; she made sure to issue a public statement reminding everyone that it was her decision to nominate the Hatchlings for their spot in the tournament. She has been particularly busy lately, undoubtedly scheming to help her team claw their way back to the capital.


As the tournament progresses, fans are left wondering: will the Wyvern Hatchlings continue to rise through the ranks and challenge the established contenders? Their performance thus far suggests they are a serious threat, and with their unyielding spirit, they have already garnered a passionate following.


And so, as tension mounts in the capital, and as the second round of the tournament looms on the horizon, the enigmatic Hatchlings prepare for their resurgence, eager to write their story and claim their place. The arena awaits, and all eyes will undoubtedly be watching.


“It’s an improvement from the last one she wrote,” Fiona remarked.


“Did someone stalk us when we went to dinner?” Laera asked with a frown.


“That’s what you’re stuck on?” Elvira asked. “Did you not read the part where people are calling Dreyfus out on his shit? That’s huge!”


“Maybe if those voices get loud enough,” Lukas said thoughtfully, “we will be able to return to the capital.”


“Yeah,” Elvira said. “We better hope something happens. I doubt they’ll do another round outside the capital. Have you explored the Mystic Forest yet?”


“We did go into the Mystic Forest,” Lukas responded, “but only to get to the caves.”


“Wait, why?” Elvira questioned, her voice carrying a hint of judgment. “Jaren’s hint almost guaranteed the next round would be in the forest. You should’ve been using this time to get the lay of the land.”


“We will go tomorrow morning,” Lukas said, hoping to get Elvira off their case, “before orientation.”


“You’ll only have a couple hours,” Elvira said with a slight frown, “but I suppose it’s better than nothing.”


The tension dissipated when the food arrived, and the young adults dug hungrily into their meals.




The team awoke early, eager to spend a few hours scouting in the Mystic Forest before Lukas’s scheduled meeting later that morning. They moved swiftly through the vast area of the forest near the Pegasus Guild, determined to familiarize themselves with the terrain. They meticulously mapped out the tangle of trails and identified clusters of trees that could serve as excellent hiding spots. 


Their scouting included assessing defensible locations and areas ripe for ambushes. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they encountered a few different creatures; however, time was not on their side, and they couldn't gather a comprehensive understanding of the creatures populating that section of the woods. Each skirmish provided valuable lessons, but they knew there was much more to discover.


Lukas returned just in time for the orientation after their reconnaissance mission. He entered the bustling guild hall in the heart of Celestia and was guided to a conference room. Arriving as one of the last two team leaders, he quickly took a seat at the large wooden table. He glanced up at the front of the room, where Jaren was standing. Jaren caught his eye and offered a subtle nod, accompanied by a brief smile – a gesture that reassured Lukas that he was pleased to see him there. 


Lukas scanned the room, examining the other seven captains, trying to figure out who had made the cut. He saw Edricht from the Phoenix Guild; the captain of the Knights of Pallandor from the Chimera Guild; and Roderick, whom he recognized as the leader of one of the Pegasus Guild teams. The other four slots were occupied by the teams from the capital and Anora.


Jaren stood and unfurled a parchment. “Let’s get started. Welcome to the orientation for the second round of the tournament. All eight teams performed exceptionally well in the first round, and we are eager to kick off the next stage of competition. Three teams finished the first round undefeated and will receive an advantage in this upcoming round, which I’ll explain shortly.”


Lukas glanced around, wondering which trio of teams was leading the pack.


“For the second round,” Jaren continued, “there will be four gems hidden deep within the Mystic Forest. Tonight, at sundown, all eight teams will be released into the forest to seek out these gems. Each team is permitted to claim only one gem. The four teams that fail to secure a gem will be eliminated from the tournament. Interference from other teams is permitted, but keep in mind that the fatality clause remains in effect. As a reward for successfully completing this second round, teams will be permitted to keep the gems they discover.”


Jaren paused before he continued. “Health and mana potions will not be allowed in this round. Each Adventurer will be subjected to a search before the round starts. In addition, a moderator will accompany each team. Their primary mission will be to record the events tonight so that we can publish something for the eager audience at the end of the hunt. They are under strict orders to not interfere – and, likewise, they are not to be interfered with.”


Brennan, a captain of one of the capital teams, shouted a question out. "Do you have any moderators that will be able to keep up with us?" The other capital captain and the Anoran team leaders chuckled at the thought of outrunning their moderators.


