The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 162 - Untitled forty-five

Waiting for the big man to go out. The tavern suddenly became lively. When they were discussing these things just now, they did not lower their voices. Most of the people in the tavern heard it.

They knew about Zhang Zhao’s army of soldiers. But I have never seen the combat effectiveness of the Soldier Legion, and now I hear this mercenary’s statement. Can’t believe it. Unexpectedly, the Soldier Legion in Orz is so powerful.

They always felt that Lord Eli’s Knights were the most powerful. But just heard what the mercenary said. They can’t judge now.

What kind of enemy is the most terrifying? Not powerful. Not good military discipline. Exactly the kind that kills you. Now listen to the meaning of the mercenary man. This group of soldiers of the army under Master Zhang belongs to this category. How can they not be surprised.

“I can’t believe it. Our **** corps in Oroz can be compared to Lord Ellie’s knights. Better than before. We all think that knights are the strong ones. Those in the **** corps are made up of warriors. No Comparability. But now I take back what I said before. Compared with the **** army under Lord Zhang and the knights under Lord Eli, I really don’t know who can win.” The kobold businessman said suddenly.

The owner of the tavern is a Tauren man. While pouring wine for the guests, he grinned and said: “You really, worry about these things, no matter who is stronger than whom, you may never know for the rest of your life, haha. They are all soldiers of Lord Locke, what? Locke Can your lord let them really fight for a victory or defeat? Now. We know the strength of the Soldier Legion, isn’t it?”

What is a word to wake up a dreamer? This is the boss.

“Yes, haha, anyway, these are Oroz’s army. I don’t care who is stronger than who. Anyway, I only know. Later. If anyone provokes us, wait for a heavy price. “

When everyone in the tavern heard this, they also showed a clear smile. Then began to discuss other armies. Anyway. This time, Zhang Zhao’s Soldier Legion was famous in Oroz.

Everyone was talking about it. They all knew that Eli’s Knights were strong. Now there is Zhang Zhao’s army of soldiers. What about the rest of the Orz army? Is it the same as the soldier’s army? Powerful unimaginable?

Everyone actually has such questions in their hearts. But they have nowhere to prove anything. In short, in Oroz these days, the most discussed is the strength of each army. who is stronger than who. Is there still a dark horse like the Soldier Legion?

The whole city is thinking this way. The spies were depressed.

They are here to collect information on Orz, but now everyone in Orz is guessing. There is no real evidence, which brings them a lot of difficulty.

No one knew how powerful Orz’s army was. The problem is that Orz is in so many troops. Only the Knights and the Soldiers showed their strength, and the other armies remained silent. Even the old people in Oroz have never seen them make a move, how dare they send back such unverified information?

They dare not. This is where they get depressed.

In Orz, there are all kinds of sayings. It is said that the most powerful army in Orz is actually not the army that appears now. The most powerful army was hidden by the city lord. They are usually assigned to various armies. It will only be called when the Lord of the City needs it.

someone said. The most powerful of Oroz is the Knights of the Knights of Eli. Tens of thousands of knights charged. It’s a powerful proof.

Some people say that. The guards guarding the four corners of Orz are the most powerful ones in Orz. The safety of the entire Oroz was handed over to them, and this was the proof.

Anyway, there are different opinions. No one will let anyone.

This made those spies even more depressed, what the **** is this, can you be a little honest? This makes it difficult for our work to continue.

With that tribe on the border successfully settled in Oroz. Lord Locke, the city lord, also assigned them an area, which became their settlement. Their caravan was also specially approved by the Lord of the City. Enjoy the same rights as other caravans.

It can be said that as soon as they joined Oroz. There is a future. Have confidence.

Outsiders call their tribe the lucky ones.

As Orz’s caravans increasingly traded around. All Oz food was also brought to various places. The Ministry of Commerce also signed peace agreements with many forces.

As long as Orz’s future food is given priority to supply them, Orz’s caravans and shops can enjoy great discounts within their sphere of influence.

During this period of time, Hal looked at the documents signed by representatives of various forces. The smile on his face never stopped.

Now Howl manages the city and the fair in Orz. Willis was also called by Locke to manage the caravans that traveled between the various forces.

It means that the current Ministry of Commerce has become two parts. One is Hal and the other is In this way, Hal’s burden is reduced. Efficiency is also increased.

with the passage of time. A lot of divisions in All Oz have been refined. easier to manage. The orders given can also be completed more quickly.

This is the result of Zhang Zhao’s work during this period.

see all this. Locke once again felt that he had foresight to exchange Zhang Zhao for himself. Otherwise, all these things are called Locke’s own management. The ghost knows what Oroz is like now.

A week after the return of the Soldier Legion.

Eli’s knights have returned safely.

When the Oroz city gate just appeared, everyone almost thought it was an enemy attack. It was quiet when he saw the leader of the Ellie Knight.

The entire Knight Order exudes a strong murderous aura. Every knight was dyed red by blood donors. Everyone did not know how many people had to be killed to become what they are now. but. That’s it. Everyone thought it was an enemy coming to the door.

The guards quickly informed Locke and Zhang Zhao.

When Locke came to the city gate, he was also shocked by the appearance of Eli and the others.

He quickly walked over to Eli and asked, ‘Avery, didn’t you go to the Fiery Pig Clan? How did it become like this? Could it be that their strength can compete with you? “

According to Locke’s idea. The Horde of Rogue Pigs was charged by Avery’s Knights. Not easily killed. What’s going on like this now? Could it be that the strength of the fierce pig clan is stronger than we imagined?

There was also a trace of thought in Zhang Zhao’s eyes. The eyes that looked at Ellie were full of questions.

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