The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 111: A New Routine

Chapter 111: A New Routine

Mid Evening - Late Spring : Home

"Could you teach me?" Mother looked at me with an unusual gleam in her eyes.

I stared at her for a moment, simply speechless not knowing what to say.

Even though dragons are far better learners than even the most talented humans, teaching her something as general as 'science' was a big ask, not just for me but her as well.

For someone to learn science in this world, they would have to abandon the ways they thought things worked which can be a very hard pill to swallow.

Most of all though, it felt weird being Mothers teacher.

I looked up and saw the eager look in her eyes. "Haah.. I guess.." -Its not like I can say no to that..-

With a smile of excitement, Mother quickly turned to me and sat up straight. "So when do we start?"

"Whenever you want to."

"Can we start now?"

"Haah.. sure." I looked back over the ocean and looked at the moon reflecting over the water. -Where do I even start..-

I took a moment to think to myself about what order I wanted to take things in.

-I guess I'll go with the most basic of basic first.- "Alright, to start, I'll tell you what science is." Mother sat there staring at me with gleaming eyes. "Science, in basic terms, is the study of how the physical world works and functions. For example, things like how it rains or what causes wind can be explained with science."

Mothers face changed dramatically, looking less childish and more mature like her usual self finally. "So.. science is the study of how things work.. isn't that just magic?"

-Ahh hell.. I knew this question was gonna come..- To be honest, I had no idea how to explain it since technically mana and magic would massively tie into science, but I had comparatively minimal knowledge of how it all tied in currently. "In short, no. Although mana and magic can be a large part of science, I won't be explaining too much of it.."

"Why is that?"

"Because the world can function completely without mana, and by learning how it does that, you'll be able to figure out ways to better utilize your mana and magic like I did just a minute ago."

Mother tilted her head quizzically. "Without.. mana?"

Noticing she was already getting caught on something she didn't need to worry about, I quickly shifted her focus. "Don't worry about that just yet. Once you get at least a decent understanding of the basics, it will start to click."

"O..okay.." Mother reluctantly nodded. "Okay, I guess I should start with the basics." -Newton's laws..- "There are 3 extremely crucial and basic laws to understand first. First off, is that an object in motion, will stay in motion..."

And just like that, Mothers first lesson started.

It went surprisingly well for most of the night, she stayed engaged and asked tons of questions.

By the time morning had come around, she had a pretty decent grasp on Newton's laws and started to ask more in depth questions but after sunrise, I stopped the session.

She wasn't too happy with it since she wanted to learn more so badly, but with a little reasoning she managed to agree with it.

The reason I wanted to give her breaks between sessions was so she would be able to think about it on her own and come up with questions I'd answer in the next session.

It would help give her knowledge more depth and give her time to play around with it to learn some of the finer details on her own.

After the first session, Mother went back down the mountain to watch over Krystallo for a bit but ended up using all of her time experimenting with various ideas she had for the entire day.

As soon as she noticed it was getting close to sunset, she would swap out with father and fly up the peak, ready with tons of ideas and speculations she had.

And with that, our new routine was born, every evening we would meet on the peak and I'd give her a lesson on science.

The lessons were all on physics since I figured it would be the best way to ease her into the idea of how the world works without mana but even after nearly 5 months, we were still on fairly basic physics.

-I guess even dragons have a limit to how fast they learn..- But in Mothers defense, the depth of her learning was incredible.

Although she was only scraping the surface, she was already coming up with ideas to make her mana and aura more efficient.

To my surprise, instead of getting tired of it after a few lessons, she just became more eager, coming to me with more and more in depth questions every day.

After a while, she ended up watching Ilios and I's agility spar that had become routine as well. She would watch us intently, watching how I was improving my footwork utilizing physics knowledge and coming to me asking why I changed or did certain things.

In a way she became somewhat obsessed with physics, but I saw it as something great.

It gave her something she enjoyed doing, it was something that made her look forward to every evening lesson, but most of all, it was amazing to spend more time with mother.

The lessons truly gave us great bonding time and being able to spend time with Mother every day was something that was priceless and that I looked forward to.

On my side of things, teaching Mother gave me some small insights into loopholes I could utilize with mana but most of all, my improvement in agility was astounding.

After the first few weeks of sparring with Ilios, I ended up catching up to his speed and agility.

The wild part was that once I caught up to his speed, his rate of improvement started to increase as well.

Over the span of the past 5 months of sparring, our speed and agility increased by leaps and bounds and had become incomparable to before.

We even managed to start pushing the sound barrier in our recent sessions. -That's gonna be a hard wall to break though..-

Currently, I was sunbathing in the field trying to relax after an intense session with Ilios.

"You alright Ilios? I accidentally hit your nose a bit hard at the end there."

"Woof.." Panting from exhaustion, he let out an exhausted woof saying he was alright.

"Haah.. good.."

I slowly closed my eyes, enjoying the soothing warmth of the sun when I felt a fairly strong suction of mana into the cave.

-Is it finally time?-

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