The Domestic Hero

Chapter 132 - The old man lived in vain

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“Squeak ~” Little Ferret also protested, and said to go clubbing. Even if I came to the internet cafe, can I lose more? Xiao Xue wants to soak, Xiao Xue wants to drink, Xiao Xue wants to drink and watch MM.

“Why, brother Wang Yan doesn’t like this one?” The corpse man touched the gold watch on his wrist and asked with concern, “Shall we change the house?”

Uh … forget it. One after another running around to change Internet cafes, Wang Yan would feel like he was going to collapse. I hurriedly put on a very satisfied expression and said, “It’s very good, just this one. It reminds me of my career in college.”

“You’re satisfied.” The corpse walker walked in with great care, and swiped the ID card on the table. “Give me two of the best machines here.”

The look of the movement was so fierce that it seemed that instead of opening two machines in the Internet cafe, two bottles of Louis XVI were played in the bar.

The little cashier sister was taken aback, blinking her eyes at the zombie face of the corpse master, and then looking at the gold watch that he deliberately revealed. On the face with very strong makeup, acne is almost exploding.

“Old, old gentleman. Your ID card has expired,” the little cash register said sheepishly.

“Expired? How is it possible, the old man remembers the ID card that has just been processed?” Don’t break the old man’s Yaxing. “

Seeing that the cash register girl was almost scared, Wang Yan quickly hurried forward and whispered, “Senior, let me entertain you this time.”

“What’s the matter? I told you …” The corpse man’s face was stubborn and his eyes fierce. It seems that this does not let you please, just look down on the old man.

Wang Yan was deeply afraid that as soon as the old monster screamed, the summoning of the corpse group to make trouble in the Internet cafe would become big. He hurriedly smiled and said, “Seniors are really grateful to the seniors. But as a junior, how can you be so kind to let the seniors come? This matter, let the juniors come.”

Wang Yan also felt enough.

In order to learn how to hide the bullet from the corpse Taoist, he was able to sacrifice to such a degree.

“Well, the old man gave you a face.” The corpse man waved his hand and said he didn’t care.

Wang Yan sighed with relief, turned cold sweat and said softly to the little cash register girl: “Sister, please open two machines for me, this is my ID card.”

“But … to register two ID cards.” The little cash register girl was terrified, and said stupidly, “He has expired …” Then he glanced at the corpse man with a bad look.

Is n’t it expired! ? I will use it. When Wang Yan picked up the identity card of the corpse man, he just wanted to persuade people to persuade the little sister. But an old blood almost spewed out, are you kidding me?

Which one is expired? This thing is simply antique!

China has issued the first generation ID card in 1984. At the beginning, many of them were written by hand because of inexperience.

And this is the ID card that was written by hand at that time. The birth year marked on the ID card is-April 1905! Let me go, if this birth date is true, isn’t this old monster more than 110 years old?

As for the name written above, it is called Shi Daoren. I don’t know if the old monster really called this name, or if I lived too long and forgot my real name, I just made a homonym.

There is also the ID card that was just issued not long ago.

Uh … for his age, eight years can be regarded as not long ago.

Ok, okay, we have too many strange people and things in the National African Bureau, and Wang Yan is a bit strange. Khan took off his sunglasses and threw a wink at the cashier girl and said, “Can you help me get a handy?”

When the little girl at the cash register just wanted to refuse, she saw Wang Yan’s face, and then Qiaoyan roundly covered her mouth: “You are, Dang ~ Danghu …”

“Hush ~” Wang Yan handed over a one-hundred one and smiled brightly. “Help me, don’t say anything.”

“Hmm …” The little cashier covered her mouth excitedly and nodded, saying, “I’ll use someone else’s ID number to help you open one more, but you have to sign me.”

After some minor episodes, Wang Yan and the corpse Taoist were sitting side by side in a machine.

Because the little girl at the cash register was so happy, she gave one person a can of Jiaduobao.

Up to this point, the corpses still hummed a little uncomfortably and said, “Brother Wang Yan, the old man is giving you a face this time. In order to be a little grumpy when the young man is young, he has already recruited the corpse group Hey ~~ “took a sip of herbal tea with a straw.

“Seniors died down,” Wang Yan said, holding her little ferret in her arms, and drinking herbal tea. “What games do seniors like to play?”

