The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1854 - Disaster

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“Love, wife! We can’t stand it anymore, hurry, escape!”

During the war, the black apostle Gangte issued a desperate call to his wife’s plague apostle.

At this time, the fleet of his wife Plague Apostle Seramis was above the dark sea of ​​the abyss and suffered an unprecedented devastating blow.

After hell, the kingdom of light, and the destruction of the abyssal forces, the earth and Wang Yan, who came with them, and many other powerful forces jointly attacked, and almost caused their two Heavenly Demon fleets to fall into extinction.

“Husband, I, we will run away! I believe His Majesty, you can understand our failure!”

The plague apostle Theramis trembles in his heart, and his eyes are filled with deep despair.

Surrounded by fire and sky, roaring and shaking, one after another, the Demon battleships were continuously destroyed and sunk.

Looking around, all over the sky are the battleships of their enemies.

Earth, hell, and the Kingdom of Light and other multi-party forces, the total number of light warships may be two or three thousand, which is not counted as carrier-based aircraft, transport boats, and individual combatants above the warships.

Otherwise, intensive fighter planes like a bee colony and more than one million fighters from all sides have already reached the sky and cannot be counted.

Right now, the Plague Apostle and Blackfall Apostle couple are relying on only two solid void motherships to support them. The frigates around their motherships have been destroyed.

The annihilation of the whole army is a foregone conclusion. These two demon gods will not escape anymore. I am afraid they will follow the mother ship together and be buried in this deep abyss.

“I have long expected that these inferior inferior races will join forces to form a group, but I didn’t expect that they would cooperate so intimately!”

Gunte, the black apostle, looked at him and his wife, and all his family life was saved in the fire. He gritted his teeth in anger on the spot and almost spit blood.

They did not think that the major forces of this galaxy would join forces, but they did not expect that they would join forces to such a degree.

You know, according to the information they collected, most of the other plane forces such as the earth, hell, and even the kingdom of light are mostly dead enemies.

According to past records, these forces, not to mention opening up plane channels to each other, are accidental contacts, and it is also a life-and-death struggle.

However, these forces are all united together, and for the sake of a small earth, all the forces of the Milky Way galaxy are actually out of the nest.

Especially the world of hell, not only joined forces with the Kingdom of Light and shared information, but also provided a plane channel to the army of the Kingdom of Light and its allies!

In the past, this was simply an incredible thing.

“It’s him! It must be that bastard! It must be because of the flame **** Wang Yan, these plane forces are united together!”

The black apostle Gang Te was dumbfounded and screamed resentfully, “Hate! Damn Wang Yan, this seat can’t spare him!”

Except for Wang Yan, he could not have imagined any other person who could let the forces of the torn apart Milky Way galaxy reunite together under the pressure of their demon army for a small earth.

“Fujun, that Wang Yan has repeatedly caused us heavy losses. We must repay this hatred! But before that, we have to escape!”

The plague apostle Theramis was more sensible in the moment of crisis, and they were full of confidence in escape.

In this kind of melee, with the abilities of their two great gods of gods, they abandoned the warship and ran away alone, but were more mobile and flexible, and they could escape thousands of miles in an instant.

As long as they break through this layer of encirclement, their two demon gods, aren’t they high-flying birds?

At that time, as long as it meets with the main force of the demon Lord Luo Sui, he requests His Majesty to come in person, and then it will be the death of Wang Yan and this group of resistance!

“Good! My wife, let’s go!”

The Black Meteor Aunt Gunte did not dare to ask him, and he quickly greeted his wife, Theramis, who was above the other mothership, and broke away from the battleship, and began to flee to the outside world.

The two of them did not cast the law of heaven and earth, or other powerful means to break through the enemy line, but with the height of ordinary demon, no attack skills were used at all, always covering the sound, quietly avoiding people ’s eyes and ears, and fled away from the distance. .

However, at this moment.

Two figures, one black and one white, then came up and exceeded their flight trajectory.

Plague Apostle Theramis and Blackfall Apostle Gunter looked around and their hearts were suddenly tight.

These two gods, one black and one white, with strange appearances, were the fathers of the light who had found helpers, the white elf queen Ashley, and the black elf king Polman.

This race, which is the same but has some differences, is an ally that the Father of Light pulled from the depths of the Milky Way.

They live in the depths of the Milky Way galaxy, in two adjacent planes, and have the same blood ancestors as the purgatory demon and the abyss demon.

The ancestral home of the elves originated from a beautiful plane with rich natural resources.

As a result, under the pressure of natural forces, a peculiar civilization race was born. This civilization race was originally called the wood elf, and it is also the predecessor of the white elves.

The wood elf has pointed ears, thin eyes, and a long figure. There are a pair of transparent wings on the back, and the skin is like a tree-brown yellow.

This race is kind and orderly, loves nature, and has no disputes with the world. However, as the population grows and the civilization develops, some wood elves begin to explore other planes that can survive in a starship.

