The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1862 - Chaos Wraith

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With a loud bang that shook the world, the Yan shield that Wang Yan built in front of him was instantly broken by the demon Lord Luo Sui.

The huge backlash caused Wang Yan to spit out blood and flew upside down.

“It’s an old monster who is mad and mad!”

Wang Yan gritted his teeth and cursed that the strength of the devil Luo Luo was above him. At this time, he absorbed the polluted chaotic spirit so much that the attack became more violent. Under such circumstances, he could no longer resist.

Not only that, Wang Yan, who was blown away by a blow, crashed into a violent and terrifying chaotic vortex.

The raging tidal storm all around, Cui Gula died, and immediately wrapped Wang Yan.

Wang Yan, who was in it, seemed to have fallen into a meat grinder. Under the torment of this terrible chaos, it was once in danger, as if it would be cut and torn at any time.

In a hurry, Wang Yan had to desperately drive the little power left in the body, so as not to move the golden body of the Ming Dynasty Liuli, to support the tears of the chaotic tide, and at the same time use the powerful genes of the body of the demon to quickly repair his injured body. .

However, under such circumstances, Wang Yan’s little power left in his body was obviously unable to make ends meet. It was impossible to determine how long he could stand in the chaotic vortex.

In addition, not far away, the demon Lord Luo Sui once again killed him, putting him in a dead posture.

There is no doubt that as long as he is caught up by the demon Lord Luo Sui, his Wang Yan will die.

Under such a desperate situation, Wang Yan had no choice.

Either crush the bones in the chaotic vortex, or be caught up by the demon Lord Luo Sui and die in Luo Sui’s hands. It was just that his ambition was unpaid, and the agreement with his lover’s partner had not been fulfilled. He was really unwilling to fall here.

“Since this is the case, you can only fight!”

Wang Yan secretly fell into cruelty, learning the way of the demon Lord Luo Sui, spread his arms, and let go of his body and mind to absorb the chaotic aura surrounding him.

Now his life is going to be gone, he still cares if he will get into trouble?

Suddenly, a massive amount of polluted chaotic aura was immediately absorbed into Wang Yan’s body. Pang Ran’s mighty power immediately flooded his limbs, his internal organs. Not only did he quickly replenish his violent consumption, the remaining power of chaos was still abundant, and it swelled until Wang Yan shouted.

Blazing flames, soaring on Wang Yan’s body in an instant, almost relying on a bang, Wang Yan successfully broke up and broke free from the chaotic vortex.

This is just a result of absorbing Chaos Aura.

It has to be said that although the chaotic aura here is polluted, the quality and density are amazing after a long time of accumulation.

As usual, Wang Yan needs to draw a lot of ordinary free energy from the natural world and other energy sources, and then transform it into a trace of chaotic power from his blood line of practice, so as to accumulate less and grow more.

But now every absorption, and even every breath, is a surging force of chaos. This precious energy seems to be inexhaustible.

So much so that after consuming the chaotic spirit, Wang Yan even developed an illusion that was enough to match the demon Lord Luo Sui.

Of course, this illusion is just a delusion after the power is full, Wang Yan is not stupid enough to really go back and desperately fight with the devil Luo Luo.

Unless he can really live in such a long time, where the power of chaos is exceptionally abundant, then by the time, he is confident that he will be able to match the Devil Lord, and even exceed the Devil Lord Luo Sui!

However, these are unrealistic assumptions. At present, Wang Yan does not have time to ponder so much. Immediately after he got rid of his difficulties, he sucked two more auras of chaos and fled to the distance at high speed.

Lei Su, who almost succeeded in catching up with him, roared angrily behind him.

“Oh, boy, you can’t escape! You are so stupid enough to absorb the chaotic aura here? Later you don’t need to use this deity’s shot. The grievances here are enough to make you crazy!”

“Wow! Old thief Luo Sui, you are not talking nonsense here. The chaotic spirit here, why can you absorb it, I can’t?” Wang Yan spitted, irresponsibly-sarcastically, “If you are Catch up when you have the ability, or wait for me to get the heart of the universe and come back to kill you! “

“Boy! You, you die!”