Jaren rolled his eyes at the jab. "As long as you are focused on finding the gems and not on ditching the moderator, then you should be fine." He glared at the capital teams.


"What advantage will the three undefeated teams from the first round have?" Edricht asked.


“Ah, I was just about to get there. The three teams who secured a perfect record in the first round will be granted a single health potion and a single mana potion,” Jaren announced, to which a couple of the captains groaned. The 'advantage' was rather pitiful.


“Also,” the director continued, “from now until the start of the round, the Pegasus section of the Mystic Forest is off limits. If any participants violate that restriction, their team will receive an automatic disqualification. Any further questions?”


Silence greeted him.


“Alright, you are all dismissed to prepare for tonight’s round.” He rolled up his parchment. “Good luck.”


The captains stood and filed out, and Lukas quickly followed, eager to reconnect with his team as the second round loomed closer. He found his teammates and shared the details he had gathered for the upcoming challenge. Once he concluded, he addressed several questions that arose.


“Good thing we explored the forest this morning to get our bearings,” Fiona remarked. “That’s wild that they can just cut access to the Mystic Forest like that.”


“The tournament is a huge undertaking,” Elvira said. “The tournament director receives priority treatment wherever he goes.


“What about my special mana potions?” Laera asked. “They’re not normal support potions, so maybe they’ll be allowed.”


“I wouldn’t count on it, princess,” Fiona answered before anyone else could.


“Should we get some sleep so we are better prepared to stay up all night?” Lukas suggested.


“This round won’t last that long, Lukas,” Elvira replied. “It is important you understand what you are up against. There’s a chance that the first gem is found within an hour. Some of these teams know the Mystic Forest really well and can comb through it at blazing speeds.”


“I would’ve thought that any teams at this level would spend more of their time in the caves rather than exploring the Mystic Forest,” Lukas said.


“The Mystic Forest is far more perilous at night,” Elvira explained. “With greater risk comes greater rewards. Some teams choose to venture out into the forest at night for the unique experience; some even invert their sleep cycles for weeks or months.”


“So what do we do for the rest of the day?” Gemma asked.


“You could spend some time researching in the guild hall,” Elvira suggested. “They’ll have the best knowledge base to help you understand what creatures you might face up against on this side of the forest.”


Fiona groaned. “I don’t want to do nerd things!”


“The other teams are going to be in the same limbo that you are in,” the Anoran Guildmaster said, ignoring the redhead’s protests. “I bet some of them hit up the taverns before the round starts. We might want to do some espionage and see if anyone has a loose tongue. Who among us is the least threatening and won’t draw attention?”


Five voices immediately answered in unison. “Gwyn.”


“Really?” Elvira said, raising her eyebrows. “The girl with purple streaks in her hair?”


Lukas nodded confidently.


“I guess she can go invisible,” Elvira remarked, mostly to herself. “Alright, we will send our cute little spy off to the taverns then. I’ll go try and find some place that would allow us to cook a meal. I’m assuming you want Gwyn to make dinner tonight before you go into the forest?”


“That would be great,” answered Lukas.


Fiona stepped forward. “Can I keep tabs on Gwyn? I know she can handle herself, but I’m still nervous sending her into a bar full of drinking men. Plus, I’d be bored as fuck if I went with you to read books. We’d get kicked out in the first five minutes because I’d be trying to suck your cock in some quiet corner of the library.”


Lukas snorted. “Sure, you can watch over Gwyn, but stay out of sight. I think you are easily recognizable now.”


“Thank you,” Fiona said with a bow.


The group split up, with Lukas, Gemma, Laera, and Lucy heading back into the guild hall. Lucy looked at Lukas with a mischievous smile as they made their way down a hallway. “A blowjob in a library isn’t a terrible idea,” she said seductively.


“It’s tempting,” Lukas admitted, “but let’s study for a few hours at least. Something tells me you are the type that doesn’t mind getting caught.”




They did indeed get caught, but luckily it was by a certain Anoran Guildmaster who was searching for them after completing her errand. “Dammit,” she said in an annoyed voice, “this was not one of the options. No wonder Laera was beet red when I found her.”


“We’ve been studying for nearly four hours, Elvira,” Lukas said.


“I had to go find a kitchen,” Elvira said with a huff, “and she gets your delicious load down her throat. Not fair!”


“My next load goes to Gemma,” Lukas said, “but I’ll take care of you soon.”


