The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 139 - Untitled Twenty Two

At this time, the others in the tavern were in a hurry. The quiet tavern was noisy again, and they all scolded the dog-headed old man for not being a thing.

Just now, the big man was also anxious and said: “You said it. Don’t you just want to ask for a bowl of wine. Come on, give this old man another bowl.”

Hearing the dog-headed old man, he nodded with satisfaction and continued: “My nephew was brought back by the police station, and he took me to drink. He said, ah, this time it’s a big trouble. This time there is a cat in their caravan. Clan businessman, took his daughter out to meet the world. You know, it’s okay in the human kingdom, and something happened when we approached the border of Wiglott. A team of cavalry stopped them, and the leader was the young son of a power leader. I liked it. The daughter of a cat merchant. I want to take it back and be a concubine.”

The dog-headed old man took a sip of the wine and said, “Of course the caravan refuses. This conflict broke out like this.”

The old man spoke happily, and a big man in the crowd retorted: “Then how could they steal the caravan? Now, which one of Oroz’s caravan does not have a escort. They can easily succeed?”

Seeing that someone didn’t believe him, the old dog-headed man said angrily: “Hmph, how many people are there in the **** team? There are more than 20 people at most, and others have already been eyeing them. Are there still fewer people with them? These escorts are not Oroz. The regular fighters of the army are not very strong, they are all mercenaries. What else can I do? According to my nephew, several of the guards died.”

Speaking of which, everyone was in an uproar. No wonder the old man said things were getting bigger. The one who dared to kill Oroz. Haven’t heard of it being good. Think about the forces that once provoked Orz, whether it was the Gnoll tribe or the Dumesa clan, even Orz was exterminated without killing a single person. This time, people died. This is not a big deal. what.

Who doesn’t know now that the city lord’s greatest advantage is to protect his shortness, no one of you has seen that, and even the bandit tribes wandering on Wigrit dared not attack the Orz caravan’s idea? Protect them from time to time. You said that even these robbers who are not afraid of death dare not provoke Orz, and there are people who are not afraid of death.

Everyone mourned for that force.

The merits of the city lord’s protection, the people in Oroz don’t know, that’s why there are so many people who want to join Oroz. Don’t look at Orz giving a peaceful feeling in the past year, you really have to provoke it before you know what cruelty is.

At this time, a young tauren said softly, “No wonder I saw Lord Gothin go to the training ground yesterday and go out with a large group of knights.”

The tauren’s self-talk echoed in the quiet tavern, very harsh.

Who is Gostin? I believe that no one in Orzne does not know that he is the second extreme knight under the Lord of the City.

The mercenary man said anxiously, “What did you say.!”

The sound was loud like thunder. He woke up everyone in the tavern.

The young tauren smiled and said, “Last night. I saw with my own eyes the training ground where Lord Gotestin went. At that time, I was still thinking, isn’t Lord Gotestin on patrol, why is it so late? And go to the training ground.”

The big mercenary man sat down slowly, still muttering to himself: “I’m darling, is it worth sending a Gothin, the ultimate knight, for such a big thing? And lead the Cavaliers.”

The big man sitting opposite also said softly, “Isn’t it? Is this going to exterminate the clan?”

At this moment, the tavern was terribly quiet, and the voices of these two big men were heard.

After a long time, the old dog-headed man said loudly: “Okay, okay, it’s not our turn to take care of this kind of thing. Let’s think about our own business.”

Everyone was stunned. Yes, we didn’t provoke Orz again. What were we afraid of? Instead, they felt that, as a member of Orz, Orz was so tough, and this was the force they deserved to join. The character of Lord City Lord is their favorite. Who doesn’t want the city lord he supports to have such audacity.

This kind of thing happened in the big taverns and tea houses.

Locke was sitting in the office, and suddenly the system in his head vibrated slightly, which shocked Locke for a moment, and then called out the system, and a line of eye-catching fonts appeared in front of Locke’s eyes: “The prestige of the territory has been increased, the support has been increased, and the belief value has been refined to 150,000. “

Locke stood up in shock. Faith increased? Still as much as 150,000. prestige? support?

After thinking about it carefully, Locke will understand that it must have been known by the people in Oroz city that Oroz dispatched Gostin. There are now hundreds of thousands of people in the city of Oroz, and the number of mobile merchants may reach millions. Just so much faith?

Just thinking of this, another line of fonts appeared: “The prestige of the territory is increased, the support is increased, and the refined belief value is 200,000.”

Come again. Locke also understood at this time, this is because someone supports his city lord, and the system can be refined. With so many people, it is impossible to know about this at the same time, and it must be spread slowly. Believe that this belief value is also gradually accumulated.

Look at the extra 350,000 belief values ​​in the system. UU reading How many gold coins does it take to exchange it? Sure enough, after the system upgrade, it is not wrong to prompt myself to expand the territory and increase the prestige and support in the territory.

This has really become a development game. However, it would be nice if this kind of thing happened more often in the future. Lokmez thought to himself, and the belief value will continue to be earned in the future. Is it long before you go home?

Just thinking of this, Locke thought of the force that hijacked the Oroz caravan, and his face turned cold again. This time, Locke was determined to greet that force and let others see it. Kill the chickens to show the monkeys, and kill one as an example.

Zhang Zhao is right. This time it was definitely premeditated. When there was nothing wrong, it happened at a critical time. There are no such coincidences in the world.

I don’t know what happened to what Zhang Zhao ordered Gotestine to do. Locke thought of this, got up and walked towards the training ground.

From a distance, I could see Zhang Zhao and Gostin, a few teams of knights below, and thousands of soldiers behind. neatly arranged.

It seems they are ready.

Saw Locke coming in. Whether it’s Zhang Zhao Gostine or the group of warriors below, they said to Locke in unison: “Hello, sir.”

Locke nodded and said in a murderous tone: “I believe everyone already knows from your superiors, and some people don’t pay attention to us in Oroz. They actually hijacked our caravan on the border of Wiglott and killed them. Our soldiers. There are also some people they don’t know where they are imprisoned. The reason! It’s ridiculous. It’s absurd. It’s actually a resident of our Oroz, who wants to take it back and be a concubine. What do you say? manage.”

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