The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 1267

Chapter 1270 Tianyan Fan, one hundred and twenty-five

If it is not a man-made mischief, it is a natural phenomenon, but because Li Tian ’s experiment has now reached a critical part, Li Tian is not allowed to participate in other things above, and the zombies have been transferred to General Gu to investigate.

The super computer came the news in a timely manner, “I think this time, maybe Gu Yan really shot it.”

“Why do you say that?” Li Tian, ​​who was doing the experiment, mentioned it in one click!

The supercomputer said, “Gu Yan often goes out these days, because there is no electricity and no monitoring outside the base, so no one knows what he did out, but the zombie really did not move until he went out frequently. ”

It must be said that the suspicion of the supercomputer still makes sense. At present, if it is artificial, only Gu Yan is the most suspected. After all, he has a small meteorite in his hand, and after he got it, he did not immediately start his The study of venom, but the action is mysterious, unpredictable.

Li Tian shook his head, “I believe he is not that kind of person … what he said last time is definitely just scaring me.”

Supercomputers are not as optimistic as he is, “I don’t think so, who is Gu Yan, do you not yet know?”

Li Tian paused and said in a deep voice, “I believe he is still kind inside.”

“Huh? Are you serious?” How many people did Li Tian kill secretly in the research institute?It also kept the monitoring file secretly, would you like to download it for him to see?

Although Gu Yan kills people, Li Tian often clears the obstacles, so Li Tian will be so smooth, but in terms of the degree of cruelty, how can it not be kind?

How did Li Tian ponder half a moment, nodding hard, “I’m serious!”

He felt that he should believe in Gu Yan, and believe that the one who gets along with him day by day and suffers from trouble together is not someone who will revenge the society because of personal emotions.

What is Gu Yan doing?

Outside the base, in the run-down school laboratory, Gu Yan tied a zombie to the experimental platform, and the meteorite was in an aluminum cloth bag beside him.

I don’t want to stay in the research institute, I don’t want to see Li Tian, ​​I don’t want Li Tian to look flat, so Gu Yan came up with a special idea and did it when I thought.

The surrounding doors and windows have been sealed. Even if there are zombies outside, Gu Yan should not hear it at all.

At this time, he injected a tube of liquid into the struggling zombies, and seeing its blood vessels swell in an instant, Gu Yan was more confident in his thoughts.

The people at the base called the zombies a perpetual motion machine because they didn’t know that the corpse’s nucleus could gather auras, and they thought that the zombies didn’t need to eat and could live forever.

But Gu Yan knew what the energy source of the zombie was.

After the meteorite energy material enters the body of the zombie, most of it is deposited as a toxin, and a small part is converted into aura and stored in the nucleus.

Reiki allows zombies to survive without eating, and most of the zombies’ bodies are not rotten except for some zombies who are physically disabled.

So the idea originally proposed by the First Research Institute may be really feasible, that is, zombies-there is a certain chance that they can return to humanity.

Gu Yan did not know why he was doing such a thankless research.

But as soon as he thought of the day when he said he was going to die, Li Tian’s nervous look, he gritted his teeth!

Li Tian didn’t believe him so much, the more he wanted to make Li Tian look at each other!

It’s a big deal to save it and then ruin it, anyway, he is a wicked villain!

But these days he also found that the zombies around him have moved, but he didn’t care. This is not what he should do. He just wants to study at the moment.


After a week of monitoring, Gu will bring back a very bad news.

“The zombies are gathering, and the gathering direction is the first meeting base. If you let it go, they may form a tide of corpses and surround the base!”

Everyone who heard the feedback at the meeting had a bad look.

Ants bite the elephant!How many zombies are there in the first meeting city close to you, you do n’t have to worry about it, everyone will know.

Once they form a corpse tide, even if they have sophisticated protective walls and power grids can’t stop it!The number of zombies is enough to pile up and drown them!

Everyone discussed in a whisper at the meeting, this is a major event, can not be delayed.

Finally, after a vote at the meeting, the highest authority issued an order.

If the zombies really form a wave of corpses, they will launch missiles to defeat them!In a word, the base must not be surrounded by corpse tide!

General Gu went to order, and two generals helped him together, but within two days, he came back with an amazing discovery!

“… No zombies were found around the Tinder Bases in the neighboring provinces. In addition, similar situations have not occurred in the survivor bases under construction and already built in the country.

In other words, this time the zombie move was aimed solely at the first meeting base!”

The Tinder Base is very close to the first meeting base. If it is a natural threat from zombies, then all the bases should be the same, unless there is a leader among the zombies.

But this is also not possible. The Zombie Research Institute does not know how many anatomies have been dissected. All zombies have a feature, that is, the brain is dormant, and the brain stem dominates everything.

It is impossible to come up with this kind of trick without such an IQ.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are mutant zombies, especially those with high IQ.

But if there are really high IQ zombies, humans don’t have to play anymore, surrender as soon as possible!After all, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, and there are still too few living people.

After receiving this news, the high-level officials of the first meeting base attached great importance, and then they sent two generals to sit in the town. If something went wrong, they immediately acted according to the original plan.

General Gu sees the situation and spontaneously asks to investigate the matter. He agreed to it and gave him seven days to find out why the base of the first meeting was surrounded.

In addition, the base was completely blocked, even in the E-channel, and free access is no longer allowed.

The power grid was fully energized, and the channel gates and valves were closed as much as possible. This was like the situation of the enemy, which made the people in the base panic and made Li Tian more and more uneasy.

Because the supercomputer told him that even at such a tense moment, Gu Yan still ran out every day, and even did not return for a few days.

Li Tian frowned, and there were rumors in the base that high IQ zombies might appear, so Gu Yan was really dangerous to stay outside.

So after knowing that Gu Yan did not return to the base for three days, Li Tian looked at the phone and hesitated to dial the number.

Now that they are in trouble, what position does he use to make this call?

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