Later, this part of the wood elves that left their original place of residence, because of the new world discovered, the long-term effects of various elements and the environment, gradually became the black elves after millions of years.

A series of changes have taken place in the dark elf’s dark skin, face, and way of using power.

And as the black elves started the war of independence, they have since become a new independent race. Coupled with long-term dealings with other plane races, their nature also began to become more fierce and cunning.

The wood elves who stayed in their ancestral land, because of the natural forces they mastered, continued to invade, and their appearance began to change more and more beautiful, and their skin changed from the original brownish yellow to a soft and fair white.

In addition, they use the natural power of healing, and also to face the black elves, so the wood elves are gradually called the white elves by the outside world one million years later.

The kings of the white elves and the black elves have the power to reach the gods. They have a small population, but under the union of the bright father and god, the two elven kings are determined to defend the common home. All its strengths joined the resistance alliance of the galaxy.

The two elven kings of Fangcai, each led more than two hundred void warships, and hundreds of thousands of elves elite, joined the battlefield after the arrival of the bright Father.

In addition to this, there is another remote but powerful racial mountain giant who joined the resistance alliance after the two elves.

As a descendant of the ancient giant Titan, the mountain giant has a skin like a mountain and a strong body like a mountain.

Their physical strength is astonishing, and the leader Orton has the terrible combat power to reach the **** realm, but they are peaceful by nature and advocating oneness with nature.

Therefore, they have always lived on a planet full of rocks and hills, and share the original and quiet surroundings with other weak races.

This time Orton, the king of the mountains, led hundreds of mountain giants, and boarded several other race warships without gods and weaker forces. After the two elven races, they also joined the battlefield and became another chase. An important force to aid.

Right now, the two elven kings, with their outstanding racial characteristics, instantly caught up with the plagued apostolic couple who fled.

If it weren’t for the return of the extraterrestrial demon and the personal appearance of the Father of Light, the two of them would probably not join forces for the rest of their lives. Now, it is the moment to abandon the past and defend the enemy together.

“Space folding!”

The white elf queen Ashley and the black elf king Polman glanced at each other, and jointly exhibited the high-level secrets of the elves.


With the palms of the two elven kings reaching forward and the four wings flapping, the surrounding natural forces that had almost merged with them immediately surged out.

Suddenly, a terrible space storm immediately violently scraped in front of them.

Plague Apostle Theramis and Blackfall Apostle Gunter are using the power of space to flee quickly.

If you make an analogy, they seem to dive into the water and swim quickly. But it was at this time that the two elven kings, performing the elven secret technique, immediately set off a huge wave in the space.

This huge wave of space caused the plagued apostle and the black meteorite couple to be in a space where the naked eye collapsed and fluctuated. The two were trapped in it, and were suddenly pushed back by the huge wave of space.

“Do not!”

Plague Apostle Theramis and Blackfall Apostle Gunter, at this time even have the heart of death.

They saw that they were about to escape from birth, but they were pushed back by the huge waves of space. So far, all their efforts have been abandoned before this moment.

“Heaven is going to die! Ao!”

At the moment when the plague apostle and the black meteorite couple were pushed back by the force of space, Orton, the king of the mountains, gave a majestic roar in the sky, and at the same time, he extended his giant palm and shot it down suddenly.

In an instant, a vast giant palm that looks like a mountain, suddenly spawned out of thin air, and landed in the air.

Just listen to “bang”.

The plague and apostle couple who had just been pushed back to the center of the battlefield, together with their destroyed Void Mothership, were smashed by the giant palm into the air!

The two Nether Carriers and their surrounding auxiliary ships were directly smashed into a pile of rubble.

The plague apostle Xeramis and his husband, Black Meteor Apostle Gangte, spit blood on the spot. The whole person was like two pieces of void fragments, lying on the sky above the dark sea with despair.

At this point, the little bit of war finally came to an end.

This battle was a complete success as the first battle in the abyss since the formation of the Galaxy Resistance Alliance.

Because the intelligence is accurate and efficient, the multi-party forces have abandoned the past, and they have cooperated to resist the alliance. With only a small price, the resistance alliance successfully killed the two abyss demon gods, Dark Mist and Bloodthirsty, and combined the main force of the abyss with the two Devil Fleet, all annihilated.

This is undoubtedly an exciting feat for all races that have always feared the extraterrestrial demon!

The army and warships are now regrouping, and soldiers of all races are starting to ride single-handed tools. They are about to quickly clean the battlefield and count the prisoners of war.

Wang Yan, the Father of Light, and leaders of allies all began to step out of the battleship and gather in the center of the battlefield.

They need to have a brief strategic consultation, to put it bluntly, the alliance between the Heavenly Demon and the Abyss they are now eradicating is nothing more than a cannon foe invading the plane of the earth. The enemies they will face next, but the incomparable demon Lord Luo Sui, and the real extraterrestrial demon main force.

