The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 85 - be prepared

Locke walked towards the training ground as soon as he walked out of the door. Of course what he said just now was true. It was a problem for the stubborn pig clan to convey the news. Smart people knew at a glance that this was a method of killing people with a knife. How could they not know their thoughts after living in Blue Star for so many years. Do you think that Locke is a desolate aristocrat who developed in the Wilderness of Wiglott?

When I came to the office of the training ground, Eli was looking at the documents in his hand, and when he saw Locke, he stood up and said hello: “Sir, who are you?” “Avery, the messenger of the fierce pig clan came to us just now and told us , The lion people want to transfer some of their tribes to their territory of the Sark River, and the only way to go is the border of the Wilderness of Wiglott. Well, this group of people from the orc empire, I think they want to use our hands to get rid of them The Refuge Lions.”

“My lord, what should we do? If we were to kill this lion clan, wouldn’t we be in their plan? If we don’t move, I think they must have something else to do. This is for us. It’s not a good thing.” Avery thought about it.

“Well, you are much smarter than Hal. Haha, just now Hal was thinking of sending troops to destroy this lion man. We certainly won’t watch them put the black pot on our heads, huh, this time I’m here I’m looking for you so that you can take the knights out and watch this lion. If they walk through the border of the Wiglott Wilderness safely, then nothing can be said. If the people of the Orc Empire dare to kill this lion at this time. Lions, you come forward to protect them, let them safely pass through the border of the Wiglott wilderness, and don’t let us Orcs get into the infighting among the orcs. Watching the fire from the other side is the way.” Locke analyzed.

Eli is also a knight, and the system has instilled him some military knowledge, so he still knows a little bit about it. Just like what Locke said, when Eli heard the news, he knew that this might be the Orc Empire that wanted us to sell and put all the black pot on Oroz City.

“Okay, my lord, I will go out with the Knights immediately, and I will never let the conspiracy of the Orc Empire succeed.” Eli replied neatly. Turn around and go out.

Locke stood at the door, watching Eli’s retreating back, becoming more and more satisfied. Eli was decisive, saying what he said. Don’t procrastinate. This is the talent that every lord wants, the key is that the strength is still strong.

Locke leaned against the door, thinking in his heart: Now the Orc Empire may be eyeing our Orcs, and they want to use our Orcs’ strength to destroy their opponents, hehe, they are thinking too simply. The emperor of this orc empire is really naive. Not everyone can borrow this stuff. Sometimes, if he doesn’t borrow it well, he will hurt himself.

Locke sneered, walked quickly to the conference room, and said to the guard beside him, “Go and call Oroz’s commander-level meeting in the conference room for a while.” “Yes, sir.” The guard replied respectfully.

In the conference room, Locke sat on the top and looked at the management below. This was the foundation of Orz, and he contributed little by little to Orz. Develop Oroz slowly.

“Everyone is here. Now let me tell you one thing. The Orc Empire may have its eyes on our city of Oroz. Hal will tell you about the specific things after the meeting. Now my name is You are here to prevent the conspiracy of the Orc Empire. Our city of Oroz is Oroz in the Wilderness of Wiglott, and we must not participate in the battle of strength elsewhere.”

Lockton paused and said: “So I decided to start recruiting troops to Oroz City. Ordinary soldiers usually live the same life as before, but when there is a war, they need to go to the battlefield. This recruitment requires recruitment. There are 200,000 soldiers. Now there are a lot of tribes settled in the market of Oraoz and the surrounding area. The number of people has reached as many as one million. There are many young and middle-aged people in these tribes. Tell them, if it is for Oraoz The military merits obtained in the war in the city of Orz can be exchanged for the residence rights, food, gold coins, and various substances in the city of Orz. As long as Orz has it, it can be exchanged.”

Hal quickly stood up and said, “Yes, my lord, I’ll make an announcement in a while.”

Seeing that Hal already knew what to do, Locke turned to look at Zhang Zhao and said, “Zhang Zhao, this time I plan to let you lead the Soldier Legion to the border of the Wiglott Wilderness to defend against possible enemies and at the same time be able to Monitor the movement of the Orc Empire all the time, this time you go out, just say that you are leading my order to investigate the construction of the branch city, and don’t let others know our intentions.”

Zhang Zhao also stood up and said, “Yes, my lord, are we setting up a stronghold on the border as our military camp on the border?”

Locke thought for a while, but agreed to Zhang Zhao’s opinion. Locke also knew what Zhang Zhao thought. Now the orcs are interested in pulling us into the water, and they may become our enemies in the future. Now build a colony. military. Can be a good defense from the threat of orcs.

Locke was also a little speechless. It seemed that he had been noticed by the people of the Orc Empire since he destroyed the Dumesa clan. It may be that the people who passed the Robust Pigs knew the status of Orz in the Wilderness of Wiglott. , the orcs moved their minds in this regard. Want to make Oroz City the fuse of a conspiracy.

“Everyone, do your own thing for your own seat. Our Oroz City is now being targeted by some people. But don’t worry, you must believe in the strength of our Oroz City, Hal, your business department. Let me take care of the market in Oroz and the shops, don’t let these things bother the merchants. Colwater, you too, take good care of your army, the coal mine is the top priority, absolutely There can be no mistakes, and if anyone dares to have any unreasonable thoughts about the coal mine, you will bring the army to me and destroy them.”

Hearing Locke’s chilling voice, Colwater immediately replied loudly: “Yes, my lord, I will never let anyone attack our coal mine. Besides, they don’t even know how the coal came from now. I will Guard my barracks carefully.”

Locke nodded, then looked at Ortons of the Tauren tribe and said, “ you guys, I heard that your Tauren tribe’s mercenary group became the leader of those mercenary groups some time ago, How about it?”

The tauren Ortens walked around his head honestly: “Sir, hehe, this is all the love of everyone in the mercenary group, and the lord also knows that our tauren is the main race of the orcs, and our group was driven out because of some things. Wiglott Wilderness, but our combat effectiveness has not changed in any way, we just huddle together to keep warm. Hehe.”

Locke ignored Ortons and said, “Okay, Ortons, I’m not letting you do this, now the entire mercenary group of Ortens City is organized around your tauren mercenary group, then Now I want you to tell those mercenary groups, now is the critical moment for us Oroz, I don’t want anyone to make mistakes or go to the enemy, otherwise don’t blame us Oroz for being inauthentic. Allow you to form When I was in the mercenary group, I said that Oroz City has ordered your mercenary group to obey.”

Ortons paused and immediately said: “Sir, you can rest assured. We all know that Oroz gave us the opportunity and gave us a better life now. We still know what to do. Yes. Whoever wants to deal with Oroz is against the entire mercenary group of Oroz, and we will not let them go.”

Locke nodded. Very well, it seems that these mercenary groups still know who brought them their current life.

“Okay, everyone, everything that needs to be said is finished. Now you can all go about your own business. Prepare well, don’t worry, we are just preparing not for war.” Locke waved his hand, indicating that they can leave .

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