The Domestic Hero

Chapter 110 - Foreign monsters dare to come arrogant? (Asked monthly ticket)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of domestic heroes!

(Lao Ao just looked at the results just now, which should be unexpectedly good. It is about two or three hours to update a chapter. Lao Ao wants to immerse everyone in the cheerful style of the banshee all day long ~ Love you, beg the monthly ticket ~ beg the monthly ticket ~ beg the monthly ticket)

But at this time, Wang Yan, there is still time to manage this photographer. Just grabbed Super Sniper and was ready to aim at Shen Mengting again. But she saw that she had already settled down, spread her wings and flew to a height of ten meters.

She didn’t know when she already held the shield in her left and the knife in her right. The shape of the shield and the knife are very evil and strange, full of rich **** taste.

“Wang Yan! You dare to kill Zeng Ling, I want you to pay for your life!” Shen Mengting screamed sternly, and swung across the air with a knife. In the Scarlet War Sword, a blood blade with a length of three or four meters and blood energy condensing exploded.

Tear the air and scream down.

Wang Yan felt cold, hurriedly tumbling, dangerously avoiding.

The blood blade struck the bluestone pavement of the lake embankment, and with a bang, the bluestone cracked. The entire lake embankment was cut with a wide crack.

The lake keeps pouring inwards.

“BOSS, he, they don’t seem to be acting.” The fat man at No. 3 looked at the body that had lost his head. Look at the huge crack not far from him, the pants are wet and a lot of them, crying and screaming, “They are playing real.”

The “strong special effects” came out one by one, so that the filming team finally realized that something really happened.

After a chill, Thomas was even more excited: “You are all master photographers, and you have given me some professional qualities. These are all epic battle pictures. You can’t touch them in your life. Are you willing to miss them?

What Thomas said was like giving the photography team a stimulant. They were all excited one by one, no need for track assistance, no need for brackets, one by one carrying the camera began to shoot around the ground.

For an aspiring photographer, what is the most important thing in this life? Even the fat man who was scared at No. 3 station was flushed with excitement, and after carrying out a roar, he carried the camera to Wang Yan.

However, at this time, Wang Yan and Shen Mengting, none of them had control over this group of photographers. They are fighting in life and death, not playing a house.

Wang Yan took a sniper rifle and looked at the sky. Shen Mengting quickly backed away, shaking irregularly from side to side. She is extremely fast, and even with Wang Yan’s dynamic vision and reaction, it is difficult to target her and shoot.

With only two bullets left, Wang Yan didn’t dare to shoot indiscriminately before he was 50% sure. Once there is no bullets, it is difficult to beat her with the other party’s B-level comprehensive combat effectiveness.

Shen Mengting, who was flying in mid-air, was crimson, but she didn’t expect Zeng Ling to die abruptly. And her parents left her with the most precious and commemorative treasure-“protective jade wear”.

When the bullet was blocked, it was crushed into powder by a strong shock.

My father once left a message saying that the “protective jade pendant” inherited from the family has endless uses, which can help the owner to overcome the crisis and help him survive several crises.

‘That man’ has also said that this “protective jade pendant” is a rare magic weapon, which has the effect of isolating the heavens, not being calculated by others, and preventing the head from falling down.

But all this is gone. More importantly, even Zeng Ling is gone. Never like this moment, Shen Mengting wants to kill so much, Wang Yan must die!

And at this time, Wang Yan was a little weak. Although Zeng Ling’s toxin did not cause the effect she imagined, it also weakened Wang Yan a lot.

He gritted his teeth, put a hand on the storage bracelet, and took out a C + grade Nedan essence. With a bite of his teeth, the plug was pulled out, exposing the needle tube.

“Fight!” Wang Yan did not hesitate to insert the needle into the heart, and injected the essence of Dandan into the heart. Almost instantly, the essence of Neidan played a role.

The pure energy medicinal properties spread to the whole body as the heart beats. Toxins in the blood are constantly being neutralized, and platelets continue to gather at the wound, condensing the bleeding state.

At the same time, Wang Yan’s broken strength is constantly recovering. However, the essence of Neidan is not a nutritional medicine after all, it accelerates the metabolism and supplies energy to Wang Yan. It also brought him severe pain, every muscle fiber, like a torn pain.

Just when the two froze for a while.


A familiar engine roar sounded, and a white fishing boat on the lake quickly galloped along the lake embankment. On the windshield of the bow, a basin was lying on his stomach, and his double-twisted pliers flaunted.

Sitting in the driver’s seat was a little ferret wearing small sunglasses, who skillfully turned the steering wheel. Because the legs were too short, I used a long stick to squeeze the throttle.

In the waves of headwinds, its white hair rose backwards. The last ray of fiery sunset reflected it so dazzling.

“Wow ~” The fishing boat drew a beautiful arc of water marks on the water and docked not far from Wang Yan. The little ferret carelessly held up his sunglasses and placed it on his forehead. Then he extended his paw and ticked Wang Yan.

