The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 51: You’ll be the Only One

Chapter 51

Shang Yu frowned, feeling that her emotions were being manipulated by him. Wasn't she the one supposed to be in control of him?

"Miss Shang..."

Shang Yu was a little angry: "Pei Liechuan, aren't you just upset because I said I might find someone else?"

Pei Liechuan: "Miss Shang has misunderstood. It has nothing to do with me whether Miss Shang finds someone else. I naturally can't interfere in Miss Shang's affairs."

Shang Yu changed her position and bit into his shoulder.

Pei Liechuan's body stiffened, his fists clenched as he stared at her face.

Shang Yu raised her head, seeing his expression: "I promise you, before you die, I won't bite anyone else, only you. This is my guarantee to you."

Pei Liechuan chuckled lightly: "Miss Shang is being too forceful. There's no need, after all, there are too many men in this world suitable for Miss Shang."

Shang Yu frowned slightly, staring at him: "Pei Liechuan, you're being willful, but there's a limit. Don't make me angry."

If this man continued like this, she might actually kill him.

It would be easy to crush his head, but...

Finding another deliciously-flavored blood servant wouldn't be so simple.

In all her long life, she had only encountered this one.

So she was willing to spend time coaxing him, even willing to dress like a human to seduce him.

Now that she had promised to only keep him, and yet he still acted like this, she might just twist his head off.

Pei Liechuan's thin lips pursed: "Are you really sure about this?"

"Mmm." Shang Yu lifted his chin: "For this century, you'll be the only one. I promise you."

Pei Liechuan stared at her face in silence.

Seeing his reaction, Shang Yu narrowed her eyes: "You're not going to be unreasonable, are you? I can live for tens of thousands of years, even forever, while you can only live a few decades..."

But he suddenly pressed her down and kissed her lips, hot and full of wildness.

Shang Yu hooked her arms around his shoulders, responding to him. See, she knew this man was just petty!

Who could resist the charm of the Queen?

Pei Liechuan pressed down on her body, his eyes fixed on her. Her pupils were like shimmering autumn pools, her small face flushed, her thin lips curled upwards.

His voice was hoarse and magnetic: "Remember what you said. If you dare touch anyone else, I'll kill you."

Shang Yu raised an eyebrow when she heard his words: "You're quite capable, aren't you?"

Pei Liechuan's long fingers gently caressed her face: "You can try."

Shang Yu could feel the chill in his words.

"I'm not the kind of person who doesn't keep her word." For some reason, Shang Yu didn't feel like she had her usual commanding presence in front of Pei Liechuan.

Just the thought of his blood tasting different when he was angry made her unhappy.

She preferred the taste when he was happy and excited.

That's when it was sweetest and most delicious.

Like now, when he was staring at her, his handsome face looked wonderful, even the blood at the corner of his lips was a vivid red, full of passion.

She extended her tongue and licked the blood from his lips. So delicious.

She felt like she was being controlled by him.

No wonder Sister Four said that once you encounter someone whose blood smells so appealing, you'll become unlike yourself.

At this moment, she really wanted, so badly wanted to just embrace him and drink deeply.

Pei Liechuan watched her reaction and knew clearly that his appeal to her was only his blood.

But her feelings for him were different.

Ever since she had crouched down to drink the blood from his leg, he knew he could never let this woman go.

The words she had said to him during her last visit had made him angry.

The thought of her going so crazy over another man made him lose control of his urge to kill.

So he didn't ask her anything, and pretended that other person had never appeared.

As he came downstairs earlier, he had heard her voice.

But he also knew no one could bully her.

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