The Dragon Heir (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 20: The Real Dungeon

[Morphogen source assimilated.]

[Morphogens acquired: +2.]

[Extra Morphogens acquired: +4.]

Six Morphogens from one turtle, eh? Quite the haul! I reckoned that extra bit was courtesy of that survival mission reward.

Odd, though—triple experience didn't seem nearly as generous as these Morphogens. Perhaps it's because the turtle was a level beneath me, which would explain the scanty experience. Still, the whole business was a bit of a head-scratcher… The idea of gobbling up these beasts and then using the spoils to bolster my own body—like piecing together a puzzle, really.

As I hunt and devour, I gather these curious bits and bobs to further my own growth. But I also had a new understanding: what if these monsters were doing the same? If they've got levels, could they also be tapping into this same system?

Bloody hell!

That would explain a thing or two about why these dungeon pits were considered the bane of the world. But perhaps they were not a cancer at all—more like a self-sustaining ecosystem where the strong made the rules.

More I thought about it, more it made sense: if these creatures had access to a system like mine, they'd have the potential to grow endlessly powerful. I was only just beginning to grasp it, but this system—this ticket to strength—wasn't just mine. It was the key to survival down here, and it was the reason these monsters grew so formidable.

They slayed, they feasted, they evolved.

Not much had ever been known about monsters, but this—this revelation—finally made sense of it all. While humans painstakingly cultivate their cores through years of magical practice and refinement, these so-called mindless beasts are propelled to strength by a simpler, yet far more brutal, means: kill and consume.

And perhaps—just perhaps—it was this very system that was helping them along the way.

I'd hauled the turtle beast over to the nearest pile of rubble, arranging it just so before setting to work. My claws, sharp as the devil's own, initially struggled a bit against that hide—tough as nails, it was—but once I'd pierced through, it was smooth sailing.

Teeth bared, I carved out juicy chunks of meat, and oh, the aroma—well, it was enough to make even a hardened soul like mine salivate.

Now, this little banquet wasn't just for the sake of it, oh no. Two reasons pushed me to dig in. First off, the triple reward boost, couldn't possibly pass that up, now could I? And then there were Stephan's words gnawing at the back of my mind, along with that peculiar lapse of memory after I'd gone to town on that spider.

He'd hinted at something wild, said I'd gone utterly feral. But this time? Not a flicker of madness, no frenzy, no blackout—just the steady rhythm of tearing into flesh and mulling things over. The skin was like old leather, but the flesh beneath? Quite nice, almost a hint of… just something lingering on the tongue. I didn't know what it was. But it was nice.

Lotte would have the answers—she always did. I'd just need to ask her about that odd moment.

Yet with each bite, more questions nibbled at my thoughts.

As a human, I could never advance—no mana, no hope of forming a core. Yet here I was, using a system that was probably designed for monsters. And what was more, Lotte could talk to me through it!

I just… didn't know what on earth was happening to me.

I paused, mid-chew, and curled up beside the massive shell of the defeated monster. Why, indeed, was I even searching for an exit when the moment I set foot outside, I'd be struck down on sight? I was a monster now, wasn't I? A denizen of this dungeon, at least for the time being.

The promise of transformation was …dangling before me, but how long would it take to unlock my mana, to reclaim my human form?

And how far from home was I, really?

I loathed to admit it, but during that battle—when I outsmarted the turtle, when I sank my teeth into the spider—there was a thrill, a satisfaction, as though I… belonged. These memories whispered that I enjoyed it, revelled in that thrill of the hunt.

And yet, beneath that pleasure that now felt so twisted, a deep pain lingered in my heart… I missed Father. What was he doing now? Searching for me? Surely, he'd be tireless, going to the guards, perhaps even spending his fortune in a desperate bid to find me. Meanwhile, that treacherous rat Jord, who sold me out, might be comforting him, pretending to care.

I knew I had to keep moving—the place around me was treacherous, unknown. Lying next to this dead beast wasn't the wisest of ideas… yet… this moment of melancholy clung to me. It was a shadow that wasn't keen on letting go. I could feel it, pressing down, whispering that I was lost, and not just in the physical sense.

What was happening to me, and where did I …truly belong now?


I sprang up from my earlier fetal position, shaking off the thoughts like a wet dog. Too much for my little noggin! It was all so tiring to mull over. Who needed time to think when there was hunting, eating, and growing to be done!

