The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 234 - conspiracy

Just when the entire Oraoz and the border were concerned about Fengqi Ling, a few special figures appeared in Oraoz. These people seemed to be picking goods, but they appeared in their tone and actions. , is hiding things, but his eyes are looking around, and when chatting with businessmen, he will occasionally lead the topic to Orz’s military strength.

What these people don’t know is that these businessmen are all qualified to settle in Oroz. When such people appear, these businessmen have their own set of methods.

Anyone who comes to inquire about Oroz will report to the patrol team as soon as possible. Therefore, these people were targeted by the knights of the patrol team from the first day.

It is not yet known what their purpose is, but such people with ulterior motives cannot escape the surveillance of the patrol.

“Captain, what do you think these people are trying to do? It’s been a few days. They don’t buy anything, they just walk around. The day before yesterday, there was another person who wanted to go to the training ground of Lord Avery, but he was barred.”

A simple and honest-looking knight said: “Hey, what else could it be, these people, I can guarantee that they are spies of other forces, don’t we just want to know our strength here? Hey, these people are really not afraid of death. , Lord City Lord started this war, it seems that there are still some people who are unwilling.”

When the young knight heard the words, his eyes flashed: “Captain, do you think these are the enemy’s spies? Can we go to the battlefield? We didn’t go last time. It’s a pity now that I think about it.”

The simple and honest knight captain said: “Hey, don’t think about it. You guess the junior knights, hehe, you also know that you want to go to the battlefield, but only the knights of Lord Avery have this qualification. You, let’s practice hard, When will the intermediate knights arrive. I can apply for you.”

The young knight pouted and said: “Hey, captain, tell me, the knights are also recruited by the city lord, why can we only patrol the city of Oroz? We are no better than those intermediate or even advanced knights on the battlefield. Difference.”

The simple and honest captain said with a pouting: “Just you? Hey, I want you to not train hard before recruiting? Now you want to go to the battlefield? Hey, have you been beaten by the society? This is the city owner who is protecting you. Don’t know. interest.”

“Let’s go, these people have left. Let’s follow.” The simple and honest knight continued to follow the spies from a distance.

From Locke, he also knew that some malicious spies had entered Oroz during this time. But Locke wasn’t going to care. Just instruct the patrols to keep an eye on them.

No matter what kind of power it is, it is only wishful thinking to rely on these spies to find out Orz’s strength. Wait until they show their minions, hehe.

It can be said that Locke was very annoyed. Are these people really not afraid of death? Could it be that the incident in the Fengqi Kingdom has not acted as a warning? Why do you still come here without fear of death?

That is to say, now that the system has been upgraded, it is impossible to exchange troops casually, if it is still the previous system mode. Locke can exchange for a million army in minutes, and this million army is put on the Wigrit Wilderness. Who dares to pay attention to Orz?

“Dong dong dong” knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Locke knew that it must be Zhang Zhao who came to him at this time.

The door was pushed open, Zhang Zhao walked in, and after saluting Rocco, he casually sat on the sofa and said, “My lord, it’s not peaceful for us in Oroz lately. This may be the matter of Fengqi Kingdom that has caused some countries’ problems. Now we have become the nails in the eyes of those big forces. These people are real. They don’t dare to come openly, they like to use secret tricks behind their backs.”

Locke smiled and said, “What? Our Zhang Zhao also has moments of worry? Haha.”

Hearing Locke’s teasing, Zhang Zhao’s mouth twitched and said: “I don’t need to worry, isn’t it that there are so many extreme knights who haven’t shot yet? I’m worried that if this continues, it will be detrimental to the development of our Oroz. . Merchants don’t like to do business in a place where war can go on at any time.”

Locke nodded and said: “What you said makes sense, but this is the world, there is never a quiet time, look at those empires, aren’t they in the same situation as us? There are spies at any time, can they avoid it? Huh? Haha, there are spies who prove that our Oroz’s strength has been recognized by everyone. I still don’t believe that those businessmen have no eyesight. Hehe.”

Anyway, Locke is not worried about those businessmen, not to mention that Oroz is in the Wilderness of Wiglott, and those forces or countries can’t come in. Even if they do, Locke believes that those businessmen will definitely stand on Oroz’s side.

Locke finally affirmed: “Zhang Zhao, don’t think too much. Just look at the development of our Oroz from nothing to now. What about the enemies who oppose us now? Hey, the rise of a large power. , all came in various wars or conspiracies. Now those people are being monitored by patrols, I want to see what kind of forces want to become the second Fengqi Kingdom.” Locke said this At the time, the tone was murderous. The air cooled down at this moment.

Zhang Zhao nodded and stopped talking. He believed that Locke would make the right choice.

The growth of every force is inseparable from killing. This is also the growth process of a a step-by-step growth and transformation.

Now Locke has the qualities a leader should have. I believe that after a little more war, a generation of emperors can slowly rise under the witness of Zhang Zhao.

Zhang Zhao had just been recruited, and he was full of ambition at that time, but later he found out that Locke’s yearning was not something to break the ground, and slowly his mind faded.

But from the recent events, Zhang Zhao saw hope again. This is not something Locke himself is willing to change. The surrounding bad environment forced Locke to change, and it was also changing in the direction Zhang Zhao hoped. This process was extremely slow, so slow that Locke himself didn’t notice it, but Zhang Zhao, who was a bystander, found it. Zhang Zhao didn’t mean to remind Locke either.

Because Zhang Zhao believed that, according to Locke’s previous character, he could not survive in this world. Wherever you want to develop, there is bound to be a struggle. Without exception. As long as you stand at the top of the world, you can do what you want to do.

Now Locke is slowly walking towards the top on this road.

Whether it’s Zhang Zhao or Ellie, Gothic’s group of extreme knights, or Orz’s high-level executives, they all know that Orz’s actions are now surrounded by a group of forces. Want to see if they qualify for this.

But Oroz’s executives are full of confidence in Oroz. Not for anything else. Just for their tribe or race to continue to survive in this world, they can ignore life and death. Not to mention, Orz is so powerful now, what reason do they have not to believe Orz?

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