The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 12: Offend No One

Chapter 12

Yu Yuan drooped its head, nodding: "Mmm..."

The paint was something it had flown far to find, someone on the big street was painting something, and it had jumped in and then back out.

At first glance it looked quite nice, but after staring at it for a good while, it still felt its white fur looked the best.

So it really wanted to change back, but it didn't know what could wash off the paint.

Shang Yu's mouth quirked up at the corners as she looked out the window: "I don't have a way either."

"Shang sis, I was wrong." It nuzzled her arm, acting cute and sweet: "Help me~ Please~ Pretty please~ I'm begging you~ begging you~"

Shang Yu picked it up: "Fool."

"Wahhh~" Yu Yuan rubbed its eyes, looking utterly pitiful.

Shang Yu picked it up: "What's there to cry about?"

"It won't wash off."


Shang Yu felt this was a three year old...

Alright, it really was only three and a half.

Its intelligence and height weren't fully grown.

Shang Yu set it down and stood up. She'd seen alcohol in the medicine cabinet this morning.

Yu Yuan snuffled as it watched her, then looked down at its green oily self, extremely disgusted.

This human thing wasn't fun at all!

It had also...also seen online many people who wanted to dye this stuff green, so it had wanted to try too.

It hadn't expected the green dye to look this bad.

It had smelled lovely and fragrant earlier, but now reeked.

Luckily it was clever, and acted pitiful to make little Shang Yu help it out.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee.

Seeing her come back with something, Yu Yuan went back to looking utterly pitiable.

The few people sitting nearby watched as Shang Yu took out alcohol. What was she using that for?

Then they saw Shang Yu dip a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the table...


Shang Luo twisted his head away. This girl is crazy!

Shang Quan lowered his head to keep looking at his computer.

Shang Hui kept playing on his phone.

Only Shang Wan stared at her, watching as she wiped the table and got out green liquid, mixed with the smell of paint.

Shang Yu pulled out a tissue to wipe Yu Yuan clean. This silly thing was just too stupid.

Seeing itself fade back to white, Yu Yuan was extremely happy: "Thank you Lady Little Raindrop!"

Shang Yu frowned, continuing to communicate mentally: "Lady Little Raindrop?" "That's cuter!" Yu Yuan patted her hand, now very cocky: "You're only eighteen, still a beauty's prime."

Shang Yu's expression didn't change as she glanced at Shang Wan.

Shang Wan hurriedly twisted his head away. Tsk! What's there to look at, anyone can do magic tricks.

Alright, she couldn't.

But where had that green paint come from?

She still hadn't figured out that question when the car stopped.

They had already arrived at their destination.

Shang Quan put away his computer, and the others got out of the car one by one.

The Shang family had come because some of their fashion designs were selected for Fashion Week.

The most important feedback for them all was the feedback.

The Shang family had been in the high fashion business for years, and had their own brands and reputation in high end circles.

Grandfather had brought Shang Yu along to groom her for the fashion industry too.

Shang Yu put the alcohol back in its original place and got out of the car, bringing Yu Yuan with her.

Yu Yuan squatted on her shoulder, curiously looking around.

They had just entered the convention hall when someone immediately ran over to them.

"Young master, young miss!" The man bowed and scraped as he approached. "Eldest young master, second young master, third young master, fourth young miss...eldest young miss and second young miss!"

Su Yu couldn't help but mentally pat himself on the back. How clever he was!

When he called out eldest and second young miss he was looking at Shang Yu - couldn't offend anyone!

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