Demon Lord Luo Sui trembles behind Wang Yan with anger and rushes to the crown, a posture that wants to break Wang Yan’s corpse into pieces.

Under pressure, Wang Yan had to draw the contaminated aura again, and quickly explored deep into the cyclone.

It’s just that his mouth doesn’t matter, but the side effects that come with it almost knock him out.

Right now, after only two or three times of contaminated chaotic aura, Wang Yan didn’t know how many negative impurities of the cosmic era backlogged in the aura, and he immediately rushed away like his soul.

How powerful is the power of chaos, then how terrible is the mixed negative impurities.

These negative impurities are like horrifying wraiths swarming away. They carry a lot of negative hostility. Once in the body, they will quickly stimulate the mind and subjective consciousness of the creature, so that the soul of the creature is completely lost. .

In this case, even if it is a god, once the soul is filled with impurities, it will soon lose its subjective consciousness and eventually become a walking dead.

For a long time, even a **** will be decomposed and digested by these polluted chaotic auras and become a molecule in these negative impurities.

Such terrible consequences, even the most deadly poison, cannot be compared with it.

Even the demon Lord Luo Sui, only with his powerful soul, forced to suppress these negative impurities, and after accumulating to a certain extent, then forced to expel the body.

If you change to other gods or creatures, once contaminated by these almost condensed negative impurities, even if you are lucky to survive, the foundation of your life will be destroyed.

Wang Yan also faced such a terrible problem. The huge amount of negative impurities brought him great discomfort.

Fortunately, Wang Yan once used the treasures of the Buddha Kingdom to ask the heart lotus platform to cleanse his body and mind, and he had already completely wiped out all his demons. Otherwise, once these negative impurities enter the body, they will immediately stimulate the demon, and Wang Yan’s consciousness will also fall into the devil.

Now these impurities, besides bringing a lot of negative feelings to Wang Yan and many annoying emotions, his consciousness still remains sober.

“It’s so risky, these negative angers haven’t crushed me!”

Wang Yan thought, and could not help but secretly rejoice.

Since the impurities did not defeat him, it means that he has a chance to deal with it.

In order to deal with these huge amounts of negative emotions, Wang Yan began to concentrate and meditate, increasing the output of pure Yang true fire, and at the same time meditating on the immovable Ming Wang Xin Jing, the immortal Wang Liuli gold body that had been practiced to the final state was brought to the extreme.

Soon, significant effects appeared.

When Chunyang’s real fire began to flow rapidly in Wang Yan’s body, filling every blood vessel and every cell, those negative impurities that seemed to be filthy, just like the cold sun in the winter, immediately began to fade quickly, and even some Negative impurities, just like encountering natural enemies, took the initiative to retreat from Wang Yan’s body.

It’s no wonder that the pure yang true fire inherited from the fire lord Zhu Rong is the ultimate power in this world from the very beginning to the yang. In other words, pure yang true fire belongs to the ultimate manifestation of positive energy in the universe, and those negative impurities are just the opposite.

At present, the pure yang true fire can dispel those negative impurities, and it should be in harmony with the supreme truth of all things.

Without moving the Ming Wang Xin Jing and the colored gold body, it is playing a role in consolidating the heart and enhancing the power of masculinity, which greatly enhances the expulsion effect of pure Yang Zhenhuo.

Of course, everything has a degree.

Right now, Wang Yan absorbs a lot of negative impurities into the body, otherwise, when the negative impurities continue to accumulate in his body, beyond the level that the pure Yang true fire can resist, even if he does his best, he can’t get rid of them.

“No wonder the fire master Zhu Rong was able to come and go as he pleased.”

Wang Yan speculated in his heart that after the fire lord Zhu Rong could successfully leave the area after exploring this area, it is probably because the fire lord Zhu Rong itself is the incarnation of the pure Yang fire and can resist these negative impurities.

