The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1843 - Uncle Cannon, the blessing of Qi Ren

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“Since you are quiet, I will say a few more words below.”

Uncle Gun sat on the chair and deliberately coughed, pretending to be an old leader.

Below, organizations such as the Dongying Super Self-Team, the African Ancient Witch Alliance, and other organizations immediately put on a deaf ear.

Even the powerful Midi Super Shield Bureau, the Polar Bear Secret Service, and the leaders of the Light Holy See and the Dark Council, including Wang Yan sitting beside him, represented non-staffed forces, all of which were obedient.

Uncle Cannon looked around for a while, and this situation made him very satisfied with his prestige.

He nodded and said slowly: “According to the detection, the plane collision is still about three days away. Fortunately, the preparations we should make are all prepared. However, before the actual war, any accidents may occur, so I hereby ask everyone to make sure that every post, every post, and even every inspection, every gun, must be foolproof. “

Take precautions and pay attention to every detail, it is always good.

The leaders below immediately echoed with each other and said that they would obey the discipline and listen to the command. They must ensure that every detail will never fail.

“Beyond that, to what extent are our nuclear bombs loaded?”

Uncle Cannon asked aloud that the nuclear bomb was undoubtedly the last killer on the earth.

“Relax, all our nuclear bombs in China have been assembled.”

The first person to speak out was Han Hongbo, Director General of the National African Affairs Bureau. “We have half of China’s nuclear bombs loaded on Xiaoyan’s battleships, and the other half are personally responsible by our National African Affairs Bureau.”

By managing the nuclear bombs in batches and then releasing them in batches, you can ensure the success rate of detonating nuclear bombs. In wartime, you can also take a surprise blow to the enemy by surprise.

“Our Polar Bear Secret Service’s nuclear bombs have also been fully loaded, and three teams are responsible for delivery.”

The Polar Bear Secret Service Director patted his chest with arrogance. “Our members of the Polar Bear Secret Service have already made preparations for the jade crush. With the amount of nuclear bombs from our Polar Bear Secret Service, as long as the launch is successful, the entire abyss will definitely be given. Explode! “

“All the nuclear bombs of our Super Shield Bureau have also been fully loaded.”

The director of the Super Shield Bureau is James, an old acquaintance. At this time, he solemnly said, “Our male superhero of the Super Shield Bureau has automatically asked for help. In the wartime, if we fail, he will personally bring all nuclear bombs with the main force of Heavenly Devil. perish together!”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit tragic.

This battle has been related to the survival of the entire human race. The earth superpower community has become a city. Every capable person is doing his best to contribute to the protection of his homeland, even at the expense of his life.

The Polar Bear Secret Service has always been known for its bravery and fearlessness. In the eyes of their people, as long as they can defeat the extraterrestrial demon, everyone can put life and death out of their sight.

The Super League’s male superhero is still a foreign immigrant. But he and his sister, Super Girl, already regarded the earth as their home.

In order to protect his homeland, he was even willing to act as a surprise soldier, rush into the enemy formation, and sacrifice himself.

Such a fearless spirit has deeply admired everyone present.

As for the use of the vast majority of the world ’s reserve nuclear bombs, there is no way out of it.

If their coalition forces collapsed across the board, their earth coalition forces would only use nuclear weapons, and they would die with the incoming army of heaven and demons.

By that time, I am afraid that few of these people present will survive, but only by breaking up the abyss and destroying most of the extraterrestrial demon, the earth, and humans living on the earth, will it be possible to survive.

“Less than a last resort, we will never let any warrior sacrifice in vain.”

Uncle Pao very solemnly assured everyone that this is the maximum guarantee he can give under the current situation.

If this is really a last resort, even the leader of the Anti-Unification League, who has just set foot on the divine realm, must put aside his life and death and fight to the end.

“Also from now on, we need to keep in touch with several allies at all times.”

Uncle Pao said, turning to Pope Guang, Prince Rose, and his apprentice Wang Yan.

These three correspond to the Kingdom of Light and the Fallen Demon Realm of Hell World, and Wang Yan can contact more allies. He is the core of this alliance.

“Lao Cao, don’t worry, my father, His Majesty, has been closely watching our plane of the earth.”

Father Guangming solemnly replied that since Wang Yan and his companions saved the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of Light has undoubtedly become the firmest ally on the earth. A large number of technology and personnel have been transported to the earth through the channels of the Holy See.

“The strategy, our daughter Nana, is now the young leader of the Fallen Demon Realm. You can rest assured about the Fallen Demon Realm.”

The Dark Lady Catherine, although not a prince of the rose, accepted the first embrace of the prince of rose and became a blood descendant of the prince of rose. The two have the same blood, and to some extent, they have been regarded as the daughter of the prince of rose.

