The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 6 - Gnoll

Gnolls are the most common humanoid race in the Glen Desert.

It once formed a scale. Through the war between the Bauhinia Principality where Locke is located and other principalities, a large-scale invasion of the principality’s borders made the civilians and nobles living in the north miserable. The Principality sent troops, and they disbanded at a touch, and fought a guerrilla war with the Principality’s army.

for as long as 1 year.

In the end, His Majesty the King sent an army of 100,000 guards to the capital to stop the spread of gnolls.

The eradication of gnolls lasted for half a year.

After all, without high-quality weapons and sturdy armor, no amount of gnolls would be able to make a big wave. They couldn’t make iron or armor, and they were no match for the human army at all.

On the battlefield, the gnoll, fearing the civilians, was easily strangled by the King’s Guard. It is said that the blood of the gnoll tribe that was killed has filled the northern plains.

It is said that His Majesty the King was harassed very much by the gnolls when the two countries were at war. The slaughter order was issued. Starting from the north, the guards have been chasing the gnoll tribe and began to clear it, and then to the southern part of the Glen Desert, as long as the large gnoll tribe was almost killed. Almost exterminated.

The killed gnolls scattered and fled. Among them were tribes who migrated to the Wilderness of Wiglott. There are also scattered gnolls fleeing everywhere. It is said that there are many gnoll tribes in the border mountains of the Principality, and they attack border villages from time to time.

As for the gnolls in the Wilderness of Wiglott, it is estimated that they also engaged in robbery activities like the werewolf hunter tribe.

A team of knights patrolled around the valley, led by Eli.

I saw a group of knights riding their horses, and saw Locke dismounting and salute. “Lord, we found a gnoll tribe in the south of the valley. There are about 30 gnolls gathered. Are the knights excluded?” Eli asked .

“Oh? The gnoll tribe, Eli, now the territory is in ruins. I will never allow any existence to threaten the territory. Now you lead a team of knights to destroy them, and bring all the valuables back.” Locke calmly The way, yes, calm, now Locke has figured it out. If you want to live well in this world, you must be strong. Anything that threatens should be eradicated. , I do not want the world to blame me. So dictatorship is the basic law of a territory.

“Follow your will, my lord,” Ellie replied, and led a group of knights out of the territory. It is foreseeable that it will be another massacre, not to mention the knight-level powerhouse, even a team of elite soldiers wearing sturdy armor and holding a sharp knight sword can wipe out this small group of gnoll camps.

The time is now around 8:00 in the morning. Calculate the time. It is almost an hour before the high temperature during the day. Looking at the valley mouth with a width of more than 50 meters, more than 3 meters have been built, and a solid city wall will probably be built at night. . The city gate is naturally the kind of thick wooden gate, which was exchanged by Locke yesterday. It has the characteristics of strengthening defense, and it is good to deal with it. If someone is attacking the city, it is impossible for anyone to stand and attack the city gate.

Within half an hour, Avery and the others returned to the territory. “My lord, according to the last threat of the gnolls, there should be other tribes nearby. Although we wiped out this small tribe, we still have to guard against the threat of other gnolls.”

“Well done, Ellie, the temperature is almost starting to rise at this time, don’t worry about the threat of other gnolls for the time being, just give us a few days, we will have a solid city wall, and so many knights , soldiers, gnolls are not enough,” Locke laughed. “Okay, you rest first. You go and tell the craftsmen to finish their work, and then ask Lawrence to finish digging and prepare lunch. During the day in the Wigrit Wilderness, you can only stay in the underground cave.”

Looking at the busy people, Locke got into his own tent. The sun was not big now, but it was still quite warm. The tent blocked the sun and felt the last coolness of the earth.

Locke lay on a wooden bed covered with snow brown bear fur. The whole person was put up. The hardships along the way, from the noble council to the current valley, seem to have eased a lot. UU Reading

“Maybe it would be nice to have some cold beer at this time.”

Locke closed his eyes and couldn’t help sighing.

He is now starting from scratch and feels mentally exhausted. Thinking about his old housekeeper, Old Hans, if Old Hans followed him to the Wigrit Wilderness, he would have been exhausted long ago. Just wait, if the territory is really established as he thought, it might be possible to ask old Hans to bring his son’s family to join his new territory. After all, old Hans could work hard all his life for his family, so there is nothing to say about his loyalty. In the future, he will be able to enjoy the blessings of the land and take care of his family.

“Lord Lord, your barbecue and bread. In addition, the territorial people have also started to eat.” Lawrence came to Locke’s tent with a plate of barbecue and bread.

“Lawrence, let’s have dinner and tell everyone to go to the crypt. The temperature is starting to rise now. Let’s wait until the temperature drops.” Locke took the food and said.

After the meal, Locke and the subjects entered the crypt, and nodded with satisfaction as they watched the prototype of the underground cave dug up by the rat people in the morning. Without saying a word, he sat down on a large chair in the hall. Then Avery and the others sat down below.

“Okay, it’s all here, let’s talk about it now, Lawrence, at night you will lead the rat people to continue to expand the underground, make sure it is firm, and don’t collapse. You can use whatever material you want to move to the valley. You need to expand the underground into a small one. Dungeon.” Locke commanded, “Avery, in the evening, you ordered several teams of knights to take turns to watch the night. I don’t want us to be eaten by gnolls while we were asleep.” Avery and Lawrence led the order to retreat and rest. “As for the craftsmen, you still build the city wall in the evening, and strive to build the first city wall tonight. It is not safe near our territory.”

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