However, Fire Lord Zhu Rong did not go too far in that year, because after understanding the origin of this chaotic cyclone, Fire Lord Zhu Rong thought that this area was too dangerous. As a **** who evolved from Heaven, he should conform to Heaven, and not violate Heaven law.

This chaotic cyclone is a manifestation of the law of heaven and nature.

Therefore, the fire master Zhu Rong did not covet the chaotic aura and the heart of the universe, but instead turned around and walked away quietly, just like when he came.

This is one of Huo Rong ’s first thoughts about traveling through the universe. Wang Yan only knows so much about this chaotic cyclone.

It wasn’t until he really reached the rest of the film that he realised that the grandness and horror here.

Fortunately, those negative impurities can no longer hurt Wang Yan. So Wang Yan carefully drew from the chaotic aura that would not exceed his limit, and used it as a supplement to quickly rush inside.

“Why, how is it possible? How could your kid get rid of these negative impurities?”

The demon Lord Luo Sui’s eyes were almost staring out. He didn’t expect that Wang Yan in front of him, after absorbing a large amount of contaminated chaotic aura, could also remove deadly negative impurities from the body.

For him, this is simply an incredible thing.

“Luo Sui thief, there are so many things you don’t know, you just honestly follow my junior and watch me get the heart of the universe!”

Wang Yan continued to stimulate the nerves of the demon Lord Luo Sui, causing the other party to be furious and thunderous.

There is no doubt that whether he can get back to the present situation, or even solve the threat of the devil, is whether he can get the heart of the universe first, at least as soon as possible to merge with Chunyang Luzu.

Otherwise, Wang Yan’s personal strength alone is far from being able to fight with the demon Lord Luo Su.

Demon Lord Luo Sui is also annoyed and anxious. Over the years, he has wanted to control the heart of the universe and has truly become the supreme master of the entire universe.

Right now this Wang Yan is running fast and shouting all the way to take the heart of the universe one step at a time.

In this way, the two chased and fled, rushing all the way into the hinterland of the chaotic cyclone.

At this moment, a horrible roar suddenly passed from all directions.


The roar was cold and cold, full of violent anger.

In just a moment, they came in overwhelmingly and almost broke Wang Yan’s heart.

The changing scene around him also surprised Wang Yan.

The surroundings are not just turbulent chaotic tides and vortex storms, but in the surging tidal storms, there are mixed faces of creatures screaming.

There are so many races of these creatures that Wang Yan can’t distinguish them, and their bodies have long been integrated into the chaotic cyclones around them, leaving only a scary face, howling and roaring like ghosts. It seems to be announcing their resentment and unwillingness to everything in the world.

“Ji Jie, these are chaotic wraiths.”

Demon Lord Luo Sui chuckled behind Wang Yan, “They are all devoured by reincarnation from generation to generation, and powerful creatures polluted by this chaotic cyclone! With these chaotic grudges blocked, you have nowhere to escape! “

Similar to the void evil spirits, chaotic wraiths are the products of strong resentment and hostility accumulated by various creatures devoured by the final reincarnation after the end of generations of the universe era.

Those weak complaints and anger will naturally become the condensed negative impurities around the chaotic cyclone. The strongest resentment and hostility, as well as the thin consciousness of these creatures during their lifetime, will merge with the surrounding chaos spirits to form these chaotic wraiths!

These chaotic wraiths are like single-celled creatures in the primitive ocean, they will swallow each other, so the grudge will continue to increase, and the strength of chaotic wraiths will become stronger and stronger.

In addition, in the long river of time, those powerful creatures that strayed into this place, because they could not withstand the attraction of chaotic aura, broke into this chaotic cyclone, and they will soon be contaminated by impurities.

Soon after these polluted powerful creatures were absorbed and decomposed by chaotic cyclones, the remaining desires and residual consciousness would also become part of these chaotic wraiths.

These chaotic wraiths are a collection of negative energies in the world, and their sole purpose is to put any creature that steps into this chaotic cyclone to death.

