The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1849 - Abyssal predators

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“Then, that’s … our Devil’s phase matrix gun!”

Located behind the abyss fleet, the plague apostle Theramis shocked the exit in her mother ship.

Phase matrix guns, but they are powerful technology of extraterrestrial demon!

The characteristic of this technology is that in addition to active charging, it can also absorb all the free energy in the universe, and then transform it into the destructive magic energy that the extraterrestrial demon is good at using.

The recharged phase crystal can produce a terrible destruction pulse in the matrix gun body. Until the moment of release, this destruction energy will break through instantly, fired from the only exit, the muzzle, and destroy all obstacles along the way Thing.

Especially as a large flagship ship-based main gun, it is powerful enough to completely destroy a large space station and even an asteroid under one blow!

This terrible shelling is clearly the prestige of the main gun of a Demon flagship!

“Yes, it is a flagship main gun!”

On the other side adjacent to the plague apostle Syramis, the Black Meteor Apostle Gunter was also exclaimed in his mother ship, “I know, yes, it is him! The earth that can own our flagship flagship Man, only him! “

Nothing but the Blackfall Apostle and the Plague Apostle couple would be so nervous.

Because, as they said, there is only one earth person who can own a flagship of the Devil, that is the **** of flames from the earth, Wang Yan!


Just when all the abyss demons are still in shock.

A tyrannical red and black giant ship, like a giant steel whale, with a harsh roar, jumped out of the space cave.

Seeing the world’s mighty momentum, the audience instantly spread!

All abyss demons were stunned at this moment.

The giant ship has a slender and magnificent body, which is nearly twice as big as the rough Dragon King ship in the abyss world! The level of advancedness is even more unmatched by an abyssal warship.

In addition, the whole metal structure makes it full of cold king spirit.

The muzzle of the main gun, which has not yet been recovered by the bow, is still hot and red. The blazing high temperature of the aftermath is a manifestation of the terrible attack it has just launched.

“This, this is … Tianmo’s line-star ocean-going battleship!”

The leaders of the two abyss fleets, Dark Mist and Bloodthirsty, immediately recognized this huge and mighty warship.

Such a powerful large space battleship is one of the best top battleships in the world of Demon, once possessing a powerful killer called the Void Beast!

In the world of Heavenly Demon, basically only the lofty God of Heavenly Devil is qualified to own this flagship star with capital.

Usually only the old demon gods such as Ackerman the Swallowing Star, Celamus the Plague Apostle, in order to carry more supplies and soldiers, will choose the giant war fortress of the Void Mothership as their own interstellar main ship.

And the newly-incarnated demon gods like the apostle Nagham, due to their own wealth and power constraints, usually make every effort to build such an ocean-going battleship as its own main ship.

There is no other reason. The combat power of this large battleship is no worse than that of a void mothership.

First of all, this large battleship has strengthened the engine and firepower. It may not be as huge as the star-shaped war fortress of the Void Mothership, but it has the mobility of high-speed movement and the destructive power comparable to that of the Devil God.

It is enough to build a medium-sized battleship formation around this main ship, and it is enough to turn a giant void carrier and its **** group into space garbage after three or four main gun salvos!

And this large battleship can also accommodate hundreds of carrier-based aircraft, and about 100,000 combatants.

It can be said that the battle formation formed by this powerful main ship alone is enough to conquer a planet or even an entire plane under the leadership of a demon god!

“No! Yes, it’s him! That kid!”

“You mean, that flame **** Wang Yan?”

After seeing this powerful battleship, the Dark Mist Demon God and the Bloodthirsty Demon God looked at each other through the main screen, and their hearts were shocked.

Undoubtedly, the opponent they face now is Wang Yan, the **** of flames from the earth, and also the son of Satan, the demon **** of Hell!

Dark fog and bloodthirsty were both in the hands of Wang Yan, who was incarnation of the magic flame, and had eaten a lot of dark losses. Just over a year ago, even their former master, Kaos, the abyss master, died in this king. Yan’s hands.

So much so that the name Wang Yan is mentioned now, and all abyss demons must shake their hearts.

There is no doubt that Wang Yan is now the natural enemy of these abyss demons!

However, this natural enemy, now controlling the giant ship, appeared in front of all of their abyss demons, and when they came up, they gave all of them a dismounted horse.

This deterrent to knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, even the two new demon gods of Dark Mist and Bloodthirsty, hit the heart suddenly.

If it were not for the gods of the two heavenly demons behind him, the two fleets led by them were supervising the war. The appearance of Wang Yan alone was enough to let the abyss demon on the scene escape half.

“Oh, you filthy abyss demons, dare to invade the earth, the hometown of the original god, what a bold courage!”

Wang Yan, a fiery red armor, was sitting on the captain’s seat of the main ship bridge. The majestic voice quickly spread to every corner through the warship’s expansion system.

