The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 277 - information

After half a month of special training, Ortens’ mercenary organization has undergone great changes in overall strength. These mercenaries, who usually seem lazy, are now walking on the street, and everyone will think that these People come from the army. Uniform movements. Sturdy breath. They all look so strong.

This is the result of Ellie specially sending a high-level knight to train. Follow the training of junior knights. Train this group of mercenaries with mid-level warrior or high-level warrior strength. The effect is simply not very good.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the help of the nutrient solution exchanged by Locke. Otherwise, with this level of training, these mercenaries would not be able to survive.

Ortens can now smile all over his face. Who would have thought that he just said a few more words in front of the Lord of the City to get such a result. The strength of these mercenaries has increased. Doesn’t this mean that in the future, in the mission, these brothers who get along with him day and night will have a better chance of surviving?

What Ortens could not have imagined was that under this kind of training, these mercenaries persisted tenaciously.

As a senior fighter, he couldn’t hold on any longer. But what. Finally persisted.

Ortons guessed that it had something to do with the bath water the instructor made to soak in at the end of each training session.

It is not without reason that Oroz’s knights are so powerful. With this kind of thing, anyone can train to their heart’s content every day, and return to normal the next day. Maybe this is the knight resource that has been aborted outside?

Unexpectedly, for the sake of the mercenaries, the Lord of the City can come up with such a good thing. This is what moved Ortons.

compared to other nobles. Ortons felt that Locke was what a nobleman should look like. Of course Ortons wouldn’t say it all. Just understand it yourself. It will not bring any trouble to the Lord of the City.

After the end of the mercenary special training, some things happened in the past half a month.

First, the war has begun. The two empires have begun small-scale frictions in the border areas. According to careful observation, the friction is getting more and more intense. A larger war could break out at any time. In addition, some small surrounding countries have begun to evacuate urgently, or to say all-out defense of the border. This effect is slowly expanding.

But Oroz suddenly released a message. As Oroz’s mercenary, start accepting war missions. It’s all defensive missions. There are no offensive missions.

The news came out. For some forces that have no military at all, this is simply good news.

Especially for those forces whose focus is on the business side. In a time like this, they can’t hire anyone even if they have money, and now the news of Oroz can be said to be as important as their life-saving grass.

Immediately send someone to contact Orz to release the mission. What they posted was a defensive mission. This is in line with Oroz’s request.

There are other factions that do this to Oroz. Somewhat surprised, turned happy. Since Oroz can do it. They can too. Earning these coins now is so good. As long as you do it for a while, the business profit is even greater than in previous years. How could this not make some people excited?

Some forces that happened to have some strength also began to accept such defensive tasks like Oroz.

However, they did not dare to accept the attack mission. Everyone knows. Not everyone dares to take on such a task.

If your attack is successful, it will be better if the opponent’s forces are wiped out. Still the attack failed. In the end, it was not the force that issued the mission, but the attacking party who suffered the opponent’s blow.

No one is so stupid now.

In this situation, Ariana was left in Oroz by the Grand Duke Ellen. In the current situation, there is no place in this area where you can’t go to Oroz. Only in Oroz is the safest.

The news of Oroz’s mercenaries came out. Archduke Ellen of the Eagle Kingdom and King Eagle all know it.

While they were lamenting the power of Orz, they were also lamenting Orz’s cleverness. At this time, mercenaries outside the country could not only earn a lot of money, but also bring these forces closer together, so that others could experience it. To the power of Oroz.

Such Oroz. After the war, do you think anyone is still provoking it?

No, it won’t. A force that can send troops abroad in times of war, in normal times, no one would have the courage to provoke it.

The Eagle King sighed again that the Eagle made a correct choice and chose to befriend Oroz. Even the daughter of Archduke Ellen, the future Archduke Ellen, is going to marry an extreme knight of Oroz.

Thinking of this, the Eagle King said to Archduke Ellen: “Uncle Ellen, now Oroz’s army is strong, and there are so many knights of extreme pulp. But why do you still do something meaningless? Shouldn’t you expand yourself? Do you want to establish a country and call yourself an emperor?”

Archduke Ellen was asked this question by the Eagle King. There are indeed some people who do not understand the purpose of Oroz doing this.

With such a powerful strength, he does not occupy land to establish a country, but is keen to do business. Such power is very rare in the whole world. Basically no. After that person in power has a powerful force, what thoughts does he have on the throne?

Grand Duke Ellen had no choice but to say: “Your Majesty When you see this city lord, you will know. He always gives me a feeling that he doesn’t like all this. He doesn’t like war, and he doesn’t like power. He likes peace and freedom. But he insists on his orders to the end. I don’t know what kind of person he is.”

“Oh? Is there such a person? This kind of personality doesn’t fit the mentality of a person in power. A bit like a businessman, a bit like a slave owner? A bit like a king? So many characters combined. It’s strange. Maybe This is the kind of person who can make so many strong people follow him.” King Eagle said.

“Uncle Ellen, you said that Oroz released such news this time. What’s the plan? Is it just to earn some gold coins? At this time, it is good to have gold coins. But there is no need to put Put yourself in danger.”

“Your Majesty, this time Oraoz made such a decision, not only to show his strength, earn gold coins, and get closer. I think it’s for the sake of the commoners who live in Oraoz. We know that you can’t rely too much on Orz. This is the main thing, this is what I know about Locke. According to his character, it is possible to do such a thing. He is a commoner who is very easy to command. Self-learning. Lord of self-discovery.”

“Cultivating the enthusiasm and self-improvement of the commoners?” The Eagle King muttered.

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