The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 1249

Chapter 1252 Tian Yan Fan, Chapter 107

He used his fingertips to pull Gu Yan hard, and finally shouted at the last minute!

“I said! I said everything! Hurry and pull me up !!”

But Gu Yan was unmoved and still pressed firmly on him, except for the clothes on his arms, there were no wrinkles anywhere, and his expression did not change.

“Then you say, what good have you done?”

Dr. Han ’s face turned into eggplant color, and the situation suddenly became like this he did n’t expect. He did n’t expect that Gu Yan would shoot suddenly, and even those outside who should protect him, pressed the alarm when he But did not come in later!

He grabbed Gu Yan’s arm tightly and urged him for mercy in a twisted posture.

“You let me go first, I have nothing … Don’t don’t! I will say it now! Immediately!”

When Gu Yan heard him talking nonsense, he pressed down on his upper body and pressed down. He could smell the corpse smelling on the zombie, and he didn’t dare to hide it anymore.

“It’s a meteorite! The concept of universal evolution is not just about talking. We have enough data to support it and prove that it can be achieved! The opportunity is a meteorite!”

“Meteorite?” Gu Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

At the beginning, a meteorite rain hit the planet, and then the end of the world broke out. Some people said that it was because the meteorite carried viruses, and some people said that it was because the meteorite impacted the permafrost and released ancient viruses. In short, various There are all kinds of sayings. The above also sent people to find some meteorites to come back to study, but there has been no news about meteorites all the time. Gu Yan thought that the meteorites were actually not related to viruses.

“Yes, it is a meteorite!” Dr. Han shouted loudly. “The meteorite carries a substance that we have not seen so far. Like a ray, it can melt into the light, spread in various ways, and sweep the world!

The earliest people who became zombies were because they inhaled too much of this substance and could not bear the body before they quickly corpse, so at first, the zombies only appeared in a part of the area, and then spread out!”

Gu Yan listened to thoughtful thoughts, and then let him go, “Then why do you say it is not a virus?” Although he soon took over to study the zombie virus, he was definitely a toxin.

When Dr. Han saw Gu Yan finally let go, his face slowly began to have some blood on his face.

He carefully grabbed Gu Yan’s arm and climbed out of the window. After coming out, he leaned on the bulletproof glass and sat on the ground without breathing.

He said, “It cannot be defined purely by viruses …”

The critical moment, what Dr. Han said now, is a secret that only a few people know.

“That substance does contain toxins, but it is more of an energy. Once overdose, people cannot bear it. Instead, it becomes a zombie. That energy changes the body, making the zombie evolve a power to decompose energy. Call it ‘biological purification’.

The zombies will suck the energy substances swimming in the air into the body, then separate them, deposit the toxins in the body, and purify the energy into the nucleus. This process is biological purification.

And only when the earliest meteorite hits the planet, the energy substance that erupted at that moment is the most, so most of the humans who passed through at that time will not become zombies later, because there are fewer special substances in the air.

There are, of course, exceptions, which is why we say that the zombie virus will spread in the air. It is always there, but it is less concentrated.”

Gu Yan finds it very interesting. The more he contacts this special substance, the more familiar he is.

In the heavens, there are also some “poisonous poisons” that are themselves energy. Their poisons do not come from spirit beasts or spirit plants, but like rays, they can change the body or stimulate the body after entering the body.

“So, what does this have to do with your plan?” Gu Yanrao asked with interest.

There was a gloomy flash in Dr. Han’s eyes, and said gloomy, “Our experiment, the principle is also very simple, once a person absorbs excessive foreign material, it will corpse, mainly because the biological energy contained in the human body is too weak to bear this. This kind of power shocks.

So … we have been thinking of ways to improve the biological energy of the human body, but unfortunately we have done many experiments and failed, even the large mutant beasts cannot bear the energy material emitted by the meteorites at close range until we find out about you……”

“Your use and understanding of toxins are far more than any of us, and even you use poison to attack viruses to make yourself permanently immune to the virus, so some of us have put forward a crazy idea, that is, let you study a kind of Toxins that resist the energy of meteorites are thrown into the water source of the base, and then we emit the meteorites in the base like the sun through the top of the spire of the Super Research Center, radiating the whole base!

At that time, everyone will be poisoned, and everyone will suffer another meteorite baptism!Under the natural selection, there will be many people who will survive it!As long as they survive it, they can complete the primary evolution, and they will no longer be afraid of the virus when they combine their children, and the concept of universal evolution can be realized. This is definitely not just talking!”

Gu Yan calculated it a little bit in his heart, and probably got it.

“Your estimates of the experimental results should have been submitted? Let me guess, they will be beaten back. One is because you violated the rules and secretly conducted anti-human experiments. The second is because of this experimental method. Much more than survived, right? ”

Dr. Han narrowed his eyes. “You can rest assured that people who are not in the past will be poisoned to death, instead of becoming zombies, so even the few who survive to complete evolution are safe!”

“So how many people can live?”

“According to the calculation data, as long as you can study the toxin we need, every 127 people can survive one!”

Gu Yan chuckled, “As far as I know, there are only more than 100,000 people at the first meeting base.”

“If you want to evolve for the whole people, you must make sacrifices! Moreover … the words of those guardians are not all wrong. Our planet can’t bear so many human beings. Therefore, artificial reduction, or passive reduction of nature One point is the necessary result, and those who survived will naturally give humanity a better tomorrow! ”

When Gu Yan was silent, Dr. Han was about to move, “Don’t hesitate, this is the fastest way to ‘solve’ the end times! What does it matter that the dead people resent? The living ones will praise you all your life!”

The word “resolve the end of the world” made Gu Yan almost moved. He did not forget that he was robbed. He has been slowly for a long time, mainly because the pain is not on himself, there is no sense of urgency, but what should he do, He still remembers.

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