“Good job!” Wang Yan could not help but praised it. At the critical moment, our little ferret was reliable. The fishing boat galloped on the water at a very fast speed. Even if Shen Mengting’s flight speed is not slow, it may not be able to catch up with the fishing boat.

What’s more, he still has a super-sniper on hand, relying on the flexibility of the fishing boat, as long as he can drag him to the support force, or find Li Hualong to help. Shen Mengting, the leader of the blood angel, was dead.

Shen Mengting, who was condescending, naturally saw the fishing boat. In her eyes, she swooped down from the air, and she was about to swing her sword.

Wang Yan turned over and fired a shot in her direction. This time his shooting posture was very good, and the reaction force of the firearms was all given to the ground.

Shen Mengting responded with a quick response, and the bullet fell empty. But at the moment, she dared not stay at a low altitude any more and hurried away.

Wang Yan took the opportunity to put Chao Chao into the storage bracelet to reduce weight. Speed ​​up the sprint, and jumped sharply to the shore of the lake. After jumping seven or eight meters, he rolled into the cabin.

The little ferret is very smart and doesn’t need Wang Yan to remind him at all. It hit a throttle with a stick, the engine of the fishing boat roared violently, and the paddles stirred the lake water desperately. The bow lifted high, the hull turned into an arrow, and an arc water mark was drawn on the lake surface, rushing towards the center of the lake.

At the same time, the little ferret had leisure time to fly towards mid-air, Shen Mengting, and erected a middle finger.

“Fuck!” Some embarrassed Wang Yan couldn’t help but hug a kiss on his cheek. “It’s still Xiao Xue in my family. The timing of your response is just right.”

“Squeak ~” Little Ferret wiped his face with his paws in disgust, and turned his back to roll his eyes angrily. “Tell, squeak ~” Then he passed his head off proudly and put on his sunglasses again. That expression looks like it’s saying, don’t take the dirty mouths of the two witches you touched to miss the parents.

Do not care!

“Okay, okay, don’t be angry, what? I don’t think of it. The boss of the Shen group, the rich billionaire, would be the leader of the blood angel. Huh! This time it’s dangerous , Almost planted in the hands of those two blood angels. “Wang Yan laughed happily and touched his head.

“Squeak ~” Little Ferret grunted twice. It seems to be saying that Miss Ben had expected that the enchanting demon among those two demon was not a good thing, shouldn’t it be tested?

When Wang Yan just wanted to talk back, he saw that Shen Mengting in the air was chasing after him, which was faster than the fishing boat. Moreover, the blood on her body seemed to be gradually thickening, and a cloud of blood mist was constantly rolling. It’s just across a long distance, you can feel a danger of palpitation.

This made Wang Yan’s expression dignified, and the situation was not good. The B-level strongman is really terrible, and the level of difficulty is beyond imagination.

“Keep up, everyone keeps up.” Thomas frantically commanded the photography team, “Every camera is responsible for finding a boat, keep me up, keep up. Unmanned aerial cameras, keep up with me too .. I want a helicopter, who will give me a helicopter! Oh, my God, God. Every frame of those pictures is extremely valuable cultural property. “

In a few moments, seven or eight speedboats drove wildly towards the center of the lake.

Wang Yan was super-sniping, constantly aiming to adjust his direction. But the site environment was too complicated, the fishing boat was galloping, and it was constantly bumping up and down on the lake surface, and the wind and the wind were violent. Shen Mengting, who has suffered a loss, constantly adjusts her posture and speed while soaring in the air, effectively avoiding long-range snipers.

“The hit probability is definitely less than 10%.” Wang Yan adjusted the angle several times and did not find a suitable opportunity. With only one bullet left, he did not dare to shoot indiscriminately.

Picked up the phone, dialed Li Yulong’s phone, and after a few rings, the other party was lucky enough to connect: “Xiandi, you gave me my mobile phone is fun. You can also add a variety of friends, but the function of searching for people nearby Doesn’t it work? “It didn’t take long for me to get the phone, and this guy’s spoken quality changed.

I am dizzy! When you are on Huxin Island, you can find people nearby who are called hell.

“Brother Li, help me! I’m being chased down by a blood angel!” Wang Yan had no time to control the broken thing on his mobile phone, and he directly rescued him.

“Fuck, which non-eye-opening monster dare to chase down my brother !?” Li Hualong snarled and stunned over the phone, “By the way. Blood Angel, what kind of monster is this?”

“It’s a foreign monster.” Wang Yan said, “Brother Li, let’s ignore the blood angel first. I will share the location with you, and come quickly to save me.”

“Does it make sense, and foreign monsters dare to come to my land in China?” Li Hualong said angrily, “Brother Xian, hold on, and Brother Fool will come to rescue you quickly.”

On Huxin Island, a bald man with golden armor plunged into the lake. Wow, the big water surface caused a huge wave to separate to the two sides. A gold scaled red-tailed big carp comparable to a yacht, with a strong and powerful tail, the whole body of the fish flew forward.

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