The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 372: Before Dawn (Part 1)

"The countdown starts, physical condition check, projection is allowed, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five... two, one!"

The huge magic power began to flow in the body along a fixed trajectory. With the help of memories and imagination, the basic information of a treasure that no longer existed in this world reappeared in this world again.

The material is analyzed, it is a combination of mithril and magic stone, inlaid with a wide range of life searching magic, in the form of a compass!

Its name is-the heaven of life.

"The basic structure, explanation, composition material, explanation, and projection are difficult." This is not a powerful treasure, but it is an extremely complex treasure. The magician who owns it is a researcher of life magic who doesn't like fighting, but only likes to study. As a hybrid of fairies and humans, he has both the fairies' talent for natural magic and the unique desire for knowledge of humans. This treasure was formed by relying on his own desire in order to explore all kinds of life. It is a rare treasure with almost zero combat effectiveness.

This magician has been searching for all kinds of strange creatures throughout his life. In the World of Warcraft Illustrated Book on the mainland, there are many rare beasts that he left behind. It is a pity that in the last expedition, he died in the hands of a group of ferocious beasts, a tragic scholar.

Since this treasure is just a treasure that exists for the purpose of exploring strange life, it has almost no practical or academic value. After the death of the magician, there was no news of it again, and no one inherited it, and it just disappeared in history.

However, there are no useless treasures in this world. Perhaps even the magician who created this heavenly disk of life would not have thought that his treasure would later become one of the most used exploration treasures by a super power.

This treasure, which has strong detection power for non-human creatures, is a very useful treasure in the hands of this super strong man with the name of "Sword Brave". Now, she is projecting it out to find a group of weird enemies.

"Start positioning, target, west of Sofia City!" After successfully projecting this treasure that is somewhat like a round pocket watch, he opened his eyes and started to detect the enemy he encountered last time through the sky disk of life. Of the trail. As she concentrated on her mind, red dots began to appear on the sky of life. That is the light spot of life in the area she designated to explore. Each spot represents a life. If many spots are gathered together, it is a community.

Like the aura of life emanating from a monster community that surpassed an entire army, there is no possibility of hiding under the detection of this life's celestial disk. As long as they are still nearby, it is impossible to escape the detection of the heavenly disk of life.

With her current ability, the detection range of the sky disk of life can cover the entire city of Sofia plus the suburbs. The accuracy of exploring the breath of life within the specified range can already be accurate to within ten meters. This is exactly the advantage of this heavenly disk for exploring the treasures of life. After abandoning all defense, attack, and auxiliary abilities, only the ability to explore life is left. The heavenly disk of life has something far beyond ordinary exploration treasures. Search ability.

But the result of this detection was not as she expected. The suburbs west of Sofia did not have any abnormalities, except for the scattered breath of life (that should be normal residents living near Sofia), did not sense any gatherings. The powerful breath of life together.

Although there are some light spots with a breath of life far beyond ordinary people in that area, but considering that the brave conference is being held here, it is not strange that there will be some seventh-level powerhouses acting in the wild.

"Did it disappear completely? Or..." Lala switched to a search area, this time to the east of Sophia City. The detection result was the same as the west, without any large-scale accumulation of life far beyond the limit. But there was a special blank in an area, she remembered, that was where the Supreme God Sect held this brave congress. In the anomalous space created by the space demon, facing that anomalous space distortion, there is no way for the heavenly disk of life to lose its effect.

Next is the east and the north. The result is exactly the same as before. Although a lot of light spots of powerful life can be explored, the super-high-intensity life response that should appear when those weird worm-shaped monsters gather, but there is nowhere. Find.

"No response..." Lala put down the life disk in her hands in disappointment. She would never think that the huge alien monsters had been wiped out. In fact, the result of the last battle was not optimistic at all. She almost exhausted all her strength before she managed to wipe out one of the largest lairs. But it was obvious that that lair was connected to other lairs, and she just smashed through one of the passages to the largest lair. She saw with her own eyes that when she attacked the huge lair with all her strength, new monsters were strengthening from other places. This shows that she is definitely not destroying all the lairs.

What's more, in the end, the silver monster that suddenly appeared was definitely not an ordinary monster. It was a terrifying monster capable of destroying a country, and it was a cruel and bloodthirsty crazy monster. Even if she did not run out of strength due to continuous battles, she was not completely sure of defeating that monster.

In fact, if it hadn't been for another strong man with powerful dark power to attack her at the last moment and clashed with the silver monster, she would have difficulty even escaping. Her flying skills are indeed far better than that of the silver monster, but because of a series of fierce battles, her remaining strength is not enough to accelerate to throw away the silver monster. If it continues to fly like that, it will only be a matter of time before it is shot down.

"Let's go..." Withdrawing the sky disk of life, holding the two swords that he is most familiar with, he left Sofia's royal city without looking back. For her, the most important thing is to eliminate the monsters that may pose a huge threat to this world as soon as possible.

Fighting is her eternal mission. No matter what era or in what world, she will always need her to fight. Even if the world has changed, the world she lived in has become past history, and her name has not been recognized and disappeared in human history, she will not change her beliefs.

Because she is a sword hero, in order to protect her justice, even if she is forgotten and hated by others, she will wield her sword and fight forever. Because, apart from this, she can do nothing.

The slightly lonely back figure gradually disappeared into the vast night, and the silver braids danced with the blowing of the night wind. Under the blue moonlight, her figure is still as firm and unshakable as it was thousands of years ago.

"Viking's breath of life is gone forever..." Rau said sadly in the ruins of Sophia's underground. He was not completely sure of the news until just now.

"After twelve hours, I still haven't returned. It seems to have disappeared forever. What a fool, I only need to leave a split to come back." Figgoz sighed, and finally got out of sleep together. One of the awakened companions is missing.

"Bast is still asleep, and now there is no suitable body for him. What should I do, before the awakening of Her Royal Highness, will he remain vigilant to the end?"

"No, although all the large forces have indeed entered a dormant state, my pigeons have not rested. According to the intelligence of the dark priest, I found something very interesting. It seems that the black prince Edward may have done better than we thought. The medium is better. Her Royal Highness may have known this for a long time, so he handed the Killing Alien Egg to him." This should be regarded as great news. Originally, Figozi was planning to share it with Viking. This is good news.

Although he was an over-stubborn guy, he was also an interesting partner. Unfortunately, he is no longer there, and he chose to die on his own initiative. Even if Her Royal Highness Zongji could create a high-level Zerg exactly the same, it would not be the stubborn young man he was familiar with.

"Well, I looked down on that guy. If Darwin's information is really correct, it is really interesting. It seems that Buster's resurrection can be advanced. If he is there, the plan of Her Royal Highness will definitely go well. Much. Let's find the dark priest first. If we want to create a variant that can withstand Buster's power, his power is necessary." Rawu said calmly.

"Then let's set off, for Buster's resurrection, and for revenge for the western base that was wiped out by the entire army, I want to let humans know how big a mistake they made."

"Long live your majesty Adelph Sitler!"

"Long live the great worm Ji Adif Sitele!" A voice full of warfare sounded in the underground ruins of Sophia. As the time of the worm Ji's emergence approached, they had been greatly injured by the blow of Lara. , Finally started to act again.

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