Soon, chaotic wraiths, like dense fish in the water, gathered towards Wang Yan.

At this time, Wang Yan, exuding the true fire of the pure sun, was like the striking light in the deep sea, quickly alarming all the chaotic wraiths around.


With Wang Yan’s outstanding strength and tenacious mind, he will naturally not be afraid of these chaotic wraiths.

Basically how many wraiths come, Wang Yan will wipe out.

But there are too many chaotic wraiths around, and there is no end to it, and the speed of advancement is immediately reduced. And among these numerous chaotic wraiths, god-level creatures polluted and assimilated by impurities are intertwined!

So that after seeing these walking gods, Wang Yan had to make a detour, otherwise he would be entangled and fall into the sea of ​​wraiths, even if he would die.

And there is Luo Shou, the devil, who is still chasing after him.

However, at this time, the demon Lord Luo Sui also encountered great troubles. His strength was arrogant, and he rammed all the way, which also disturbed the massive chaotic wraiths.

There were even three or four walking corpses that had reached the gods’ realm. They were attracted by the huge movement made by the demon Lord Luo Sui.

All of a sudden, the demon masters Luo Sui and Wang Yan were caught in a quagmire.

“Boy, you can’t escape! This chaotic cyclone is not a place where your inferior spirits can break in. Obediently put your hands to death!”

The roar of the demon Lord Luo Sui, like thunder rolling, kept attacking Wang Yan.

After drawing a lot of chaotic aura around him, the demon Lord Luo Sui has received some influence. His emotions began to become more irritable, and the killing intentions in his eyes became more intense.

But the Lord of Heavenly Demon is ultimately the Lord of Heavenly Demon. His arrogant strength is undoubtedly manifested at this moment.

Not only the polluted chaotic aura around him will be absorbed by him, but even the chaotic wraiths flowing to him, as well as the polluted walking dead, will be easily destroyed under his powerful annihilation law, and then Extracted in the decomposition.

This is the power of Infinite Mogong, whose characteristics are the destruction, extraction and transformation of various energy sources.

In other words, everything can be destroyed by him, and all things can also be transformed and absorbed by him.

Although the demon Lord Luo Sui is now trapped in layers, the chaotic cyclones and chaotic wraiths around him can’t cause any actual damage to him.

The demon Lord Luo Shui’s progress is slow, but getting out of trouble is only a matter of time.

In contrast, Wang Yan is much more difficult.

The surroundings are full of chaos vortices and mocking storms. Every step forward is extremely difficult, and there are a large number of chaotic wraiths like fishes.

“If you are dragged to death here, it’s over!”

The situation is extremely critical, and Wang Yan is under tremendous pressure.

In desperation, Wang Yan once again took out the pure Yang Feijian, trying to find a direction so that he could break through in a chaotic sea of ​​chaos.

Sure enough, the pure Yang Feijian suspended in his palm immediately turned slightly, pointing out a direction for Wang Yan.

Wang Yan immediately broke out in this direction, but as a result, in an almost desperate chaos cyclone, there was actually an undetectable law of operation.

Under the guidance of Chunyang Flying Sword, Wang Yan followed this rule and kept circumventing vortices, cleverly avoiding monstrous waves, cruising all the way to the depths of the chaotic cyclone.

“No! I don’t believe me!”

“Boy, you, why can you get out of here?”

“You are waiting for the deity, the deity will kill you by hand!”

Looking at Wang Yan, who was going farther and farther, the demon Lord Luo Sui was resentful, but the surrounding environment was too complicated, and there were too many chaotic wraiths, and finally he could only watch Wang Yan, and gradually disappeared in front of him. .

Wang Yan, who is constantly traveling, will naturally no longer ignore the roaring demon Luo Shou behind him.

His goal was very firm. After going all the way through more than ten years of hard work, he finally broke through the last layer of cyclone obstacles and successfully entered an extremely peaceful and peaceful place.

At the moment when he arrived here, Wang Yan’s body and mind were suddenly bright, especially the scene he saw in front of him, which shocked him deeply.

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