The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 30 - sudden appearance of refugees

With the addition of Zhang Zhao, Locke finally felt much more relaxed.

As expected of an internal affairs talent. What Locke has been through these days is simple and easy.

Now Lawrence and Hal are all in awe of Zhang Zhao. As long as you find him about the internal affairs of the town, you will definitely be able to give you a satisfactory answer. Residents in the town also clearly felt the changes in the city. The first is public security. Zhang Zhao set up a patrol team, and the city gates have added bright and dark posts. Scouts have also expanded their patrols.

There are also environmental issues. In the past, Locke didn’t have time to take care of these. In addition to the large number of newly added people recently, the population of the town now has almost 3,000 people, although this number is not enough for a town to have. But Zhang Zhao also began to ask Lawrence to build a public toilet with the Rat Man, and he couldn’t just dig a hole to solve the problem. Because of the high temperature here, few people defecate anywhere. So Locke hadn’t paid attention to these issues before. Residents are required to go to the toilet outside. On both sides of the street, Zhang Zhao asked people to transplant rows of trees. Fences were placed around the fields. Between the dungeons and the fields, the Rat People built large storage warehouses. Connected to the underground city, the warehouse is completely covered with cement, which can prevent the water vapor brought by the ultra-low temperature at night.

Zhang Zhao added a few water storage tanks, all of which are not far from where some people live. This way, you don’t have to travel all the way to get water. In this way, Locke’s belief value has increased by dozens of points every day. Before, it was only 6 points and 5 points of water every day when the well was filled. Let the system put 1 point of water in the well every day.

But Locke didn’t say anything, as long as it was conducive to the development of the territory, he was still very generous.

The Commerce Department and the Exchange Department were separated. In Zhang Zhao’s words, commerce is a crucial place in towns and cities, and cannot be mixed with the Exchange Department. The daily population flow of the Exchange Department is too large, which affects the normal operation of the Commerce Department.

Regarding the questions raised by Zhang Zhao, Locke waved his hand and agreed with him all. And instructed Zhang Zhao to take full responsibility.

It is worth mentioning that the town regulations proposed by Zhang Zhao were highly appreciated by the leaders of Hal and the others. If these regulations are enforced, the cohesion of urban residents will be greatly enhanced.

In Locke’s opinion, after this is done, it looks much better than before.

This should be the difference between professional and amateur.

Just when Locke was sighing, Lawrence suddenly found Locke and told him that Zhang Zhao and Avery were looking for him. Locke followed Lawrence to the conference room with questions, and saw that in addition to Avery and Zhang Zhao, others had also arrived in the conference room.

Locke sat on the seat and asked, “Ellie, what’s the matter with you, all of you busy people are gathered here.”

“Sir, I received a voice transmission from Willis just now.”

Hearing that the voice transmission of Willis, who was doing business outside, came back, Locke also paid attention to it. It is impossible for Willis to transmit the voice to Eli for no reason. There must be something that prevents her from making a decision.

“What about Willis’ voice transmission?” Locke asked.

Ellie said: “Velis was afraid of disturbing the lord, so the sound transmission told me that she led the caravan from the humanoid giant-armed inhuman tribes on the border to prepare to return, and heard that the Qingjiang Principality under the Human Eagle Kingdom was arrested. The Orc Empire broke through the Leerjis Mountains, and a large number of refugees were rushing towards the Eagle Kingdom, but the Eagle Kingdom only accepted their nobles and young adults. Heading towards the Wilderness of Wiglott, Willis wants to ask your lord if we accept this part of the refugees. Most of them are from their families, and there are only a few young adults, and the rest are all the families of these young adults.”

When Locke was overjoyed, he turned to look at Hal and Zhang Zhao, wanting to hear their opinions.

Hal said with a look of embarrassment: “Sir, most of them are old and weak. It is impossible for towns to support them. This requires a lot of food and fresh water. I’m afraid they will cause trouble.”

On the other hand, Zhang Zhao said with a smile: “What are you afraid of, this is a good thing, how much you come, how much we accept, the young and middle-aged people have family in the town and can work better for adults. The old people can help those shops guard their storefronts, they can help us plant, Harvest. Children can be educated from an early age, and public schools can be built to guide them to develop and grow for the town. These are rare treasures. With the participation of these people, a lot of laborers can be liberated.”

