The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 145 - Untitled twenty eight

At this moment, the caravan captain, as a businessman, is still smarter than the average person, and his brain is sufficient, and he can’t stop thinking: “I heard that there are more than ten guards stationed on the border of Oroz, if this Lord Gostin is a An extreme knight, it makes no sense that the commander of the other guard castles is of a lower level than Gostin.” Thinking of this, the caravan captain’s heart trembled. As if he had discovered something wrong, the eyes he looked at Gostin were a little different.

“Okay, since the caravan no longer blames you for this matter, then this matter is over. However, you still have to make a final announcement on this matter.”

“Yes, my lord. We must do it well, we must do it well.” Terry said hurriedly, facing an extreme knight, everyone is nervous to death, not to mention, the extreme knight is still standing in front of them, who is on the mainland I don’t know, within a radius of 50 meters around the extreme knight, even if you have thousands of troops, it is useless.

Gostin nodded in satisfaction after seeing this. Yes, it was a waste of time this time, but in exchange for letting them go in exchange for the safety of the Orz caravan at the border in the future, Gotstin felt that it was a good deal. Otherwise, it is impossible for them to come forward with these knights for everything here in the future, right? Nor can they leave others with their unreasonable and domineering image of Oroz.

Seeing that the matter was resolved perfectly, Terry flattered: “Sir, do you need me to arrange a place for you to live?”

Seeing Gostin nodding. He kicked his son who was still kneeling beside him and said, “What are you still doing, hurry up and prepare a place for the knights to rest.”

“Oh, oh, okay, father. I’ll go right now.” The young sect master quickly got up. Run out quickly.

The spies outside had not seen Oroz’s army come out for a long time, so they couldn’t help but wonder, why did the group of knights stop moving after they entered? Don’t let them go. But as soon as he saw the ground outside that was stained red by blood donations, and the stumps and broken arms beside him, he gave up such thoughts.

They were all killed like this, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like they can be spared. Early the next morning, something happened that no other force could think of. The Tie Suomen surrendered, not only surrendering, but also protecting the Oroz caravan that came to the border to do business in the future.

As soon as this news came out, many forces felt like a dog in the sun.

This script is wrong, shouldn’t the Tie Suomen be destroyed by the army from Oroz? Why is it still good, this Tie Suomen is also responsible for the security of the Oroz caravan at the border? Is there something wrong with that?

The announcement issued by Tie Suomen clearly stated, “Due to some misunderstandings with Orz’s caravan some time ago, Orz sent the Cavaliers to inquire, but in the end, the misunderstanding contacted, in order to make up for the mistakes of Tie Suomen, Willing to take on the security of the Oroz caravan trading on the border in the future.”

Seeing this, the forces outside are even more dreadful. Why did the menacing army come yesterday, instead of destroying the Tie Suomen, they instead made them the umbrella of the Oroz caravan at the border?

They are all waiting for the Tie Suomen to be destroyed, so as to divide their territory and occupy their wealth. Now that this kind of thing happens, can they be in a good mood?

Therefore, those forces who were waiting to see the joke were not in a good mood.

At the Tiesuomen station, the door owner Terry and his son have been waiting in the conference room today, wanting to see what news is there. As expected, some news was discovered by their spies.

“Sect Master, we found that in this border city, many spies are watching us, wanting to see how we are doing today. When they saw the notice we posted, don’t mention that face.”

Terry’s face was ashen. He heard this. Why didn’t he know what those people were thinking? Some time ago, he sent someone to investigate the origin of this caravan. What was the result? They say they don’t know, and they even say that there is no powerful force in this area. Otherwise, as the door owner, how could he not take these to heart.

Terry’s son also had a livid face. It seemed that the last time he encouraged him and told him that the caravan had a very beautiful cat girl was also a person from these forces. Although he is a little crazy, it doesn’t mean he is stupid.

“Mad, these **** things, are they digging a hole for me? Are you so anxious to annex our Tiesuomen? Fortunately, those high-level executives of our Tiesuomen are excited and know to investigate among the civilians, otherwise, we Now I don’t know that this Oroz is so powerful. What is the concept of expelling the armies of the two empires? Even if our gang is ten times larger, it is not a match for others, Madd.” He cursed angrily.

Terry’s son signaled the spy to step back first and then asked Terry, “Father, do we just forget about it? If it wasn’t for us to be excited this time, the gang we have established for more than ten years would have been miserable by these people. “

“How is it possible, hum, we have time to settle this matter with them slowly. The most important thing now is to have a good relationship with these caravans from Oroz. I have asked the captain of the caravan, they The caravans are all local caravans within Orz, directly accepting the senior leaders of Orz. If we can connect with them, we are still afraid of these people? Hmph, with the strength of extreme knights, huh, I don’t need to say, You should understand how powerful it is.” Terry sneered.

“By the way, Lord Gostin, have they left?”

“Leave, father, left this morning, but the caravan hasn’t left yet. UU reading let us hijack this, and they also have to plant replenishment goods in the city, but you don’t have to worry, they I have already had someone bring them to them for the second loss, including the gold coins for their replenishment this time.”

Terry nodded with satisfaction, he believed his son would do well in these aspects. Otherwise, I wouldn’t believe him that much.

“Well, now, we Tiesuomen should set up a brand new department. This department is for the safety of those Oroz caravans at the border. I want you to be responsible, you, don’t let me down this time. already.”

Terry’s son was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “Father, don’t worry, I won’t be deceived by those villains again.”

At the frontier market, the captain of the caravan was leading his men to collect goods. Due to the compensation from the Tie Suomen, there were still a lot of goods collected this time.

“Captain. This time we were lucky in disguise. Not only did we collect enough goods, but we also got a lot of money. I believe that this time Lord City Lord will pay more attention to our caravans on the border, especially Lord Gostin to us. Found a long-term umbrella.”

After hearing this, the caravan captain smiled and said, “Of course, you don’t even think about who our city lord is, haha. This time the Tie Suomen can escape, it’s not because they can protect our caravans on the border. Otherwise, do you really think that Lord City Lord is such a talkative person? Didn’t you see Lord Gothing being sent out by Lord City Lord? What other forces could dispatch extreme knights for such a trivial matter? I think today There is only the Lord of the City below. Haha” At this time, saying this is something that every Oroz person is proud of.

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