The Dragon Heir (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 47: Manaweaver

I dove back into the pile of books with renewed interest. And, of course, my doppelganger had been right—again. I did, in fact, want to sift through the lot of them. A pang of curiosity gnawed at me, urging me to figure out exactly what options lay before me.

The lower rarities? Well, they were much of a muchness. Essentially the same old framework with a few tweaks here and there. The organs? Identical. The only real difference was a slight boost in stats and, of course, the added bonus of a mana core. Hardly worth getting excited about.

My eyes stayed sharp, scanning for any evolution with the faintest whiff of mana veins. No luck in the bottom ranks, but there were some peculiar evolutions tucked away, particularly in the red rarity section. That’s where things got interesting.


A proper beefed-up defensive evolution. The illustration alone was enough to make my shoulders sag—a body sheathed in thick, dark, jagged plates of armour. Heavy stuff, it seemed like. Practically screaming ‘tough as nails.’

[Description: Focused on extreme durability, this evolution enhances physical defense through layered, mineral-rich armor.]
[Stat Bonuses: +4 Durability, +1 Strength per level until next evolution.]
[New Organ: Litho-Dermis Gland – Synthesizes microscopic mineral deposits, integrating into scales to increase density and toughness without sacrificing flexibility.]
[Unlocks Earth Affinity.]
[Unlocks Mana Core: Basic Monster Core – Enables internal mana storage and channeling for abilities or mana-converting organs.]
[Skills: Available for acquisition.]


A bruiser, no doubt about it. But then a thought struck me.

“And how exactly did I get this evolution?” I asked, turning to my doppelganger, who was fiddling with that enormous contraption again. She cast a quick glance my way, her fingers never pausing in their work, and I waved the book at her.

“Hmm, maxed out Scale Harden at the first tier, defensive upgrade to your scales at the second,” she muttered.

“Ahh, so skills do affect what evolutions are available,” I mused, piecing it together.

She gave a nod and went back to her tinkering, not missing a beat.

Suddenly, the puzzle began to fall into place. That’s why there were so many more books this time. It seemed there was at least one evolution tied to every skill, especially in the lower rarities.

I flipped the page and continued my search.



Ah, an air-themed evolution, all about staying featherlight and graceful. My form even took on a more serpentine elegance in this one—slim, sleek, and undeniably stunning.

[Stat Bonuses: +1 Intelligence, +2 Will, +2 Durability per level until next evolution.]
[New Organ: Subcutaneous Air Pockets – Flexible air sacs beneath the skin allow rapid buoyancy adjustments for enhanced aerial maneuverability.]
[Unlocks Wind Affinity.]
[Unlocks Mana Core: Basic Monster Core – Enables internal mana storage and channeling for abilities or mana-converting organs.]
[Skills: Available for acquisition.]


Next on the list? Echo Serpent. Now, this one was clearly linked to that echo upgrade I snagged for my claws.


[Description: Echo-based evolution specializing in soundwave attacks and disorienting enemies via vibrations.]
[Stat Bonuses: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, +1 Will per level until next evolution.]
[New Organ: Acoustic Resonator Chamber – Specialized chamber near the throat manipulates and amplifies soundwaves using Stamina and Wind Mana, creating concussive blasts or enabling echolocation.]
[Unlocks Wind Affinity.]
[Unlocks Mana Core: Basic Monster Core – Enables internal mana storage and channeling for abilities or mana-converting organs.]
[Skills: Available for acquisition.]


Nearly every evolution seemed to unlock that Mana Core, which meant that, moving forward, no matter what I picked, mana would be mine to wield. Not to mention, each evolution came with its own affinity. Though how exactly that worked was still a bit murky. Back home, an affinity simply meant one could more easily sling spells from a particular magical path. Most folk in Randall had Light Affinity and followed the battlemage route, the path of Winter Salamander—illusion magic, naturally.

Still, I’d need to watch my step. My affinity choice could very well shove me down one particular lane, slamming the doors shut on others. But pah! Every path held its own beauty, none with any truly dire drawbacks. Some just needed a bit more grit and elbow grease to tread. Besides, who’s to say I couldn’t unlock multiple affinities? Surely, with each evolution, more doors could swing wide open?

“Could I unlock multiple affinities?” I asked my doppelganger.

“Yes,” came the blunt reply.


I grinned as I reached for the final book in the red rarity section.

Flame Ravager.