Since he is the daughter of Prince Rose, he is naturally the daughter of Uncle Cao Jingluo.

“Xiao Yan, don’t worry about it even more.”

When Prince Rose mentioned Wang Yan, there was more tenderness in his eyes, “Now the new Demon God in the Dark Demon Realm is his daughter-in-law Uya Ange, Satan, the Demon God in the Purgatory Demon Realm, inherited from his father and son, and the Kingdom of Light Saved by him. I think these allies will stand firmly on our side of the earth anyway. “

“Master, rest assured, my side is ready, everything is going according to plan.”

Wang Yan gave Uncle Pao a reassuring look. Although he had avoided the world for more than a year, he also participated in some decisions and suggestions in the process of avoiding the world. In addition, his group of people who can speak on their own have saved him a lot of unnecessary labor.

“Well, that’s good.” Uncle Gun nodded, looking like he was relieved.

This war is destined to involve the entire galaxy, the earth, hell, and the kingdom of light. As the three planes bearing the brunt, joint alliance is the key to defending the enemy.

From the current point of view, this alliance is very strong, and the earth has also been relieved a lot.

Next, everyone discussed and simulated a variety of strategic plans, how to face plane collisions, and how the enemy would invade the world of the earth. These are the questions that Uncle Cannon, Wang Yan, and other senior leaders must think about.

At the time when many big brothers discussed in detail, Mitsui of Dongyingchao’s own team served tea and water among the people and shuttled back and forth. The kind of diligence has already reached the environment.

On the way, I did not forget to shout out “Earth will win”, “Heaven will be defeated undoubtedly”, “Yan Zun, Yan Shen, immortal” and other flattering words.

As the leader of Dongying, Mitsui’s slavery is deep, and he thought of surrendering at the beginning. In the face of the powerful extraterrestrial demon, why should he resist?

However, the Earth Resistance Alliance, and even the resistance alliance of the entire Milky Way galaxy, is extremely united under the external pressure, and he is all united. As a leader of his small East Yingchao team, he dare not say anything more.

In addition to flattering, he is also dedicated in other ways.

For example, almost all of the nuclear fuel at Dongying has been donated to the Earth Resistance. In addition to the four islands of Dongying, all the people, at his call, donated money and materials spontaneously, which was regarded as a contribution to the earth ’s resistance to the United Nations.

Now because of the constant approach of the planes, as early as three or four years ago, many small plane plane holes appeared, allowing many abyss creatures and abyss demons to penetrate. To this end, the world of superpowers has fought a lot of siege and seal wars.

It is precisely because of this, the collision of the earth superpowers, extraterrestrial civilizations, and the abyss planes in the near future, and the invasion of extraterrestrial demon are no longer secret.

And to the point where it is today, this is already a war for all mankind.

The resistance of the Earth can develop to the present level in a short time, without the contribution and support of ordinary human beings.

The meeting lasted for a small period of time. After the core tactics were basically determined, as the leader of the Earth Anti-Union, Artillery Uncle slowly stood up and announced, “You guys, today’s combat meeting is here.”

“Submit the order to let all the combatants go back in shifts to meet family and friends, and also you several old guys. You need to write a will to write the best. Just remember now. Forty-eight hours later, all combatants , All gathered here. “

In the last sentence of Uncle Gun, with a little ridiculous tone, it just seemed to be relaxed and casual, and actually uploaded into people’s ears, how much more sad.

There is no way. It is only more than seventy hours from the prediction of the plane monitoring and the collision between the earth and the abyss plane.

Once the two sides collide, there will inevitably be a war about the survival of mankind.

In the face of the powerful extraterrestrial demon and abyss coalition, and the supreme devil who is far more terrible than the gods, no one knows whether it can survive.

If you do n’t get together with your family and friends now and leave some testaments or something, I ’m afraid there will be no chance after the war.

“Your Excellency Yan, a few of us will go back to the sub-base first, and each is ready to go.”

The leaders of several superpower organizations present stood up and said goodbye to Uncle Cannon.

Afterwards, Super Shield Secretary James, Pope Bright and Secret Service Director Polar Bear and others also successively quit to Uncle Cannon.

The leaders of a superpowered organization in a room left the meeting room one after another and walked along the passage to the transmission point.

After the people around were almost gone, Uncle Cannon breathed out a sigh of air and returned to the original uncle of Cao Cannon in the original shop.

“Wife, look, how did Weifu just behave?”

Uncle Pao quickly asked the three wives beside him with a smile, “Oh, speaking, this leader is really not very good. Well, this is a heavy tone, too serious, and the tone is too weak. It is not easy Yeah, it’s not easy … “

“You, don’t you just be the anti-Union commander? See what you can tolerate.”

