The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 117: A New Settlement

Chapter 117: A New Settlement

Early Evening - Early Winter : Old Home

"Well let's not waste any more time and take to the skies!"

Quickly lightening the mood, Father walked over to Krystallo and I.

"We will be flying at your pace Krystallo so if you need a break just let us know. It'll be a fairly long flight."

The way Father said that made me wonder just how far it was. "Aren't we just going to the rune? It shouldn't be too far right?"

"It's only a little over half the distance to Kaelallan but we will be flying far slower than your ridiculous pace."

"Well let's get on the road then, it'll be nice to watch the sunset above the clouds." I looked over at Maria. "Here, I'll carry you."

I called Maria over, but before she climbed into my hand, Krystallo stopped me. "I'll carry her, Brother.."

I raised my eyebrows at her wondering why but figured it'd be fine. "Alright.. just let me know if you want me to carry her."

"Okay." She quickly lowered her hand letting Maria climb in.

Father asked once again. "Is everyone ready now?"

"Wait, Mother.. Do you want me to carry the memorial for you?" I figured since I wasn't going to be carrying Maria, I could carry the memorial.

"It's alright, I'd like to carry it myself.." She gave an unusual look at the metal box before looking back at me.

"Alright.. just let me know if you want me to carry it then."

Giving me a warm smile, she looked around and noticed everyone looking ready. "Well let's not waste any more time."

"Right, Krystallo, just be sure to let us know if we are going too fast."



With Ilios hopping on my back I followed after Father and started the flight.

After flying for a bit, we finally got above the clouds where Father, Mother and I could just glide but Krystallo still had to flap her wings quite often.

-Maybe I should help her a bit..- I could always try and use vacuum magic to make the flying easier, but I figured she could use the exercise. -Ill help her once she starts getting tired..-

Although she was flapping her wings quite often, she seemed quite relaxed.

"Are you holding up alright, Krystallo?" Mother called out after noticing me looking at her.

"Mhmm!" She looked up at Mother with a childish smile.

-Haah.. Needless worries..- Looking away from her, I looked at the sunset on the horizon.

It made the bright white clouds below turn orange, making the scene truly stunning and surreal.

Flying above the orange, fluffy looking, clouds felt like heaven but it didn't last too long.

Not long after, the sun fully set leaving just a rainbow colored night sky.

The rest of the flight we just had some small talk and I played around some with magic. Even though the flight didn’t feel like it took too long, it was around 7 hours.

We were flying a bit below Mach most of the way but crossing nearly 6 and a half thousand kilometers was fairly time consuming.

At some point I just started mindlessly flying. It wasn't until Fathers voice broke the silence that I even remembered we were in the air. "We should be getting close.."

Snapping out of my trance, I looked up from the ocean. Just on the horizon was a small island. "Is that island where the rune is?"

"Yes, it is. There is also an old temple from the great war there."

-Oh, maybe I can explore it some..- But as we got closer, I noticed something wrong. "Is there supposed to be a ship on the island?"

"Uh, no? Can you see ships up there?"

"Well, there is 1. It's pretty big though."

"That might be a problem.." Father grimaced as he thought of various possibilities.

"Can I go up ahead and take a look?"

"Yeah, don't kill them all though, I atleast need to talk to their leader."

"Roger that!"

Quickly dropping a hundred meters or so, I blasted my thrusters and zipped forward.

Maria who was sitting in Krystallo's hand watched me in shock. "What a monster.."

Mother looked at her with a proud grin. "You should feel proud to have such a 'monster' as your Master." As if something in her resonated with Mothers words, she watched the blue light from the thrusters get smaller and smaller. "I.. am.."

- Captain Abbie Lassar ~

"Haah.. At Least I have you to take my mind away from those idiots."

I reached down and slowly started petting Muffin.

"Captain!" A loud shout came from the shore.

"What now?!"

"Are you sure we should set up here? That temple gives me a bad feeling."

"Yes we are setting up here. This will be our new home for a while so get used to it!" -It's just an abandoned temple, why is the crew so nervous around it.. We were already lucky to stumble across this island in itself. They should feel thankful..-

This was an extremely secluded island that was across a fairly deep stretch of water so it was perfectly isolated for us.

Although this deep water was avoided by trade routes, it was nothing like Death’s Gape, which was so deep it was a death wish to even think about crossing. That isolation from common routes made the island perfect for pirates though.

-Not only do we not have to travel far for resources and money, Sinder is near by so we have access to several huge trade port cities..-

I slowly turned back to pet muffin for a bit more before I figured I should probably go help my crew.

I quickly perched muffin on my shoulder and hopped off the side of the ship and onto shore.

Following a path through the forest I came up to a large clearing bordering a huge freshwater lake.

We were planning to just set up camp here for now, but eventually I wanted to make it a pirate city.

-I'd need to call some of the other groups up north but this would give us more control over them than we already have..- Plus it was a perfect way to get a steady source of resources, trade and money.

-Hell, settling a Kingdom of Pirates, like Elynnor was originally, is even possible.-

Although Elynnor had become a proper nation now, it was founded by pirates with the current royal family being descendants of pirates themselves.

-Now isnt the time for that.- Quickly shaking the extravagant thoughts out of my head, I looked up at the group of tents and simple shelters, a pure smile coming to my face.

-One step at a time!-

"T’ think the capt’n can make a face like that." One of my crew who was helping set up a tent next to me spoke up.

My face quickly darkened as everyone in the surrounding area stared at the man with wide eyes.

"I thought our capt'n was just a stuck up boss like one of those nob-"


Sick of his blabbering, I gave him a strong punch to his face sending him flying.

The surrounding crew watched as if it was normal. "T' think the newbie got a beatin' already.."



Interrupting my thoughts, a massive shockwave shook our part of the island.

I quickly whipped around to look down the path towards shore with a pale face. -WHAT WAS THAT?!-

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