The Anoran regained her composure, then walked over to Lukas and whispered something into his ear while he pulled up his pants. A wicked grin spread across his face as he immaculate blonde’s dirty promises filled his ear. “Don’t you worry, Elvira. We’ll win this round. Let’s go find Gwyn.”


They exited the guild hall and started walking down the streets, looking for busy taverns. They walked about two blocks before a whoosh of red hair behind Lukas made him jump. “Keeping me on my toes, Fiona?”

“This spy mission has me feeling extra assassin-y,” Fiona replied with a giggle.


“Is Gwyn in there?” Lukas asked.


“Purple tits? Yeah, I gave her the secret signal. She’ll be out shortly.”


They waited a minute until the petite half-elf emerged from the tavern. She smiled at Lukas and skipped over to the group. “Hey everyone!”


“Did you uncover anything juicy?” an eager Elvira asked.


“Nothing that will give us a huge advantage,” Gwyn responded, slightly disappointed. “There was a capital team and an Anoran team drinking in there along with a group of devoted fans. The amount of arrogance they exuded definitely exceeded the amount of alcohol consumed.

The capital team believes that they’ll find their gem so quickly, they’ll have time to mess with the slower teams.”


“Just for fun?” Fiona asked with a scowl.


“Yeah,” Gwyn said with a nod and a frown. “That’s the kind of people they are.”


“How would they mess with people?” Lukas asked.


Gwyn grunted before continuing. “One of the guys – Brennan I think – said they’re planning on bringing a couple of fake gems. They’ll plant them somewhere, and hope one of the underdog teams finds one and gets really excited. They also have various magical traps ready that they could set in the forest.”


“Disgusting,” Gemma said with sneer.


“I might want to beat them more than the Anorans now,” Fiona said with a determined look on her face.


“Let’s go help Gwyn cook dinner,” Lukas said. “Then we’ll get ready for round two.”


“What about–” the tall Brawler interjected.


“Don’t worry, Gemma,” Lukas reassured her. “I’ll make sure you get your damage boost.”




The sun was rapidly sinking below the horizon, its warm light giving way to a creeping sense of anxiety. Eight teams were scattered along the periphery of the Mystic Forest, undergoing meticulous searches by the tournament overseers.


Laera tried to prevent her vials filled with a milky white substance from being confiscated, but was losing the battle. When the moderator uncorked one for a sniff, Lukas interjected. “Ah! I wouldn’t recommend doing that. She’ll leave them behind.”


A young man, only a few years older than Lukas, approached their group. “Hi, I’m Simon. I’ve been assigned to be your travel companion for the night. I’ll just be tagging along – not interfering in any way.”


“Nice to meet you, Simon,” Lukas said. “I’m Lukas–”


Simon interrupted him with a chuckle. “I know who you all are. I consider myself quite lucky to be assigned to your team. I don’t know what I’m about to see… but I’m excited to see it.”


Lukas nodded and glanced over at a temporary platform where Jaren stood, poised to give the signal. A crowd of spectators had gathered to witness the sendoff. Though they wouldn’t be privy to the actions that occurred within the forest itself, they would be rewarded by being the first to see which teams returned with the prized gems. A magnesium flare ignited, interrupting the darkening scene with a burst of light and subsequently kicking off the second round. Lukas and his girls rushed into the forest, with Simon following closely behind.


Their strategy was to evade as many enemies as possible to maximize their exploration. However, they didn't shy away from certain confrontations – like the group of monstrous spiders crawling across a fork in the trail. There was also a strong chance that the tournament's masterminds would conceal the gems near formidable creatures, making it imprudent to avoid all combat entirely.


As the team plunged deeper into the shadows of the Mystic Forest, the atmosphere shifted. The trees loomed tall and dense, their branches interlocking to create a canopy that only allowed glimpses of the starry night. The air was thick with tension, and every rustle of leaves or distant howl sent jolts of adrenaline coursing through their veins.


They quietly crept into a clearing where five colossal creatures were grazing. Resembling heavily armored rhinoceroses, the massive, quadrupedal beasts boasted robust, muscular bodies, thick necks, and large heads that each sported a hammer-like nose. Their tough skin displayed a rich tapestry of earthy grays, browns, and greens, seamlessly blending with the surroundings of the Mystic Forest.


“I know what these are,” Laera said quietly. “They’re Hammerhorn Behemoths. It is incredibly hard to inflict physical damage on them due to their thick skin, but luckily for us, they have a lightning magic weakness.”