Oh ho? The name had a certain... fire, no pun intended. I flicked the book open, a grin spreading across my face. The same sleek, serpentine form, but slightly larger. My scales looked as though they’d cracked around the joints, heat pouring from the gaps. Blackish-red, more pronounced around the seams. And by the grace of Thalador, my claws had grown monstrous!

I eagerly turned the page.


[Description: Form optimized for destruction and relentless combat, enhancing melee and fire-based attacks.]
[Stat Bonuses: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, +1 Durability per level until next evolution.]
[New Organ: Pyroclastic Tendons – Tendons briefly superheat using fire mana, turning physical strikes into incendiary attacks that cause burns on impact.]
[Evolution Exclusive Ability: Inferno Overload – Absorbs fire mana from the environment(if available) and overcharges all fire-based attacks for increased damage output.]
[Unlocks Fire Affinity.]
[Unlocks Mana Core: Basic Monster Core – Enables internal mana storage and channeling for abilities or mana-converting organs.]
[Skills: Available for acquisition.]


I blinked, taking a moment to absorb the sight. Damn, that was a splendid evolution—just imagine, strutting about as a fiery menace! Though, now that I thought of it, there was something I’d overlooked in my excitement last time.

“What’s this ‘evolution-exclusive ability’ business? I think I had one in my last evolution too—Endless Hunger, wasn’t it? Never quite reaching fullness, always ready to gorge like a bottomless pit.” I raised an eyebrow at my doppelganger, curious.

“An evolution-exclusive ability is exactly what it says on the tin,” came the matter-of-fact reply, “It’s an ability you lose when you evolve again. Only useful for that specific form.”

“Ahh, makes sense,” I nodded, then frowned. “Still, a bit odd how I didn’t spot it on my stat screen.”

“That’s because there’s a separate window for active abilities,” she explained. “You can add them to your base stat screen, but they’re hidden by default.”

“Huh. And why keep them separate?”

“The default setting avoids cluttering your stat screen with too much information. Abilities and Techniques don’t show unless you manually allow it. You can fine-tune what you see—just focus on what you want.”

Right. Mental note for when I wake up. Useful bit of tomfoolery to remember.

My attention shifted back to the golden rarity section, now boasting four books instead of just one. And oh, I knew one of them held the prize I was after. I could feel it—Mana Veins, practically singing out to me.

With a steadying breath, I reached for the first book.

Devourer Dragonling.

Sounded like an upgrade of my Hungerborn Hatchling, and as I flipped the page, that’s precisely what it was. Similar form—big belly, serpentine neck, long tail, and wicked wings—but this one had a more... skeletal air. Its skin stretched thin, with bones faintly visible beneath, lending it a ghastly, emaciated look. And that jaw, still extending down to the throat, perhaps even further.

Grim. Terrifying. Utterly glorious.

[Description: Evolution designed for faster breakdown of consumed matter, converting it directly into Stamina and Mana. Focuses on metabolizing a wider range of materials.]
[Stat Bonuses: +3 Intelligence, +1 Will, +2 Durability, +2 Strength per level until next evolution.]
[New Organ: Hyper-Catalytic Gullet – Specialized esophagus with hyper-efficient enzymes capable of processing all forms of flora and fauna.]
[Evolution Exclusive Ability: Catalytic Assimilation – Converts consumed material into Stamina and Mana. Grants faster digestion and enhanced wound recovery.]
[Unlocks Dark Affinity.]
[Unlocks Mana Core: Basic Monster Core – Enables internal mana storage and channeling for abilities or mana-converting organs.]
[Skills: Available for acquisition.]

Blimey! I always knew the base Hungerborn was a bit of a beast, but this upgrade? It went and supercharged the whole thing, didn’t it? Not only did it boost the original power, but it gave me even more ways to gobble things up at lightning speed. But main part was—it wasn’t just health and stamina being doled out anymore, but mana as well.

What’s more, it seemed I could chow down on all sorts, including plants. Yes, plants! And somehow, they’d all get turned into resources. I was finally starting to see the pattern in these hunger-based abilities. They weren’t about flashy attacks or raw destruction, oh no. It was all about sustenance. Devouring. And I’ll be honest, it put the wind up me a bit. I still couldn’t shake the memory of that gnawing hunger when I first woke up as a Hungerborn hatchling. Or that wild lapse when I got stuck into those Valar Rats.

What if I ever found myself unable to eat for a while? I’d be a right mess. And this constant feeling of never being fully satisfied? Yeah, that was no picnic either.

