The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1860 - Cosmic heart

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“Boy, you can’t escape my palm!”

The demon Lord Luo Sui’s teeth tickled, and he immediately rose to catch up, and even swear in his heart. This kid is really slippery. Where is the slightest shadow of the former fire master Zhurong?

Just now it was clear that this kid wanted to decide his victory and defeat, and his dazzling demon lord could promise, it was already a great favor to this kid.

But it’s good now, this **** kid hit and ran, and actually dare to call him stupid? This is simply the biggest insult to Luo Luo!

Now if he doesn’t catch up with this kid and kill him completely, he can’t swallow this breath.

However, is Wang Yan so easy to catch?

The movement and binding in the universe is extremely small, so once Wang Yan is fully deployed, it is much faster than the fastest fighters in the starship.

Coupled with Wang Yan’s divine power and his deep understanding of the laws of space, he uses space cracks and space folding to move at high speed, which is generally easy to spread in his own garden.

At this moment, he saw his thoughts, and immediately, like a fish, he suddenly drilled into a space crack, and when it appeared again, it was already millions of miles away.

“Luo Ai, don’t say too much, if you really have that ability, catch up with me and talk!”

Wang Yan deliberately ridiculed and immediately escaped into the distance again.

“Fuck, shit! Boy, do you think that with your ridiculous ability, you can escape the lock of the deity?”

Luo Sui, the demon master who chased behind Wang Yan, gritted his teeth. How can he bear being despised by a junior as a divine demon lord?

In the same way, he quickly penetrated into a space crack, and when it appeared again, he had chased behind Wang Yan.

In the universe, the use of space gaps and space folding to achieve high-speed movement is a capability that almost all top-level gods have.

Demon Lord Luo Sui is far more powerful than the general Divine Realm, but the realm of strength, or power reserve, is higher than Wang Yan. Once fully exerted, his speed is no worse than Wang Yan.

The only difference is that Wang Yan ’s understanding of the laws of space not only has his own unique understanding, but also inherits all the experience and skills of the fire master Zhurong.

So much so in terms of flexibility, Wang Yan is even better.

In addition, the devil Lord Luo Sui itself is not a strong man known for speed and tracking, so it is as strong as the devil Lord Luo Sui, and is almost the same as Wang Yan in speed. It’s not that easy at half past one.

So one chase after another, time just keeps elapsed in the chase.

“Haha, the lord of the heavenly demons, but is that the case?”

“You have the ability to catch up!”

“Why? Will Luo Sui, the Lord of Devil, only insult me, my junior?”

Wang Yan really can’t confront the demon Lord Luo Sui, but he is constantly stimulating with words, turning his mouth and guns in a trick, which is also his usual tactic. After at least disturbing the other’s mind, his opportunities gradually appeared.

“Boy! You are waiting for the deity, the deity vows to smash you to death!”

The demon Lord Luo Shue chased behind Wang Yan closely, but he was scolded and cursed, but he couldn’t beat it. He could only vomit blood all the way and tremble.

Especially when he looked at Wang Yan’s speeding ahead, it made him angry and hateful.

At this point, he just wanted to put this Wang Yan to death, and he could not stop, he could only chase it all the way down, otherwise once stopped, Wang Yan would have to slip away, when the universe was boundless, where did he go? Looking for descendants of this fire owner?

As for his main fleet of Heavenly Demon, he has long been left behind. From his point of view, the last thing he should worry about is his army of demon.

He is confident that with his main force of Heavenly Demon, he can completely defeat the Galaxy and defeat all forces. And he only needs to completely wipe out this Wang Yan, then in this universe, there will be no more people or forces that can threaten him.

For Wang Yan, the galactic resistance of the earth, hell, and the Kingdom of Light, together, can only be temporarily left behind by him.

He believes that his companions will be able to defeat the main force of Demon. And now that the matter is over, he also has no way to stop, and can only go forward at high speed in one go.

Otherwise, the speed will slow down, once he is caught up by the demon Lord Luo Sui, he may be difficult to fly.

However, high-speed flight in the universe, and the opening of small space tunnels, the use of space folding and space crevices to accelerate themselves, consume a lot of energy.

Wang Yan was once exhausted by the power of the demon Lord Luo Sui. Under unfavorable circumstances, Wang Yan often chose a star and plunged into the star.