“Nice,” Lukas whispered.


Laera blushed slightly. “Unlike some people, I actually spent my time in the library studying.”


“It was a short break,” Lucy retorted.


"Focus!" Gemma snapped at her teammates. Her sharp command caused the behemoths to lift their massive heads, alert and attentive.


“Oh, Gemma,” Fiona sighed as she readied for battle. “Should we run?”


“No,” Lukas said. “There's lots of decent hiding spots around this meadow. We should clear it and look for a gem.”


Laera fired off her first lightning bolt as Gemma and Lukas charged the armored beasts. The ground beneath their feet trembled as the behemoths thunderously charged after the intruders. Laera continued unleashing her electric magic while Lukas and Gemma attempted to dig their blades into the beasts’ thick hides. The large creatures were easy enough to dodge, but unfortunately their swords were useless. Gemma grunted and ignited her sword as she swung it with tremendous force to meet the challenge. Her direct hit barely left a scratch.


Lukas was frustrated. “What the hell?! Their armor is too thick!” Lucy and Gwyn’s ranged salvos fared no better. Lukas swung his twin blades at the behemoths' legs, trying to find a weak spot. He then attacked one’s neck followed by its nose. Nothing worked.


A lightning spell crashed into the creature right in front of Lukas and it fell to the ground with a giant thud, no thanks to his efforts. "Keep it up, Laera," Lukas shouted. "You're our only way to kill these things."


"I'm going to need mana soon," the Anoran replied back.


Lukas grunted, trying to come up with a strategy to keep the remaining behemoths occupied while he resupplied his elven mage. Fiona, recognizing the obvious, approached him. "That'll take too long. Come with me." They left Gemma to keep their enemies distracted and strode several paces away. Fiona swiftly fell to her knees and started tugging at his pants.


"You're not the one the needs mana," Lukas said with a smile, already guessing what Fiona was planning.


"I'll get it to her," Fiona said, her emerald eyes gleaming in the twilight. "Just give your load to me."


At the last second, Lukas remembered they had a tag-a-long voyeur. He swiveled his head to Simon, who was watching them with a little too much excitement. "Would it be possible to keep this part out of the official report?" Lukas asked. Simon gave him a thumbs up, not wanting to deter what was about to happen.


Fiona was already stroking Lukas' rock hard erection, so he decided to throw caution to the wind. "I'll let you worship my cock properly another time," Lukas growled down to his redheaded submissive. "Right now, I'm going to fuck your face."


Fiona happily opened wide for Lukas' shaft.  "Please," she begged. "Use my mouth like a slutty hole."


Lukas' hips were already thrusting forward; his cock invaded Fiona's mouth and headed straight down her throat. Her lips wrapped tightly around his dick; she sucked in his length and moaned in pleasure, her eyes fluttering shut.


He began slamming his cock into her face, holding her gorgeous hair tightly in his hands.  "My cock loves being in your mouth, my little fucktoy," he growled. Fiona was drooling all over herself. His dick was already coated in her saliva. Her face was a bright red from the constant choking.


He pulled out of her throat, making her gasp for air. "Suck it like a nasty slut." Fiona slurped at his cock, swirling her tongue all over the tip. She eagerly tightened her lips around the head and then took his entire length in, all the way to the base. Her green eyes locked onto his, begging him for more. He firmly held her head in place, eliciting a slobbery gag out of her. She accepted the rough treatment with glee, her eyes still fixed on her master, her mouth full of his girthy dick. He knew it was hard for her to breathe, but he also knew she wouldn't have any other way. He reveled at the feeling of her throat constricting around his cock while he pumped his hips.


Fiona's cheeks were hollowing; her eyes were welling with tears. Lukas pulled back as his balls began churning. "Get ready for my load, you filthy slut." He groaned loudly and expunged his hot seed into Fiona's mouth. She let it pool in her cheeks, waiting patiently for her master to finish unloading. Then she rose and bounded over towards Laera with bulging cheeks. The elven mage’s eyes caught Fiona's approach and she turned to her, trying to figure out what was happening.


Fiona pressed her lips to the Anoran. The two women shared a passionate, open-mouthed kiss that sent shivers down both Lukas’ spine and Simon’s.  The warm liquid slid down Laera’s throat and a warm sensation coursed through her veins, replenishing her mana. Fiona used a lot of tongue to ensure Laera got every drop of the magical sperm.


