The Domestic Hero

Chapter 71 - Upside down black and white

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My dad and dad were both stunned. Under Ji Wei, my mom hurriedly explained: “Director Guo, you misunderstood. I, we are here to buy a house.”

“Buy a house, hum.” Guo Youde looked around and sneered sullenly. “Even if you find an excuse, you have to find a more reliable excuse. The cheapest house here also costs four or five million. Can you afford it? “

Although Guo Youde is as fat as a pig, it does not mean that his IQ is also like a pig. In fact, I can stay in the position of factory director for more than ten years. He has also experienced strong winds and waves.

In just a few seconds, he calmed down from the horror and thought about the countermeasures. In his view, the situation is already obvious. The Wang Jianming and his wife must have known them in advance on the laid-off list. So they tried their best to secretly track themselves in an attempt to grab their handle.

It’s simply abominable, insidious, and rogue.

They grasp their own handle, nothing more than two demands. First, strive for more buy-out money. Second, do not want to be laid off, or even want to change to a better job.

For Guo Youde, these two demands are nothing more than lip service. But he is very aware of the old traitor. Once he is easily threatened by them and tastes the sweetness, he will suffer endlessly.

To deal with such rogues who can’t squeeze out three or two oils, they can only give them a ruth. They were afraid of the extreme, and then lost some sweetness, so they would kneel and lick like a dog.

I have to admit that Guo Youde’s routines are sometimes very easy to use. He has solved the crisis for him several times.

Originally, the mother was still a bit guilty of Guo Youde, but as soon as he was ridiculed, he remembered that his family is now different than before. Why is he so low-eyed that he has a face with a poor ghost rolling away?

“Director Guo, why do you think our family can’t afford the house here?” Mom said blushingly, “Our family is here to buy a house.”

“Buy a house? Hey, it seems that both of you husband and wife don’t see the coffin and weep.” Guo Youde yelled, the fat on his face shook, picked up the phone and dialed a number, “Lao Ma, bring Several security guards came. “

“Director Guo, what do you want to do?” The mother was angry. “You are used to being overbearing in the factory, do you think this villa area was opened by your house?”

“Wife, let’s go.” The old man pulled her sleeve and whispered.

“Why do you go?” As soon as my mother’s temper got up, she jumped up. “I don’t believe it anymore. There is no Wang Fa in this world. The surnamed Guo, do you dare to let those security guards touch us, the old lady and you Endless. “

“Oh.” Guo Youde smiled, “You just want to go, do you think you can go?”

While speaking, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes hurried to the house with several security guards breathlessly, nodded and said, “Secretary Guo, what happened?”

Guo Youde also served as the party secretary of the unit. Outside, he prefers others to call him the secretary, and he appears taller.

“Old horse, the security of your luxurious villa area is too ridiculous.” Guo Youde asked the glasses frame and scolded with a solemn face, “How come all the cats and dogs are put in?”

Lao Ma squinted at Wang Yan’s parents, and when they looked at their dress and temperament, they knew that they should be ordinary working people. Immediately his face yelled: “Who are you, do you know that this is a community free from idlers?”

It’s been a long time since sales have been done, and it is natural for Lao Ma to see people and see things. Maybe there will be some people who are powerful, powerful, and rich, who like to be low-key, dress simple and restrained.

But that kind of person, because of being in the state of being held and respected for a long time, being respected and favored, usually has a strong psychological advantage. Even if you dress low-key, some basic tastes and confidence between eyebrows are hard to hide.

The couple, dressed in ordinary clothes, had a yellow complexion, rough skin, and premature gray hair. A pair of hands is obviously used to work, and it is obviously a look of overwork.

More importantly, although the man protected his wife, the guilty heart between the eyebrows was revealed.

And the woman, despite her eyebrows and erect eyes, looked angry. But the strength of this bluff reflects her inner self-confidence and lack of strength.

I have to admit that this old horse still has some skills to look at people. At a glance, I can see the fact that wearing Wang Yan’s parents is at the bottom for a long time.

“What are you fierce? We are here to buy a house.” Wang Yan’s mother said uneasily.

