The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 76 - Spread all over Wigrit

Hal and Eli are still moving very fast. There are rumors all over the Wiglott Wilderness these days.

There are also many secret hands of foreign forces in the Wiglott Wilderness. They are lurking in the Wiglott wilderness. They don’t know what they are going to do. Behind them are some powerful people. The entire Wiglott Wilderness is being monitored at all times.

Some people say that those forces sent out to capture the criminals they were pursuing, and others said that it was the nails that other forces penetrated into the Wilderness of Wiglott, and they did not know when they would attack the tribes in the Wilderness of Wiglott. Some people even say that these forces want to settle in the Wilderness of Wiglott, turning the Wilderness of Wiglott into a transit point or a place of war for those forces to invade other places.

Whatever it is, it will seriously affect those who live in the Wilderness of Wiglott. Rumors are not terrible. The scary thing is that some people still believe it. Some tribes or races in the Wilderness of Wiglott believe it, because other forces want to occupy the Wilderness of Wiglott not once or twice. Now there is such a saying in the past.

For a while, these tribes were a little panicked. The tribes or races that could live in the Wigrit Wilderness, and the loose organizations were not able to get along outside, or they fled after committing major events outside. of the Wilderness of Wiglott. Now suddenly I hear that there is still a powerful force planting secret hands in the Wilderness of Wiglott. Isn’t this a life that makes them tremble with fear every day? Are they fleeing to the Wilderness of Wiglott with no way out?

Thinking of this. These people were suddenly very angry. As the saying goes, what is evil grows on the side of courage. Those organizations that are just around the corner are the best symbols. They kept sending scouts to investigate what forces had taken root in the Wilderness of Wiglott.

Just as they were busy, news came out from Oroz City. A Lion tribe army of more than 20,000 people on the frontier has just entered the Wigrit Wilderness for a few days and is heading towards Oroz.

They are very familiar with Oroz. They also often go there to do business, and immediately heard the news. I was wondering if this army was here to trouble Oroz.

“My lord. The spies of some forces entered Oroz to find out if the lion-man army was coming at us.” Zhang Zhao said beside Locke. It seems that the news he has spread in the past few days has been a little reported. At least someone can’t sit still.

“Well, let your people pass some news to them, tell them that this army is coming to us Orz, this is a harbinger of foreign forces entering the Wilderness of Wigrit, if they don’t care. Then we Orz Oz can also destroy this army, but as long as it is not our Orz’s business in the future, we Orz will not interfere if other forces enter the Wilderness of Wiglott. Emphasize that this is our power. The Wilderness of Gritt. It is not yet time for foreign forces to intervene.” Locke said expressionlessly. The little maid beside her did not speak at this time, and listened quietly. They know. The Lord of the City does not like being disturbed when he is working.

“Sir, are we going to solve it ourselves this time or?” Zhang Zhao was a little unsure of what Locke meant. How soon will those tribes know the news. After a while, what caused the spies to direct this army of lion men towards Oroz.

Locke said lightly: “Zhang Zhao, this time we just want them to have an attitude. Whether it’s a statement or an actual action. In short, we have to see how they treat this matter. Only then can we know how we will treat it in the future. They. If they stand with us, so to speak. If we leave the lion army against us in Oroz. Then we need not be so gentle in our expansion. The Wilderness of Wiglott is our foundation, and I am determined No accident is allowed.” When Zhang Zhao and Vina Weilian heard Locke say this, they were murderous, and the tone of the words was indescribably cold.

Only Zhang Zhao or someone recruited by Locke knows what Oroz represents. If Oroz blocked the whole world, Locke and them could only fight against the whole world. Without Orz, the system will stay at the current stage and will not be upgraded, which will cut off Locke’s way back home. This is absolutely not allowed for Locke, who wants to go home.

“Yes, my lord. I’m going to inform the scouts to spread the news to the outside world.” Zhang Zhao said respectfully. After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

The two little maids saw that Locke was sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, as if he was resting and thinking about something. He walked gently behind Locke and rubbed his shoulders for him. Press the temple. Feeling the gentle massage of Qianqian’s thin hands, Locke suddenly said, “Vina, UU reading Do your sisters think I am doing the right thing? With your two sisters’ cleverness, you must know what I am going to do next. Are you planning to?”

Weilian rubbed her shoulder’s hand for a while, and then rubbed it again. He said: “What your lord means, if the tribes in the Wilderness of Wiglott don’t care about the Lion Army this time, we will solve it ourselves this time, and will we Oroz not help when those foreign forces deal with them in the future? “

Locke nodded and looked away. Weilian was a little puzzled, and was about to ask, Wei Na said: “My lord means that the tribes did not intend to take action this time, then when we expand in the future, Orz will not consider their feelings and will use war. The way to conquer them?” Vina also guessed, now Orz is developing, the city is getting bigger and bigger. Locke also did not open a branch city, but only slowly expanded the edge of the city. I think it will be the same in the future. In the future, the site will definitely be bigger and bigger. If there are tribes blocking the development of Oroz. War and migration or entering the life of Oroz are the choices placed in front of them, and this time it can depend on their attitude, otherwise. . . What will meet them in the future will be war.

Locke glanced at Weena in surprise, nodded and said: “Yes, Weina is quite powerful. Since they don’t even care about foreign forces, if there is a real force to break out a war against the Wigrit Wilderness in the future, what will they do? Since you don’t think about the tribes or other races in the Wilderness of Wiglott, you will betray us at that time and be the spies of the enemy under our eyes. We won’t let him happen. Orz will develop , To expand, expansion must have a territory, since they do not know each other, then Orz can not blame us for expansion.” Locke said fiercely.

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