The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 24. Confession

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 24. Confession
I frowned in confusion.
"Sela, what happened?"
Sela didn't answer and just lowered her head. What she should say to him? Should she admit that she had feelings for Argod? But what if it would only ruin their brother-sister relationship she had built so far? After all, Argod was a king, did a woman who had lost her royal status like her deserve to be his wife? Wasn't her current status the same as those of the commoners?
"Answer me," I demanded in a firm tone.
“Um…” Her hesitation was clear from her voice. She took a glance at Evelina. Her jealousy took over her.
"Yo-You know ... Sela also doesn't mind serving you like Evelina ..."
My eyebrows were furrowed. My mind deep in thought, trying to find memories about this, about Sela's attitude to Argod, but in vain. I only found that Argod always thought of Sela as his sister as well as Sela who always considered Argod as her brother. I could clearly remember that Sela often said that Argod was the best brother in this world.
'Did something happen?' My worries were getting higher. It could be that something big happened to Sela while I was sleeping before and Eir hadn't told me because of my state.
"Is there another king or noble trying to make you his wife?" I guessed. That was all I could think of. I was sure the noble dragons wouldn't dare to touch Sela without my permission, but it was different with other tribes. They could have used my absence as a chance to try to take Sela. That's why she suddenly offered herself to me so she could run away from them. And of course, I couldn't allow other tribes to demean my power like this.
Sela shook her head. She understood why Argod said that, because she had never acted like this before and always said Argod was her best brother. That way she hoped she could get closer to Argod since he was always being cold to all women, even including Evelina. But that all changed after Argod woke up from his long sleep. If in the past Sela used to feel sorry for Evelina because Argod always gave the cold shoulder, now she was jealous of Evelina. Evelina's status had changed to his wife whereas she might end up just being his 'little sister' forever.
"Then why did you suddenly offer yourself?" I asked with a frown. I didn't mind making her my wife, but I wanted her to tell me why. Besides, I knew because of her closeness to Argod, no man would dare to approach her, since even though Argod never slept with her, everyone already thinks Sela was his woman. But I didn't want to do this if it was not her will.
"Your Majesty is in your prime time. You even did it with Evelina after you woke up yesterday. So ... I thought Sela would help Evelina serve you." She just found out about this from the guards and the servant who had passed out in her room. That's why she quickly looked for Argod to ask the truth, but what she just saw was enough to prove it.
"Is that all? Or there are some other reasons?" I asked in disbelief. Sela didn't have Mark of Servant, I couldn't tell if she was lying or not.
Sela shook her head.
'Is she intending to repay Argod's kindness by doing this?' I guessed. But then I felt weird why she just said this now.
'Is it because she just saw me having sex with Evelina?' A wild guess crossed my head, but I was not sure. That's why I decided to find out.
"I can't accept it if your reason is only to help Evelina. I don't need a wife who serves me just because of her obligation," I said in a firm tone, trying to provoke her.
Hearing my answer, Sela lowered her head in disappointment. She thought by saying that, she could be his wife, but she realized that as a king, Argod could not accept any woman as his wife.
A tap on my shoulder shifted my gaze to Evelina who was sitting beside me.
"Your Majesty, please don't be too hard on her." Despite Sela's request, Evelina was not angry. But she also thought the same as Argod, why did Sela suddenly want to be his wife? Sela had always acted like a little sister, that's why Evelina could only conclude that there was something that forced Sela to take that solution.
I took Evelina's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently.
"I know what I'm doing," I calmed her down.
Seeing Argod's gentleness towards Evelina, Sela clenched her hands, trying to hold back her feelings, but she couldn't. So she decided to confess her feelings.
"Sela loves you ..." she said out of blue.
Evelina and I turned to her in surprise.
"What did you say?" I asked her to repeat it since I was quite shocked by Sela's sudden confession.
Sela clenched her fists tightly.
"Sela loves you!" she yelled with a flushed face before she turned and ran towards the exit.
"Sela, wait!" I shouted as I stood up. But Sela did not stop her steps.
Quickly, I extended my hand to the door.
'Mana Barrier!'
[A barrier has been formed.]
- Bruk!
"Aw!" yelped Sela as she crashed into a transparent wall blocking the exit.
[Sela Akerra Notilda has hit your barrier, mana barrier energy 2/3.]
Her hand rubbed a faint red mark on forehead. Although this was a little harsh, I wanted to avoid too much drama in my Palace.
While Evelina was surprised by what Argod had just done. She remembered that he didn't have that skill when she checked it with her Analyze skill earlier. How could he suddenly have that skill? Without thinking twice, secretly, she used her Analyze skill again at Argod.
"I told you to wait. Why don't you obey me?" I said in a calm tone. My gaze was on Sela. With her confession, it meant my guess was correct.
"Come," I said as I clenched my hand to cancel my Mana Barrier.
[Your Mana barrier has been cancelled.]
The transparent wall in front of Sela shattered into pieces.
Sela turned around in doubt, as she lowered her head in embarrassment. Reluctantly, she moved her feet to me. Her heart was pounding and she was so confused about what she should say.
She stopped in front of me. I lifted my hand. Her eyes were closed since she thought I would hit her, but I put my hand on her head gently and rubbed her faint red mark on forehead.
Sela raised her head and looked at me with a confused face.
"Have you kept this feeling for a long time?" I guessed. My eyes stared at her in a gentle gaze. I came to this conclusion because she seemed to have a hard time admitting it. Usually, the longer a secret was kept, it would be more difficult for that person to admit it.
Sela nodded her head.
"Is that the reason why you always said I was your best brother?" I guessed again.
She nodded again without daring to look at me.
My hand went down to her chin and lifted it to face me slowly.
"Thank you for being honest with me. I will make you my wife," I said with a gentle smile. Rather than hanging her status like that, since she loved me, I wanted to legalize our relationship.
"Really?" she smiled happily. She thought her confession would ruin her relationship, but she was wrong.
"You have my words," I replied.
Sela lowered her head and smiled shyly.
"Then ..." She put down her huge hammer. Her hands were just about to move to take off her clothes, but I caught it.
"Shall we have our breakfast first?" I said. Honestly, after training all night long and doing it with Evelina, I was so hungry right now.
"Eh ?? !!! Why? !!!" Sela whined in a spoiled tone.
I smiled because Sela was back as cheerful as usual.
"I'm really hungry right now." Then I turned to Evelina and was just about to say that she must be hungry like me.
"Besides, I'm sure ---" I paused as I looked at her. Evelina quickly lowered her hand that glowed in white. I was sure she just checked me with her Analyze skill.
"--Evelina must be hungry too," I continued.
"I don't mind for doing it again, Your Majesty," said Evelina.
"No. We'll have our breakfast first." I knew she was pushing herself, besides I was sure she had found something after examining me with her Analyze skill.
'Looks like she has found out how my Essence Absorption skill works.'

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