The master lady Linghu Yaofei gave Uncle Gun a white eye on the spot, but then she smiled and warmly encouraged, “I just did just fine.”

Uncle Cannon’s heart burst into joy.

Linghu Yaofei, who has been suppressing and criticizing him, has been so gentle to him this time. This feeling is like drinking a glass of wine and making him feel comfortable.

It seems that he, the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Union, has just done a good job.

“Husband, you have worked hard recently.”

Prince Rose and the other two sisters glanced at each other, and then walked behind Uncle Cannon, raised their hands and pressed his shoulders for Uncle Cannon. “Close your eyes and relax.”

Hey hey, Uncle Cannon had secretly stolen and laughed out of the pig’s voice. He hadn’t remembered how long he hadn’t enjoyed such a supremacy of husband power.

However, on the surface, he still pretended to be calm and said: “The wife is hard, and the husband is not tired, not tired.”

“After having a brief meeting for so long, you must be thirsty? Come, drink some tea and relieve your fatigue.”

The courtesy received by Uncle Pao has not yet been digested, and the little sister-in-law, Daier, has actively made a pot of tea for him, and tenderly handed him in front of him.

“Good, thank you wife.”

Uncle Pao’s mouth couldn’t close anymore, he took the tea quickly and took a sip, “Well! Good tea, good tea!”

At this moment, Uncle Cannon floated all over.

Whatever commander of the Anti-Unification Force, and what set foot in the **** realm, can’t compare to this moment. He will not change how much money and fame he gives.

Wang Yan couldn’t help but smile from the heart.

The three teachers and sisters would not easily serve Uncle Gun, the rough man, if they were to switch to normal times, but this is not an ordinary period.

With Uncle Cannon ’s upright character, once the war breaks out, he will surely take the lead and try his best to resist the enemy and protect his companions.

But now the enemies they are about to face are not the small characters on the earth, but the extraterrestrial monsters that are so powerful that they cannot resist.

If something goes wrong, the four of them will probably live and die.

Even if they are the top masters of the earth, they have already put life and death out of their minds, but where can the couple’s love for so many years be let go?

So how can they cherish this precious time right now?

“Oh, by the way, Xiao Yan, what about the division’s tactics just now? You have a lot of ideas. If you don’t give staff advice for the division, we’ll be ready to start.”

Uncle Pao was surrounded by three charming wives, and the whole person was comfortably fluttering, looking at his baby apprentice Wang Yan with a smile.

“Uncle Gun, the layout you just made is perfect, and you can’t pick out the fault. But when it comes to the backstage …”

Wang Yan pondered briefly, then whispered to Uncle Gun and the three sisters-in-law, roughly described his plan.

But when Uncle Pao heard it, he stood up from his seat in a hurry: “No! Xiao Yan, you can’t do this kind of backhand, and you have to be my master if you want to go!”

At this moment, the three teachers and sisters also looked grim, and they all voiced their opposition.

But since they are opposed to Wang Yan’s departure, they must be headed by their husband Jun Pao.

But this post-stroke plan clearly shows that there is a way to die without return. Whether it is Wang Yan or Uncle Cannon’s sacrifice, it is very painful and unacceptable for them.

“Uncle Gun, Aunt Gun, I know you treat me like your own son, but this last move can only be done by me.”

Wang Yan understood the concern of Uncle Gun and his three aunts, so he patiently explained, “At that moment, our Earth’s resistance forces still need the command of Uncle Gun, and Uncle Gun can’t leave. Besides, this Although the move is dangerous, it may not be alive. “

“No, this is absolutely not the case, I disagree anyway.”

Uncle Pao still shook his head worriedly, “I can give you the command of the army against the Earth, Xiaoyan, your leadership ability is not under me. And you said that this last move may not be a dead end. Let the teacher do it for you. “

“Yeah, Xiao Yan, you are still young. Although you were promoted earlier than your master, your master is still older and has more experience than you, so let him go to us and rest assured.”

The three gunmen also followed the idea of ​​Uncle Gun and persuaded Wang Yan to let him give up the idea of ​​the last move.

At that time, his master Uncle Pao would have to do it.

It’s just that they said peace of mind, but in fact their faces were inadvertently full of worry.

Uncle Pao is their husband, and Wang Yan has been treated as their own son to some extent.

On the one hand is the husband, on the other is the child, who will send them to the most dangerous battlefield, they will feel like a knife.

“Uncle Gun, Aunt Gun, I understand your good intentions, but it is too early to say these, we may not be able to use that trick, let’s talk about it …”

Wang Yan felt the care from Uncle Gun and Aunt Gun, and his heart was very warm. He was thinking of using a euphemistic method to ignore this matter in the past.

But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the base.


The violent roar made the whole world tremble.

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