"Thanks, Fiona," Laera said softly, her blue eyes sparkling. Fiona simply nodded and smiled.


Lukas' gaze was riveted to the two women he loved. Laera finally returned to zapping the rest of the behemoths, prompting Lukas to look back over to Simon to ensure the oath of silence was still in place. Simon mouthed 'that was awesome' and gave Lukas another thumbs up – not the most convincing keeper of secrets, but he would have to do for the time being.


The last Hammerhorn Behemoth fell to Laera’s lightning, and the group quickly started searching the area for a gem. Minutes went by, and their exhaustive efforts became frantic. Finally, however, Lukas had to make the decision. “Fuck!” Lukas cursed. “We have to find a gem. Let’s keep moving.”


They moved on and quickly encountered a Dire Wolf pack. Gemma and Lukas were happy to be able to sink their blades into the flesh of their new enemies. To Lukas’ surprise, the elusive level fourteen hit as they hastily cleared out the wolves. He didn’t have time to address it as the team fanned out over the battlefield searching high and low for a gem. When they came up empty-handed once again, an undeniable air of frustration descended over all of them.


Lukas led his team onward through the forest at a brisk pace. They ran for several minutes, knowing they were running out of time. It had been a couple hours since the start of the round, and they knew the competition was fierce. They stumbled into yet another forest clearing; Lukas glanced around trying to determine which direction would yield results. He was about to lead his group down a path to their right when the forest all around them erupted.


Magic flew at them from all sides. An ice spell slammed into Gemma, knocking her to the ground. Lukas quickly triggered his Praise ability, except it didn’t work. Lukas cursed to himself as he realized his abilities were silenced.


More volleys of magical destruction continue to collide into Lukas’ young team. Even with his passive magic resistance, Lukas’ HP was dwindling fast. “Spread out!” he shouted as an area-of-effect meteor spell hit them.


He lunged forward desperately trying to find a way to engage the enemy. He looked around to evaluate the battlefield and his heart dropped. They were completely surrounded by ten blonde-haired elves. The Arkmere Mages and the other Anoran team had strategically selected the location for their ambush. While the attack surely fell within the lax bounds of ‘interference,’ Lukas immediately thought of a more fitting term: hit job.


He rushed forward to take out a mage, but a summoned golem blocked his attack path. His swords darted out, striking the rocky foe, but the arrows pelting him from two different directions made it difficult to combat the stony giant. The golem scored a crushing blow on his shoulder and Lukas was thrown to the ground. His health was at a critical level. He activated his legendary armor boost just as the golem stomped down on him with a heavy foot. 


A fire spell streaked across the night air towards Lukas. A small figure dashed in front, taking the fiery attack head on. Lukas felt the healing effects of Gwyn’s bonded skill as he stumbled to feet. He grabbed his petite submissive and retreated away from the golem, protecting her from arrows and magic alike with his body. An earth-magic attack smashed into his backside, the momentum of the boulder projectile sent him falling forward on top of Gwyn. He fought back tears of rage as his mind battled between his need to survive and his desire to get revenge. As he tried to push himself back to a standing position, he conceded that he might achieve neither. 


Lukas swiftly scanned the surroundings for his girls. Gemma and Lucy had both been knocked down and looked to be worse off than himself. The Anorans did seem to him to be holding back just enough not to kill anyone, but their demeanor suggested they weren’t in a merciful mood that night. He spotted Simon cowering behind a bush, visibly trembling and gripped by a terror that the elven mages had instilled in him.


Laera was still standing, her blue eyes burning with raving fury that would make any observer question her sanity. The mage was firing off lightning and fire spells in every direction, her activated Aegis Orb helping her withstand the onslaught. Fiona was weaving around through clumps of trees, dodging the various projectiles. She had managed well enough to avoid taking much damage, but she was too overwhelmed to aid any of her allies. Once the Anorans had felled their primary target – Lukas – the redhead started receiving more concentrated fire.


Lukas watched helplessly as an ice spell knocked his assassin off her feet. Arrows began flying towards the mana-exhausted Laera, causing her to falter. Lukas remained on top of the team’s healer, protecting her as best he could. His entire team was getting ravaged. It was the end of the road for them; hopefully they escaped with their lives.


Lukas was almost too distracted to realize the silence that had locked down his skills had expired. In desperation, he triggered the one ability he had never used before: King of the Wood Nymphs.

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