With the surging flame energy inside the star, he supplemented his strength.

It is just this process, which is often destroyed by the devil Lord Luo Sui halfway through.

Demon Lord Luo Sui will use his supreme magic skills to forcibly smash the entire star. Wang Yan had to flee again, and the stupid power after the star exploded would be completely absorbed by the infinite amount of magic power of the demon Lord Luo Sui, becoming his power supplement.

Under such circumstances, chasing and fleeing has become a very intense tug of war.

Time has always been relatively speaking, and for these two top powerhouses who have overtaken everything, time has long been a negligible thing.

So, in this constant flight and constant chase, the thousand years of time passed.

Although a long millennium has passed, time has little effect on Wang Yan and the demon Lord Luo Sui, and even the two of them have no real sense of how long time has passed due to their dedicated pursuit.

But even after spending thousands of years, Wang Yan still failed to get rid of the demon Luo Suo behind him.

Demon Lord Luo Sui was not discouraged either. He was completely stunned by Wang Yan’s mouth gun. In addition, Wang Yan is also a big trouble for his heart and soul, it must be removed.

So he hunted down all the way to this point, and naturally he couldn’t give up halfway.

Right now the chase continues, and the fierce situation has intensified once.

“It seems that we can only rely on it.”

During the high-speed movement, Wang Yan sighed helplessly, and then took out a simple flying sword full of Chinese charm of the earth.

After many sacrifices, this flying sword can now shrink freely. At this time, it is only three inches in size suspended in the palm of Wang Yan. And on the sword of this flying sword, the word Chunyang is clearly inscribed.

There is no doubt that this dexterous flying sword is exactly the relic of Lu Zu from the pure Yang line.

Chun Yang Lv Zu was a legendary figure in ancient China who relied on his own strength to follow in the footsteps of the fire leader Zhu Rong.

At that time, he took a step before Wang Yan, and found the remaining will of Zhu Rong, the fire lord, but he lacked the chance to bear the weight of fate. So under the guidance of the fire Lord Zhu Rong’s will, he took a step forward to explore the origin of the mysterious universe.

Before leaving, Lu Zu left his saber as a posterity, that is, Wang Yan’s road sign.

Now the flying sword is floating lightly in Wang Yan’s palm, the blade is shining brightly, and after being taken out by Wang Yan, he swings left and right flexibly, and then points directly in one direction.

There is the direction of Lvzu Chunyang.

From the current point of view, as long as the location of Lu Zu is found, nature can find the origin of the universe.

And as Wang Yan continues to fly in that direction, this flying sword will also tremble slightly, as if resonating with Lu Zu in the distance.

Obviously, Wang Yan is getting closer and closer to this goal.

“You can rely on this trick!”

Wang Yan silently calculated in his heart that the information left by the fire leader Zhu Rong showed that the origin of the universe is very dangerous, but it is also full of endless power of chaos.

Therefore, it is also called the sea of ​​chaos. In the depth of the sea of ​​chaos, it is the origin of the universe, and the origin of all the forces of chaos, that is, the location of the heart of the universe.

Wang Yan and other powerful people above the realm understand that the universe came into being in the initial chaos explosion. The force of chaos that explodes outwards has evolved into everything in the universe today, with many different elements of power.

The central point of this explosion is now the destination Wang Yan is going to.

Because it is extremely dangerous here, it is a good place to get rid of the demon Lord Luo Sui. And Chun Yang Lu Zu arrived at this place long before Wang Yan.

Perhaps in thousands of years, Lv Zu has already been promoted to a **** here, gaining infinite divine power.

If Lu Zu can help, Wang Yan believes that by the joint work of the two of them, he may be able to have a battle with the devil Luo Luo.

Of course, all this is Wang Yan’s hope.

Wang Yan can’t say whether he can succeed, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will always try hard.

What’s more, Wang Yan has also been chased after nothing. This is the last move he can use.

So another thousand years have passed.

The sun and moon flew like a shuttle, and almost rushed to the exhausted Wang Yan. Without knowing how many galaxies flew through, how many space tunnels, and finally through a crack in space, he reached the edge of a cyclone full of chaotic spirit.

Cyclone is not enough to describe its vastness.

To be precise, here is a nebula, completely a nebula cyclone composed of chaotic aura!