But this ability tried to soothe that by giving me all sorts of new things to feast on. Plants, for instance. I couldn’t help but wonder—if I kept on this path, would I eventually be able to munch on the very earth itself?

…Now that I thought about it, it seemed eerily possible. This hunger path was truly a bit terrifying. I snapped the book shut. As powerful as it was, it wasn’t offering me any fancy new mana veins or anything of the sort. So, it wasn’t the one I’d be choosing today.

Still, a bloody strong evolution, no doubt about it. Which only made me more curious about what lay hidden in these gold-rarity tomes.

I reached for the next one, and the title made my pulse race.

Manaweaver Hatchling.

I flipped it open in a heartbeat. Smaller than I was now, perhaps. Luminescent skin under the scales, glowing lines etched across its form, especially on its translucent wings. And bright, piercing blue eyes with slits.


[Description: Evolution enhances mana control and refines spellcasting capabilities.]
[Stat Bonuses: +4 Intelligence, +4 Will per level until next evolution.]
[New Organ: Mana Vein Cluster – Secondary vein network intertwined with blood vessels, increasing mana flow for finer manipulation.]
[Unlocks Mana Core: Basic Monster Core – Enables internal mana storage and channeling for abilities or mana-converting organs.]
[Evolution Exclusive Ability: Mana Surge – Increases mana regeneration rate temporarily when mana points drop below 10% of maximum capacity.]
[Skills: Available for acquisition.]


As I read, my hands began to tremble. It was finally here. Finally. The key to magic, the very thing that had danced out of reach for so long. The magic that taunted me, slipping just beyond my grasp, teasing me every day. The same magic that made me loathe myself for being born without it.

The same magic... that I took by force.

A grin crept across my face. No more running, you slippery little bastard. You rejected me once, but look who's found a way back. Oh, the satisfaction. The delicious, vindictive thrill. My skin prickled, waves of goosebumps rolling over me. This feeling…

It wasn’t just triumph, it was something more. This raw, untamed vindication. That sweet, bittersweet cocktail of rage, hunger, and satisfaction. Magic had been this unattainable, glittering prize, and now? Now I could taste it, feel it. The thing I craved, needed, deserved. I’d carved my path back to it.

My breath hitched, and for a moment, I was lost in the frenzy of it all.

But before I committed, I glanced over. There were two more books on the shelf. I wasn’t quite done yet. With some effort, I tore myself away from the Manaweaver and reached for the next one.


I raised an eyebrow. Another Fire-based evolution? Curious, I flipped the page. Grey scales, smoke swirling ominously around them… and those eyes, flaming red, like they’d burn through one’s very essence. It looked intimidating—perhaps even more so than the Flame Ravager.

Flipped the page and the description revealed itself.

[Description: Rare evolution fusing fire affinity with refined mana manipulation.]
[Stat Bonuses: +3 Intelligence, +1 Durability, +1 Strength, +3 Will per level until next evolution.]
[New Organ: Inferno Circulatory System – Fire mana infuses the circulatory system, enhancing blood and mana flow, providing resistance to fire attacks, and allowing finer fire mana manipulation.]
[Evolution Exclusive Ability: Ashen Surge – Supercharges fire-based attacks with fire mana, delivering more powerful effects, scorching targets, and overloading defenses.]
[Unlocks Fire Affinity.]
[Unlocks Mana Core: Basic Monster Core – Enables internal mana storage and channeling for abilities or mana-converting organs.]
[Skills: Available for acquisition.]


I exhaled slowly, my breath a touch ragged. The more I read, the more this evolution seemed like a perfect blend of fire affinity and the mana refinement. Essentially, it focused entirely on the art of manipulating fire mana, making it exceptionally potent in that single element. Not only would it boost my resistance to fire, but it would grant me an incredibly fine control over fire magic.

If I went down this path, wouldn't it make any fire-based magic a breeze? I could practically see myself walking down a fire magic based path, Path of Flame Knight perhaps, commanding infernos like they were an extension of my own body.

But… something didn’t sit right. The idea of restricting myself to just one affinity—it gnawed at me. As potent as this Inferno Circulatory System was, it seemed to lock me into fire mana, and only fire mana. I frowned. Surely that would limit me, right? I wasn’t exactly looking to become a one-trick pony.

I quickly threw the question to my doppelgänger, and she confirmed my suspicions.

Well, that settled it. As tempting as it was, this wasn’t the path for me. Not today.

Only one book remained. I picked it up, and my eyes widened as I read the cover.

Voracious Manaweaver.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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