The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 167 - Untitled Fifty

“Then what?” the crowd asked strangely.

“Then? We don’t know, we don’t dare to go up. The front is the battlefield. We just follow behind to watch the fun. Who dares to go up? If we are misunderstood, how can we survive?”

Everyone was dissatisfied and said: “Fuck. You are watching from the bottom of the mountain? Which soldier’s battle did you not see?”

The big man nodded honestly and said, “No.” Finished speaking. The big man felt cold all over his body. Look up. Everyone looked at him with a murderous look, and the big man hurriedly said: “Hey, hey. Everyone. What are you doing? We didn’t dare to go up at that time. But…but…we finally waited for the **** army to come down. , we went up.”

Heard them go up. Everyone put away their murderous aura. He continued: “Go ahead, keep talking.” Everyone looked at the big man with red eyes like beasts in heat.

The big man couldn’t stand being watched. He quickly drank a large bowl of wine and said, “Guys, we’re going up. We saw that tribe. Remnants of limbs and broken arms. These equipment should be what they used to throw rubble and arrows. That scene. I don’t know how to say it now. But what I know is this. We really don’t know. We didn’t see it. From the situation at the scene. No one died when the soldiers rushed up. At most, they were injured a little.”

The crowd said, “Is it gone?”

The big man said: “Is it gone? This is what we saw. What else could there be?” The big man wondered.

The crowd said with dissatisfaction: “Cut, you really have no guts. We thought you guys would follow. We saw the **** army showing great power.”

The big man said angrily: “Oh. Why don’t you go. What do you know about the situation at that time. What’s the use of talking about it now, it’s not that I look down on you, if you follow along, maybe it’s not as good as us. Fuck.”

After the big man finished speaking, he drank quietly. There is no following.

When everyone saw it, the big man really didn’t have anything to say. It all dissipated.

Looking at the quiet tavern. The boss came up to the big man and said, “That. Have you seen how many soldiers there are in the Soldier Legion? How many people are there in that tribe?”

Hearing the boss’s question, the big man was taken aback for a moment, and said in his heart, “I really didn’t count it carefully.”

I thought about it for a while. The big man said undecidedly: “Boss. You really asked me. The number of soldiers in the army may only be a few hundred people. Anyone who sees the soldiers leaving the city will know. But if you say that the tribe still has How many people, we really didn’t look carefully when we went up. But according to my experience. Judging from the number of broken limbs and broken arms and the amount of blood on the ground. There may be about a few thousand people in that tribe.”

The boss nodded and said with surprise: “According to what you said. The combat power of this soldier is much stronger than what you said just now. Hundreds against thousands of soldiers. Tell me. Can you do it? It’s not a knight against a warrior. It’s a warrior against a warrior.”

Hear what the boss said. The big man was also stunned for a moment, as were the other mercenaries who were just drinking. They were all just watching the fun. At that time, I really didn’t think about what the tavern owner said.

The big man exclaimed: “Damn it, it’s impossible. Hundreds of warriors won so easily against thousands of warriors. When did our Oroz warriors become so powerful?”

On the other side, another mercenary said: “It’s not that Oroz’s warriors are powerful, it’s the **** army. It’s also a warrior level. Now I’m sure. The **** warriors are much more powerful than those of us at the warrior level. Hey. I just don’t know how the soldiers cultivated. Is there a different method from us? Isn’t that the way all warriors cultivate?”

The tavern owner said: “Haha. You guys. The **** army under the city lord must be different from us. Otherwise, how can we become the city lord’s army. I heard that. Those who joined the army are all the same way we cultivate. It’s different. Every time I ask them, they don’t tell me. There must be something wrong. You guys. If you want to know, you can only join the army of Lord City Lord.”

The big man said dissatisfied: “Who doesn’t want to join. But can we join like this? That requirement is too strict. Besides, even if we join. I know the method. Who of you dares to leak it? Don’t you want to live?”

It makes sense for everyone to hear the big man say this. Even if you know the method, who would dare to reveal it? Do you really think Lord City Lord is so easy to talk about? Always good to everyone. Which is not touching the bottom line of the Lord of the City. If you touch the bottom line of Lord City Lord. You go and try.

In Locke’s office, Locke sat on a chair and looked at the information in his hand. It seems that these mercenaries were quite frightened by the soldiers. The funny thing is that in the end, I didn’t see how the pawns shot. Ha ha.

Locke laughed when he saw this information.

fair enough. Let them know the strength of the soldiers. Not sure about the exact strength. This will leave them with a little mystery. This is deterrence. Also tell some people. Pawn warriors are stronger than ordinary warriors.

The next day, the little maid gathered the merchants and other people who were okay in the city of Oroz, and gathered them in the square in the center of the city. Waiting for Locke’s arrival.

When Locke walked to the high platform, he saw everyone below. UU reading www.uukanshu. com nodded in satisfaction. see here. Locke was happy in his heart, indicating that his prestige in the city of Oroz was still very high.

Looking at the bottom, he said: “Everyone, I believe you also know what happened in Orz recently. It’s not that we are strong in Orz, but there are some people who always like to provoke us. Our Orz is a peaceful place. Cities. We develop markets. We grow food. We try our best to bring a better life to the people in the Wilderness of Wiglott. Now everyone can see the changes in the past few years. We in Oz have great strength. But It did not bring war to everyone. It brought pain. Instead, it brought a good life to everyone. But there are always some people who can’t live with us. They want to challenge us. They think we can’t do anything with him. The recent tribe is an example. Take us in. The enemy of the fierce pigs. Everyone knows what the fierce pigs have done to us in Oroz. The news that we are going to attack the fierce pigs has long been spread throughout the Wigrit Wilderness. How could they not know? In my opinion, this is the challenge. So we sent troops to Orz. Here. I, as the lord of Orz, make another statement. We in Orz yearn for peace. The purpose is to bring beauty to the Wilderness of Wiglott Food, wine, and fairs. All our fruits. I don’t want any more power to ruin our lives. If there is, our army in Oroz will let him know the price.”

Finished. Locke bowed his hands again and said, “Okay, I’m telling everyone today is for this matter. Let everyone know the cause of the matter, don’t say that we Oroz are bullying the small. Our original intention has not changed. Okay. Everyone, go back.” He said. Locke also left.

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