Its vast expanse, in the depths of this vast universe, is almost endless, and even top gods such as Wang Yan and the devil Luo Sui cannot detect.

Its edges are gray and foggy, with a thick chaotic aura, like waves and tides, according to a constant law, rotating and surging, waves are magnificent.

Further down, the Chaos Aura seems to be mixed with many different elements, and the Nebula Cyclone has begun to show many gorgeous and brilliant lusters.

“What a rich chaotic aura, this, here is …”

“Fuck, sea of ​​chaos ?!”

One after another, Wang Yan and the demon Lord Luo Sui were shocked on the spot, and all the emotions were surging.

Such a majestic chaotic cyclone is stronger than they only met for the first time.

Even if it is a supreme deity on weekdays, it can condense a trace of chaotic spirit, which is also a great harvest.

But at the moment, the bewildering chaotic spirit is like the endless Wang Yang.

Do not! The chaotic aura here is wider than Wang Yang and bigger than the galaxy. Looking at the whole chaotic cyclone, the infinite, rich chaotic aura seems to be inexhaustible!

If you can survive in this chaotic cyclone for a long time, and absorb some chaotic auras randomly every day, even if you take time, I am afraid that even a pig can be promoted to a god?

Not to mention, if all this vast and endless chaotic cyclone is occupied, would n’t even the universe be creeping under his feet?

“Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Found it! Finally let the deity find it!”

Behind Wang Yan, the demon Lord Luo Sui could n’t bear the excitement in his heart, and he smiled with his head up, “Thinking that the Fire Lord Zhu Rong, the damn, would not say the location of the heart of the universe until he died. Struck by mistake and broke into the origin of this universe! “

“Jin Jie, the heart of the universe is hidden in the center of this place of origin. As long as the deity accepts the heart of the universe, the deity will become the real master of the entire universe, and even the ultimate universe reincarnation must follow the will of the deity!”

Demon Lord Luo Sui’s eyes are full of enthusiasm, as if he has harvested the heart of the universe and become a true supreme master.

“From, the place of origin? The universe reincarnation?”

Wang Yan was a little unclear, so he was amazed.

Although he did hear about the origin of the universe before, when he was able to witness it with his own eyes, he really realized how magnificent it was.

It was also because I arrived here in person that I began to realize that the universe reincarnation said that perhaps it really exists.

“Ji Jie, boy, everything in the world has a final, the universe will have a reincarnation!”

The demon Lord Luo Sui raised his mouth and smiled secretly, “The universe originated from the explosion of chaos. When the power of chaos that has spread out has expanded to the extreme, everything will collapse again and return to the origin of chaos. This origin is Heart of the universe! “

“The heart of the universe is connected to the law of operation of the entire universe. When the power of chaos carried by the heart of the universe is compressed to the extreme, a new round of explosion will occur, and the new universe will be born from it, and everything in the old universe will be This annihilation. “

“So, it is a reincarnation!”

Demon Lord Luo Ai said, the more intense his eyes became, “Everything has its laws of operation, positive and negative, dynamic and static, life and death … Even the universe itself operates in accordance with this law. But when the deity obtains After the heart of the universe, everything will change! The deity will transcend the reincarnation of heaven and earth and become the master of the entire universe! By that time, the deity will be the only consciousness of this universe! Everything will be controlled by the deity, even the final reincarnation will also Submit to the deity! “

“This **** old monster is so ambitious that even the consciousness of the universe wants to control it.”

The more Wang Yan listened, the more terrified he was, and secretly going on like this, if he didn’t succeed, he would really have to be a benevolent.

If, as the devil Lord Luo Sui said, the heart of the universe is connected to the law of operation of the entire universe, wouldn’t it be that whoever controls the heart of the universe, who can control the heavenly path of this world?

Even in the end, beyond the heavenly path, beyond the final reincarnation, to achieve true all-round immortality?

If it was really that moment, the devil Lord Luo Sui really took control of the heart of the universe, would n’t he turn his hands over the clouds and rain, and no one could compete with him?

At this point of thinking, Wang Yan’s heart began to beat quickly.

He began to realize that now is the moment of real crisis. If he can’t stop the demon Lord Luo Sui here, then not only the destruction of their Milky Way galaxy, the entire universe will usher in an end!

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