The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 2: Blood Tastes Good.

Chapter 2

Everyone at the scene was stunned, because the woman who walked out of the coffin was too beautiful.

Her hair was very long, directly reaching her ankles. She was not wearing shoes, but a red long robe, with a prominent golden belt around her waist.

Although her hair was very long, she wore a crown on top of her head, studded with hundreds of gems that shimmered brightly in the moonlight.

Her face was as white as the moonlight, yet exceptionally exquisite, as if carved in detail with a carving knife.

Her skin was like white jade, looking bloodless. Yet her eyes were a strange golden color.

Someone fired a shot at her. Instantly all the gun muzzles were pointed at her, and the sound of gunshots rang out as bullets speeding towards her head, heart and legs.

Yet she did not dodge, but just smiled faintly. With a twist of her body, her hands grabbed all the bullets.

Her movements were extremely fast, so fast that everyone felt like they just saw a flash of lightning.

Before they could react, the bullets were already thrown back, shooting out from their gun barrels and going straight towards their unprotected throats.

Bodies fell to the ground, the stench of blood making Shang Yu frown.

Her eyes looked towards the group of people not far away, they were the only ones who did not fire shots just now.

So they were also the only group left alive.

Her eyes fell upon one of the men. Although he looked somewhat disheveled, his face was tense as his eyes stared intently at her.

"Don't move!!"

A man from that group stood up, pointing a gun at her, "Just who exactly are you?"

The national treasure they spent 10 billion to buy was this woman?

They must get to the bottom of this when they get back!

Those foreigners thought she was fake, but they knew that this was exactly what they had bought.

A few days ago, tomb raiders from S Province dug out this coffin from an unfinished tomb. It was smuggled overseas to M Country for auction.

They were sent by their superiors to bring back the owner of this tomb no matter what.

They did not expect that there would be a scramble for her once the auction started.

It was all because the auction house falsely advertised that there were gems on her body worth a lot of money. And her body belonged to a queen of a nation, uncorrupted for thousands of years, thanks to the precious treasures in her body.

They had spent their money but were ambushed by a large group of people. Most of their team was taken out and they could not hold out much longer.

Who would have thought that this woman would wake up and take out all those people.

Now he was very worried that this woman would kill all of them too.

When Shang Yu heard his question, her eyes were still fixed upon the injured man sitting on the ground.

She walked towards him step by step, ignoring his question completely.

He smelled nice. She wondered if he would taste like that too.


Lin Bei fired a shot at her, "Don't go near our boss!!"

The bullet hit Shang Yu's arm. Her golden eyes turned slightly red. She did not feel pain but she hated it when someone challenged her!

There were 9 other people left. All injured, and now raising their guns one by one. "Put them down." Suddenly, they heard their boss speak.

Shang Yu fished out the bullet, staring at Lin Bei with narrowed eyes.

Lin Bei felt somewhat afraid, but he still stood in her way. His life did not matter, he just could not let their boss get hurt!

"I'm sorry!" Pei Liechuan struggled to get to his feet, gently pushing Lin Bei aside. His dark eyes looked at the woman in red not far away, "It is my fault for not disciplining them strictly. Please pardon us, miss."

This woman was very strange. He was certain that she was not someone the few of them could handle.

Lin Bei was stunned seeing the woman take out an unbloodied bullet from her shoulder.

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