The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 94: Shang Yu She Has No Heart

Chapter 94

Shang Yu had already arrived home, and the front door locked with a loud thud.

She usually left the living room door open, but she closed it to prevent Shang Wan from entering.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, how pitiful," Shang Luo suddenly appeared, snickering on the side. "Sister Wan, didn't I tell you? When you called me brother before, you never made anything delicious for me. How come you keep chasing after Shang Yu?"

"You know she's heartless, don't you?"

"She doesn't care about you. Why don't you give all the delicious things you made to me instead? I'll help you get rid of them. What do you think? Heh heh heh."

Shang Luo rubbed his hands together, eyeing the snacks she was holding, which looked delicious.

Shang Wan held the snacks. "I won't give them to you."

"Why not? Aren't you just going to waste them?"

"Because I made them for my sister."

"She won't eat them, so you're just going to throw them away?"

"I ate some myself." She gave the rest to the stray dogs and cats in the neighborhood.

"Hahaha, no wonder you've gotten fat." Shang Luo mocked her mercilessly.

Hearing this, Shang Wan looked at her legs. She had weighed herself yesterday and indeed gained two pounds.

"You've gained weight, so you'll never catch up to Shang Yu. That girl runs too fast. You need to lose weight and practice running." Shang Luo patted her shoulder. "How about this? From now on, if you make something delicious and Shang Yu doesn't eat it, give it to me instead of wasting it."

Shang Wan nodded at Shang Luo. "You make sense. Alright, I won't feed the leftovers to the dogs anymore. I'll give them all to you."

She handed him the snacks. "Eat them slowly. I'm going to exercise."

Shang Luo held the chewy snacks, wondering if he needed to clarify what she meant by not feeding the dogs anymore, but giving the food to him instead...

This needed some explanation, didn't it?


Shang Yu was really speechless about Shang Wan's behavior. Every day she didn't go to school, just stayed at home waiting for her. Did she have some kind of illness?!

"Yu Yu, what's wrong with her?" Yu Yuan scratched her head.

"I don't know." Shang Yu plopped down on the sofa and registered for Trembling Voice.

There was a custom Trembling Voice account name here, and after thinking for a moment, she entered [FACAI99888]. Hmm, perfect.

Getting rich, forever and ever, get get get!

It suited her well.

Her name was just Shang Yu.

She idly watched videos, many of which featured celebrities sharing their daily lives.

She crossed her legs and stood up to go upstairs. She would make one too!

Yu Yuan was playing on the coffee table and followed her upstairs, but Shang Yu went up to the rooftop.

There was a chair here, with the swimming pool behind it.

And what she filmed was a lizard crawling around.

Yu Yuan saw the lizard and scurried over, crouching next to it. "Quick, take a picture of me!!"

"In the camera, you're just air." Shang Yu recorded a video of the lizard, suddenly catching it. "Come on, put on a show. I just happened to run into you."

"Open your mouth and say hello."

Yu Yuan backed up a bit, too scared. If the lizard could talk, it would probably start cursing.

The lizard's round eyes looked at her, but it didn't move.

Yu Yuan shook her head, hopping over and tapping the lizard's head. "Come on, show your ancestors a special trick."

The lizard opened its mouth and went "Ah ah" twice.

Shang Yu released the lizard. Clearly, communication between different species was difficult.

"How about I brew a special venom insect for you to keep you company?"

"No need." Yu Yuan raised her paw in refusal. "I'm fine being alone."

Who would like a lizard?!

She preferred mighty and powerful dragons!

Too bad the one she had kept in a coffin last time had gone missing.

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