The Domestic Hero

Chapter 52 - fatal

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Crime scene.

Wang Yan and others listened carefully to the criminal police who came first, and made a preliminary explanation of the case.

After listening, the main person in charge of the “serial bloodsucking” case exploded Xiong and said seriously: “Captain Gao, please mobilize the armed police forces to block the 48th floor, and no one is allowed to come in.”

“Our people have identified several suspects, don’t you need to interrogate the conversation first?” Gao Jian questioned, “our colleagues in the autopsy department are also on the way to rush over, can’t they even enter?”

“Captain Gao, according to the regulations, we will take over from now on.” Bing Xiong glanced at the corpse that had been drained of blood and wrinkled his skin, and described the withered male body. Just follow the order. “

This is the case, once a case is determined to be abnormal. The National African Bureau has the power to take over the command force and lead the mission process. Previously, the corpses were soaked in water for many days, and all kinds of puffiness were difficult to distinguish.

The fresh corpse is already obvious now, definitely not something that ordinary human criminals can do.

Although Gao Jian was irritated and somewhat unwilling, he knew the rules and blushed to perform the task.

When only three people from the National African Affairs Bureau were on the scene, SCUD squatted down to examine the body. The analysis said: “The initial judgment is that the time of death has exceeded ten hours. There were no signs of struggling before death. Women, to be precise, are beautiful women. This is the most typical color in an abnormal event ~ trapping food. “

“Call the people of the Bright Holy See to see if they really want to pursue the case of the blood angel, they still have to listen to their opinions.” Bong Xiong pondered with his chin, “After all, we are so evil about blood angels The characteristics of the object are unfamiliar. “

Let me get in touch. Wang Yan poked a phone call to the priest Locke, and then directly marked him the address through the mobile app.

Locke said that he and Paladin Ronnie arrived in twenty minutes.

As for the wing brother Leihong who is in charge of the reception task, when he chatted with the rabbit in the morning, he seemed to be still sober in the confinement room. The thought of Wang Yan’s mouth twitched at the thought of that guy, which was really amazing.

“Xiao Yan, let your little ferret sniff the guy’s wound.” Bing Xiong asked, “This kind of mink demon has a sense of smell that is ten thousand times stronger than ordinary humans, and can easily distinguish the taste that humans cannot detect. As long as Remembering a certain flavor, you can even smell the smell of dozens of miles away from the downwind in the wilderness, and you can easily trace the prey. “

Ten thousand times stronger? Wang Yan was stunned for a while. He originally thought that his sense of smell had improved a lot, and he seemed to have become a superman. But compared with the little ferret, the gap is too obvious.

But think about it too. Didn’t the little ferret catch up with the hairy beard by smell?

“Squeak ~” Little Ferret was enjoying Wang Yan’s arms happily. Wen Yan refused directly and threw a blind eye to the bursting bear.

“Brother Xiong is your own. Xiaoxue, help me do a job and go back and buy you delicious food.” Wang Yan coaxed it and said.

Wang Yan’s words, Little Ferret still listened. With a disgusted look at the corpse, he jumped down and sniffed east and west.

“Brother Brother, Leg Brother. The two of you pretended to pull me into the team, and the relationship is the ability to match Xiaoxue?” Wang Yan was not stupid. Once connected, he understood what they were thinking. After smoking a cigarette, there was no good airway. “No wonder I am willing to share the merits with me.”

“Brother, you are too unconfident.” Without outsiders present, Scud would not have a serious image, and he smiled wryly. “Actually, we also value your ability.”

Although the words are good, Wang Yan has some tastes wrong, he doubted: “You two, won’t you hide something from me?”

“Oh, in fact, there is nothing to hide.” Bao Xiong smiled and threw him an ambiguous look, and laughed warily, “I want to borrow the little ferret’s sense of smell is only one, but Master Feng told us. You have a special Capability may be useful in this case. “

Wang Yan was shivered by him, special ability? Super power? flame?

No, if only these, the smiles of the two will not be so weird and frivolous.