And besides, I wasn't alone. If I couldn't reach civilization without stirring up trouble, Stephan certainly could. He was the only one who knew I used to be human—and he saved my life, didn't he? Least I could do is help him out! Right-o!

I let my peepers refocus and had a quick gander around—no beasties lurking about. Smashing! First order of business: time to cash in those hard-earned Morphogens! AWW YISSSS!

Name: Jade
Level: 2
Species: Dragon Hatchling (I)


  • Strength: 15

  • Durability: 12

  • Intelligence: 30

  • Will: 17

  • Mana Points: 0/0

  • Stamina Points: 08/14


Species Skills:

  • Claw Swipe: Level 2 (I)

  • Tail Whip: Level 1 (I)

  • Roar: Level 1 (I)

  • Scale Harden: Level 1 (I)

  • Stealth: Level 3 (I)

  • Crunch: Level 2 (I)


Exclusive Skills:

  • Transformation: Level 1 (I)



  • Eyes: +2



  • Skill Points: 1

  • Morphogens: 6

Time was of the essence, so I dove straight into the mutation tab.

[Would you like to use 3 Morphogens to upgrade your eyes?]


The impending agony made me triple-check that decision.


It was rather like swallowing a revoltingly bitter pill, except this pill was going to dissolve in my gob and linger there.


I mentally bellowed at the screen and squeezed my eyes shut.


The familiar torment of a thousand needles furiously rearranging the insides of my eyes nearly drove me bonkers. But I managed to keep just enough sense to dig my claws into the rubble, stopping myself from clawing my own eyes out.

Finally, it was over, oh, thank the heavens above. I HATE THIS!

But! BUT! My eyesight had sharpened once more! I opened my eyes and kept them wide open this time, not letting any of the discomfort throw me off. It took a good half-minute before the slight ache and irritation from the hues hit me! A few blinks sorted it out!

It wasn't that the hues were any less vivid, just that my eyes were becoming more and more accustomed to them!

Right then, I think I'll stick with sharpening these peepers for now, even though wings do sound rather tempting. But if this really is a dungeon, I'm likely traipsing through some dank cave or twisty tunnel, depending on the level. So, flight would be a bit of a waste compared to these rather splendid sharp eyes of mine! Plus, who knows how many more upgrades I could squeeze in—maybe I'll end up being able to spot a cockroach through solid stone one day?

Heh, wouldn't that be a lark?

But before I lose the plot, I'd best use that skill point. Just two options left on the table.

Skills available for acquisition:

Quick Dash: Requires 1 SP. Gives a boost of speed over short distances but drains Stamina.

Crush Claw: Requires 1 SP. Enhances claw precision and impact power.

Well, I reckoned Quick Dash is the way to go, at least for now. I've already got a decent set of attack skills, and my real ace in the hole is Stealth. I'll just need to be clever about using it, only when the chips were down, because it was just facing the reality—this was a bloody dungeon, and I was basically a walking snack bag full of Morphogens and EXP for anything that fancies a nibble.

Survival was the name of the game. If I spot anything that was out of my league, I'd leg it! And no looking back.

[Do you want to learn the skill Quick Dash? This will cost one Skill Point.]


AHHHH! There it was again—the icy rush, that secret library in my noggin doling out another dollop of soothing knowledge. But before I go bounding about like a loon, I needed to suss out how much stamina this Quick Dash will cost me and how effective it really is.

At the moment, I was sitting on a solid 8 stamina points. Maybe that tussle with the turtle drained most of it, or perhaps it has been creeping back up since. I really ought to keep tabs on my recovery rate so I could plan my moves like a proper strategist.

Time to give Quick Dash a whirl. As soon as I activated it, I could feel it—my leg muscles clenched like a vice, a tingle as something sapped a chunk of my energy and crammed it into my legs. They were quaking, trembling with untamed power, and my heart practically leapt out of my chest as I shot forward.

The world blurred for just a moment—no, even less—and then it was over, the energy drained from my limbs. I glanced back at the heap of debris I'd been standing on just a second ago.

Five meters, give or take, in the blink of an eye.

I quickly pulled up the stat screen. Down to 7 stamina points. Damn, it cost me 1 point just to zip 5 meters! But it was something I could rely on if I found myself in a tight spot.

All in all, I was quite chuffed with it!

Now that that was sorted, I cast my eyes towards the tunnel's end in the distance. Time to leg it over there and see where this tunnel ended—and where the real dungeon began.

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