The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 60: Powers Investigation Team

Chapter 60

Shang Yu found Gu XiaoMing and asked him to arrange for a few people to keep an eye on the schools she had screened, immediately notifying her if anything happened.

She was moving fast, perhaps still able to catch up to the person.

"Alright, ancestor, I'll have them watch closely! Don't worry!!"

"I have brothers at those schools!"

"They'll handle it, you can count on them!"


Shang Yu thought about the last few times she captured someone, almost seeing a Beggar Gang.

Cough cough, she couldn't quite put it like that, they were just some scavengers or homeless people.

And some ruffians too—

Gu XiaoMing knew all of them, they had footholds in every corner of the city, under every overpass.

Everyone had their own turf for collecting bottles, no one could cross into someone else's territory.

Gu XiaoMing had stopped attending school at age ten, and all the knowledge he had later on was self-taught, having done all sorts of jobs.

But no one would hire him without an education, so he had to take whatever work he could find.

To care for his mother with uremia, he couldn't do 996 work, so he took on all sorts of odd jobs.

Supporting his sister's schooling, affording medicine for his mother.

Now he paid good money to those he knew, having them gather intel on this and that, essentially becoming the chief of a Beggar Gang.

After hanging up, Shang Yu opened a game and idly played it, just waiting for nightfall.

Gu XiaoMing kept reporting the progress to her, deploying people around the schools as per her instructions.

Those scavengers and homeless people sleeping in parks were the least likely to draw attention.

Shang Yu sent him photos, telling them to watch for this person.

[Gu XiaoMing: Got it, ancestor, I've arranged it.]


Shang Yu played games until dark, leaving the internet cafe around 10pm.

There was no sign of the person on the security cameras.

She found a coffee shop near the Beijing Film Academy to sit in, as the 10pm curfew meant the streets were emptying out.

Looking around at the environment, the moon was out, hardly anyone on the streets.

That person still hadn't shown up, and she couldn't help but furrow her brow, had she miscalculated?

"Miss, we're closing soon," the cafe server came over.

Shang Yu stood up, paid the bill and left.

She suddenly had an idea and headed towards the bar street.

There were several alleys coming off the bar street, and with the loud music, if anything happened it likely wouldn't be noticed.

Gu XiaoMing said over WeChat that there was no activity around the other schools.

Everywhere else had already closed, not a single student left. Shang Yu climbed up to the rooftop of a KTV lounge, sitting to survey the surroundings.


Suddenly, she heard a scream and rushed towards a nearby alley like a cannonball.

She saw that deranged serial killer, but he looked bizarre, his eyes were red and his face covered in fur.

A werewolf?!

Shang Yu was stunned for 0.01 seconds of hesitation before charging forward and grabbing the wolf's throat.

"How interesting," Shang Yu looked at his face. "A werewolf, long time no see!"

The werewolf tried to struggle, but had no ability to resist her grip.

"Just a little wolf cub like you?" Shang Yu sneered coldly. "Even if your boss showed up, in front of me you'd just be trash."

She was about to take her prize when two other people charged towards them swiftly.

Shang Yu grabbed the werewolf by the throat and flung it, the two people quickly jumping back.

"Don't worry, miss, we're police!"

Shang Yu looked at the two as they showed their badges.

"We're from the FIA Supernatural Investigation Team, you don't need to worry."

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