The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 26. Should I Punish You?

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 26. Should I Punish You?
After Eir left, my eyes returned to the map in front of me as my brain went back to think which place I had to visit next. My hand moved to shift the map from side to side.
At the same time, Evelina was silent staring at Argod who looked so serious looking at the map. After checking Argod's condition once again in the bathroom, Evelina was able to confirm that he got stronger after he had sex with her and even learned her mana barrier skill. That's why she guessed this was all caused by one of Argod's skills, Essence Absorption. Evelina could only guess it, despite the fact that she could check other people's skills, she couldn't check the bloodline skill information.
Evelina's heart wavered. Was this the reason why Argod suddenly made her as his wife after he woke up? Because Argod needed her to regain his strength? Because of his duties and obligations as a Dragon King? But if because of that, if Argod valued her only as a source of his power why would he treat her so gently? Moreover, after she became his wife, he should be able to do anything to her, ordered her to serve and satisfy his lust until she passes out. Yet, he didn't ...
These two conflicting things bothered Evelina. But she couldn't ask him for fear of offending him. She lowered her head.
'No ... What am I thinking?' thought Evelina. Even with all those bad thoughts, her love did not fade. Although Argod only considered her as a source of power, so be it. She couldn't contain this irrational feeling ...
My eyes were fixed on the map in front of me, occasionally I swiped to shift it to the area I wanted and observe the surrounding terrain. My brain was fully concentrated on the map since it was not only the route, I also had to avoid villages and cities, since I planned to keep this as a secret.
'Looks like I can stop by the Dragonfire Desert before returning to the Palace.'
"Your Majesty ..." Evelina's voice broke my concentration.
"Yes?" My expression turned surprised as I turned to look at her. Evelina had already stood up from her seat with her dress half-open.
She walked to me and knelt by my side, her hands resting on my lap, her eyes looking up at me with a pleading look.
"Your Majesty, you don't have to go to those dangerous places. If by fulfilling your lust I can give you strength, I will do it." But unlike before, no announcement of Essence Absorption appeared even though her bare breasts were pressed to my calf and I knew why. Essence Absorption could only be done if the woman was willing to do it with me or in other words, I had to make her fall in love with me first before I could do it. Besides, coercion and rape would not trigger that skill. And I was sure Evelina was forcing herself to do it right now not because she wanted to do it. That's why the announcement did not appear.
I held her hand and raised her gently since I caught her misunderstanding. I knew she thought I only valued her as my source of power after discovering my skill, even though I didn't. Her tribe sent her to me for political reasons, but I never thought that our relationship was only limited to our tribe's political interests or because I only wanted to do Essence Absorption on her.
"Evelina, do you think this is the right thing to do as a king's wife?" I said in a gentle tone. Begging for sex was definitely not something a princess like her should do.
"Your Majesty ... I am your wife. It is my duty to fulfil your wish and become your strength," she said gently.
I pulled her to me and she sat on my lap with her back leaned to my armrest. My hands fixed her dress to cover her bare breasts before I returned my gaze to her.
"Do you think I only think of you as the source of my strength? Aren't you a king's wife? Why do you lower yourself like this?" My eyes locked on her in a serious gaze. While Evelina was silent and lowered her head. Even though my hands hugged her waist, both of her hands were only placed on her lap, not hugging me like usual.
"Hm? Tell me," I demanded.
"Is it my duty to do it? Isn't it a king's wife's duty to satisfy her husband in bed and give him a successor?" said Evelina. She couldn't deny, even with her high status, in the end, what she had to do was satisfy a man's lust, whoever he was. If not Argod, it would be Uraugh, if not the two of them it would be a king or prince of another tribe. Because that's what applied in Igixar, women and princesses were only political tools, a medium of exchange for their tribe peace.
"Why are you degrading yourself as a sex object?" There was a trace of sadness in my eyes that looked at her. I knew what Igixar's rules were, but I didn't expect Evelina to lower herself like that. Besides, I came from a modern world, of course, this really bothered me.
Evelina was silent. Which woman wanted to be considered as a sex object? But what else could she hope for? She was happy enough to be his wife and get Argod's gentle treatment. The rest? She didn't expect anything else.
Since Evelina didn't answer, I grabbed her chin and lifted it to face me.
"I won't deny having sex with you will increase my strength, but I never think of you as just my sex object or just as a source of my strength." My eyes stared at her filled with gentleness.
Evelina looked at me with a flushed face, her heart started beating fast.
"Your Majesty ..." she whispered in a soft voice.
My hand drew closer to her face, my fingers combing the strands of hair near her forehead, down past her purple tiara and tucking her hair behind her ear. My eyes were still looking at her gently.
"Evelina, you are my wife. You should respect yourself more ... not like this. You've been with me for a long time, you are a woman who deserves happiness and I want you to be happy with me. Because of that ..." A hand shifted to her cheek and rubbed it slowly.
"Stop lowering yourself ... You are more than that."
Evelina's eyes were shaking with emotion. She realized she had misunderstood Argod. She thought Argod did it with her because she just wanted to restore his strength.
Evelina raised her hand, rubbed my cheek gently up the top of my eye and onto my forehead.
"Your Majesty ... I'm sorry I doubted you ..." Her finger brushed my bangs hanging on my forehead.
Meanwhile, an announcement appeared before me.
[Healer tribe's essence]
[Do you want to extract it?]
[Yes] [No]
From there I knew what was bothering her and her mind was gone.
"You should be asking me. Not drawing your own conclusions," I said with a relieved smile since her misunderstanding was gone.
"I'm sorry ..." said Evelina once again.
"Should I punish you?" I whispered. But despite my words, I still looked at her and gave her a gentle smile, indicating my punishment was not a hard punishment.
"If that's what you want ... I will obey ..." she said softly. Her heart was beating even faster. Her face got even redder. She couldn't deny her body, her heart, her mind was falling on him.
I brought my face closer to her. While she lifted her body a bit to me. Her hands moved around my neck. My other hand was on the side of her face. Our lips met, our tongues slipped in and moved to explore each other's mouths. Unlike usual, this time we kissed softly and slowly, enjoying every movement of our tongue and lips as our beating hearts were getting louder.
- Brakkkk!
The door opening loudly accompanied by Al's cheerful voice interrupted our intimacy. I broke our kiss in reflex and turned to him. Al looked so happy with a big grin on his face.
"Your Majesty! I managed to make ---" His Grin began to fade as he realized what Evelina and I were doing, as well as how I was staring at him with a death stare. While Evelina lowered her face hiding her blushing face on my chest.
"--- a special potion for you ..." Al gulped hard since he realized he had come at the wrong time.
"Don't you have any manners? Or this palace doesn't have any more rules?" I said in a displeased tone. Earlier Sela broke into the bathroom and now it was Al who barged in. Moreover, his arrival ruined my mood.
Al smiled awkwardly. He knew he should have knocked, besides the guards had warned him too.
"Ah ... Uh ... I can go out again and knock if you want," he tried to correct his mistake. His regret was clear on his face.
I took a deep breath to get rid of my annoyance. I knew he was too excited to deliver his new potion.
"There's no need. Sit down and tell me why you are here."

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