The abyss demons who were afraid of Wang Yan’s prestige at the scene, all their hairs stood upright, as if they were on their backs.

Morale of the Nether Fleet of the entire abyssal world began to fall rapidly.

“Boy, you came just right, so you don’t have to go to the earth to find you in person!”

Seeing the morale of the abyss demon fell, the plague apostle Seramis, who was fighting in the rear, immediately slammed, “Dark fog, bloodthirsty, quickly kill him for this seat! What climate can a few warships have? “

“Yes! He just picked up a few warships, our fleet is ten times, one hundred times!”

Black Meteor Apostle Gunter also shouted loudly in his main ship, “Have all listened to this seat! This kid is a big trouble for His Majesty the Lord, who can kill him, His Majesty the Lord will have a reward ! “

The voices of the Plague Apostle Salamis and the Blackfall Apostle Gunter are spread throughout the battlefield in the warship’s rapid expansion system.

“Go! All on this seat! Fire fiercely on this seat!”

“His main gun is still cooling, don’t be afraid!”


Hearing the encouragement of the two gods of heaven, all abyss demons boiled. Under the leadership of the two new demon gods, Dark Mist and Bloodthirsty, they immediately turned the bow and launched a violent attack on the battleship flagship where Wang Yan was.


The plague apostle Seramis gloomy and hummed coldly, “I don’t know the so-called boy, just because you want to fight with our demon? Really looking for death!”

From the perspective of Theramis and Gunter and his wife, Wang Yan can have today’s achievements, that is, natural cunning, plus some good luck.

In particular, the newly promoted Devil Ash Apostle Nagham would be stupid enough to be taken away by the opponent with his bare hands, and eventually died in the opponent’s hands.

When such things are said, their couple feels ashamed.

However, the couple believes that the warships owned by Wang Yan are nothing more than the flagships captured from Nagum, as well as the scattered ships that the couple and Ackerman and Kaos dropped in the abyss world.

In addition, the most is the world of hell, and some warships supported by the Kingdom of Light.

With such a mixed warship, how can it bully and bully the group of cannon foes of the abyss demon, how can it be compared with their regular army of Heavenly Demon?

Next, as long as the group of cannon foes of the abyss demon, go up and fight to consume, the two of them will be able to catch up and wipe out Wang Yan and the earth!

“A group of people who want to wipe me out?”

Wang Yan sat on the bridge, facing the abyssal fleet coming from the nest, his eyes condensed, disdainfully ridiculed, “Then let me see, do you have this ability!”

If, a few years ago, Wang Yan and the earth faced the abyss demons that were more powerful and barbarous than them, they really had no solution at all.

But now, his Wang Yan is different from the earth in the past, and he is fully capable of contending with the abyssal world.

At this time, with Wang Yan’s command, a huge battleship, like a giant steel beast, rushed towards the abyssal fleet head-on.


During the flight, the surface of the warship Wang Yan, the armor turned, and at the same time the powerful phase prism on the Demon warship was activated, and an indestructible lilac shield immediately enveloped the entire battleship.

“Bang! Bang Bang Bang!”

The abyss artillery that poured from all directions fell like raindrops on the surface of Wang Yan’s battleship, but apart from the bombardment of ripples, the phase shield of Wang Yan’s battleship remained immobile.

This is the power of Tenma’s top battleship!

In addition to having a powerful firepower output, the internal energy storage is also very amazing. Like the flagship of the battleship Wang Yan, the energy shield generated is enough to resist several attacks by a demon god.

Unless a powerful energy storage main gun is used, ordinary attacks from an abyssal warship will be difficult to threaten it for a while.

“Break them!”

On the bridge, Wang Yan ordered to drink, and the entire battleship immediately activated its engine strategy to its maximum.

In an instant, the entire warship is like a rather unreasonable rhinoceros, flying fast towards the front.

The main gun in the abyss has just been bombarded, and it is not yet available for use. The main ships of Ceramis and Gunter in the distance have just begun to recharge, and they will not be able to attack at one and a half.

Therefore, it is a good time for Wang Yan to use his own advantages to launch a fierce attack on them.

“Wow! Bump, bump!”

“Quick turn rudder! Turn rudder!”


An abyss destroyer didn’t expect Wang Yan to make this move. When he saw Wang Yan’s warship rushing towards them, the abyss demons of the entire warship panicked.

The abyss demons exploded their scalps one by one, panicked, and hurriedly tried to turn the rudder to avoid, but it was too late.


With only one loud shock, the fragile and simple abyss destroyer was blocked by Wang Yan’s giant ship and burst into two groups of fire in an instant.

At the same time, the armor on both sides of Wang Yan’s battleship quickly rose, and thousands of shipboard guns and missile launchers immediately poured out a terrible firepower that was enough to tear the sky.

The war broke out!

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