Zhang Zhao picked up the water cup and moistened his throat and continued: “For example, those Yuna people can allocate more people to make the water of Gil, and the rabbit people can allocate more people to buy fur and make clothes. Humans and tauren A blacksmith, a murloc utensil, or a cat family’s furniture.”

After Zhang Zhao finished speaking, he looked at Locke, who was stunned, and Hal, whose eyes were dull. He was wondering why they were looking like this, when Hal suddenly became excited, stood up and bowed to Zhang Zhao and said respectfully, “Master Zhang is indeed a talent invited by the Lord of the City. It has become a happy event for the adults here. Even we did not expect that those old people and young children have such a big role. With Mr. Zhang in the town, I believe our town will develop more rapidly. “

Locke also said excitedly: “Zibu, it seems that I recruited you, it is absolutely correct, I didn’t expect you to think so far.” Turning to Ellie, he said: “Elly, notify Willis immediately, Let her caravan rest in the giant-armed alien tribe, and be sure to bring all those refugees back to me. Now the town is short of people, I believe that with the participation of these people, we will be able to develop quickly. I can give They work and can be assigned housing. When they come to the town, the dungeon can be opened, and the soldiers trained below can join the guard army. After training for such a long time, I believe they are definitely qualified soldiers Let them hide for so long, they will not be content to be lonely.”

Eli nodded. With Lord City Lord, I believe there will soon be opportunities for their knights and warriors to fight. Aren’t they born for war?

“Lawrence, tomorrow, take your rat people and start building a market outside the city gate, building shops, setting up a guard department, and extending the town. I can imagine that there is absolutely not enough in the city.”

“Ellie, cooperate with Zhang Zhao to distribute the dungeon warriors. I don’t care what you do. In short, I want the whole town and outside the city to be heavily guarded. We will expand the usual training ground and recruit powerful races in the town to join the army and train. They. I want to see a strong army that can protect Oroz. Hal, you can choose a few talents with business talents. First of all, loyalty is the most important thing. Let them learn from you. I want to build a few more business teams. Team, where will Velis expand into a large caravan. Make every effort to earn gold coins. The knight **** team can be arranged arbitrarily, as long as the safety of the caravan can be guaranteed.”

“Yes, sir. I will cooperate with Sir Zhang.” Ellie answered swiftly.

Seeing that Locke issued such an order, Avery still didn’t know, UU reading www. The city owner of has the idea of ​​expanding outward.

Locke again instructed: “Lawrence, after the market is established, directly extend the city wall. I want to turn our Oroz into a medium-sized city, not the current town. The problem of workers, except for those who have jobs now Residents of the city, all join the construction. Points are exchanged to open up weapons, armors, war horses or bullock carts, strong bulls, etc., to tell the residents in the city that if they do not want to do these ordinary jobs, they can exchange weapons and armors to form a mercenary group, accept For the employment of shops in the town, you can also form a caravan by yourself. The specific interests are divided for Zhang Zhao and you to discuss. Or develop freely. However, you must accept the orders of the city lord’s mansion when necessary. One thing is a hard rule. The caravan must stay in town for a full month.”

Does Locke want to tell them that the system’s loyalty aura can slowly affect their minds and become deeply loyal to him within a month? can not! So only such an order can be issued. He didn’t care what the people in the city thought. As long as you stay for one month, everything is not a problem.

Lawrence nodded in surprise. He did not expect that after the refugees accepted by the Lord of the City, he would make so many, such important decisions. It is no longer the leisurely and leisurely development of Orz City as before. He was a little unable to react at the fast pace.

But Zhang Zhao was a little excited. This is a posture of vigorous development and rapid accumulation of power. This does not mean that the pace of hegemony will be accelerated a lot. who is he? At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Sun Quan was the prime minister and minister of civil and military affairs. for war. Familiar can no longer be familiar.

Locke knew what Zhang Zhao was thinking by looking at Zhang Zhao’s face, and secretly cursed a war madman, a land-occupier madman. Let him go. By the way, aren’t all the military commanders and strategists in the Three Kingdoms period good at playing strategic management games?

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