The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1279: Tian Yanfan, 134

Li Tian looked at the score clearly and his tone was very serious, “So you don’t have to stop me, I may not be in trouble, don’t forget, I still have a super computer!”

Seeing Gu Yan not speaking, Li Tian felt that he had persuaded him. Originally, he had some things to say, but he thought about it, and if he could, he would wait until he could return safely!

So he turned around and resolutely walked towards the direction of the Super Research Center.

But the next second, when his shoulder hurts, his whole body numb. Gu Yan walked from behind him to him. He stared at him, his eyes gloomed from complex to complex, and from complex to relieved, only for a moment.

“Really … owe you …”

Gu Yan sighed suddenly, then reached out and squeezed Li Tian’s face.

He lowered his head and said in a very low voice, “I told you fifty thousand years ago, something happened. I came. Brother Stupid is not qualified to succeed as a hero. Brother is always better than Brother.”

In the chaos, Gu Yan’s words aroused Li Tian’s deepest memories at once!Why does he feel that Gu Yan is omnipotent?Because Gu Yan told him a long time ago, no matter what kind of disaster he had, he could tell him, because he was a brother, so everything can be cured.

He did it this way, no matter what he did, as long as he ran to Gu Yan and said, Gu Yan scolded him and punished him, and the disaster would go away. No wonder, no wonder he would think Gu Yan omnipotent!

Li Tian opened his mouth and tried to speak, but couldn’t say it.

Gu Yan looked at the red light swirling in the air, his eyes finally became serious, and he looked down at Li Tian’s ears on the street where people were coming and going. He asked for the first time in an uncertain tone in his life.

“If … I saved the base, if I came back alive and became the type of hero you like, at that time, you will agree, try to like me?”

After he finished, he seemed to be ashamed and ran away without looking back.

Li Tian looked at his back, his eyes widened, but his body couldn’t move!

Why did Gu Yan say this, did he run away without any plans?Could it be that even he would not come back?!

After hearing his heart, the supercomputer whispered back, “If you want to blow up the meteorite, besides being close to the supercomputer host, temporarily hacking in, and starting the self-explosive system, there is actually a very simple way.

That is, when the meteorite shield is fully opened and the meteorite is stimulated by the sun to emit energy, the explosive is placed at the position where the flame jumps in its center. The position is the weakest. If successful, the meteorite can be destroyed in one fell swoop.

However, through calculations, Gu Yan will be corpseized as long as he receives meteorite radiation at close range for more than ten seconds, so I think this is why he is not sure. This time, he really blocked his life … ”

“Why didn’t you say it early!” Li Tian suddenly angered, but even a supercomputer wouldn’t be useful, because Gu Yan would never let Li Tian go.

The supercomputer sighed, “I didn’t expect … that a person like Gu Yan had a disaster that had nothing to do with him. He should walk away, not … to be a hero.”

It paused, and suddenly said something that poked Li Tianxinwo, “He is because of you.”

Because Li Tian wanted to save, he went to save, not really to be a hero, but because Li Tian wanted to save.

Li Tian’s eyes turned red instantaneously, and within a second, Gu Yanxia’s stabilization effect disappeared.

On the other side, at the top of the Super Research Center!

Under the control of Su Wei, the meteorite slowly rises and will soon be exposed to sunlight. As long as the meteorite contacts the sunlight, the core flame will awaken, and then it will release energy material, and then he can fire the rain bomb At the same time, the rest of the plan is launched, and those who want to live can have half an hour to buy life from him!

As for those who have already reached a secret transaction with him, they are now ready to be baptized by meteorite. After the baptism, they will all become junior evolution complete people!

Everything went very smoothly, and Gu Yan, who had been in the way, did not appear.

As a result, at the last minute, the meteorite was about to rise to the apex, and when it touched the sun, a figure suddenly fell from the sky!

“Gu Yan ?!”

Su Wei was really shocked at this time!All elevators are blocked. How did Gu Yan get up?

Gu Yan came naturally from the outer wall!

He just climbed to the top and saw the rising meteorite. He didn’t think about it, and fell on it.

Su Wei’s expression became strange at first, “You are looking for death!”

No one can withstand the radiation within ten meters of the meteorite, even he is hiding behind the protective cover, and Gu Yan dare to jump on the meteorite?

Soon, a ray of sunlight fell on the surface of the meteorite, and the blue flame at the core of the meteorite suddenly jumped and came alive.

The next second, the meteorite energy material leaked, and Gu Yan’s body slowly climbed up the blue lines.

Seeing Gu Yan was really unprepared, Su Wei laughed!

“Do you know that you will die, so do you find your way ahead of time?”

With that said, he pressed the button, and the 18 rain bombs that had been prepared were lifted off at the same time!In a series of explosions, Su Wei’s eyes were extremely proud!

“Your position is good, at least you have a few seconds, you can look at the earth like a god, look at the natural selection! Before you become a zombie, enjoy it!”

At this time those blue lines had climbed up to Gu Yan’s face, and there was a rumble in the sky, and it was going to rain soon.

Gu Yanju looked down at Su Wei from a condescending position and suddenly smiled.

At this time, he didn’t have the heavy feeling that he had before, and some were just a pleasure and madness from the bottom of his heart!

He opened his mouth and said something that shocked Su Wei.

“Actually I should thank you, you can look away, because, I am serious now.”

After he finished speaking, his hands were opened flat!A strange red light suddenly broke out between his hands!Soon, an incredible scene of Su Wei appeared!

I saw that the rain falling slowly in the sky was twisted suddenly. Those rains were originally poisonous rain, but as the red totem of Gu Yan’s palms rotated, the venom in the rain was separated and poured directly in the direction of Gu Yan!

If the venom melts in the rain, it is not obvious at all, but after being stripped out by Gu Yan alone, it becomes a dark red color. !But those rays did not radiate out, but all flowed into his body through Gu Yan’s feet!

In short, the energy of the meteorite that should have been radiated from the whole base, and the high-power venom that should have been put into the whole base, were absorbed by Gu Yan at this time!In the interweaving of two kinds of light, he is like a god!

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