“The old man said that your yang is very strong and pure and abnormal. This is a very fatal attraction for some female monsters who like to **** blood, yang, etc.” Bao Xiong patted his shoulder enviously and jealously. Say, “This is the best ability, maybe we don’t have to take the initiative to find it, the other party will come to the door.”

Wang Yan’s face was black and his back was a little sweaty. Does this feeling treat you as a bait? I was full of yang, and I knew it at the time of the “Fighting Vixen”. Later, Sister Nan Lian also mentioned this, but she didn’t care too much. Unexpectedly, it can also play a role in attracting female monsters.

“No, if it’s a fatal temptation, why don’t you react too much, little rabbit, Uya Ange?” Wang Yan refuted his chin.

“Isn’t that too much response? You don’t see An Ge’s mouth-watering look at you.” Bing Xiong’s eyes smiled ripplingly. “But An Ge and the little rabbits, they are both abiding by the law and haven’t tasted fishy. It ’s kind of like poison. It ’s the same thing. Ange they do n’t take poison. Of course, they will be rational in the face of the temptation of poison. As for the banshees who have tasted and benefited It ’s different, and it ’s harder for them to resist your temptation. ”

What are these messy words? Wang Yan’s head is big. What do these two pickles describe themselves as?

“Xiao Yan, who gave you this special ability? Sorry, your life is destined to continue to be entangled with all kinds of charming and charming female goblins.” Feudal scoffed his face with ridicule.

“Maybe there are now a lot of beautiful voluptuous girls, and the hot female demon stares at you.” Bing Xiong also laughed with a frown, “I’m going to kill you to seduce you.”

Wait, it seems wrong.

Suddenly, the hairy legs and bursting bear’s mocking face stiffened and looked at each other.

This seems like a cool thing! ?

Especially for the two old bachelors such as Burst Bear and Scud, it is simply a dream of happiness.

Then the two of them began to grumble and stare at Wang Yan with jealousy.

It is now.

There was a shout outside.

“I’m sorry, the two ladies. Our leaders have confessed that no one is allowed to enter.” The police seemed to be interfering with someone.

“This is our company Mr. Shen. The entire building is ours. Mr. Shen is also an employee of our company. Why can’t we go in?” A woman’s cold voice sounded, “Give me a break, otherwise I will go directly to the Municipal Bureau to complain to you. “

During the speech, the two women broke into the murder scene one after the other-the ‘female toilet’.

The woman in front, dressed in a summer OL dress. Her short bangs hair, wearing pair of tortoiseshell glasses, made the slightly plump and pretty face look very intellectual and beautiful, and an embroidered silk scarf was tied around the neck but added a bit of gorgeousness. The white lace-edged shirt swelled and burst, unable to conceal that white and deep career line. The black tight skirt perfectly outlines the figure of the figure, and at the same time, the waist line is set to be extremely slender and feminine.

Coupled with the skin-white legs and long, really hot S-shaped figure, what a workplace beauty.

The two old bachelors of the National African Affairs Bureau stared in unison, and their eyes were straight. In the unit, they dare not be so presumptuous. For example, if they look at Wuya Ange with this kind of look, they will have to peel off without dying.

But she was a bit worse than the woman behind her.

The woman was tall and slender, her long curly black hair was draped over her shoulders, and her face was so beautiful that she was almost perfect. She didn’t have a little expression. The clear and deep star eyes swept lightly, and the slightly unconfident person would feel ashamed and dare not. Her eyes touched.

Her dress is relatively conservative, but the exquisitely tailored clothing and the right jewelry give her a classic and elegant charm.

The only regret is that, with her indifferent expression, it seems that there is a sense of icy distance that is thousands of miles away, making people feel inaccessible.

Even a super-powerful person, such as an explosive bear and a scud, was instantly defeated when she touched her eyes.

Apart from the shock in their hearts, they looked at each other.

There is only one thought in my heart.

What is this crow mouth? Really beautiful women have come to kill!

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