“Playing games? … I haven’t played it in more than a hundred years.” The corpse man’s eyes showed a longing, “At the age of fifteen, I said goodbye to the Master and went down the mountain, so I went all the way to Peiping My brother, no, it was also called Beijing at that time! Uh … it ’s also called Beijing now. The name has been changed, it ’s too messy, I wo n’t talk about it. As for playing games. Well, remember when I was a kid, my brother and I used to play hide-and-seek games. . “

“…” Wang Yan a cold sweat!

More than a hundred years ago, hide and seek?

If I heard these words instead of an ordinary person, I thought the old guy had just escaped from that place.

“Seniors should read novels for a while.” Wang Yan silently helped him to turn on the computer. After throwing him a novel website, he followed him. But he opened the game and played a game that he hadn’t played in a long time.

Most of the former good friends have now stepped into the society and started the difficult years, randomly matching a team to play. Playing and playing, I suddenly found that my strength is not only unfamiliar, but a lot more powerful. The speed of various calculations and reactions is incredible.

All kinds of extreme anti-kill, or escape from death.

Soon, by virtue of Chaoshen’s record to kill the Quartet, won the game. Teammates cheered, but the other party yelled wronged. What do you say that the gods opened the vest to bully the newcomers and the like.

This made Wang Yan sigh with emotion. After his physical fitness was fully evolved, even playing a game was neglected. He played happily for another round, still killing all sides.

Then he found it boring and the game was fun again. It’s not as fun as the work of the National African Bureau, cultivation, upgrading, brushing copies, and playing wild monsters.

Looking back at the Corpse Daoist, he was actually reading an urban romance novel. He sometimes laughed and laughed, and sometimes thumped his chest: “It’s cool, it’s cool. The husband has lived in vain in his life, how come he never experienced such an interesting thing?”

“Senior, it’s almost time.” Wang Yan felt that the clubbing was endless, and it was time to go back to practice real bullet-hugging.

“Let me finish it, don’t bother me.” The corpse man waved impatiently to catch the flies, his eyes staring straight at the screen.

“Squeak ~” Little Ferret also protested, seizing the machine and starting to play the game. In the last two games, it has also figured it out on the side. One paw rested on the mouse, and one paw floated on the keyboard.

When I first started playing, it was a bit rusty. Unexpectedly, the more and more skillful, Wang Yan directed two or three games down. This little sable was playing very well. The teammates couldn’t see the character who jumped up and down. It was a small animal.

This made Wang Yan feel embarrassed. This year, I really don’t know if he is sitting in front of the computer.

An old monster that has lived for more than 100 years, and a little ferret who has been doing things for more than 100 years, are addicted to their world in the world of computers. Instead, Wang Yan became idle.

Bored, Wang Yan ran to a toilet, then hung out for half an hour and came back.

Although the painting style before we left was a little weird, it was pretty good. But now, it is not right.

However, they found that the two policemen were trying to detain the corpses, and there was a woman with heavy makeup next to her.

The entire Internet cafe is also silent.

what’s going on?

“You two little policemen, do you know who the old man is?” The corpse man shouted angrily, his expression fierce and fierce, as if he would summon the corpse to make a posture at any time.

“No matter who you are, this kind of thing is done in broad daylight.” One of the policemen sneered, “If you have anything, tell us back to the bureau.”

Khan, what the **** did the corpse man do? Wang Yan hurried up, blocked them and said, “Comrade police, is there any misunderstanding?”

Just kidding, what if the corpse man is in a hurry to do something shocking?

“Are you his friend?” A policeman glanced at Wang Yan, as if looking at a suspect.

“Good.” Wang Yan nodded.

“Let’s go with us together.” The policeman’s face suddenly became serious. “Tell the situation honestly.”

“Hey, is it illegal to go online this year?” Wang Yan was baffled, feeling a little sullen.

“Of course, it’s not illegal to go online, but it’s illegal to watch A ~ V in Internet cafes and to harass other female customers.” The police looked at the corpse man with contempt. ?


Wang Yan was shocked. Why did he walk for more than half an hour? Such a serious thing happened. Could it be more worry-free?

“The old man didn’t harass her. She ran over and talked to me, and taught me what to look at. It’s a thorny thing. Then I said that it would only cost me 800 yuan at a time. It would make me see something more thorny.” Annoyed, she stared eeriely at the flowery woman, “She wanted to run after receiving my money, how could it be so easy.”

“Uh …” Wang Yan fainted, soaking up an Internet cafe would make such things happen!

Is this teasing me? The police were recruited, and it turned out to be more exciting.

“You’re called prostitute ~ attempted prostitution!” The policeman said solemnly. “They all went to the police station with us, and this Internet cafe had to be closed for rectification.”

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