The Domestic Hero

Chapter 38 - I\\\'m that **** brick house

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(Brothers and sisters Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy family ~)

A small fishing village near the sea has a quiet and natural environment, and every kind of seafood is dried in front of every door.

There is an old brick-and-tile factory next to the village. Because it is often used for processing and storage of dry seafood, the smell of the whole factory is very strong, enough to cover up many traces of human activities.

On the one side of the plant is the vast sea, and on the other side, it is close to the dense hills of the jungle. It looks like a treasure trove of divergent escape routes.

Several strong men in army green vests crouched in front of a stainless steel cage, watching a tease-sized ferret.

The ferret trapped in the cage has white hair like snow and no motley color. The fur is smooth and delicate like white satin, and the water droplets do not invade. Especially its black pupil eyes are clean, clear and spiritual.

At this time, it curled up in a cage in fear, his eyes full of humanized fear.

“Boss, this little thing is so beautiful. How much is this sale worth?” Said a scared man with excitement.

“How can I get one million.” Another lean man interjected.

“One million? You steal it. This is a purebred ferret. Are you the garbage in the farm? I tell you, this ferret already has spirituality, at least 10 million.”

“Ten million!?”

Several strong men exclaimed, their eyes panted.

“Okay, don’t you guys talk here.” A hairy beard hidden in the corner, playing with a hunting knife, said, “The FBG company’s people will arrive in half an hour, you give it to you. I ’ll be smart. Go to work and act according to plan. When it ’s done, make sure you each share one million. “

One million per person!

The brawny men were immediately boosted by their morale, and each took up their weapons, ambushing in ambush, patrolling in patrol. Judging by their operational qualities, they are all very professional, and obviously all have experienced professional soldiers.

The beautiful little ferret held in a cage showed a hint of unwillingness in his smart eyes.

“Small things, I know you can understand.” Mao Beard wiped the heavy hunting knife and sneered at it from afar. “You obediently cooperate, maybe there is a chance. If you dare to give birth to something Thinking, I will peel off your skin. I would rather earn less and ask for peace of mind. “

The little ferret shivered and shrunk into the corner in fear. His eyes dangled, afraid to look at the beard, apparently very afraid of him.

A small room on the second floor a few hundred meters away.

Two plainclothes policemen stared at the factory warehouse with a telescope, and reached the peak with communication equipment: “Head, the target seems to have acted. What should we do?”

“Have the two experts sent from above have not arrived yet? Then wait, if the experts have not arrived when the target contacts the third party, immediately notify the SWAT team to take action and knock them out.”

“Roger that.”

After the communication was cut off, a tall and thin policeman lit a cigarette and complained: “Isn’t it just catching a group of wild animal poachers? Two experts were sent over to intervene, and I don’t know what to think? Expert, hehe , I do n’t know what the “brick house” is. “

“Hush, be quiet.” Another older policeman stopped, looked around left and right, and said mysteriously, “Xiao Zhao, in my experience, this matter is not that simple.”

“Brother Li, please tell me, why is it not easy?” Xiao Zhao helped him light a cigarette.

“This thing is full of weirdness. Have you ever seen this kind of thing used to locate criminals?” Lao Li took a deep breath and pointed his finger at a piece of light blue smooth jade on the table.

“I haven’t seen it. But this thing works, it can accurately point out the direction of our target.” Xiao Zhao scratched his head and said, “It looks a bit like the magic jade in the fantasy novel. But this is impossible. Well, it is estimated to be the latest agent tracker developed by the National Secret Agency. “

“Even if it is the state’s confidential equipment, it will be exposed for a group of poachers, and experts will be sent to supervise the mission.” Lao Li’s eyes were a little serious, “You think those leaders in high positions are full. Are you okay? “

“Then what is the reason for your analysis, Brother Li?” Xiao Zhao was suddenly excited. “I’m also a little bit surprised when you say that.”

Lao Li hesitated and said, “Actually, I’m not sure. After listening to the old leaders drink a lot of wine, I accidentally mentioned that the country has such a secret institution. They are powerful and have mysterious styles. They deal with some ordinary people. The incident. Although the mysterious institution, although not known to outsiders, they belong to the “upper” direct leadership. “At the end, his voice became lower and lower.

“Old Brother Li, you mean.” Xiao Zhao’s voice showed a little excitement, “The two experts who came are …”

“Hush ~ I didn’t say it.” Lao Li smoked slowly and said innocently, “It’s all chatting, chatting.”

At this moment, a sneer came from behind them: “I said your policemen have been staring at us for a long time, but they haven’t acted. What kind of **** brick house are you waiting for?”


Lao Li and Xiao Zhao hurriedly pulled out their guns and turned back.

But one step later, a scarred man wearing a military green vest jumped from the window like a tiger, kicking Lao Li with a kick. Then his wrist flipped over, caught Xiao Zhao’s arm, grinned cruelly, and snapped.

Click ~

Xiao Zhao only felt a sharp pain in his arm, screaming and fell to the ground.

“Xiao Zhao.” Old Li just wanted to get up in despair, the black hole’s muzzle was already on his head, and there was a grinning smile from the scarred man in his ear: “I advise you to be honest. “

“Are you a member of that criminal gang? Do you know how guilty of assaulting the police and seizing the gun?” A drop of cold sweat slipped from the forehead of Lao Li, but he still insisted on saying, “Look at your age. If you are obsessed, you will fall deeper and deeper. I urge you to surrender early, redeem the merits, and strive for leniency. In the future, you will have the opportunity to be a good man. “

The scarred man was ignored. With a sneer, he paid the old Li’s gun and sat down leisurely. Picking up the mysterious jade pendant with green awns, I said excitedly: “I’m still wondering, how do you little policemen stare at us. Tell me honestly, what is this thing, what’s the role? Also, what kind of **** When will the experts come? What is the way to contact you? “

Old Li lifted up Xiao Zhao and was glared at by the scarred man, as if being stared at by a fierce beast, his coolness rose from his heart. Secretly whispering, this guy is so strong and imposing. If all of their criminal gangs are such terrible characters … No wonder, they will send experts to deal with the case.

“We don’t know.” Lao Li gritted his teeth and said.

“Oh, my favorite is hard bones.” The scarred man licked his lips. “But I have served in a foreign army, and more than twenty people have died on my hands. My favorite is to do it. The thing is torture. I like to listen to the sound of those hard-boned guys, whose bones are broken by me. This sound is really, so beautiful. Ha ha! “He stepped over step by step with bad intentions.

The strong murderousness made Xiao Zhao and Lao Li froze, and his body was soaked. As criminal policemen, they have never caught some murderers. But compared to the murderers, the murderers are like good babies.

“Give you the last chance, what are the names of the two **** bricks? How did you get in touch?” The scarred man grinned coldly, and his rough fingers caught Lao’s arm. “I can’t wait anymore.”

“Can’t wait to go to jail?” The voice of a young sunshine rang loudly.

“Who is it?” The scarred man turned angrily, and the gun was pointed at the source of the sound. But he couldn’t help but froze for a while, because the person was wearing a loose white T-shirt with a white face. It looks like a tall, clean and handsome big boy in sunshine.

But with a big hammer on his shoulder, he felt a weird, inconsistent. Provoking the scarred man to twitch straight, he asked fiercely, “Who are you?”

Wang Yan showed a bright and friendly smile and pointed to his face and said, “Me? That’s the **** expert you said.”

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