But in any case, they successfully opened up in the abyss battlefield, avoiding the destruction of the plane of the earth by the flames of war. At the same time, the complex abyss of the abyss plane is full of space nodes leading to various places, which is very convenient for the strategic actions of many allies .

Being able to achieve this level has successfully taken the first step strategically.

Next, specific information about the demon Lord Luo Sui and his main fleet can be obtained from the two prisoners, the Plague Apostle and the Blackfall Apostle.

“Speak, you guys understand what we need.”

Without further ado, as one of the representatives of the resistance alliance, the flame **** Wang Yan, as the host and several other **** leaders, conducted a simple greeting, and then began to interrogate the plague apostle and the black apostle couple.

The crisis is raging right now, and it’s almost impossible to procrastinate.

“Boy, we lost in your hands, we admit it!”

Gangte, the black apostle, was imprisoned by the mysterious father of the light, but he sipped the blood in his mouth and laughed coldly, “But if you want to get information from us? Oh, die this heart!”

“Giggle, do you think we can win the game by winning? Giggle, stop dreaming!”

The plague apostle Seramis, who was also imprisoned, also laughed coldly at this moment, “How great is His Majesty the Lord? We are nothing but finger-tip playthings before the Lord, the ants under your feet, you humble people Of the inferior race, why fight against the great deity His Majesty? “

“Funny surrenders surrender to us and confess our sins. Perhaps His Majesty the Demon Lord can show mercy and leave a chance for your race to linger.”

The God of Heavenly Demon does have enough stiffness. Under the siege of many gods, the Black Meteor Apostle Gunter and the Plague Apostle Syramis still have no change in their faces and are not afraid, but instead have an indifferent attitude of breaking the jar.

Now including Wang Yan, many Alliance deities can’t help but frown.

First, they did n’t have time to spend with these two guys. Second, there were many gods and races on the scene. Almost all of them had been hurt by the extraterrestrial demon, but now they are the captives of Gunter and Theramis. Such a reckless attitude made everyone disgusted.

So as the master of death and soul control, the fallen demon Samel first raised his eyes and said quietly: “In that case, then we will kill them. The dead are often more honest than the living.”

“You, what do you mean?”

Black Meteor Apostle Gang Te immediately shivered, and his wife, Plague Apostle Syramis, also felt a cold that penetrated into her heart, making her pores expand.

“Haha, what can it mean?”

As Samuel’s old neighbor, Satan, the purgatory demon, immediately laughed secretly, “Of course it is slaughtering you, and then searching for your soul! With Brother Samel’s shot, what else can you hide?”

“Oh, don’t think of dying to death, there is a bright old thief, you will be hard to die.”

Satan, the devil, raised his mouth and said cruelly, “We will kill you by hand, and then practice all your **** bodies into living corpses, so that your soul will be sealed in the corpse forever.

Satan, the demon god, now says that this is naturally a way for the fallen demon **** Samel to make undead creatures. As long as he falls into his hands after death, his soul will be slain by him, and he will never be free from eternal life.

In addition, Satan, the demon god, was so cruel, that the Black Meteor Apostle Gunter and the Plague Apostle Syramis, the two demon gods, no matter how good in heart, could not help but shudder.

This is the power of death relative to life.

Of course, people such as the Father of Light, the Virgin of Light, and the White Elf Queen Ashley all showed disgust, but because they were already allies, they could not attack.

On the contrary, it is Polman, the king of the black elves, with a terrifying look and full of interest.

“Do you kill God? Interesting! Interesting! Let this king do the work for you.” During the talk, Polman’s arms of the black elf began to deform rapidly, and his long hands turned from the wrist part into two handles. Sharp sharp edge.

“You, what can’t you do!”

“We are, the apostles sealed by His Majesty the Lord, if you kill us, His Majesty will not let you go!”

“No, don’t come!”

“The devil saves his life …”

The plague apostle Xeramis and his husband, Black Meteor Apostle Gente, were banned by the light father and **** with light in and out of their bodies. At this time, they were like two pigs tied by big flowers. , Not even suicide.

“Death is the fate of every creature!”

Polman, the king of the black elves, slowly squinted, revealing a grim and cheerful expression, “The devil that fell into the hands of this king, admit it!”

The next moment, Polman flew up from the spot, raised his arms and turned his double blades, and would pierce the heart of the Black Apostle in front of him.

But at this moment, a great power suddenly came from above.

Polman’s heart shuddered, and the violent fear caused him, an elf demon admiring the power of darkness, to stop all his life, and the whole person froze in the air.

“Why, what’s going on? How could there be such a terrible power?”

Polman, the king of the black elves, looked at the sky beyond belief.

Just listening to a violent blast of air, the atmosphere above everyone’s head seemed to be crushed by something.

At the next moment, a giant fortress resembling an iron continent slowly broke through the clouds, and it would slowly crush all the terrible shadows and slowly fell on everyone’s head.

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