The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 142: A Living Boss Room?

Chapter 142: A Living Boss Room?

Mid Morning - Early Spring : Dungeon of Christopher

As we continued into the unmapped section, the mana density just continued to increase and the cave started to get wider.

After a few more minutes of walking, we came into what seemed like just a massive room. -This is totally a boss room.-

As we walked in, I finally got close enough to see what the auras I felt earlier were.

At the center of the room there were 4 massive snakes coiled up, with hordes of unrecognizable monster corpses around them.

"Hey Hannah.." I put out my arm to keep her from walking any closer.

"Yes?" Her reply was full of anxiety.

"You mind making that light brighter and giving me a bit of info on those monsters in the middle?" Although I could see around the room with aura perfectly fine, her light wasn’t cutting it.

She looked a little confused before brightening the light and realizing what I was talking about.

Her face instantly paled.

"So? What are they?"

She jolted a bit as if she didn't expect my voice. "T..they're named Great Cobras.. they are usually between A and S rank but.."

"But what.."

"Those are massive.." She was staring at the cobras in awe. Each cobra was somewhere between 4 and 5 meters in diameter and ridiculously long. "So.. S rank?"

"Uhm.. at the very least.." She gave me a nervous yet curious look.

"Hoho, sounds fun. Ilios, you stay here and protect her from any stray rocks or monsters." I reached down and petted him before turning back to the cobras.

Hannah just looked at me in disbelief. "You aren't going to fight them are you?!"

I looked back with an excited smile. "Of course I am! I need to stretch my legs a bit." -I wish I made a greatsword now though..-

Seeing Ilios sit down next to Hannah, I walked out towards the cobras and stepped over the piles of bodies.

It took a second for me to notice but once I got close, I felt some kind of aura coming from underground. -Is that what I think it is?!-

It felt like a mana core, a big one too.

My mouth instantly started to water as my desire to slaughter the cobras increased.

"Hissssss.." As I was lost in my thoughts, a cobra woke up and was hissing at me.

"How dare you hiss at me!" A slightly crazed smile came to my face as I thinned the walls of my reserve.

Before I could move though, the cobra tried to bite me.


Its bite well surpassed the speed of sound but I was still far faster.

As its massive open mouth got close to me, I jumped up and threw a hammer kick onto the top of its head.


A deafening noise echoed through the room.

The cobras head was completely destroyed and the floor had a cobweb of deep cracks running tens of meters away.

-D..damn..- I was stunned at my own strength.

It was the first time I used any martial art I learned from Father at full strength.

-That felt.. incredible..- While bathing the euphoric sensation, I looked up and saw the other cobras all looking at me.

The crazed smile on my face only got wider. -Lets start the slaughter!-

Cranking up my thruster magic, I instantly appeared in front of the head of one of the cobras.


Without turning the thrusters off, I used all of my built up momentum and threw a punch into the cobra’s raised neck.


The impact from my punch was so hard that the shockwave coming out of the back of the snake's neck continued all the way to the wall with enough force to shatter it.


Being dragged by its neck, the entire cobra was launched across the room and embedded into the wall.

Before I could land, the other two cobras bit at me. -Not today!-

Using thrusters to whip around, I gripped onto a fang from each cobra and slammed myself into the ground.


The ground cracked as I drove the cobras' fangs into the ground to try and immobilize them but..


The continued motion from their attack broke the fangs at the base.

-Sh*t..- *BANG*

One of the cobras was fast to react and hit me immediately after its fang broke.

I was sent flying all the way to the wall but I managed to hit it feet first.

Instantly jumping back off the wall, I used thrusters to throw a punch into the snake's nose with as much force as I could muster.


Nearly instantly, its skull caved in and exploded out the back of its head.

The shockwave continued down the cobras back, blowing off its scales, gouging out its flesh and smashing apart its bones.

It looked as if I had shot it with a railgun except somehow more gruesome.

Not giving me any breaks, the other cobra rammed his head into my side, sending me flying into the ceiling.


"Ackkk.." I winced a bit as the attack cracked a few ribs, but my adrenaline mostly numbed the pain.

Right before hitting the ceiling, I blasted thrusters to slow down and retaliate.


Cranking the thrusters once again, I threw myself from the ceiling down feet first onto the cobra's head.

It couldn't dodge at all.


The cobras head nearly detached from its body when it impacted the ground.

The entire floor of the massive room was caved in a few meters and sprouted cracks that instantly spread up the walls and to the ceiling.

-To think my strength would be so excessive now..- A part of me still couldn't believe it.

Each cobra was huge and easily peak S rank, if not Nation rank, but I had dealt with them while only receiving a couple fractured ribs.


Snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked up and finally noticed the ceiling was going to collapse.

-Sh*t!- I immediately whipped around to go grab Hannah and Ilios but I felt an unreasonably dense wave of mana wash past me.

It was such a large amount of mana that it sent a chill down my spine.

As the wave passed it, the stone started to move around like a liquid and steadily started repairing itself.

Looking towards the source of the mana, I saw an exposed shiny blue orb peeking out from one of the deep cracks in the middle of the room. The sight of it instantly made my mouth water.

As if the stone floor was trying to bury the core again, it slowly started molding around the orb.

Before I could even think about what I was doing, I transformed to my dragon form and plucked the core out of the stone.

It acted like it was alive when I picked it up. Mana was shooting out of it as if it was trying to kill me but once I tasted it, it was too late.

The core's taste was heavenly. It tasted like a really good sour candy.

Unlike usual, I let the orb sit in my mouth so I could savor the flavor, the core trying to fight back just added to the intensity of the taste.

But after a short moment of enjoying the flavor and slowly absorbing the mana bit by bit, I finally thinned the walls of my reserve and swallowed it with a face of satisfaction. -Damn.. that was really good..-

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