“Director Ma, they did come to buy a house, and I was responsible for the reception.” As a sales manager, Xiao Li cannot intervene in private disputes between customers. But in the face of interrogation from insiders, she naturally has an obligation to go up.

“Xiao Li, I think you are dizzy.” Director Ma glared at her fiercely. “Any cat and dog are brought inside. Do you think this is a farmers’ market? Come here and blow them out.”

“Director Ma, you can’t bombard my customers.” Xiao Li was anxious and reached out to block Wang Yan’s parents. “Their family has decided to buy a building king.”

“The King of Returning Building, I think they can’t even afford a toilet.” Director Ma waved his hand, and several security guards rushed up like a wolf, and one of them grabbed Xiao Li.

The other few, rudely and arrogantly held Wang Yan’s parents.

“Let us go. The surnamed Guo, the old lady and you are endless.” Mom yelled angrily, “I’m sure you will know everything about the fox vibes you are outside.”

“My dear, that **** scolded me for being a fox?” The voluptuous woman snuggled up against Guo Youde. “If people don’t follow, the Lun family really loves you.”

“Good. Baby, I must give you this bad breath. See how I clean them up.” Guo Youde turned back and smiled at the voluptuous woman, turned his head and showed a dignified look, the tone increased, “Old horse, I’m afraid things are not that simple. I heard that the Zhao Xiaoying couple bought a wedding room for their son, and they have been crazy about wanting money recently. This time, they used the name of buying a house and mixed into the villa area. I think they don’t have it. Pictured. “

In fact, there is no need for the woman to pick things up, and Guo Youde will not stop there. Without convincing the couple, looking back, the whole factory and outside the factory will tell him that Guo Youde bought the villa package **.

“Secretary Guo is right.” Lao Ma nodded his head and agreed with his waist. “Now there are already several families, so let’s move in first. I asked the security guards to catch them up and interrogate them carefully, and then look at which one. Lost something. “

Turn the black and white upside down and plant good people. Mother Wang Yan almost angered, and a spit of blood spurted out. Scolded and said: “Guo Youde, the old lady will not let you go when she is a ghost.”

“To be a ghost? Ha ha, you dare to fight against me. I have a way to make you impossible to do ghosts.” Guo Youde, the leader of a factory, who has always been used by the emperor of the soil, sneered. “Old horse, shut them up first, I will fight. The phone called the director of the Danghu Police Station. I want to see, where can you Xiao Xiaoying jump? “

“Director Ma, you can’t do this, they are my customers.” Xiao Li exclaimed to stop, but was slammed by the security guard. Screamed in exasperation, “This is going to happen.”

“What happened !? I’ll carry it if something happened.” Lao Ma obviously had a deep entanglement with Guo Youde’s interests, and shouted immediately. “If you don’t agree, let me fight first.”


All along, the honest father Wang Jianming broke out, and the blue muscles around his neck burst. Strenuously, he broke free of the two security guards who grabbed his arm.

He rushed up again and bumped the two security guards who were holding his wife.

Several security guards suffered a loss, and immediately became angry and rushed forward, punching and punching the father and mother. Dad roared, spread his arms to protect his mother under him, and let his fists hit him like a rainstorm.

“Yo, it’s quite affectionate.” Guo Youde’s eyes showed a hint of haze, and said sharply, “I won’t make your couple obedient, I won’t have a surname …”

Suddenly, a swift wind-like silhouette swept through, blocking the last word back.


With a muffled sound, a security guard flew out for more than ten meters like a broken sack. “Boom” fell into the artificial lake.

“What fun … art ~ ah!”

The foot of a security guard who had just kicked out was suddenly caught by someone.

I saw the man’s hands folded. “Click!”

One leg was severely broken.

The horrible screams screamed, and the ears stabbed with pain. Everyone stopped and looked at the person in shock.

Wang Yan’s eyes were full of appalling scarlet colors. There was terrible anger on his face, and a smile of extreme anger hung on the corner of his mouth: “Okay, very good. Today, you all have to die!”

The voice, word by word, sounded like it blew in people’s ears.

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