The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 305 - noble army

The chaotic aristocratic armies slowly stopped under the royal family’s statement. They are waiting. A perfect timing for a sudden attack, which may require a little royal cooperation.

The Ciri royal family did not disappoint them either.

On the third day of their waiting.

Hundreds of thousands of troops assembled on the border began to attack the border of Kelly.

The Kellett frontier defenders also received the news long ago. The military defense was organized early, and now both sides are deadlocked on the border.

In the first battle, the two sides estimated that they lost about 10,000 troops. Just withdraw. The Xi Rui royal family is pretending to show those nobles.

Let them know that the royal family of the Ciri Empire is always towards them. The current enemy is the Celit Empire. Several consecutive days of attack, each time thousands or tens of thousands of soldiers were killed.

Just like that, for a week or so. Just when people almost forgot about that group of nobles.

On the side of the Celtic Empire battlefield. The nobles finally got into action. Several great nobles led the army of their territory to attack. In the first place, he captured a border city in the Celit Empire.

Let all the defenders die. Then quickly take control, gather the army, and **** everything that is seen in the city. Began to defend the city.

When the Kelly family received the news, they never thought of it. After a few days of fighting with the Ciri royal family, when there was a little slack, the armies of those nobles would raid.

This resulted in the death of all the defenders in the city.

The armies of these nobles. The leaders are basically strong knights, so the defending army basically has no ability to resist. You know, at these borders. There is no strong man willing to go, resulting in no strong man on the border.

Who can resist the armies of the nobles?

The Kelliet royal family also thought about this, so they also sent strong knights to support. However, this all happened too fast. Haven’t waited for the strong knights to arrive. This border city was attacked by those nobles.

Inside Kelly’s Royal Household.

Emperor Kelly sat above.

Looking at the minister below, he said: “I believe you understand the current situation. The border cities have fallen into the hands of the Shire Empire, and now their nobles and royal families are united. We have no evidence to prove that those noble children were not kidnapped by us. It’s useless to say these things now. There is only one way now, and that is to fight me back with strength. Our territory will never be lost.”

“Now, I declare. All-out war begins!”

The ministers below, especially those generals, looked excited. A little trembling with excitement.

Is it finally time? The long-awaited battle?

Emperor Kelly said: “Now I announce. All-out war begins. Let the people of the Ciri Empire know. Even if there is any conspiracy, it is not worth mentioning in front of our army.”

The generals saluted and retired.

Only Wenchen was left waiting in the hall.

Emperor Kelly had some other orders.

Emperor Kelly said: “The generals are fighting in the front. As civil servants, you have your own business. You must do a good job of supporting the rear. Especially the supply of the rear. If the army runs out of supplies on the front, when the time comes, I will take you. Yes. Also, start recruiting troops across the country. I think this war may go on for a long time. This is a war of the rise and fall of an empire. We cannot avoid it, and it is inevitable. Think about the dozens of strong people in the empire to protect us in the future. “That’s when it’s really strong.”

These ministers know it. If this war is won. Then in the next ten years, the empire will continue to appear all kinds of strong. At that time, the four major empires will be their dominance.

What an exciting thing this is.

The following ministers immediately assured: “Don’t worry, Your Majesty. We will provide strong support to the army. Even if the money is sold, the supply will not stop.”

Emperor Kelly nodded in satisfaction.

These civil servants are the great nobles in the empire. One is richer than the other. With this guarantee, I believe that the army will not have any problems in supply.

The Celit Empire also began to prepare for the war. The whole country started to fight for this war, whether it was the military. Commoners, or nobles.

Because they know that if the war is not won. In the next few decades or hundreds of years, the number of powerhouses in their empire will definitely not be comparable to that of the Ciri Empire.

Although those soldiers and civilians did not know why.

But they know. If it is what the Empire says, then their descendants will live under the fear of the Ciri Empire.

Because, as long as it is the four major empires, or business groups or caravans that have had contact with those empires. Or other people who have contacts know it.

Among the four major empires, except for the orc empire, which is unwilling to interact with humans. The Ciri Empire is the most difficult to contact. All the nobles in their country are self-righteous. As if born superior.

Just when the Ciri Empire and the Celit Empire were preparing for a full-scale war.

Oroz received a large number of requests from small countries, hoping that Locke would accept their request to hire mercenaries.

Because they were affected by the war, the looting organization around them was rampant. Now they are all blatantly looting their country’s food. money.

due to lack of troops. So I can only ask for help from the outside world.

And the war in the Tate Principality has also come to a critical moment. The border became quiet because of Avery’s defense. UU reading so. The nobles of the Duchy of Tate are all sending their children to Randy’s family’s territory, and their own territory is organizing people to resist the enemy.

Of course, there are also those young nobles with some strength and ideals.

They organized their own teams. Help your country fend off enemy attacks across the country.

Locke is still very optimistic about this.

If the young nobles of a country are unwilling to contribute to their own country.

Then, the education of this country, or in other words, the nobles of this country do not have the idea of ​​a country at all.

Faced with requests from these countries. Locke neither refused nor agreed.

Because among these countries, there are also many countries that used to help Oroz in business. Moreover. Now the mercenaries in Oroz are also a little moved. There is nothing to do in Oroz every day.

Such days are very boring for their mercenaries who are often on the brink of danger. But these requests are too many. The mercenaries were simply not satisfied. Locke still has a headache.

Locke asked Zhang Zhao and Ortens to come to the conference room.

Locke said, “Ortens, how many of your mercenaries are still repairing in Ortens?”

Locke just wanted to know how many mercenaries in Oroz are currently unemployed. Otherwise those requested countries cannot be allocated at all.

War is no joke. It is definitely not possible to send fewer people. If the lives of these mercenaries are put in in vain in order to get some gold coins, it would not be in line with Locke’s wishes.

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